Attractions of Chuhuiv district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Chuhuiv district

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Chuhuiv district


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Регіональний ландшафтний парк "Печенізьке поле", Печеніги
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"Pechenizke Pole" Regional Landscape Park


The regional landscape park "Pechenizke Pole" was created in 1990 on the shore of the Pechenihy Reservoir, on the border of the steppe and forest-steppe.

Its area is about 4.5 thousand hectares. On the territory of the park there is an untouched area of ​​the Ukrainian meadow-steppe, where many rare plants grow, including those listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. There is an agricultural farm here, which restores the population of bustards - rare steppe birds, which, like ostriches, do not fly, but move by running on the ground. The park is also home to baboons and other rare animals.

The territory of the landscape park "Pechenizke Pole" stretches along the streams of Hnyluska and Sulymiv Yar, leading to the Pechenihy Reservoir.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 31 Pechenihy


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Маєток Бекарюкових, Василівка
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Bekaryukov's Estate

Palace / manor

The ruins of the former estate of the Bekaryukovs are located on the top of the hill above the village of Vasylivka.

In the center of the manor is a low house with a portico, and in front of it - outbuildings decorated with pillars and even columns stretched forward on both sides.

A garden with linden avenues has been preserved to this day.

Map pin icon Vasylivka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Чугуїв
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Chuhuiv Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Chuhuiv Museum of Local Lore is located in an officer's house from the period of military settlements (19th century).

The collection includes about 10,000 items: antique furniture, clothes, weapons, awards, ethnographic materials, archaeological finds, documents and photographs from different years.

The museum has permanent exhibitions dedicated to the founding of the city, military history, an exhibition from the museum's funds, private collections and other sources. They reveal the pages of the past from the construction of the Chuhuiv fortress in the 17th century to the present day.

Map pin icon Hvardiyska Street, 10 Chuhuiv


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Козача гора, Коропове
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Cossack Mountain

Historic area

A high cliff above Siverskyi Donets on the southern outskirts of the village of Koropove, from its 60-meter height offers wonderful views of the surrounding area.

Nicknamed Cossack Mountain, because the Cossack Nicholas monastery was located nearby, the ruins of which have been preserved in the village. When Empress Catherine II liquidated the Zaporizhzhia Sich in 1788, the monastery in which many fugitive Cossacks were hiding was also destroyed.

According to legend, Cossacks in monastic robes broke through the ranks of Russian troops surrounding the monastery and threw themselves from the bank cliff into the river, trying to escape by swimming. Today, a memorial cross has been erected on the mountain.

Map pin icon Koropove


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Музей бойового братерства, Соколове
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Fighting Fraternity Museum

Museum / gallery

The Fighting Fraternity Museum was opened in the village of Sokolove, where Czechoslovak volunteers of the 1st Separate Czechoslovak Battalion under the command of Colonel Lyudvik Svoboda first fought against the German-fascist forces in 1943 during the Second World War.

During the battle, about 300 enemy soldiers and officers, 19 tanks and 6 armored personnel carriers were destroyed. Second Lieutenant Otakar Yarosh was the first foreign citizen to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Other Czechoslovak and Soviet soldiers who fought side by side with them also received orders and medals.

The diorama "The Battle of March 8, 1943 in the village of Sokolove" occupies the central place in the exposition of the Fighting Fraternity Museum.

Documents, personal belongings, uniforms of Czechoslovak soldiers, samples of military equipment are also presented. Gifts and souvenirs from foreign guests are displayed separately.

Map pin icon Otakara Yarosha Street, 68 Sokolove


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Музей–заповідник "Верхній Салтів"
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Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve "Verkhniy Saltiv" named after Vasyl Babenko

Museum / gallery , Archaeological site

Historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Verkhniy Saltyv" named after Vasyl Babenko is located on the high right bank of the Pechenehy reservoir (Siverskyi Donets river).

In 1900, local teacher Vasyl Babenko discovered a large iron age catacomb burial here. Later, the ancient city of Sarada (VIII-X centuries), founded by Alans (immigrants from the Caucasus), which was part of the Khazar Khaganate, was excavated. The hillfort with an area of 120 hectares was surrounded by three lines of fortifications. The inner shaft is fortified with a stone wall 3 meters thick. According to the place of discovery, this archaeological culture was called Saltivska.

In 1989, the historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Verkhniy Saltiv" was created on the basis of the Verkhniy Saltiv complex. Part of the archaeological finds made here is presented in the museum exposition.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 24 Verkhnii Saltiv


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Свято-Богоявленська церква, Молодова
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Holy Epiphany Church

Temple , Architecture

The small one-story brick church of the Epiphany is located in the center of the village of Molodova on a high hill.

The temple was built for ten years at the expense of small landowners and residents of the surrounding villages, services began in 1896. In the 1930s, the church was closed by the Soviet authorities, and the high bell tower was destroyed.

Until 2011, the building stood dilapidated. Currently, the Holy Epiphany Church in Molodova is being restored.

Map pin icon Molodova


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Свято-Покровський собор, Чугуїв
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Holy Intercession Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Intercession Cathedral is an architectural monument that adorns the central square of Chuhuiv.

It was built in the first half of the 19th century according to the project of the architect Vasyl Stasov in the style of classicism. The cathedral was built under the leadership of the architects of the military settlements, and the construction was completed by the architect Schrader. The mosaics and frescoes were executed by the Italian artist Petro Rosetti (he was assisted by local masters), icon painting works by the Kharkiv artist Ivan Kulikov.

