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Парк імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ
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Taras Shevchenko Park

Park / garden

The Park named after Taras Shevchenko is located in the center of Kyiv in front of the Red Building of the Kyiv National University. It is considered the most comfortable and orderly in the capital.

Opened in 1860 as "University Square" on a wasteland. In 1896, a monument to Russian Tsar Nicholas I was erected in the center of the square. In 1939, on the 125th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko, a monument to the poet Matviy Manizer was opened.

In the park you can see a fountain in the shape of the Black Sea. This is a favorite place of amateur chess players of Kyiv. Here is the oldest public toilet in the city, built even before the Bolshevik coup of 1917.

Map pin icon Tereshchenkivska Street, 24 Kyiv


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Музей Заповіту Шевченка, Переяслав
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Taras Shevchenko's "Testament" Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of "Testament" in Pereyaslav is dedicated to the most famous work of the outstanding Ukrainian poet-prophet Taras Shevchenko. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The exposition is located in an old wooden house built in 1820, which belonged to the family of Pereyaslav doctor Andriy Kozachkovskyi. It was there that Shevchenko visited him during his stay in Pereyaslav, and it was here on December 25, 1845, during a serious illness, that he wrote his program poem, which became a call to the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and a message to his descendants.

The house reproduces the preliminary planning and interiors of the guest room where the poet lived, living rooms, libraries, Kozachkovsky's office. For a long time, a historical museum was located here. Much of his exposition is preserved and now reveals in chronological order the history of the Pereyaslav region of the Cossack period through the prism of its understanding by Shevchenko.

The most interesting exhibits belong to the Cossack era: ancient weapons, Cossack jewels, personal belongings of Cossack leaders, copies of important documents of the time. In particular, the personal sword of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky, presented to him by the Polish King Yan Kazymir, is presented. You can also see the hetman's mace of the XVIII century, bunchuk of the XVII century, colonel's pirnach, squid of the hetman's clerk, etc.

Three literary and artistic halls tell about Taras Shevchenko's studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, the poet's early work, as well as his acquaintance with many Pereyaslav residents and personally with the owner of the house, about the "Pereyaslav Kobzar Autumn" - the period of a real creative rise of the artist.

In front of the estate grows an acacia tree planted by Shevchenko together with Kozachkovskyi. There is a souvenir shop in front of the museum of "Testament".

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 8 Pereyaslav


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Флігель Тараса Шевченка, Яготин
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Taras Shevchenko's Outbuilding

Museum / gallery

The museum exposition, dedicated to the stay of the poet and artist Taras Shevchenko in Yahotyn, is located in the reconstructed wooden outbuilding of the former Ryepnin-Volkonsky estate in Kyiv region.

Shevchenko visited Yahotyn several times in 1843-1845, living in this wing. Here he painted portraits of the owners of the Yahotyn estate, painted the surrounding landscapes. Copies of some of his works are now on display in the museum's exposition in six thematic halls.

Of particular value are some items from the Ryepnin estate that Shevchenko used, such as a desk and a chair in the Cabinet Hall.

Also presented here is a unique painting by an unknown Italian artist "Blind Man with a Boy" from the personal collection of the Ryepnin princes.

In the "Living Room" paintings by contemporary artists reproduce some moments of the poet's life in Yahotyn.

The exposition "Taras Shevchenko's Outbuilding" is a department of the Municipal Institution "Yahotyn Historical Museum".

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 69 Yahotyn


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Будинок вчителя (Педагогічний музей), Київ
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Teacher's House (Pedagogical Museum)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The building of the Teacher's House was built in Kyiv especially for the pedagogical museum at the beginning of the XX century.

In 1917-1918 pp. The sittings of the revolutionary Ukrainian parliament, the Central Rada, which proclaimed the independence of Ukraine and the creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic, took place here.

Today, the Teachers' House of Ukraine and some organizations are located in the Teacher's House.

In 2009, the Museum of the Ukrainian People's Republic was opened, which tells about the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921. The center of the exposition is the 4th Universal of the Central Rada, which proclaimed the full state independence of the UPR on January 22, 1918.

A monument to the outstanding historian, chairman of the Central Rada, Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, was erected next to the Teacher's House. On April 29, in the premises of the Teacher's House, the Central Rada elected Hrushevskyi the president of the Ukrainian People's Republic, which gives reason to consider him the first president of Ukraine, but Hrushevskyi did not work for a single day in this position - as a result of the coup d'état, power passed to Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi.

Map pin icon Volodymyrska Street, 57 Kyiv


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Музей "Третя після опівночі", Київ
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Third After Midnight Museum

Museum / gallery

Museum in the Dark "Third after midnight" in Kyiv - the first museum in Ukraine, where all tours are held in complete darkness and accompanied by blind guides.

The museum space with an area of 150 square meters recreates in 5 locations typical real-life places - a street, an apartment, a park, an art gallery. But everything that surrounds visitors, they can perceive only by touch, as well as hear sounds and smells.

