Attractions of Korosten district

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Korosten district


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Виставка фарфору, Коростень
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Korosten Porcelain Exhibition

Museum / gallery

The room-museum of the history of the Korosten porcelain factory has been operating in the city's cultural center since 2012.

Here is a part of the exposition, which was previously located in the lobby of the main building of the enterprise, which is now closed.

Local residents also helped in creating the exposition. Today, the number of unique items in the museum room is about 500 items.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 3 Korosten


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Об'єкт Скеля, Коростень
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Military-Historical Complex "Object "Rock"

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The "Rock" facility in Korosten is a former secret underground command post of the Korosten fortified area №5, which was part of the so-called "Stalin Line".

It was built in 1936 on the basis of a system of natural and artificial caves in the granite rock, on which the ancient Rus city Iskorosten stood in the 8th-13th centuries. Also known as "Stalin's Bunker".

Also known as "Stalin's Bunker". In case of war, it was planned to command the South-Western Front. The object was not used for its intended purpose. In 1941, a detachment of 200 Red Army soldiers defended themselves against the Nazis for a week.

In Soviet times, the facility remained under the control of the military, then was transferred to the civil defense system. All this time the equipment (ventilation system, water supply, autonomous power supply, communication) remains in working order. The seal of secrecy was lifted in 2005, and the efforts of enthusiasts began the creation of the military-historical museum complex "Rock", dedicated to the initial period of the Second World War. One of the probable three levels of corridors and caves has been investigated.

Excursions are by prior arrangement.

Map pin icon 1 Travnya Street, 2A Korosten


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Парк Древлянський, Коростень
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Park "Drevlyanskyi"

Park / garden

"Drevlyanskyi" Central Park in Korosten is a well-organized recreation area on the slopes of a granite rock, on the top of which in the VIII-XIII centuries the chronicle Iskorosten was located.

A model of the wooden fortifications of the ancient city was erected on the site of the hillfort, a monument to Prince Mal of Drevlyany was erected, and a monument to Princess Olha, who, according to legend, spent the last years of her life in Iskorosten, destroyed by her, on the river bank at the foot of the rock. The deep place on the Uzh River, where, according to legend, the princess loved to bathe, is marked with the sign "Princess Olha's Bath".

On the opposite bank, there is a monument to Dobrynya Mykytovych, who is considered a native of Korosten, as well as a monument to Princess Malusha of Drevlyany and her son, the future Prince Volodymyr the Great. In 2015, opposite the central entrance to the park, a monument to Prince Volodymyr was erected (sculptors Vitaly Rozhik and Vasyl Feshchenko).

Drevlyanskyi Park is a favorite place for walks of Korosten residents.

Until 2016, the park was named after Ostrovsky.

In September, the International Derun Festival takes place here every year. At the entrance to the park, you can see a monument to the Derun.

Map pin icon park "Drevlyanskyi" Korosten


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Василівський собор, Овруч
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Saint Basil's Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

Saint Basil's Cathedral is the oldest temple in the city of Ovruch.

It was built in 1190 by Prince Ryuryk Rostyslavovych on the site of a wooden temple built in memory of Prince Oleh Svyatoslavovych, who died in 977. The construction was supervised by the ancient Rus architect Petro Mylonig, one of the four architects of the pre-Mongol period, whose names have been preserved in history.

In terms of architecture, the temple is close to Sophia of Kyiv. Kyiv, Smolensk, and Grodno techniques are used in the exterior decoration, creating a strict and at the same time rich decoration of the temple.

In 1321, the Saint Basil's Church in Ovruch was almost completely destroyed by the Lithuanians, restored at the beginning of 1909 by the famous architect Oleksiy Shchusev (for this work he received the title of academician of architecture). Paintings on non-canonical subjects were performed by the outstanding artist Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Fragments of Old Rus frescoes have also been preserved.

Nearby is the women's Saint Basil's Monastery, built in the Pskov architectural style at the same time as the temple was restored. The complex includes a cell building and a bell tower.

A granite cross was erected for the 1000th anniversary of Saint Basil's Church.

