Attractions of Fastiv district

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Музей Миколи Пимоненка, Малютянка
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Mykola Pymonenko Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the outstanding Ukrainian artist Mykola Pymonenko was opened in Maliutianka in 1997 at the place where his workshop used to be.

At the age of 11, Mykola helped his father, an icon painter, to paint churches in Maliutianka and neighboring Boiarka.

Pymonenko studied at the icon-painting school at the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, then at Mykola Tereshchenko's Kyiv Art School, and in 1882 was enrolled at the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg.

From 1888 to 1911, Mykola Pymonenko and his family spent every summer in Maliutianka, where he created more than 100 of his famous canvases in the style of realism, which are now exhibited in museums in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, St. Petersburg, Paris and other European cities. Among the main ones: "Divination on Christmas Eve", "Home", "Wedding in the Kyiv province", "Matchmakers", "Divination", "On the river", "Ford", "Geese, go home".

Part of the exposition of Mykola Pymonenko's museum was made up of unique exhibits from the family collection, which were given to the museum by the artist's great-grandson.

Today, it is a branch of the Boiarka Museum of Local Lore.

By prior agreement, the Mykola Pymonenko Museum conducts tea-party tours.

Map pin icon Lisova Street, 12A Maliutianka


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Воздвиженський костел, Фастів
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Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Fastiv was built at the beginning of the 20th century according to the project of the architect Vladyslav Dombrovskyi in the neo-Gothic style at the expense of Countess Branytska.

The main facade is crowned by two different towers, between which the central entrance to the church is located. Above the entrance there is a characteristic round Gothic rose window. The facade features a sculpture of a bishop and a bas-relief composition "Christ Blessing the Children". The interior decoration of the church is quite ascetic, except for the columns with magnificent capitals.

The original asymmetric temple with rich decor is considered a business card of the city.

The building of the Catholic seminary is located nearby. Father Zygmund Kozar, the abbot of the church, thanks to whom the Catholic shrine of Fastiv was revived and restored in the 1990s, is buried on the territory of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church.

Map pin icon Yaroslava Mudroho Street, 4А Fastiv


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Покровська церква, Фастів
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Intercession of Holy Virgin

Temple , Architecture

The Intercession Church in Fastiv is a masterpiece of Ukrainian wooden architecture in Central Ukraine.

It was built in 1740 on the site of the ancient temple, founded by the famous Fastiv colonel Semen Paliy. The three-log Intercession Church is distinguished by harmonious proportions and completeness of forms. An arcade gallery surrounds the temple along its perimeter.

In 1781, the temple bell tower was built. In Soviet times, a thorough restoration was carried out.

On June 23, 2022, the Intercession Church officially transferred to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Ivana Ohiyenko Street, 1 Fastiv


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Сімейний екопарк "Ясногородка"
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"Yasnohorodka" Family Ecopark

Entertainment / leisure , Zoo , Gastrotourism , Winery / brewery , Farm / cheese factory

Family ecopark "Yasnohorodka" near Kyiv is a large recreation and entertainment complex operating on the basis of the largest breeding ostrich farm in Ukraine "Ostriches Valley". The complex on a green area with a stream and ponds offers a variety of entertainment for children and adults.

The first 36 ostriches were brought to Yasnohorodka back in 2001. Now, more than 400 birds live on the territory of about 20 hectares. Among them are Nandu white ostriches from South America, Australian Emus and African ostriches. Adult ostriches live in families: one male and several females, and adolescent birds live together in separate enclosures. Visiting the farm is provided with a guided tour, which lasts about half an hour.

The Yasnohorodka ostrich farm is combined with a zoo, which has deer, llamas, alpacas, camels, wild pigs, raccoons, rabbits, sheep, goats and many birds. Animals can be fed with feed that is sold on site. The contact zone allows you to communicate more closely with domestic animals.

