Attractions of Lviv district

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Музей історії науки і техніки Ретро Гараж, Львів
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History of Science and Technology "Retro Garage" Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The exhibition of rare models of transport "Retro Garage" has been on display since 2018 in the premises of the Museum of the History of Science and Technology, which is a department of the Lviv Historical Museum.

The exhibition of retro cars is set up in the oldest hangar from the complex of the first tram depot in Lviv, built in 1894 by the Lviv architect Alfred Kamenobrodsky. The rectangular brick structure has a gable roof supported on wooden trusses supported by side walls and wooden posts.

On an area of more than 500 square meters, Andriy Hladun's private collection of bicycles, mopeds, and motorcycles from the first half of the 20th century and a number of examples of the American automobile industry of the 1970s and 1980s from the collection of collector Taras Mayba are presented.

The Chevrolet Caprice Classic 1986 police car attracts the most attention of visitors. In addition, the museum presents the first city taxi of pre-war Lviv Citroen AC4 Berline Lux and a real fiakr (horse taxi). You can familiarize yourself with the samples of the products of the Lviv Motorcycle Plant from the years 1950–1970 from the funds of the Lviv Historical Museum.

Private collections of car models and American license plates are also exhibited at the exhibition.

Map pin icon Dmytra Vitovskoho Street,57A Lviv


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Музей історії України (Массарівська кам’яниця), Львів
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History of Ukraine Museum (Massari House)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Museum of the History of Ukraine of the Lviv Historical Museum is housed in a four-story building on Rynok Square in Lviv, known as the "Massarivska Kamyanytsia" (Massari House). Built in the XV century in the Gothic style, later rebuilt in the style of the Renaissance.

For some time the house belonged to the family of the Venetian consul Antonio Massari. In the middle of the XIX century there was a delicacy shop Henneman. At the beginning of the XX century the facade was decorated with a triangular pediment, decorated with an allegorical relief by the sculptor Kurchynsky. Late Gothic vaults and windows on the first floor, elements of Renaissance interior decoration have been preserved.

Now in "Massarivska kamyanitsa" there is a historical exposition, which presents more than 2100 monuments of Ukrainian history from ancient times to the early twentieth century: Neolithic instruments and musical instruments, Trypillia ceramics, golden Scythian treasure, ancient Rus crosses, encolpions, medieval Lviv executioner swords, magnate women's and men's clothing, Cossack weapons, astronomical table clock of the XVIII century, collections of old prints and paintings. The portrait of young Roksolana, a girl Nastya Lisovska from Rohatyn, a Turkish prisoner who became the wife of Sultan Suleiman II, is still a secret.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 24 Lviv


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Костел Петра і Павла, Перемишляни
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Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church

Temple , Architecture

The powerful defensive church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul in Peremyshliany was built in 1645 for the Dominican monastery at the expense of the Potocki magnates who owned the city.

In 1730, the church was reconstructed and soon became a parish church. After the Second World War, the temple was closed and resumed its work only in 1997. Restoration has been carried out.

The interior design, designed by Politynskyi, has been preserved.

Map pin icon Chupernosivska Street, 3 Peremyshliany


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Петропавлівська церква, Львів
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Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church

Temple , Architecture

The Peter and Paul Church in Lviv was built in 1668 as a Catholic church of Saints Peter and Paul.

In 1750, the temple was handed over to the monastic order of the Paulines, who rebuilt the building in the Baroque style and placed their monastery in it. In 1784-1786, the Austrian authorities handed over the shrine to the Greek Catholics. In 1798, the architect Klemens Ksaveriy Fesenher built a vestibule with a tower in the style of classicism.

Since 1989, the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul belonged to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. Since December 15, 2018, it has been under the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Lychakivska Street, 82A Lviv


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Церква Володимира Великого, Зубра
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Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr the Great Church


The Church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr the Great is a visiting card of the modern village of Zubra.

The large five-domed Orthodox church on the hill is clearly visible from the Lviv district road through the village.

The church in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr the Great was built by the community of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in 1991. The interiors are decorated with colored stained-glass windows, mosaics, and wall paintings.

