Attractions of Zvenyhorodka district

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Географічний центр України, Шпола
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Geographical Center of Ukraine


The location with geographic coordinates of 49*01"39" north latitude and 31*28"58" east longitude was officially approved as the geographic center of Ukraine in 2005 by the decision of the State Committee of Natural Resources according to the results of research by the Research Institute of Geodesy and Cartography.

Before that, it was believed that the geographical center of Ukraine is located next to the urban-type village of Dobrovelichkivka, Kirovohrad Region, where a memorial sign was installed back in 1989. The point in Dobrovelychkivka was awarded another honorary title - the geometric center of Ukraine.

According to updated data, the center of Ukraine is located in the middle of a field to the east of Shpola, next to the village of Maryanivka. The location is 3 kilometers from the highway N-16 "Cherkasy - Uman", behind the railway tracks - a small memorial sign has been installed at this place.

Directly opposite the turn from the highway to Maryanivka, in 2012, the construction of the historical and tourist complex "Geographical Center of Ukraine" began. Previously, at the entrance to Shpola from the Smila side, a granite monument was installed with the outline of the territory of Ukraine, markings of Kyiv, Shpola and Maryanivka, and the inscription "Shpolyanshchyna - the geographical center of Ukraine".

Map pin icon Heroyiv Krut Street Shpola


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Палац Шувалових, Тальне
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Count Shuvalov's Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The romantic palace-castle of the Naryshkin-Shuvalov Counts in the town of Talne is one of the most interesting palaces of the Cherkasy region, an architectural monument of national significance at the beginning of the 20th century.

The manor in Talne was established back in 1725 by Count Frantsishek Saleziy Potocki, but it reached its greatest prosperity under Petro Shuvalov. It was he who in 1902-1907 built a two-story palace in the form of French hunting castles of the Renaissance era according to the project of the famous Danish architect Andreas Klemmensen. The coat of arms with a unicorn adorns the main facade of the building.

Shuvalov was married to Sofiya Naryshkina, daughter of Count Lev Naryshkin, who, in turn, received the estate as a dowry from his wife Olha Potocka, daughter of the famous Sofiya Potocka, in whose honor the Uman Park "Sofiyivka" was built. Tombstones from the graves of Sofiya, Petro and Pavlo Shuvalov have been preserved near the palace.

The palace is located in the middle of the English park "Talnivskyi" of the XVIII-XIX centuries, which is a monument of garden and park art of national importance. Separate buildings from the second half of the 19th century have been preserved on the territory of the manor: the foundations of the old palace, the basement of the old kitchen, a cellar, the gardener's and forester's houses, etc.

During Soviet times, the palace housed a museum of agriculture, as a large settlement of the Trypillia culture, which is considered the oldest agricultural culture in the world, was found on the territory of the city.

Since 2022, the palace and the park are under the management of the utility company "Talne Palace and Park Complex of the Shuvalovs". The palace has been undergoing long-term restoration for many years, and the creation of a museum is planned. Visits must be arranged with security.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street, 84 Talne


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Костел Святої Анни, Тальне
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anna in Talne was built in 1702 by the Potocki family, which owned the town in the 18th and 19th centuries.

During the Soviet rule, the church was closed, the building was used for household purposes.

In 1992, the shrine was returned to the Catholic community of the city, restored under the direction of the artist Kulahin.

Map pin icon Samoylova Street, 22 Talne


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Совин Яр, Водяники
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"Sovyn Yar" Architectural and Landscape Complex

Park / garden , Ethnographic complex

The architectural and landscape ethnographic complex "Sovyn Yar" was opened in 2024 at the initiative of the rector of the Cherkasy National University named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the former governor of the Cherkasy region, Oleksandr Cherevko, in his native village of Vodianyky in the Cherkasy region.

45 architectural objects, sculptural compositions and monuments tell about the history of the region, its legends and tales. Among them is the sign of the foundation of the village of Vodianyky "Trident", reconstruction of the 17th-century Cossack Ascension Church, a parish school with a bell tower, a complex of windmills, a sculptural composition "Seven Saints" and ancient Cossack crosses.