For active recreation with children, the "Yasnohrai" amusement park is equipped with a mine-labyrinth, trampolines, high-speed descent on a zip line, electric cars, football. Animators work on weekends.

Ecopark has a winery that produces wines from its own vineyards, a large cellar with a museum and a tasting room. On the territory there is a restaurant called Ferma, which offers signature dishes from organic products grown on the farm. In the spring and summer, the Grill&Chill Park outdoor barbecue area with a stage for band performances is open. In the souvenir shop, you can buy farm cheeses and meat products, author's wine, souvenirs made of leather, eggs and ostrich feathers, medicinal cosmetics.

On the territory of the ecopark, you can spend the night in a comfortable glamping with dome-type tents, which has a covered lounge area and a place for an evening bonfire. A full-fledged hotel will open in 2024. In summer, there is a large family pool complex, which includes 6 separate pools: 2 for children and 4 for adults. There is a food court near the pools with ostrich specialties, pizza, burgers and cocktails.

Every fall, the "Family Winemaker" festival is held, during which you can taste the author's wines of the eco-farm and press the grapes into your own author's wine under the supervision of a professional winemaker. Also, the ecopark holds the Family Masnytsia in Yasnohorodka every year.

Map pin icon Pidlisna Street, 32 Yasnohorodka


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Музей старожитностей, Данилівка
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Antiquities Museum

Museum / gallery

The Antiquities Museum in the village of Danylivka was opened in 2010 in the premises of the old school, which later housed the village council. The initiator of the creation was the head of the village Lyubov Bondarenko, who headed the museum.

The exposition includes about 1,000 ancient items that were given to the museum by local residents: furniture, clothes, dishes, work tools, icons. Many embroidered shirts from different regions of Ukraine, women's scarves, and a collection of musical instruments are presented.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 120 Danylivka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Боярка
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Boiarka Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Boiarka Local Lore Museum was opened in 1974 as the Mykola Ostrovsky Literary Memorial Museum in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Soviet writer-propagandist. Its collection includes more than 15,000 objects that constitute the historical and cultural heritage of the region..

The museum is located in a separate building on the territory of the local school, in the building of which Ostrovsky lived in 1921 among the Komsomol brigade of boyar narrow gauge construction workers.

Although in 1992 the museum was repurposed as a museum of local history, the basis of its exposition is still made up of things related to Ostrovsky's work: documents, photographs, personal belongings, first editions of his book "How Steel Was Tempered", etc.

A significant place in the exposition is occupied by the works of artists Poliakova and Hryhoryev. The museum holds more than a thousand original works by these artists.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 49 Boiarka


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Пивоварня Зіберта, Фастів
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Brewery Zibert

Winery / brewery

The Fastiv Brewery was founded in 1906 by the burgher Yulius Zibert and the Prussian subject Herman Saalman.

A picturesque place on the banks of the Unava River in Zarichchya, next to the Intercession Church, was chosen for the construction of the plant. Beer production was adjusted by German specialists. At the time of its launch, the Fastiv Brewery could produce about 50,000 dal of beer per year. The enterprise was not damaged during both world wars.

A large-scale reconstruction with a complete update of technology was carried out in 2008. Currently, the capacity of the enterprise, which is part of the "Obolon" association, is 12 million deciliters of beer per year.

Tours with tastings are held every Thursday at "Zibert Brewery" (pre-registration is preferred). A branded store is open.

Map pin icon Ivana Ohiyenka Street, 3 Fastiv


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Бишівський історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Byshiv Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Byshiv exemplary museum of history and local lore was founded in 1983 by Valeriy Obukhivskyi, a history teacher at the Byshiv secondary school. It is located in the premises of the Byshiv Academic Lyceum.

The museum's collections include up to 1,500 exhibits, which are organized by sections: archaeological, medieval, ethnographic, the first half of the 20th century, the Second World War, socio-economic development of the village in 1950–1990, and the present.

