Attractions of Lviv district

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Брюховицький форт, Брюховичі
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Briukhovychi Fort

Castle / fortress

The Austrian fort in Briukhovychi was built in 1912 on Zyavlenska Hora, at the foot of which passes the road to Lviv.

On the western edge of the mountain there are 4 covered brick galleries with a reinforced concrete floor. Two of them are straight, and two are curved in a quarter circle. Rifle galleries have wide loopholes connected by trenches. At the top of the fort there is a gun shelter. From the east, the complex is protected by earth fortifications.

Fort "Zyavlenska Hora" in Briukhovychi did not take an active part in hostilities. The Russian army during the offensive bypassed the fort from the flanks, and the garrison left it. Later, the fortifications were used during the Ukrainian-Polish war of 1918-1919 and during the defense of Lviv in 1939.

Map pin icon Zyavlenska Hora tract Briukhovychi


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Музей карет, Львів
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Carriage Museum (Carriage Yard)

Museum / gallery , Stadium / sports complex

The private museum of carriages in Lviv operates on the basis of the horse club "Carriage Yard", where Tori horses are bred.

The exposition presents 14 carriages of different types: landau, fiakr, phaeton, tarantas, visavi, etc. "Carriage Yard" also offers hippotherapy, horse riding lessons, horse tourism and a carriage tour through the streets of old Lviv.

Map pin icon Vynnytsia Street, 43 Lviv


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Католицька каплиця, Малі Підліски
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Catholic Chapel

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic chapel in the neo-Gothic style is located in the cemetery of Mali Pidlisky, right at the intersection of the roads to Lutsk and Rivne.

Remains of polychromy and a small tetrapod have been preserved in the interior.

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Street, 2 Mali Pidlisky


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Храм Христа Спасителя, Львів
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Christ the Savior Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Christ the Savior (Church of the Resurrection) on Pekarska Street in Lviv was built in 1874 as a Roman Catholic church and monastery of the Order of the Resurrection.

The project was executed by the architect Alʹbin Zagurskyi, the main altar was designed by the architects Yan Tomash Kudelskyi and the sculptor Petro Harasymovych. In 1881-1882, a boarding house was added to the monastery. The final construction was completed in 1889.

In 1932, the interior of the church was painted in the Art Nouveau style by artists Kazymyr Smuchak and Stanislav Ehrenfeld.

Today it is the church of Christ the Savior of the Protestant community of the Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith

Map pin icon Pekarska Street, 59 Lviv


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Успенська церква (Волоська), Львів
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Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin (Voloska)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin  (Voloska) in Lviv is a landmark of Galicia's Renaissance architecture.

For a long time, the temple was made of wood. The construction of the stone church began in the 15th century and lasted for more than four decades (architect Pavlo Rimlyanin) at the expense of the Ukrainian (Rus) community, as well as the Moldavian (Volochian) master Oleksandr Lopushanin, for which the church received its second name. The Orthodox community of the city was concentrated around the temple.

Built in 1572, the belfry (height 66 meters) is called the Kornyakt tower in honor of the Greek merchant and philanthropist who promoted Orthodoxy in Lviv.

In the interior there is a painting of the XVII-XVIII centuries, an iconostasis of 1773, stained glass windows by Petro Kholodnyi. The Chapel of the Three Saints (1578-1591) was combined with the Church of the Assumption in the middle of the 19th century.

The parish belongs to the Lviv Diocese of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Ruska Street, 5/7 Lviv


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Городоцька ратуша (Краєзнавчий музей), Городок
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City Hall (Local Lore Museum)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Horodok City Hall in the classicist style was built in 1832 as the premises of the Horodok magistrate.

The two-story U-shaped building is crowned by a clock tower with small balconies, which houses a clock with four dials (year 2004) and the coat of arms of the city. Previously, the tower was completed by a pointed roof with a weather vane.

The building of the Horodotsk town hall is still used for its intended purpose - the Horodok City Council meets in it.

The first floor also houses the Horodok Historical and Local Lore Museum (2010).