The basis of the complex is Kateryna's Park, named after the wife of the founder of the complex. Its architectural elements are dedicated to the themes of love and family: "Vodianyky pedigree" (sculptor Mykola Telizhenko), "Arch of Eternity", "Legends of Sovyn Yar", "Guardian Angel of Kateryna's Park", etc.

On the shores of the ponds there are recreation areas. Nearby is a recreation complex with a hotel and a restaurant.

Map pin icon Grudzynskoho Street Vodianyky


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Військовий центр-музей Шампань, Шампанія
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All-Ukrainian military-patriotic center-museum "Shampan"

Museum / gallery

The Military-Patriotic Center-Museum in Shampaniia was established in 2011 by brothers Oleh and Ruslan Boyko with the participation of the Ukrainian Union of Veterans of Afghanistan.

On the territory of the enterprise "Shampantrans" it is possible to get acquainted with the operating military equipment of the Soviet times: various modifications of armored personnel carriers, BRDM, BMP; BAZ 6944 rocket carrier and ATC-59 tractor; ZIL 157 and ZIL-131 trucks; army ATVs, motorcycles, etc.

Also presented are a variety of small arms (machine guns MG-34, "Maxim", KPVT, PTC; submachine guns "Thompson", MR-38, PPSH, PPS, AK-47 and their modifications, rifles, pistols, etc.) and military uniform different times.

Excursions are held in the fleet and at the weapons depot. It is possible to change into military uniforms of different armies and periods (for photos with weapons), as well as to shoot from small arms. Rental of military equipment.

Map pin icon hamlet Boykova Shampan Shampaniia


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Хрестовоздвиженська церква, Кошмак
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Ascension of Cross Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Ascension of the Cross in the village of Koshmak was built in 1901 on the site of the old church, which was first mentioned in 1798.

The current church was built according to the standard, so-called diocesan project.

During the Soviet rule, in 1929, the dome was removed from the church and it was transformed into a club. During the years of the German occupation, the church resumed service, but after the Second World War it was closed again and adapted to a collective farm warehouse.

The Church of the Ascension became active in 1997. Since then, permanent repairs have been ongoing. Currently, the temple is in an emergency condition.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Koshmak


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Успенська церква, В’язівок
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Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Vyazivok was built in 1771 instead of the old Assumption Church, known since 1723.

In plan, the church is built in the shape of a cross, ending with a central dome.

During Soviet times, the dome was removed. During the German occupation, the premises were used as a warehouse.

Today, the Assumption Church is once again decorated with a dome painted from the inside by Kyiv artists. In 1996, the entire roof of the church was covered with a new metal sheet. During these works, hidden crosses that were once on the domes were found above the sacristy.

The church has a library of spiritual literature.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Vyazivok


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Успенська церква, Чаплинка
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Assumption Church of the Mother of God

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Chaplynka was founded in the 19th century at the expense of a local landowner.

In 1933, the temple was closed, and after the Second World War it was destroyed.

The Church of the Assumption was restored only in 1993 at the expense of Mykola Suprun, a native of the neighboring village of Poradivka, the husband of People's Deputy Lyudmyla Suprun.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 62 Chaplynka


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Міський історичний музей, Багачеве
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Bahacheve Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The city history museum was opened in the city of Bahacheve in 1997 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the city.

The museum has two exhibition halls and one exhibition hall with a total area of ​​180 square meters. The museum funds include over 2 thousand exhibits, among which are unique - mammoth bones, shark teeth. Exhibitions of works by local craftswomen of decorative and applied arts, artists, amateur photographers and works by students of the city art school are held here.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 19/1 Bahacheve


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Городище Бурти, Чаплинка
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Burty Hillfort

Archaeological site

Burty Hillfort is located 1 kilometer north of Chaplynka village. Earthen ramparts 10-12 meters high surround the territory of 1.9 hectares.

