Attractions of Fastiv district

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Хутір Млинок, Веприк
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Khutir Mlynok

Archaeological site

Khutir Mlynok appeared near Vepryk in the 17th-18th centuries, when miller Demyan Tsukrenko built a water mill here on the Kyrsha River at its confluence with Irpin.

However, settlements in this place have existed since ancient times, starting with the Neolithic (XII-X centuries BC), as evidenced by archaeological findings. The fortifications of the later Scythian settlement of the VI-V centuries BC have been preserved. A rampart 1.5 kilometers long, 5 meters high, up to 25 meters wide with a 2-meter-deep moat protects an area of ​​about 40 hectares. This is one of the largest Scythian settlements in Kevshchyna. In section, the shaft can be seen right at the entrance to the farm, next to the original wooden gate and watchtower.

A chapel of the Immaculate Image of Jesus Christ and Theodore Icon of the Mother of God was built on the bank of the reservoir.

Map pin icon khutir Mlynok Vepryk


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Музей Кирила Стеценка, Веприк
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Kyrylo Stetsenko Memorial Museum

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery

The Memorial estate-museum of Kyrylo Stetsenko was opened in the village of Vepryk in the Fastiv region, where the composer spent the last years of his life - from 1920 to 1922.

Stetsenko, who turned to the church during the revolution, responded to the invitation of the community of Vepryk, which wanted to have a Ukrainian priest. In the village, the composer created two folk choirs: village and children's. In the spring of 1922, Kyrylo Stetsenko fell ill with typhus and died, just short of his 40th birthday. He was buried in Vepryk, the residents take care of his grave.

The museum stores the composer's belongings, a grand piano, as well as ethnographic and everyday items that help to recreate the environment in which Kyrylo Stetsenko lived and worked.

Map pin icon Kyryla Stetsenka Street, 1 Vepryk


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Музей-вагон Злуки, Фастів
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Museum-railcar of Unification of the UPR with WUPR

Museum / gallery

"Museum on Wheels" is the Museum-railcar of Unification of the UPR with WUPR, located at the "Fastiv" railway station together with the ancient steam locomotive.

In a similar headquarters railcar of the Directory of the UPR at the end of 1918, negotiations took place between the leaders of the Ukrainian People's Republic Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Simon Petliura on the one hand and the delegation of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic led by Kost Levitsky and Lonhin Tsehelsky.

It was here on December 1, 1918 "pre-entry" agreement on the intention to unite the population and territories of the UPR and WUPR into a single state. The Act of Unification was solemnly proclaimed a month and a half later, on January 19, 1919, on Sophia Square in Kyiv.

The exposition of the "Museum on Wheels" presents documents and photographs that tell about these events, money and postage stamps of those times. The interior and atmosphere of Petliura's staff car were recreated.

You can visit the museum only by prior arrangement. Every year on the Day of Reunification, ceremonial events are held near the museum in Fastiv.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, Fastiv Station Fastiv


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ДОТ 180, Віта-Поштова
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Pillbox 180

Castle / fortress

Pillbox 180 (DOT) in Vita-Poshtova of battalion district No. 6 of the southern sector of the Kyiv Ukriparion (KyUR) was part of the first line of defense of the city of Kyiv.

The structure of thick reinforced concrete is a single-story frontal fire machine gun Pillbox with 4 embrasures (type B).

In August 1941, the garrison of Pillbox 180 for 6 hours repelled the attacks of the advancing Wehrmacht troops while crossing the bridge in the village of Vita-Poshtova. 6 out of 15 defenders of the capital of Ukraine died in battle, the fate of those who survived is unknown.

The fortification was cleared and restored by the forces of enthusiasts from the Kyiv historical and patriotic club "Poshuk" with the participation of the International Association of Fortification Researchers "Citadel".

In 2011, the exposition of the museum "Defense of Kyiv - Belt of Glory" was opened in it. The equipment and weapons of the Pillbox are presented, including the Maxim machine gun, as well as other finds of search engines: projectiles, mines, grenades, helmets of various types, parts of rifles and machine guns, etc.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street, 3 Vita-Poshtova


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ДОТ 186, Чабани
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Pillbox 186

Castle / fortress

The long-term firing point No. 186 (Pillbox 186) in Chabany was built in 1930 and is one of the 250 fortification structures of the Kyiv Fortified District (KiUR), covering Kyiv from the southwest in a semi-ring 85 kilometers long.

