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Attractions of Chernivtsi region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Chernivtsi region

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Залізничний вокзал, Чернівці
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Railway station


The imposing building of the Chernivtsi railway station in the Art Nouveau style was built according to the project of the architect Otto Vahner using the forms of the Vienna Secession fashionable at the beginning of the 20th century.

The main element of the decor is a portal with a stained-glass window made of a steel frame, symbolizing the gates of the city.

At the time of its opening, this stylish house was not inferior to the best European counterparts.

Map pin icon Vokzalna Street, 38 Chernivtsi


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Залізничний вокзал, Новоселиця
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Railway station


The one-story building of the Novoselytsia railway station was built in 1905.

It was from here in 1915 that the American writer-publicist John Reed began his famous journey through the Russian Empire, described by him in the book "War in Eastern Europe".

Map pin icon Pryvokzalna Street Novoselytsia


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Резиденція митрополитів Буковини і Далмації, Чернівецький національний університет
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Residence of Bukovynian and Dalmatian Metropolitans (University)

Architecture , Museum / gallery , UNESCO world heritage site

The ensemble of the former residence of the Orthodox Bukovynian and Dalmatian Metropolitans is the most popular monument of Chernivtsi, which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2011.

The residence was designed by the Czech architect Josef Hlavka in 1864-1882 on the initiative of the first Metropolitan of Bukocyna and Dalmatia Euhene Hackman. The buildings impress with their rich design, combining Romanesque-Gothic, Byzantine, Oriental, Moldavian, folk Bukovyinian and other stylistic motifs.

The closed complex of the residence of the metropolitans of Bukovyna, similar to a monastery, consists of three independent buildings, but united by a single idea: the Main (Metropolitan), Seminary (with the Church of the Three Saints), Monastic (House of Visitors). The buildings form a spacious courtyard, separated from the street by a fence with a monumental gate.

Among the rooms stands out the Synodal (Marble) Hall of the Main Building, painted by painters Epaminondas Buchevsky and Yevhen Maksymovych.

Currently, the main buildings of Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University are located in the complex of the residence of Bukovyna Metropolitans. Its territory and the university church can be inspected independently.

For those wishing to visit the interior, the Historical and Museum Complex of the Chernivtsi National University conducts daily guided tours, during which you can see the Marble, Blue and Red Halls. Groups are formed by appointment or directly on site.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Kotsyubynskoho Street, 2 Chernivtsi


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Романковецький парк, Романківці
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Romankovetsky Park

Park / garden

Romankovetsky Park was established at the beginning of the 19th century by the landowner Vasyl Balanesku (Balonetskyi) on the basis of a natural forest park in which oak, hornbeam, sycamore, ash, aspen, birch, nectar-bearing linden, willow, acacia and other plants grew.

The development of the park based on the examples of classical European horticultural culture began in 1838 under the Krupensky landowners. They gathered here a unique collection of trees and shrubs from Europe, Asia and America, laid out promenades, and built an underground greenhouse.

A tunnel with a length of more than a kilometer leading to the local church has been preserved, as well as the remains of residential and commercial buildings.

Map pin icon Parkova Street Romankivtsi


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Костел Святої Анни, Сторожинець
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Anne in the Neo-Gothic style was built in Storozhynets at the expense of Yerzhy Flondor and the parishioners.

Its tall bell tower with a clock can be seen from almost every part of the city.

In 1880, the shrine was expanded. In the 1960s, the church was closed, but in 1990 it was returned to the Catholic community of the city.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 30 Storozhynets


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Церква св. Василя, Підзахаричі
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Saint Basil's Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Basil was built in Pidzakharychi in 1866 in a typical Hutsul style.

The upper part is covered with galvanized iron.

It is located in a cemetery located on a rise, from where a picturesque panorama of the Cheremosh valley opens.

Map pin icon Pidzakharychi


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Церква Святого Димитрія, Вижниця
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Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica is located on the western outskirts of Vyzhnytsia, in the village of Rivnya.

Saint Demetrius Church was built in 1883. It resembles the earlier wooden temples of the Hutsul region found in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, but differs from them in the absence of a covered gallery and the significant displacement of the side extensions of the nave.

The Saint Demetrius Church is an outstanding monument of wooden Hutsul architecture of local importance.

Map pin icon Pidhirna Street, 13 Vyzhnytsia


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Іллінська церква, Шепіт
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Saint Elijah Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Elijah is located in the center of Shepit village. It was built in 1898 on the site of the old Assumption Church, erected in 1763 in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Emperor Frants Yosyf.