Traditionally, "Burty" is attributed to Scythian times (VI-VII centuries BC), however, recent research has revealed burials of the Bronze Age (2-3 millennia BC) in the center of the settlement.

In Cossack times, the ramparts were used as fortifications by the troops of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, then Colonel Semen Paliy. The "Black Path" of Tatar raids passed 8 kilometers to the northeast of "Burtiv". During the Korsun-Shevchenkskyi battle (World War II), German troops placed an artillery battery here, but they did not last long. At that time, the settlement occupied up to 12 hectares.

In the 1960s and 1970s, "Burty" was intensively plowed. Today, it is a monument not only of archeology, but also of nature, as representatives of the "Red Book of Ukraine" can be found among the local vegetation.

Map pin icon Chaplynka


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Будинок дяка, Шевченкове
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Deacon House

Museum / gallery

The house of the Deacon, where Taras Shevchenko studied literacy.

The only building on the territory of the village of Shevchenkove that has survived in its original form from the Tarasian times.

The house was built in 1782, restored in 1999. Placed in a glass pavilion.

Map pin icon Myrna Street Shevchenkove


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Руїни складу, Бужанка
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Factory Warehouse Ruins


The warehouse of the sugar factory in Buzhanka was built together with the factory itself in 1851 by Countess Sofiya Potocka, daughter of Count Kostyantyn Branytsky, who owned the village in the 19th century.

For a long time, the warehouse was used for its intended purpose. At the moment, the building has no roof and does not have a protected status. It resembles the ruins of a medieval castle or prison.

Map pin icon Buzhanka


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Заповідник Трипільська культура, Легедзине
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Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trypillian Culture"

Museum / gallery , Archaeological site

The giant Trypillya settlement, on the basis of which the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trypillian culture" was created in 2003, is located between the villages of Lehedzyne and Talianky. Belongs to III-IV millennia BC. It occupies an area of 450 hectares.

It was the largest known human settlement of that time - up to 15,000 people lived here. Up to 3,000 wooden houses of Trypillyans were located in concentric circles, which were surrounded by a protective rampart.

Currently, the reserve includes 11 hillforts within the Cherkasy region.

In Lehedzyne, the Museum of Giant Settlements was created, where Trypillya ceramics and other finds are presented. The creation of an open-air museum (open-air museum) is underway, where visitors can already live in reconstructed Trypillya houses and take part in archaeological excavations.

Map pin icon Prykordonnykiv Street, 5 Lehedzyne


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Тарасова криниця, Лисянка
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Historical-Ethnographic Complex "Tarasova Krynytsya"

Ethnographic complex

The historical-ethnographic complex "Tarasova Krynytsya" was created in Lysianka in 2007-2008 as part of the "Golden Horseshoe of Cherkasy region" program.

The future poet and artist Taras Shevchenko visited Lysyanka at a young age, when he fled here from Kerelyvka to learn painting from the local count Yukhym. At this place there was a well from which little Taras carried water to his school.

Now the complex is in desolation.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelʹnytskoho Street Lysianka


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Садиба Головинських, Стеблів
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Holovynsky Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The manor of the Holovynsky landowners in Stebliv is located on the high rocky bank of the Bobrovytsya River at its confluence with the Ros.

The Holovynsky took ownership of Stebliv in 1812 from its senior owners, the Voronetsky. The new owners contributed to the industrial development of the town by building sugar and distilleries, as well as a large cloth factory.

In their estate, the Holovynskis laid out a park with gazebos and built a palace with outbuildings. In 1825, Herman Holovynsky hosted the Polish poet Adam Mitskevych here. The wing in which the poet lived has been preserved. The rest of the manor buildings, including the palace, were destroyed during the Soviet era.

Not far from the outhouse is the "Mitskevych Rock", which offers a magnificent panorama of Ros.

Map pin icon Partyzanska Sreet, 9 Stebliv


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