Map pin icon Vasylivska Street, 2 Ovruch


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Кам'яне село, Рудня-Замисловицька
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Stone Village

Natural object

The State Geological Reserve "Stone Village" ("Kamyane Selo") is located on the territory of the Polisky Reserve, in the Zamyslovytskyi Forestry, 30 kilometers northeast of Olevsk.

Large boulders scattered in the forest between pines and oaks form "streets" on which there are "houses", "church" and "school". One of the stones has three indentations resembling human footprints - "footprints of God".

The boulders were probably brought by a glacier, after which they were weathered. There are several folk legends about the origin of the "Stone Village". One of them tells about how greedy residents of a forest settlement refused shelter to travelers, for which they were punished - their houses were petrified.

The geological reserve of state importance "Stone Village" is called the "Pollisya Stonehenge".

Map pin icon Tract "Kamyane Selo" Rudnia-Zamyslovytska


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Пам'ятник тризубу, Коростень
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Trident Monument


A monument to the Trident, the coat of arms of Ukraine, was installed in a small square at the Korosten railway station.

It was here in 1918, in the headquarters car of the government train of the heads of the Ukrainian People's Republic, that the trident - the coat of arms of Prince Volodymyr the Great - was approved as the national emblem of the country.

The author of the trident project was the artist and architect Vasyl Krychevskyi, who was commissioned by the Chairman of the Central Council, Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, to develop the state symbols.

The Trident Monument was built at the expense of local businessman Volodymyr Kozarenko. On the granite ceiling is a plaque with the inscription: "Here on February 12, 1918, the Small Council (Presidium of the Central Council of Ukraine) in the city of Korosten approved the trident as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the basis of the modern coat of arms of Ukraine."

Map pin icon Heroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni Street (railway station) Korosten


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Садиба Гамарня (Музей Миклухо-Маклая)
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Hamarnya Manor (Historical and Local Lore Museum of Myklukho-Maklay)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The manor of the family of the famous traveler and ethnographer Mykola Myklukho-Maklay is located in the Hamarnya tract on the western outskirts of Malyn.

Myklukho-Maklay's mother bought the Hamarnya manor at the beginning of the 19th century from the Shcherbakov princes, the scientist himself visited it several times.

Since 1931, the Malyn Forestry Technical College has been located near the estate. Of particular value is the park, which has many rare trees 500-600 years old. A house with Neo-Gothic elements, built by Myklukho-Maklay, has been preserved - now it is part of one of the college buildings.

In 1986, a small museum exposition dedicated to the scientific activity of the researcher was opened in it. In 2015, the Myklukho-Maklay Museum was opened. A bust of the scientist and a commemorative plaque were installed.

Map pin icon Myklukho-Maklaya Street, 1 Hamarnia


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Коростенський краєзнавчий музей, Коростень
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Korosten Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The modern exposition of the Korosten Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1987 in the premises of the former headquarters of the Korosten Fortress.

Here is a history of the region from ancient times based on the results of archaeological research conducted in the 1990s.

The most valuable exhibits are samples of minerals, weapons of the XIII-XIX centuries, tools of Polishchuks, objects of folk decorative and applied art.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the canvas-diorama "Princess Olha near the walls of ancient Iskorosten" (artist Oleksandr Turansky, 1982), which recreates the picture of the arrival of the widowed princess of Kyiv to the walls of the rebellious city.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 6 Korosten


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Кафедральний собор Різдва Христового (Ольгинська церква), Коростень
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Nativity of Christ Cathedral (Olha's Church)


The Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, which is also called the Saint Olha's Church, rises above the Uzh River on the outskirts of "Drevlyanskyi Park" in Korosten.

The name is connected with the legend of how Princess Olha, who burned Iskorosten in revenge for the death of her husband, repented of what she had done and, after accepting Christianity, built a temple on the burnt area, where she came to pray for her sins.

The parish of Saint Olha was founded in Korosten in 1990.

Map pin icon Olhynska Street, 2 Korosten


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Коростенський фарфоровий завод, Коростень
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Korosten Porcelain Factory

For many years, the enterprise "Korosten Porcelain Factory" was one of the largest manufacturers of porcelain tableware in Ukraine.