Map pin icon Ivana Franko Street Zubra


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Костел Святого Духа, Глиняни
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Holy Spirit Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Hlyniany was built in 1791-1831 in the style of early classicism, but at the beginning of the 20th century it was rebuilt in the neo-baroque style.

Before that, several wooden churches were built in Hlyniany from the 14th century, which often burned during fires. The new stone temple was consecrated in 1840 - these numbers are indicated on the facade. The main shrine was the icon of the Mother of God of Lopatyn, which was taken to Poland at the end of the Second World War.

In Soviet times, the building was used as a warehouse, then as office premises.

In 2000, the restored Church of the Holy Spirit was re-consecrated. It belongs to the Roman Catholic community of the city.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 34 Hlyniany


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Holy Spirit Church, Potelych
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Holy Spirit Church

Temple , Architecture , UNESCO world heritage site

The unique Church of the Sending of the Holy Spirit in Potelych is one of the oldest wooden churches in Ukraine. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in the category "Wooden Churches of the Carpathian Region of Ukraine".

The Church of the Holy Spirit was built in Potelych in 1502 by local potters on the site of an even older church of Saints Borys and Hlib. The church is three-log, two-headed, with a canopy on the crowns and brackets. The central log house is covered with a tent top with one fold, the eastern one with an octagonal top with a lantern and a top, the babinets is covered with a pitched roof. The west and south doors are decorated with wrought iron hinges of artistic work. Wrought window bars were made during the renovation in 1736.

The interior features a monumental painting from the 1620s.

Map pin icon Potelych


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Троїцька церква, Щирець
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Trinity in Shchyrets was founded in the 16th century. In the first half of the 19th century, it was rebuilt and acquired a modern appearance.

Composed of limestone, single-nave. The western facade is finished with a high pincer, decorated on the sides with decorative vases. Covered with a pitched roof, finished in the center with a signature. The undivided surfaces of the walls are enlivened by sparsely spaced semicircular window and door openings.

In Soviet times, the museum of atheism was located here.

The Trinity Church belongs to the few works of the Galician school of architecture of the 16th century.

The belfry is wooden, square in plan, three-tiered, frame construction, finished with a tent. It rests on a stone fence made of limestone from the south and east.

Map pin icon Petra Adermakha Street, 1 Shchyrets


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Костел Святої Трійці, Соколівка
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Trinity was founded in Sokolivka (the former town of Senyavka) in 1594 at the expense of the owner of the town, Anna Senyavska. The construction was completed around 1600 by the Belgian castellan Stanislav Vlodek.

The temple had defensive significance. At the beginning of the 16th century, it was surrounded by stone fortifications with corner towers, which were rebuilt in the 17th century.

Until the 19th century, the Trinity Church had 3 altars, its interior was decorated with sculptures and paintings.

The altar part was destroyed during the Second World War, and the building itself began to collapse even today, after the roof collapsed.

Map pin icon Bryhadna Street Sokolivka


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Будинок з левами, Пустомити
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House with Lions

Palace / manor , Architecture

In Pustomyty, they call the "House with lions" a palace in the style of classicism, located in a park - a monument of garden and park art of the 19th century.

There is no reliable information about the construction of the palace. Presumably, the manor was founded at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century, when Pustomyty were owned by Yakub Dominskyi. The building is two-story, rectangular with an attic and a baroque roof. The main facade is decorated with a risalite with a pediment. The park facade has a faceted risalite, built on a terrace.

The palace building was rebuilt in the 1920s, after which it lost its light and elegant silhouette. It was then that lions were installed in front of the entrance. The interiors of two octagonal halls on the first and second floors have been preserved.

Currently, the "House with Lions" houses some departments of the Pustomyty administration.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 11 Pustomyty


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Покровська церква, Львів
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built in Lviv in 1745 in the late Baroque style.

At one time, it served as the second temple of the Catholic Trinitarian monastery, then it was a parish and Jesuit church.

Today it is the Holy Intercession Cathedral of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 2А Lviv


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Музей Івана Труша, Львів
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Ivan Trush Art and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Ivan Trush Art Memorial Museum in Lviv was opened in 1989, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the artist's birth.

It is a two-storey building built in 1910 by order of the artist designed by the famous Ukrainian architect Oleksandr Lushpynsky in the style of the late Art Nouveau. He lived here with his family until the end of his life.