The 1.5-meter-thick walls are designed for a direct hit by a 203-millimeter projectile. Pillbox is single-story, has 4 embrasures and an additional embrasure of the rear firing. There were 4 machine guns "Maxim" and one manual DP. Ammunition - 90,000 rounds of caliber 7.62. The type of masking is an economic building.

In 1941, Pillbox 186 was part of the "Crimea" base. Garrison - 10-15 people (surnames of fighters are unknown).

Currently, the International Association of Fortification Researchers "Citadel" has created a museum on the basis of Pillbox 186. Part of the equipment has been restored, in particular one of the casemate machine guns.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street, 3A Chabany


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ДОТ 204, Юрівка
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Pillbox 204

Castle / fortress

"Captain Kiparenko's Pillbox" is called Pillbox 204 of battalion district No. 6 of the southern sector of the Kyiv fortified area (KFA) - the artillery command and observation post (AOP) of the circular observation sector.

Underground reinforced concrete structure of type "B", single-story, with two armored caps of the GAU and an entrance defense embrasure. In August 1941, Pillbox 204 served as the command post of the 28th separate machine gun battalion of Captain Ivan Kiparenko of the "Crimea" base of the KFA.

In 2010, Pillbox 204 was cleared and prepared for the placement of the exposition as the first stage of the museum complex "Defense of Kyiv - Belt of Glory" by the enthusiasts of VO "Patriot" and IAF "Citadel". However, later the object was destroyed by vandals. Now access is free.

Map pin icon Nova Street Yurivka


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ДОТ 205, Юрівка
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Pillbox 205

Castle / fortress

"Vyetrov Pillbox" is the unofficial name of the legendary Pillbox205 of battalion district No. 6 of the southern sector of the Kyiv fortified area (KFA).

This six-embrasure machine gun mine group, built according to an individual project, is considered the most powerful and most impregnable structure of the entire fortified area. 5 casemates were connected to each other by underground passages with a length of 375 meters.

In August 1941, the garrison of Pillbox 205 from the 28th separate machine-gun battalion under the command of Lieutenant Heorhiy Vyetrov , contrary to the order, refused to leave the combat positions and fought heroically with the Germans for 10 days in complete encirclement, independently extracting ammunition and food during eye raids. It was later unblocked by Soviet troops and the garrison nevertheless retreated.

Pillbox 205 was cleared by the forces of the Kyiv "Search" club, it is planned to be included in the "Defense of Kyiv - Belt of Glory" museum complex.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Yurivka


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Ризоположенський монастир (Садиба Хоєцьких), Томашівка
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Rizopolozhenskyi Monastery (Khoyetsky Manor)

Palace / manor , Temple , Architecture

The elegant building in the Art Nouveau style was built in 1903 according to the project of the architect Valerian Kulykivskyi for the family of noblemen Khoyetsky, who owned Tomashivka since 1810.

The building is brick, two- and partly one-story, and has a complex plan. The appearance is diversified by numerous pediments, slats, cornices, enriched by an open veranda decorated with carved wooden bindings, and the same loggia.

In Soviet times, the building housed a secondary school. Currently, the premises and territory of the manor are at the disposal of the Rizopolozhenskyi Monastery of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, restoration and construction work is being carried out by the brothers.

Churches of the Passion of Christ, the Resurrection of Christ, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, All the Monks of Pechersk, Paisius the Great, as well as the chapels of Saint Khoma, the prudent robber Rach, Saint Matron, Saint Uar and Saint Anastasia the Improviser were erected on the territory. The bell tower with the chapel of Saint Nicholas is under construction. It is planned to build a grand Cathedral of the Imposition of the Robe of the Mother of God in Blacherna.

The monks organized a mini-zoo where ponies, ostriches, and various birds are kept.

Visitors are asked to dress modestly (women in long skirts and headscarves, men in trousers) and refrain from taking photographs on the grounds.

Map pin icon 30-richchya Peremohy Street, 1 Tomashivka


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Садиба Руликівських, Велика Мотовилівка
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Rulykivsky Estate

Palace / manor

The ruins of the Rulykivsky manor were preserved in the park of Velyka Motovylivka next to the rural council.

Polish landowner, historian and ethnographer, researcher of Right Bank Ukraine Edvard Rulykivskyi owned Motovylivka at the beginning of the 19th century. He built a two-story brick palace on the place where the castle of the Aksaki nobles used to stand.

