Attractions of Novoukrainka district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Novoukrainka district

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Novoukrainka district


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Міський краєзнавчий музей, Новоукраїнка
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City Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The City Local Lore Museum of Novoukrainka is located on the second floor of the Central of Palace Culture "Yuvileyniy". Founded in 1972.

In four exhibition halls, the history of Novoukrainka and the surrounding territories is represented from ancient times to the present day. In particular, artifacts of ancient archaeological cultures found on the territory of the city, materials about the agricultural colonization of these lands and the development of the economy in pre-revolutionary times, household items and tools of the XIX - early XX centuries, equipment and weapons of the Second World War and the modern Russian-Ukrainian war are presented.

A significant place in the exposition is devoted to the work of folk craftsmen and craftsmen of the region: embroidery, wood carving, visual arts, wood and metal products.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 55 Novoukrainka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Добровеличківка
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Dobrovelychkivka Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Dobrovelychkivka Museum of Local Lore is located in the building of the former Zemstvo administration, built in 1892.

The Funds of the museum include 5,000 items of material and spiritual culture of the region, which reflect its history from the earliest times (IV-III millennium BC) to the present day.

24 sections of the museum are located in 11 halls. In particular, interesting archaeological material about the history of the settlement of these lands by the tribes of the Trypillya culture (IV-III millennium BC) is presented.

Collections of works of decorative and applied art, works of fine art by amateur artists and professional artists of Kirovohrad Region deserve special attention.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 132 Dobrovelychkivka


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Геометричний центр України, Добровеличківка
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Geometric Center of Ukraine


The geometric center of Ukraine is a point that was first identified in 1989 by Doctor of Geographical Sciences Viktor Shevchenko as the geographical center of Ukraine.

He came to the conclusion that the center of Ukraine is a point with geographic coordinates of 48*21" north latitude and 31*10" east longitude. This point is located on the outskirts of Dobrovelychkivka, in the "Kozatska krynytsya" district.

By the decision of the district council in 1991, a granite memorial was installed.

However, in 2005, as a result of new research, it was established that the geographical center of Ukraine is located near the city of Shpola in Cherkasy Region. The point in Dobrovelychkivka was awarded another honorary title - the geometric center of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Dobrovelychkivka


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Музей історії Маловисківщини імені Олександра Ковтуна
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Malovyskivshchyna History Museum named after Oleksandr Kovtun

Museum / gallery

The Malovyskivshchyna History Museum named after Oleksandr Kovtun was opened in 1979 in the premises of the House of Culture of the Mala Vyska city. The founder and first director of the museum was the famous teacher and local historian Oleksandr Kovtun.

The museum exposition includes about 9,000 exhibits of the main and research and auxiliary funds. All of them reveal the history of Malovyskivshchyna from ancient times to the present.

A separate exposition is devoted to the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Its central exhibit is the same ceramic cockerel produced by the Vasylkiv majolica factory, which became a symbol of Ukrainian resilience thanks to photographs of Borodianka, destroyed by the occupiers.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 82 Mala Vyska


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Заповідник "Тобілевичі", Арсенівка
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Museum and nature reserve "Tobilevychi"

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery , Park / garden , Reserve

Museum and nature reserve "Tobilevychi" in the village of Arsenivka was founded as a reserve "Fatherland of Ivan Karpenko-Karyi" to the 150th anniversary of the birth of this outstanding Ukrainian writer, playwright and theater actor.

It was in Arsenivka that Ivan Tobilevych was born in 1845 - the future great artist Karpenko-Karyi.

The Tobilevych family lived in Arsenivka for ten years. Karpenko-Karyi's father, Karpo Tobilevych, managed the estate of landowner Zolotnytskyi here. An old classicist manor house still stands in the park on the shore of the pond, and nearby is a manor cellar. Historical buildings have preserved authentic elements of contemporary architecture.

On the territory of the former manor estate, built in the first half of the 19th century, where there was a school in Soviet times, the Museum and Nature Reserve "Tobilevychi" is now located. Its exposition part still needs filling and design.

In 2021, the territory of the manor estate was declared a 8.7-hectare park-monument park of garden and park art "Tobilevychi". Here you can meet representatives of the red book flora and fauna of Ukraine.

A commemorative sign has been installed on the territory of Nizhny Skver, where the Tobilevych house was located, where Ivan Tobilevych was born.

Museum and nature reserve "Tobilevychi" is a branch of the Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street, 1 Arsenivka


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Музейна кімната археологічних та краєзнавчих досліджень Новомиргородщини
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Museum Room of Novomyrhorod Archaeological and Local History Exploration

Museum / gallery

The Museum Room of Novomyrhorod Archaeological and Local History Exploration was opened in 2013 at the initiative of the famous researcher of the history of the region Petro Ozerov. It is located on the first floor of the Novomyrhorod City Council.

The exposition presents about 2,000 exhibits, a large part of which was found by Petro Ozerov during archaeological and local history research in the territory of Novomyrhorod region.

In particular, the tools of the people of the Stone Age, fragments of Trypillyan ware, artifacts from Scythian settlements (in particular, the akinak sword), weapons and jewelry from the time of the expansion of the Goths, iron objects from the period of Kyivan Rus, Cossack weapons and ammunition, as well as documents and photographs are exhibited. and household objects of the townspeople of the 19th and 20th centuries.

During tours, the museum owner allows visitors to touch the exhibits, take them in their hands, and some even try to use them for their intended purpose.

Map pin icon Sobornosti Street, 227/7 Novomyrhorod


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Свято-Іллінська церква, Новомиргород
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Saint Illya Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Illina in Novomyrhorod is the oldest architectural building of the Kirovohrad region, an architectural monument of the 18th century of national importance.

The brick temple in the transitional style from baroque to classicism was built in 1786 at the expense of the merchant Mykola Gojiy. The tetraconch building has the shape of a cross in plan, crowned by a high octagonal tribune and a dome. Visually similar to wooden Cossack temples.

There are three burial grounds around the church, the oldest of which is the grave of merchant Sokolova (1843).

Map pin icon Illinska Street, 85 Novomyrhorod


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