Attractions of Boryspil district

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Борисоглібська церква, Переяслав
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Church of Saints Borys and Hlib

Temple , Architecture

Church of Saints Borys and Hlib in Pereyaslav was built in the early XIX century on the site where in 1015 by order of Svyatopolk Okayannyi was killed Prince Borys, son of Volodymyr the Baptist, who became one of the first Rus saints.

The first shrine at the confluence of the Alta and Trubizh was erected by the will of Prince Volodymyr Monomakh. In 1125, according to the chronicles, Monomakh died "near his favorite church built on the Alta, seventy-two years from birth." After some time Borys and Hlib Church was destroyed by the Polovtsians, but in 1806-1839 it was rebuilt in the style of classicism.

Architectural monument of national importance. The main shrine is a stone cross that pours myrrh, made in 1664 by the folk craftsman Kharko Bespaly. In fact, the Saints Borys and Hlib Church was built around it. The anointing of the cross began in the 1980s.

To mark the 1000th anniversary of the deaths of Saints Borys and Hlib, an eight-meter wooden cross has been erected on the church grounds.

Map pin icon Ostapa Vyshny Street (Borysivka microdistrict) Pereyaslav


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Козацька церква, Переяслав
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Cossack Church of John the Baptist

Temple , Architecture

The Cossack Church of John the Baptist is an example of folk wooden architecture, the oldest wooden church in Pereyaslav. It is located on the territory of the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. Transported from the village of Ostriyki (Bilotserkivske Starostvo).

A Cossack cemetery with stone crosses has been recreated around the church. Nearby is a three-tier bell tower (XVIII century) from the village of Busheve, Kyiv region. A church bell weighing 25 tons is installed in it.

Another wooden church is located nearby - the Church of the Intercession (1778) from the village of Sukhyi Yar in the Stavyshchen district. In Soviet times, it housed the Museum of Atheism, and now it is the Museum of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Map pin icon Litopysna Street, 61 Pereyaslav


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Музей народної архітектури, Переяслав
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Folk Architecture Museum of the Middle Dnipro Region

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Dnipro Region is the first and one of the largest open-air museums in Ukraine. It was founded in 1964 on the initiative of historian and ethnographer Mykhaнlo Sikorskyш. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The building of the museum imitates the planning of a classic Ukrainian village with a square in the middle. There are about 300 exhibits in the picturesque park area of 25 hectares on the outskirts of Pereyaslav. Almost half of them are authentic wooden temples, peasant houses and windmills of the XVII-XIX centuries, transported here from different parts of the region. 20 peasant yards with residential and farm buildings represent the life of representatives of various professions and segments of the population of Middle Dnipro Region - from the house of a poor peasant to the hunting lodge of Count Horchakov. The interiors feature more than 20,000 exhibits: works of folk artists, tools, household items, archaeological materials, documents, photographs.

Among the most valuable architectural monuments: the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin (early XVII century) and the bell tower (mid-XVIII century) from the Right Bank Kyiv region; the Church of Saint George (mid-18th century) from the Pereyaslav region, immortalized by Taras Shevchenko in the sepia "Andrusha"; forest border - a house of forest protection (late XIX century) from Kyiv Polissya; inn (early XIX century.) from the city of Pereyaslav.

There are 13 thematic museums in some monuments and exposition pavilions: Museum of the History of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of the Kyiv Region, Museum of Ukrainian Rites, Museum of the Ukrainian Towel, Museum of the History of Forestry in the Middle Dnipro Region, Museum of the History of Beekeeping in the Middle Dnipro Region, Museum of Bread, Museum of the Post Station, Museum of the History of Folk Land Transport in the Dnipro Region, Museum of space, Mykola Benardos Museum, Sholom Aleichem Classics of Jewish Literature Museum, the Polissya District Memorial Museum.

The archeological department exhibits reconstructions of dwellings of the Late Paleolithic, Chernyakhiv culture, Ancient Kyiv, Cossack era, as well as lapidary with stone stelae and burial structures of different epochs.

The decoration of the museum is the natural landscape of the Tatar mountain, with skillfully inscribed in it artificial ponds, streets, courtyards, gardens, orchards and pastures, which give it vitality and special comfort.

Map pin icon Litopysna Street, 61 Pereyaslav


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Археологічний музей, Переяслав
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Archaeological Museum

Museum / gallery

The exposition pavilion of the Archaeological Museum of Pereyaslav was built in 1957 over the remains of the Savior Church of the XI century, which was located on the territory of the city suburb and served as the tomb of famous people of ancient Pereyaslav princely times.

Thus, it was possible to preserve and present to visitors fragments of the foundations and walls of the ancient Rus temple with the remains of a fresco, paved floor with ceramic tiles, burial in brick sarcophagi under slate slabs.