During the 90-minute tour, visitors are invited to go through all 5 rooms, experiencing ordinary everyday situations, but without using eyesight, which gives the opportunity to learn more about the capabilities of the human body and how blind people live.

The museum also offers tours of the city "Feel Kyiv" with a blind guide and an online quest for children "5 senses", which in the format of the game helps children develop senses and empathy.

In 2023, the museum "Third After Midnight" opened in Lviv.

Map pin icon Olesya Honchara Street, 45B Kyiv


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Костел-усипальниця Підгорських (Зікурат), Антонів
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Tomb church of Pidhorskys (Ziggurat)

Temple , Architecture

The burial church of the Pidhorsky family in Antoniv was built in 1810.

The stone temple has an unusual pyramidal shape of a ziggurat - a stepped vault is erected above the square building, which ends with an obelisk in the form of a truncated pyramid.

The temple-tomb also served as the parish church of the Catholic community of Antoniv and the surrounding villages.

Now the church is half-ruined.

Map pin icon Antoniv


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Преображенський собор, Біла Церква
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral is the main Orthodox church of the Bila Tserkva, a vivid example of the transition in church architecture from baroque forms to classicism.

The Orthodox Cathedral was built in 1833-1839 at the expense of Countess Oleksandra Branytska on the site of the dilapidated Mykilska Church, founded in 1706 by Hetman Ivan Mazepa. There was a belief in the city that the one who builds a new church on the site of Mykilska's Church will face inevitable death. The countess died in the year of completion of construction and was buried in the cathedral, built on her order.

The stone building has a height of 40 meters, but it looks rather squat. The dome, located above the central part, crowns a massive vault, which has a hemispherical shape. The walls are decorated with pilasters.

In 1930, the Transfiguration Cathedral was closed, in 1956 it was restored. Now the temple is active. There is a chapel nearby, which is a preserved fragment of Mykilska's Church.

In 2023, by decision of the city council of Bila Tserkva, the buildings of the Transfiguration Cathedral and the Mykilska Church were handed over to the Bila Tserkva Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Mlynova Street, 10 Bila Tserkva


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Тюльпанове дерево, Ворзель
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Tulip Tree

Natural object

The tulip tree or tulip liriodendron is not directly related to tulips - it is a relative of the magnolia.

It comes from the north-east of America, where it reaches a height of 50-60 meters. It has a leaf of an unusual shape - without a tip. The tree got its name thanks to the delicate yellow-green flowers, similar to tulips.

In Vorzel, a tulip tree was planted in 1914 at the manor of Zherebtsov, secretary of the Kyiv Zemstvo Administration. This tulip tree is one of the largest in Ukraine (they say that there are only two of them in the country, but in fact there are about 30). Its height is about 30 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is more than one meter. Blooms in late May - early June.

Map pin icon Tyulpanivska Street, 8 Vorzel


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Музей Українського радіо, Київ
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Ukrainian Radio Museum

Museum / gallery

The National Public Radio Company of Ukraine is located in a legendary building in the very center of Kyiv, whose address "Khreshchatyk 26" was once the name of all Ukrainian television and radio.

The four-story building in the heart of the block was built in 1913-1914 as a telephone exchange on the site of the post office. After the transfer of the capital of Ukraine from Kharkiv to Kyiv in 1934, the radio committee was located here.

In 1941, the building was blown up by the retreating Red Army. In 1949-1951, reconstruction was carried out according to the project of architect Victor Yelizarov (the author of the Motherland Motherland monument, Khreshchatyk metro building, Zhulyany airport, Kyiv and Dnipro hotels), and a radio and television complex was built. The first TV tower was located on a nearby mountain.

After the new TV center was commissioned in the early 1990s, state television moved to Syrets in several stages, while state radio remained on Khreshchatyk. Currently, NPRC broadcasts on four channels: UR-1, "Promin", "Kultura", VSRU.

Enthusiasts have opened a museum room where archival documents and photographs, old sound recording equipment, and work equipment of radio journalists are presented. Visiting the Museum of Ukrainian Radio is possible only with the agreement of the NPRC management.

Map pin icon Khreshchatyk Street, 26 Kyiv


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Музей-вагон Злуки, Фастів
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Union of UNR and ZUNR Museum-Wagon (Museum on Wheels)

Museum / gallery

"Museum on Wheels" is the Museum-Wagon of Union of the UNR with ZUNR, located at the "Fastiv" railway station together with the ancient steam locomotive.

In a similar staff car of the UNR Directory, negotiations took place at the end of 1918 between the leaders of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Volodymyr Vynnychenko and Symon Petlyura, on the one hand, and a delegation of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic, led by Kost Levytsky and Lonhyn Tsehelsky.

It was here on December 1, 1918 "pre-entry" agreement on the intention to unite the population and territories of the UNR and ZUNR into a single state. The Act of Unification was solemnly proclaimed a month and a half later, on January 19, 1919, on Sophia Square in Kyiv.