The Church of Saint Elijah in Shepit is a successful combination of the traditional architecture of a single-domed church characteristic of Bukovyna and the modern architecture prevailing at the end of the 19th century. The architectural dominant is a massive dome in the form of a flattened bulb. The steep roofs above the narthex and the altar are finished with pointed ridges. A characteristic detail is small arrow windows with multi-colored glass.

The temple houses the imperial throne, which, during the collapse of the Austrian Empire in 1918, was not taken away from Vienna and left in Shepit.

Map pin icon Aleksyeyeva Street Shepit


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Церква Святого Юрія, Новоселиця
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Saint George Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint George is located in the center of Novoselytsia.

It was built in 1858 on the site of an old wooden temple known since the 15th century.

Map pin icon 28-th Chervnya Street, 3 Novoselytsia


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Георгіївська церква, Сторожинець
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Saint George Church

Temple , Architecture

Saint George's Church in Storozhynets was founded in 1829 and became the first large church in the city.

In its current form, it was rebuilt in 1888 at the expense of Kateryna Garste - the wife of Mykola Flondor.

Currently, the Saint George Church belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 34 Storozhynets


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Іллінська церква, Топорівці
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Saint Illya Church

Temple , Architecture

An archaic temple of defensive type, one of the oldest buildings on the territory of Bukovyna.

The Saint Illya Church was built in Toporivtsi in 1560 by the governor Myron Barnovsky. During the Turkish rule, the building was actively used as a fortress. It has thick walls without windows, loopholes are placed around the perimeter at the level of the roof, and a battle tier is hidden under the shingle roof. A square stone two-story bell tower was the main entrance to the temple grounds.

Currently, the Saint Illya Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, so local residents call it "Ukrainian".

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 1 Toporivtsi


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Церква Іоанна Сучавського, Виженка
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Saint John of Suchavsky Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint John Suchavskyi is located on a low hill in the center of Vyzhenka. It was built in 1792 and consecrated in honor of the most revered saint in Bukovyna.

According to legend, in ancient times there was a chapel here, dedicated to the victory of the Bukovyna residents over the hordes of Khan Batiy. The three-log temple of the transitional type from "house" to "dome" is recognized as a masterpiece of the Bukovyna school of wooden architecture and is protected by the state as an architectural monument of national importance.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the church of John Suchavsky underwent reconstruction: small rooms were added to the apse and nave, and the roof was raised. During the last restoration, the shingle roof was replaced with a metal one, as a result of which the temple partially lost its authentic appearance.

Map pin icon Holovna Street, 182 Vyzhenka


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Церква Іоанна Богослова, Вікно
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Saint John the Theologian Church

Temple , Architecture

The one-nave stone church of Saint John the Theologian without a dome was built in the 19th century as the ancestral burial place of the Counts of Kantakuzyn, who owned the village.

Part of the relics of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleymon, brought from Mount Athos by Count Oleksandr Kantakuzyn, who is considered a descendant of the Byzantine emperor Ioann VI Kantakuzyn, is preserved here. The box with relics was miraculously preserved during Soviet times, and now it is the main relic of the temple.

Map pin icon Ivana Bazhanskoho Street Vikno


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Михайлівська церква, Вижниця
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

The original Orthodox Church of Saint Michael's in Vyzhnytsia is distinguished by its architecture in the Baroque style, uncharacteristic of Bukovyna churches.

Saint Michael's Church was built in 1924 by the architect Henrikh von Kosovskyi and originally had other domes. Its current appearance is the result of reconstruction after a fire that occurred in 1961 as a result of a lightning strike. The baths destroyed by fire were later restored in the Old Believer style - low and as if flattened.

Saint Michael's Church is an architectural monument of local importance. Belongs to the religious community of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Lukyana Kobylytsi Street, 5 Vyzhnytsia


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Миколаївський собор (П'яна церква), Чернівці
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Saint Nicholas Cathedral (Drunken Church)

Temple , Architecture

The "new" Rus (that is, Ruthenian - Ukrainian) church of Saint Nicholas was built by architects Valter Shtyubkhen-Kirkhner, Yozef Lener and Virdzhyl Ionesku, modeled on the masterpiece of Romanian medieval architecture - the mid-14th century royal church in Kurtya-de-Ardzhesh.

It is nicknamed the "drunken church" for its original "twisted" baths.

During Soviet times, the Nicholas Church remained active (it was the cathedral and the residence of the bishop), thanks to which the original interior was preserved.

It is now used by parishioners of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Ruska Street, 35 Chernivtsi


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