Currently, only the basements and the crypt of the Catholic church remain from the manor house, which formed a single complex with the manor house. Tombstones on the former graves of Edvard Rulykivskyi and his brother Antoniy have been preserved in the crypt.

Map pin icon Myru Street Velyka Motovylivka


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Церква Іоанна Золотоустого, Півні
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Saint John Chrysostom Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of John Chrysostom was built in the village of Pivni in 1868 on the site of the old church founded in 1738.

In the harmonious forms of the building, the influence of the classical style, more characteristic of stone temples at that time, can be felt.

The Church of Saint John Chrysostom is an architectural monument of national significance. Belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Currently, restoration works are being carried out in the temple. Two compositions have already been restored - myrrh-bearing women and Saint Peter the Apostle.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Pivni


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Михайлівська церква, Боярка
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Archangel Michael in Boiarka was built in 1901 on the ramparts of the Slavic settlement "Transformation", which is also called the Budayivka settlement after the old name of Boiarka - Budayivka.

From 1756 to 1894, the churches of Saint Joan the Myrrh-bearing, Resurrection of Christ, and Archangel Michael were located on this site, which were later destroyed. After the opening of the railway station "Boiarka" and with the growth of the village, the project of the wooden church by the architect Mykola Hordenin was approved.

With the advent of Soviet power, the Saint Michael's Church was closed, but remained intact, and during the Second World War it became active again.

The church houses the icon of the Savior, which is associated with a miracle - in 2005, an imprint of its outline appeared on the glass covering the icon.

Near Saint Michael's Church, there is an ancient church cemetery where the Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Samiylenko is buried.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 4 Boiarka


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Михайлівська церква, Кожухівка
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

Saint Michael's Church in Kozhukhivka is an example of Ukrainian wooden religious architecture.

Built in 1820, consecrated in 1836, thoroughly reconstructed in 1914.

Inside the Saint Michael's Church, the old rococo iconostasis and several baroque icons have been preserved.

Belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Svyato-Mykhaylivska Street, 26 Kozhukhivka


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Михайлівська церква, Пилипівка
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

Saint Michael's Church was built in the village of Pylypivka in 1843 on the site of a burned down wooden church founded in 1784.

For help in the construction of a new stone church, the residents of Pylypivka turned to Countess Oleksandra Branytska, maid of honor of Catherine II, niece of Prince Hrihoriy Potomkin, founder of the Oleksandriya Arboretum in Bila Tserkva. Countess Branytska allocated funds for construction, as she promised to build 12 churches on her lands. Saint Michael's Church was built for 9 years and the countess did not live to see it consecrated.

During the Soviet era, the temple was closed, but now it is active again.

Paintings of Mykhaylo Vrubel's students have been preserved in the interiors.

Map pin icon Lisna Street Pylypivka


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Церква Святої Параскеви, Веприк
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Saint Paraskeva Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Saint Paraskeva in the village of Vepryk in the Fastiv region was founded in 1856.

The parish priest in this church in 1920-1922 was the prominent Ukrainian composer Kyrylo Stetsenko, who was invited by local residents to lead the local parish after he turned to the church at the end of his life.

During Soviet times, the church of Saint Paraskeva was destroyed. In the early 1990s, it was restored on the former foundation in its original form according to the surviving drawings.

Map pin icon Vepryk


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Боярська школа №2, Боярка
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School No. 2


The building of the Boiarka Secondary School No. 2 was built in 1911 as an orphanage at the expense of patron Flavian Vasylevskyi. It was one of the first brick buildings in the then country village of Boiarka.

The red brick building is made in the Art Nouveau style according to the project of the architect Dorohanevskyi. Thanks to its decoration and high tower, the building looks like a fairy-tale terem, a medieval castle, and a majestic cathedral at the same time.

In November-December 1918, the headquarters of the Ukrainian snipers under the command of Yevhen Konovalets was located in the school (a memorial plaque was installed).

In 1921, when the railway school was located in the building, it was home to a brigade of Komsomol members building the boyar narrow-gauge railway, and among them was the future writer Mykola Ostrovskyi, who later described these events in the novel "How Steel Was Tempered". In this connection, Soviet propaganda positioned Boyarka as a "city of Komsomol glory", a monument to Pavka Korchagin, the hero of the novel, was erected in front of the school building. In 2018, the monument was moved to the neighboring territory of the Boiarka Museum of Local Lore. and in 2024 it was dismantled.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 49 Boiarka


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