A wide exposition of archaeological finds, household items and folk clothing is presented.

Separate stands are dedicated to the periods of the Liberation War of Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Battle of Horodok in 1655) and the liberation struggle of 1918-1920 (the Volchukhiv operation of the UGA).

Map pin icon Haydamakiv Square, 6 Horodok


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Жовківська Ратуша (Музей "Жовківська вежа"), Жовква
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City Hall (Museum "Zhovkva Tower")

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Neo-Renaissance-style Zhovkva City Hall is part of the Rynok Square ensemble.

The first city hall in Zhovkva was built by architect Peter Beber in 1687. A sundial and a sample arshin were placed on its walls. The old building was dismantled in 1832 due to its state of disrepair, and for a whole century the magistrate sat in the castle.

The current city hall was built in 1932. It was built according to the competitive project of the architect Bronislav Viktor on the site of the former barracks and casemates.

In pre-war times, the city trumpeter played the tune "heynal" at noon from the clock tower. Now, at noon, the bells of the clock play a part of the national anthem of Ukraine.

In the tower of the city hall there is a historical and local lore exposition "Museum "Zhovkva Tower" with access to the observation deck.

Map pin icon Vicheva Square, 1 Zhovkva


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Музей Євгена Коновальця, Зашків
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Colonel Yevhen Konovalets Historical and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and memorial museum of Colonel Yevhen Konovalets, one of the ideologues of Ukrainian nationalism, was founded in 1990 at the initiative of the Taras Shevchenko Ukrainian Language Society in the family home of the Konovalets in the village of Zashkiv in the Lviv region.

In the first room, materials about Konovalets childhood and youth are presented: an entry in the record book about Yevhen's birth, photos of the Konovalets family estate, documents from the local branch of "Enlightenment" and the period of Konovalets studies at Lviv University, books from the Konovalets library.

The exposition of the second room tells about the military activities of Konovalets in 1917-1920 and the liberation movement of that time. Schemes of the most important battles of the units of the Sich riflemen are presented.

The main exhibition in the third room highlights the creation of the First Parade of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Yevhen Konovalets and the holding of the First Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, which founded the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN).

The museum exhibition concludes with a documentary about the tragic death of Konovalets in 1938 in Rotterdam.

Among the family's memorial items: an image of Saint Teresa - a family heirloom of the Konovalets family, a napkin embroidered by Yevhen's mother, his father's chair, furniture from Konovalets residence in Rome.

Three oak trees planted by Yevhen Konovalets in honor of his sons Yevhen, Stepan and Myron grow in the yard. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Konovalets, a monument was erected.

The Colonel Yevhen Konovalets Historical and Memorial Museum is a sector of the Ukraine Liberation Struggle Museum, a department of the Lviv Historical Museum.

Map pin icon Yevhena Konovaltsya Street, 312 Zashkiv


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Пам'ятник Данилові Галицькому, Львів
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Danylo Halytskyi Monument


The monument to King Danylo Halytskyi, the founder of Lviv and the creator of the Galician-Volyn state, was erected for the 745th anniversary of the city.

Prince Danylo Romanovych from the Galician branch of the Rurik family united the country by force, defeating the regiments of Hungarian and Polish feudal lords, as well as Galician boyars in 1245.

The project of the monument was developed by the sculptors Yarych and Romanovych, as well as the architect Churylyk. The monument is a bronze equestrian figure on a granite pedestal.

Map pin icon Halytska Square Lviv


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Оборонна синагога, Жовква
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Defense Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

The Zhovkva Synagogue is an original and well-known religious building in the Renaissance style with Baroque elements, which was part of the system of city fortifications. The synagogue was adjoined by the city walls and the Jewish Gate, and it itself could have been a powerful defensive tower.

It was built in 1698 with the assistance of King Yan III Sobesky on the site of a burnt wooden synagogue.

In 1941, the ceiling and interior were destroyed by an explosion.