Map pin icon Zakhysnykiv Ukrayiny Street, 6 Byshiv


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Онуфріївська церква, Липовий Скиток
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Church in honor of Saint Onuphrius the Great

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church in honor of Saint Onuphrius the Great in Lypovyi Skytok is the oldest wooden church in Kyiv region that has survived in its original place.

The Church of Saint Onuphrius was built in 1705 at the Saint Onuphrius Monastery, which was revived by Bishop Zachariy Kornilovych on the site of an ancient Rus monastery.

The second monastery church did not survive.

Map pin icon Zarichna Street Lypovyi Skytok


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Єва Парк, Віта-Поштова
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Eva Park

Park / garden

The large landscape park "Eva Park" opened in 2023 in the village of Vita-Poshtova, 10 kilometers from Kyiv. This is the garden center of the landscape design company of the same name, which at the same time serves as a recreation area, a photo location and a place for themed events.

The total territory of the park is more than 25 hectares. There are miniature houses in the English style, elegant bridges, a cozy small cafe, art objects, stone waterfalls, as well as a living corner with peacocks, plants from different parts of the world, ponds, photo zones and various locations for entertainment. In Eva Park, you can not only take a walk, but also fish, order a photo session or rent an area for special events.

Eva Park also hosts various events - painting workshops, themed brunches, excursions, tea ceremonies.

Map pin icon Zvenyhorodska Street, 201A Vita-Poshtova


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Краєзнавчий музей, Фастів
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Fastiv Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Fastiv Museum of Local Lore is located in the historic building of the bank (late XIX century), which is an example of the so-called borderless architecture in "brick" style.

The museum was founded in 1990, although its collection began to be created in the 1970s. The current exhibition is based on the results of archaeological research, ethnographic expeditions, searches in the archives.

Among the materials of the historical department there are rare archival and photographic materials, as well as historical objects that tell about the stay in the Fastiv Directory of the UPR, the battle near Motovylivka, the Unification of the UNR and WUPR and other events.

Of particular interest is the current model of the railway and other exhibits about the one and a half century history of the Fastiv railway.

Map pin icon Ivana Stupaka Street, 9 Fastiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Новосілки
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Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The History and Local Lore Museum at the Novosilky Gymnasium of the Boiarka City Council was created in 1989 on the initiative of local teachers. The materials for the museum were collected by students of the then Novosilky secondary school.

The exposition tells about the history of the village of Novosilky since its founding in the 15th century, about the liberation movements on the territory of the region in the 17th-19th centuries, and about the development of the village in the 20th century.

In particular, materials are presented about the military career of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Rear Admiral Ivan Kucherenko, who was born in the village of Novosilky in 1908, as well as about the scientist and writer Vitaliy Kulakovskyi, a native of the nearby village of Mostyshche.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 3A Novosilky


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Покровська церква, Кожанка
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Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Intercession Church in Kozhanka is located on a hill in the center of the village.

The church is wooden on a stone foundation, three-log three-domed, later expanded due to the addition of low buildings and a vestibule. A small extension adjoins the apse from the south. Log houses are covered with octagonal domes without drums, which makes the silhouette of the building somewhat stocky.

According to legend, the funds for the construction of this church were raised by the Haydamaks.

The unusual composition of the building places it among a number of interesting monuments of wooden architecture of the Right Bank of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 159 Kozhanka


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Покровська церква, Мотовилівка
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Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Intercession Church was built in Motovylivka in the middle of the 19th century on the site of a collapsed stone church, but in smaller sizes.

In the 1930s, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities, the premises were used as a granary. During the German occupation, religious services were resumed and no longer stopped.

Today, the Intercession Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 4 Motovylivka


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Покровська церква, Гатне
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church


The architectural ensemble of the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Hatne is made in the ancient traditions of wooden Orthodox architecture.

The type of church is cross-domed. In its plan, it is a cruciform space into which light penetrates through windows in a drum surmounted by a dome that symbolizes heavenly glory.

Intercession Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street Hatne


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