The exposition of the Archaeological Museum tells about the ancient history of the Pereyaslav region. In particular, you can see stone tools of primitive people, ceramic dishes of Trypillia culture, antique helmet made of gilded bronze, rare glassware of Chernyakhiv culture, products of Pereyaslav masters of the Princely era.

The Archaeological Museum is part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 17 Pereyaslav


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Музей "Добраничівська стоянка"
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Archaeological Museum "Dobranychivka settlement"

Museum / gallery

The remains of one of the oldest settlements of primitive people in Ukraine in the late Paleolithic era (10,000 BC), found in the village of Dobranychivka during the construction of the road in 1952, are now exhibited in the Archaeological Museum "Dobranychivka settlement", which is a branch of Yahotyn historical museum.

Archaeologists have found here four household complexes around the central square.

The exposition pavilion was erected directly above the excavation site of the largest of the household complexes. You can see the foundation of housing from the bones of mammoths and animal skulls, pits, fires and places of production of tools made of bones and flint.

The exposition presents products made of stone and bone, as well as two large panoramic canvases depicting scenes of the original mammoth hunt and the life of the inhabitants of "Dobranychivka settlement".

Map pin icon Dobranychivka


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Картинна галерея, Яготин
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Art Gallery (Repniny Manor)

Museum / gallery

Palace and park complex in Yahotyn, on the shores of Lake Supiy, founded by Hetman of Ukraine Kyrylo Rozumovskyi in the XVIII century, expanded and arranged by his son Andriy Rozumovskyi.

The granddaughter of Hetman Varvara Repnina-Volkonska received Yevhen Hrebinka, Mykola Hohol, and Taras Shevchenko here. Preserved homesteads became part of the Yahotyn State Historical Museum.

In the outbuilding where Shevchenko lived in 1843, the interiors were restored and a museum was established. Personal belongings of Shevchenko and Repnins, paintings about Shevchenko's stay in Yahotyn, as well as a painting by an unknown Italian artist "Blind with a boy" from the personal collection of the Repnins. In the park - Shevchenko's favorite gazebo.

An art gallery is located in the preserved part of the palace. Works by Mykola Hlushchenko, Tetyana Yablonska, Serhiy Shyshko and others are presented. The pearl of the collection is the most complete collection of paintings by folk artist Kateryna Bilokur - more than 70 works: paintings, watercolors, graphics, sketches, sketches, sketches, early and unfinished works.

Monuments to Mykola Hohol, Kateryna Bilokur, and Sviatoslav Richter have been erected in front of the building.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 65B Yahotyn


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Фабрика художніх виробів (Синагога), Переяслав
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Art Products Factory (Synagogue)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The building of the synagogue in Pereyaslav was built at the beginning of the 20th century. This is the only surviving Jewish religious building in the city, although at the end of the 19th century, half of the population of Pereyaslav consisted of Jews.

Since Soviet times, the building has been home to the Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Art Products Factory, which produces artistic weaving and hand-made embroidery (towels, vyshyvanka, etc.).

Excursions are conducted. Ready-made products can be purchased directly from the factory.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street, 38 Pereyaslav


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Вознесенський собор (Діорама), Переяслав
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Ascension Cathedral (Museum-diorama "Battle for the Dnipro")

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The majestic complex of the Ascension Monastery was built in 1700 in the center of Pereyaslav at the expense of Hetman Ivan Mazepa. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The monumental Ascension Cathedral is considered a model of Ukrainian national architecture due to its complex construction and rich Baroque stucco.

On the territory of the monastery there is a two-storey building of the former monastery school and the dormitory of bursaks. In 1776, a three-tiered bell tower in the Ukrainian Baroque style, 48 meters high, was built, which served as the second entrance to the monastery.

In Soviet times, a museum-diorama "Battle for the Dnipro and the creation of the Bukrin bridgehead in the autumn of 1943" (canvas length 28 meters, height 7 meters) was opened in the cathedral, which recreates the events of September 21-22, 1943, when Soviet troops Dnipro on the Bukrin bridgehead near Pereyaslav.

The Mausoleum of Eternal Glory is located in the basement, where the names of Pereyaslav residents who died in the Second World War are immortalized on the walls.

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Skovorody Street, 54 Pereyaslav


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Площа Хмельницького, Переяслав
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Bohdan Khmelnytsky Square

Historic area

Bohdan Khmelnytsky Square is the main one in Pereyaslav. The administration building and the central hotel are located here.

A monument to Ukrainian-Russian friendship was erected in the Central City Park adjacent to the square in honor of the 300th anniversary of the reunification of Ukraine with Russia (1954). In 2022, during Russia's large-scale military invasion of Ukraine, this monument was dismantled by the decision of the hromada and the local self-government body.

Khmelnytsky Square is closed to traffic.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Square Pereyaslav


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Історичний музей, Бориспіль
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Boryspil Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Boryspil State Historical Museum was founded in 1967 on the initiative of local historian Viktor Yova.