The museum exposition presents the main pages of the painter's life and work, presents him as a prominent Ukrainian impressionist, landscape master, portraitist, author of genre compositions, as well as popularizer of Ukrainian culture, editor and publisher of Ukrainian magazines, active public figure of the early twentieth century.

Portraits of prominent Ukrainian figures, paintings with views of Lviv and Kyiv, landscapes of the Crimea and the Carpathians, Italian and Egyptian landscapes, as well as family photos and memorials are presented.

The Ivan Trush Museum is a branch of the Lviv National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky.

Map pin icon Ivana Trusha Street, 28 Lviv


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Єзуїтський колегіум (Музейний комплекс ЛНУ), Львів
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Jesuit Collegium (LNU Museum Complex)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The three-story building of the Jesuit Collegium in Lviv was built in 1839-1842 in the style of classicism according to the project of the architect Fidelis Shtadler. After the banning of the Jesuit order, barracks were located in the premises for a certain time. In 1851, the building was transferred to Lviv University.

Currently, in the premises of the former Jesuit collegium, the biological and geological faculties of LNU, as well as the Museum complex of the university, which includes the Zoological Museum, the Paleontological Museum, the Mineralogical Museum and the Museum of Ore Formations.

The Zoological Museum of LNU is one of the oldest university museums in Europe - it was founded back in 1784 as the Cabinet of Natural History. About 10,000 exhibits in four halls represent the animal world of all continents and all water areas of the globe. The halls are equipped with multimedia panels that allow you to hear the songs of birds and see the life of animals in their natural environment.

The Paleontological Museum of LNU exhibits plant and animal remains in the form of fossils, which tell about the development of life on the planet. The museum funds include more than 18,000 paleontological and geological specimens discovered in deposits of different ages on all continents.

The mineralogical museum of LNU named after academician Yevhen Lazarenko was founded in 1852. His collection includes giant crystals of apatite from Transbaikalia, giant crystals of morion and feldspar from chamber pegmatites of Volyn, pyrites from the Berezivka gold ore deposit in the Urals, unique drusen aggregates of smoky quartz from the Urals, native sulfur from the Shor-Su deposit in Central Asia, samples meteorites

The Museum of Ore Formations of LNU exhibits various ores from more than 500 deposits of Ukraine and the world.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 4 Lviv


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Церква Іоанна Хрестителя, Львів
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John the Baptist Church (Museum of the Oldest Monuments)

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The very ancient church of John the Baptist is one of the few buildings preserved in Lviv from princely times. It is located in the Old Market (Stary rynok) area at the foot of the High Castle (Vysoky zamok).

According to legend, the Hungarian princess Constantia, the wife of Galicia-Volyn prince Lev Danylovych, king of Rus, is buried here.

The first written mention of the Church of John the Baptist in Lviv dates back to 1371. The building was rebuilt in the 19th century in the pseudo-Romanesque style, but some fragments of the original architecture have survived to this day.

Currently, the premises are occupied by the Museum of the Oldest Lviv Monuments (a branch of the Lviv National Art Gallery). The exhibition tells about culture, crafts and life in the times that belong to the founding of the city. The most valuable exhibit is the "Lviv Mother of God" icon (XIV century). A plastic panorama of Lviv from the 18th century is also exhibited.

Since 2009, UGCC services have been held in the church every Sunday and on holidays.

Map pin icon Uzhhorodska Street, 1 Lviv


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Комарнівський замок, Комарно
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Komarno Castle

Castle / fortress

The earth ramparts of the bastion-type Komarno castle have been preserved in the city of Komarno at the exit towards Peremozhne.

The castle was founded in the 15th century by the Galician elder Stanislav Khodetskyi. In the 18th century, the castle lost its importance after the owner of Komarno, Antoniy Yuzef Lyantskoronskyi, built a new tycoon's residence nearby.

Now the castle is used as a stadium "Gazovik" with a football field in the castle yard and tribunes on ramparts with corner bastions that are clearly visible. Nearby is an old Victorian brick building, which now houses one of the buildings of the city hospital.

Map pin icon Sambirska Street, 28 Komarno


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