The exposition of the "Museum on Wheels" presents documents and photographs that tell about these events, money and postage stamps of those times. The interior and atmosphere of Petlyura's staff car were recreated.

You can visit the museum only by prior arrangement. Every year on the Day of Reunification, ceremonial events are held near the museum in Fastiv.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, Fastiv Station Fastiv


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Творча майстерня Валентини Ткач, Богуслав
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Valentyny Tkach's Creative Workshop

Museum / gallery

A creative workshop-museum was opened in Bohuslav by the famous Ukrainian carpet maker and member of the National Union of Folk Art Masters of Ukraine, Valentyna Tkach. Her carpets, which preserve ancient traditions, are in private collections all over the world - from China to the USA.

Valentyna Tkach calls carpet weaving her life's work. Her grandfather was also engaged in this, her father was the director of the Peremoha art products factory in Bohuslav, the craftswoman's mother worked at the factory as a weaver and developed her own carpet sketches. After the factory closed, Valentyna bought a dozen looms, rented premises and, together with her mother and other weavers of the factory, is reviving and developing weaving in Bohuslav.

Valentyna Tkach considers the weaving school, which she opened on the basis of her workshop, to be one of her most important projects. There, the craftswoman holds master classes for guests, during which anyone can try making their own product on a mini-machine.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 81 Bohuslav


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Верховна Рада України, Київ
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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


The bright building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is one of the best architectural buildings of the Soviet period in Kyiv.

The interiors of the lobby and the main lobby are decorated with stucco, inlays and monumental painting in the style of socialist realism with elements of Ukrainian folk decorative art. In the central part of the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is an octagonal session hall, covered with a glass hemispherical dome.

In 1991, the state independence of Ukraine was proclaimed here. Currently, the Verkhovna Rada is the main political center of the country. On session days, rallies and pickets often take place on the square.

The Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada conducts excursions on the history of parliamentarism for organized groups of enterprises, educational institutions, and public organizations.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 5 Kyiv


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Меморіал жертв Голодомору, Обухів
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Victims of Holodomor Memorial


A memorial to the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 was erected on the outskirts of Obukhiv in 2008.

During the famine organized by the Soviet authorities in Ukraine, every fourth resident of Obukhiv died of starvation. In general, according to the estimates of local historians, the Holodomor took the lives of up to 3,000 residents of Obukhiv.

The author of the monument to the victims of the Holodomor is the Ukrainian artist-monumentalist Anatoliy Haydamaka.

Map pin icon Obukhiv Ring Road Obukhiv


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Музей Заболотного, Переяслав
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Volodymyr Zabolotny Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The memorial museum of the famous academician, outstanding architect, founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture, Volodymyr Zabolotny, is located in Pereyaslav in a house that belonged to the Zabolotny family. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The exposition includes unique items from Volodymyr Zabolotny's collection: paintings by Western European artists, luxurious vases, a library (over 5,000 volumes). Here are the works of the architect himself - a model of the Verkhovna Rada building, furniture designed by him, watercolors and oil landscapes.

Map pin icon Ivana Mazepy Street, 9 Pereyaslav


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Володимирський собор, Київ
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Volodymyr's Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

Volodymyr's Cathedral is a classic example of the Rus-neoByzantine style in church architecture. The height of the cross of the main dome is 49 meters.

The idea of building a majestic temple in Kyiv in honor of Prince Volodymyr the Great arose on the eve of the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus. The initial project was developed by the architect Ivan Shtrom, but due to the high cost it had to be revised. The construction was entrusted to the architect Oleksandr Beretta, but the building designed by him showed cracks, and the construction was frozen in 1864. The works were completed in 1882 by the architect Volodymyr Nikolaev based on the recommendations of the world-renowned vault specialist Rudolf Berhand.

The interior design of Volodymyr's Cathedral was supervised by professor Adrian Prakhov, who involved 96 famous artists, including Viktor Vasnetsov, Mykhaylo Nesterov, Pavlo and Oleksandr Svedomskyi, Mykhaylo Vrubel, Mykola Pymonenko, who turned the Volodymyr`s Cathedral into a real artistic gem. The compositional system is built around the monumental image of the Mother of God with the Child by Vasnetsov, who worked on the most significant plots of biblical history and the main events from the life of Prince Volodymyr. The solemn consecration took place in 1896 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II.

During Soviet times, the property of Saint Volodymyr's Cathedral was nationalized, the bells were melted down "for the needs of industrialization", an anti-religious museum was opened in the premises, then the archive of the Academy of Sciences. Services in the Volodymyr`s Cathedral were resumed only during the Nazi occupation.

From 1992 until the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in 2019, Volodymyr's Cathedral it was the main temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate. The relics of Saint Barbara and Saint Macarius are kept here.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Boulevard, 20 Kyiv


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