Until the early 1990s, the building was used as a warehouse. Restoration is currently underway, and the opening of the Jewish Center of Galicia is planned.

Map pin icon Zaporizka Street, 8 Zhovkva


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Чортова скеля, Винники
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Devil's Rock

Natural object

Devil's Rock in Vynnyky is the highest point on the outskirts of Lviv (418 meters).

The rock consists of sandstones, the bizarre shape of which was formed as a result of erosion and quarrying of building stone.

Until the 18th century, the ruins of the fortress could be seen on the top of the Devil's Rock. During various wars, the rock served as a guard post, battles with Turks, Tatars and Bolsheviks took place at its foot.

Since the 19th century, Devil's Rock has been one of the most popular recreation spots for Lviv residents.

Map pin icon Devil's Rocks tract Vynnyky


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Костел кармеліток (Церква Стрітення), Львів
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Discalced Carmelites of Our Lady of Hromnycha Church (Ascension of the Lord Church)

Temple , Architecture

The church and monastery of the Discalced Carmelites of the Mother of God of Hromnycha was founded in Lviv by Yakub Sobeskyi, the father of King Yan Sobeskyi.

Construction began in 1644 and continued until the end of the century. The monastery complex with the church belonged to the Order of Discalced Carmelites until 1792.

The Baroque-style temple has the shape of a Latin cross, and its forms resemble the Church of Santa Susanna in Rome.

Now it belongs to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church as the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Vynnychenko Street, 30A Lviv


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Домініканський собор, Львів
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Dominican Church (Church of the Holy Eucharist)

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery , Theater / show

The Dominican church is one of the most significant baroque monuments in Lviv.

The cells of the Dominican monastery date back to the 16th century. In 1559, Princess Halshka Ostrozka, the heiress of the powerful Volyn family of Ostrozkyi, hid here from the magnate Lukash Hurka, who forcibly forced her into marriage. In 1701, Tsar Petro I signed a treaty here on the military alliance of Russia and Poland against Sweden.

Until the 18th century, the building of the Dominican church was Gothic. In 1792-1798, the architect Jan de Witte reconstructed it at the expense of Yuzef Potocki, the facades were decorated by master Sebastyan Fesinher. The interior contains a number of valuable works of art: alabaster tombstones of the 16th century, a marble monument to Arthur Grotger.

In Soviet times, there was a museum of atheism here. Today it is the Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Eucharist. Part of the collection of monuments of sacred art of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion is exhibited in the dungeons. Organ music concerts are held.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Square, 1 Lviv


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Підземелля Гарнізонного храму, Львів
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Dungeon of Garrison Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The dungeon of the Garrison Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church is a complex of premises under one of the largest churches in Lviv, the history of which begins in the 17th century. Remains of houses of the 14th-15th centuries, which were located on the site of the temple before its construction, have been preserved here.

Until the end of the 18th century, the dungeons were used as crypts for the burial of priests and donors to the temple. Hetman Stanislav-Jan Yablonovskyi, the defender of Lviv from the Tatars and the hero of the Battle of Vienna in 1683, found his resting place here.

Currently, 10 halls are available for inspection. The exhibition tells about the history of the Garrison Church and the development of Lviv from the 14th to the 18th centuries. In particular, a layout of Lviv during princely times is presented. Restoration work and design of new expositions are ongoing.

Every Saturday at 16:00 a comprehensive tour of the dungeons and the upper part of the Garrison Temple is held. Individual tours of the temple are available by prior arrangement.

Map pin icon Svobody Avenue, 16 Lviv


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Арт Центр Дзиґа, Львів
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Dzyga Art Center

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure

Art Center "Dzyga" in Lviv is the residence of the creative association "Dzyga" - an organization of artists, public figures and entrepreneurs. Active since 1993.

The gallery presents modern art. Jazz and blues concerts are held every night in the club.

At the gallery, there is a cafe "Pid klepsydroyu" - a meeting place of Lviv bohemians with a democratic and creative atmosphere.

Map pin icon Virmenska Street, 35 Lviv


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