The Korosten Porcelain Factory was founded in 1904 by the Polish entrepreneur Tymofiy Przhybylskyi. During the Second World War, the plant was destroyed, it was put into operation again in 1944.

In Soviet times, the company specialized in the production of porcelain products for cultural and household purposes: dining, tea, and coffee sets, headsets of various configurations, custom-made souvenirs.

An exhibition of the best examples of the factory's products could be seen in the lobby of the main building. In 2012, the Korosten Porcelain Factory was declared bankrupt. Currently, the enterprise is closed and the reconstructed building of the former porcelain factory houses the office of the "UPG" company.

Part of the former exhibition of the Korosten Porcelain Factory is presented at the porcelain exhibition in the Korosten House of Culture.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 4 Korosten


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Музей Локомотивного депо, Коростень
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Locomotive Depot Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Locomotive Depot of the Korosten Station tells about the history of the development of railway transport and the construction of the Kyiv-Kovel Railway.

Construction of the Korosten station began in 1902. Today, this complex railway junction is one of the most important in the country.

The collection of rarities for the Locomotive Depot Museum was collected by enthusiasts from among its employees.

The continuation of the exposition can be considered a complex of production facilities.

Map pin icon Kuzminskoho Street, 49 Korosten


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Пам'ятник Деруну, Коростень
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Monument to Derun


The Monument to Derun was opened in Korosten in 2009, during the Second International Derun Festival.

Deruns (potato fritters) are considered a traditional dish of Polissya.

The monument is located in Drevlyanskyi Park in the center of Korosten. It is a basket with straws, installed on a pedestal made of gray and red granite quarried in the Korosten district. The author of the monument is Korosten artist Volodymyr Kozyrenko.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, Drevlyanskyi Park Korosten


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Затоплений кар'єр, Діброва
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Flooded Quarry

Natural object , Active rest , Rest on the water

A large granite quarry, flooded with water, is located next to the Olevsk crushed stone plant on the outskirts of Dibrova.

The water in the quarry is incredibly transparent and has a blue tint. The reservoir is surrounded by pines and birches. Nearby is a large mountain of waste rock, which forms unusual shapes due to weathering. A beautiful view of the surrounding area opens from the top.

The Dibrova quarry is one of the favorite diving spots of Ukrainian divers. In the clear water during the dive, you can see submerged equipment - drilling machines and a transformer station at a depth of 30 meters, a "watch tower" at 12 meters, submerged trees, and more.

Map pin icon Zavodska Street Dibrova


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Музей історії села Копище
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Kopyshche Village History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kopyshche Village History Museum is part of the memorial complex of the Kopyshche Tragedy, located in the Memorial Park in the center of the village.

On July 13, 1943, with the help of partisan units, the Nazi invaders shot and burned 2,887 villagers alive, only a few survived. The central element of the museum exposition is the diorama "The Tragedy of Kopyshche".

The ethnographic section presents items of traditional life of Polishchuk, folk clothes, embroidered towels.

Map pin icon Partyzanska Street, 49 Kopyshche


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Кип'ячівський монастир, Чоповичі
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Kypyache Monastery


The Kypyache Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was founded in 1917 in the Kypyache tract on the right bank of the Irsha River near Chopovychi.

According to legend, in 1911 there was a fiery icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and the water of the local spring boiled and became healing. Initially, the monastery was named in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the people called it the Kypyache monastery.

The monastery lasted only 17 years and was closed by the Bolsheviks, the wooden Kazan church was dismantled. The Kypyache Men's Monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was restored in 2002. The temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the monastery building, the spring and the bathhouse have been restored.

After the opening of the men's monastery, several women began to live nearby, choosing the monastic life. In 2002, the development of the female stauropygial monastery in honor of the Athos icon of the Mother of God begins, the temple is laid on twelve Athos stones brought from the holy mountain. Today, the church in honor of the Athos icon of the Mother of God has several unique shrines - it is a part of the girdle of the Mother of God, the relics of 24 elders from Athos, the miraculous icon of Three Hands.

Map pin icon Kypyache tract Chopovychi


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