Now the museum's collection includes more than 13 thousand exhibits, all collected in a stylized building on the ancient architecture of the Kyivskyi Shlyakh Street, built specifically for the museum in the 1980s.

The exposition tells, in particular, about famous Boryspil residents: Cossack families of Sulymas and Bezborodkos, poet Ivan Nekrashevych, ethnographer Pavlo Chubynskyi.

The exposition also presents materials of Trypillia culture, a diorama "Construction of the Let Synagogue", a fragment of a Polovtsian stone woman, a large number of weapons, tools, jewelry and household utensils, the interior of a peasant house.

Separate expositions tell about Boryspil during the period of Tatar captivity and Polish rule, about the economic development of the city, about the historical events of the liberation struggle of 1917-1921, the Second World War, the Holodomor, the post-war revival, the present.

Map pin icon Kyivskyi Shlyakh Street, 89 Boryspil


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"Хутір Чубинського", Чубинське
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Chubynsky Farm Landscape Reserve

Park / garden

The landscape reserve "Chubynsky Farm" was created on the site of the estate of the well-known folklorist, ethnographer and poet Pavlo Chubynskyi, the author of national fame of Ukraine.

In 1861, this land was bought by his father, Platon Chubynskyi. In 1862, a garden was planted and a house was built, which stood until the 1930s.

The reserve of national importance with an area of ​​10 hectares was created in 1994 to preserve the landscape, vegetation, and the picturesque area of ​​the oak grove. Oaks 200-300 years old grow here - the remains of forests that once covered the Left Bank of the Dnieper.

In memory of Pavlo Chubynsky, a memorial sign was installed in the park, and the chapel of Saint Paul was opened.

Map pin icon Boryspilska Street Chubynske


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Міська гімназія, Переяслав
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City gymnasium


The Pereyaslav City Gymnasium was built in the 19th century and originally belonged to the complex of buildings of the Ascension Monastery. The brick building, which housed the dormitory of the seminary until 1917, still impresses with its monumentality.

Until 1941, an orphanage was located here, during the war - the German commandant's office. During the war, the building lost most of its magnificent decoration. After the restoration, in 1958, the educational building of the pedagogic school was opened in it.

In 2000, the building was reorganized into primary school No. 6 and a gymnasium, then into the Pereyaslav Academic Lyceum named after Ivan Mazepa.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 20 Pereyaslav


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Ферма "Кийлівська Асканія", Кийлів
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Farm "Kyilivska Askania"

Entertainment / leisure , Reserve , Zoo , Recreation area

The reserve-farm "Kyilivska Askania" is located in a picturesque corner of Kyiv region, far from roads. Protected from all sides by a kilometer-long strip of dense forest.

The reserve has all the conditions for recreation in the wild and for communication with animals that move freely through the territory and are practically tame.

On the territory of the reserve there are 5 ponds for fishing, where swans and geese live, and wild ducks nest. Exotic animals and birds are the wealth of "Kyilivska Askania": black African ostriches, Cameroonian goats, Vietnamese pigs, pheasants, downy chickens.

Horseback riding is available all year round for horse-riding enthusiasts, and donkey-drawn cart rides for children. You can taste exotic foods in the "Exotic Dishes" cafe-bar. There is a souvenir shop, and there is also a banquet hall for 40 people.

Map pin icon Lisova Street, 6 Kyiliv


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Меморіал слави, Переяслав
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Glory Memorial


The memorial complex, dedicated to the liberating soldiers who died during the Second World War, was opened in Pereyaslav in 2000.

The complex includes the Hill of Glory and an exhibition of military equipment. An alley of lanterns and semicircular benches leads to the Hill of Glory. The central place of the memorial is occupied by a sculpture of a warrior in an arch surmounted by a cross. A wall with the names of the fallen compatriots is placed behind the sculpture in a semicircle.

The IS-3 tank, the ISU-152 self-propelled gun, the B-4 howitzer, the Katyusha, a combat boat, the MiG-15 aircraft and others are presented at the exhibition of military equipment. Some exhibits have open access.

Map pin icon Pokrovska street, 3 Pereyaslav


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Соснова
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Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and local lore museum of the Sosnova village was opened in 1986 in an old house that once belonged to a wealthy peasant.

The exposition has more than 4,000 exhibits. In particular, rural household items, embroidered clothes and other household and economic items of the 19th and 20th centuries are presented.

The history of the village of Sosnova is told by old records, documents and some archaeological finds.

The museum complex includes a wooden gamasey (building for grain storage) from 1905, where tools of rural labor are presented: seed drills, plows, fans, part of a mill and much more.

The historical and local lore museum of the Sosnova village is a branch of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.

Map pin icon Novoselytska Street, 8 Sosnova


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