During Soviet times, the building lost its dome, bell tower and all interior decoration. Until recently, a picture gallery was located here. In 2009, the cathedral was returned to believers, and restoration is underway.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 5 Chuhuiv


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Музей горілки, Малинівка
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Horilka Museum

Museum / gallery

The first Ukrainian horilka museum opened in 2008 on the territory of the Prime distillery near Chuhuiv.

The exhibition features unusual glasses, hand-poured decanters, moonshine machines, old and modern bottles, labels and posters from different historical eras and many others. More than 1,000 unique exhibits reveal the history of the production and consumption of a drink traditional for the Slavic peoples.

Free tours of the factory are held, during which you can familiarize yourself with the production process and visit the main workshops of the factory: depalletization, water preparation, three levels of blending workshops, a bottling and palletizing workshop, as well as premises of the administrative and household complex - a laboratory, a tasting room, a Mendeleev gallery, etc. .

You can order a professional tasting of TM Prime products.

Map pin icon Olimpiyska Street, 1 Malynivka


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Музей Іллі Рєпіна, Чугуїв
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Illya Repin Art Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Art Memorial Museum house-museum of Illya Repin is located in Chuhuiv in a small one-story building from the time of military settlements (beginning of the 19th century) on the former Nikitynska Street, where the famous artist lived and worked in 1876-1877.

The initial - quite simple situation is recreated. The main exposition is devoted to the Chuhuiv period in Repin's life and work, as well as to the artist's close ties with Ukraine, which were not interrupted throughout his life.

Repin's personal belongings are collected here - a blue velvet beret, a white vest, a device for quick removal of shoes and others.

Unique works of local painters and icon painters of the 19th century - Repin's teachers from Chuhuiv are also presented. Four icons and some other works of Repin are exhibited: a portrait of Verovkina, drawings, etchings.

The museum's collections also include works by famous artists from the Repin area: Valentyn Syerov, Volodymyr Mayakovsky, Petro Vereshchahin, Mykola Pymonenko, Ivan Pelevin.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Street, 8 Chuhuiv


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Харківська Швейцарія, Зміїв
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Kharkiv Switzerland

Natural object

"Kharkiv Switzerland" is a picturesque area in the valley of the Siverskyi Donets river south of Zmiiv.

The hills above the river offer wonderful views that have long inspired artists. Thus, the artist Petro Levchenko depicted this area in the painting "In the Kharkiv Region".

It is most convenient to climb the hills in the area of the bridge over the Siverskyi Donets at the entrance to Zadonetske.

Map pin icon 2nd kilometer of the T-2105 highway Zmiiv


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Кицівська пустеля (Бугристі піски), Кицівка
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Kytsivka Desert (Humpy Sands)

Natural object

Humpy sands are the only semi-desert in the Kharkiv region (sometimes called the Kharkiv or Kytsivka desert).

Aeolian sand deposits, similar to dunes, arose on the site of a tank training ground near Chuhuiv, which was operated from the 1960s to the 1990s. The sandy hills are covered in places with moss, lichen, grass and shrubs.

A huge sandy area attracts extreme jeepers. Sometimes there are rusty shells.

Map pin icon Kytsivka


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Штаб військових поселень (Художня галерея), Чугуїв
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Military Settlements Headquarters (Art Gallery)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The tall building with a clock tower in the center of Chuhuiv was built in 1831 to house the divisional corps and district headquarters of the military settlements of the Slobidsko-Ukrainian (Kharkiv) province, the district center of which was the city of Chuhuiv from 1817 to 1857.

The corps of military topographers was also located here, where 13-year-old Illya Repin studied in 1857. After the liquidation of the military settlements, the building was adapted for a military school, where many famous people studied. In different years, the following were located here: the school of red officers, the Suvoriv school, the school of junior flight officers, the training center of border troops.

Currently, the building has been partially restored, and an art gallery has been opened in it. The works of the laureates of the State Prize named after Illya Repin are presented: Lidiya Brodska, Oleksiy Hrytsay, Heliy Korzhev, Andriy Kurnakov, Oleksandr Laktionov, Mykola Romadin, Valentyn Sydorov, Volodymyr Stozharov, brothers Tkachovs, Borys Uharov, Mykola Fomin.

The building stands on a steep hill, which offers the best view of the picturesque surroundings of Chuhuiv.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 2 Chuhuiv


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Краєзнавчий музей (Ново-Бєлгородський централ), Печеніги
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Museum of Local Lore (Novo-Belhorod Central)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Museum of Local Lore named after Trokhym Sulima is located in the center of the village of Pechenihy in the historical building of the former Novo-Belhorod convict Central Prison for political prisoners.

The Novo-Belhorod convict Central Prison was built in Pechenihy (at that time - Novo-Belhorod) in 1854 and was part of the complex of buildings of the military settlement. At different times, well-known populists served their terms here: Oleksandr Dolhushyn, Ipolyt Myshkin, Yakiv Rybitsky, revolutionary worker Petro Aleksyeyev and others. The Ukrainian poet-revolutionary Pavlo Hrabovskyi was also imprisoned here. A cell with bunk beds and black-painted windows has been preserved.

The Pechenihy Museum of Local Lore was opened on March 26, 2002. The basis of the museum collection was the items from the former Public Historical Museum of the village of Pechenihy. The museum's funds include more than 3,300 objects, which are exhibited in 12 exhibition halls.

Of special value are the archaeological finds from the excavations of burial mounds of the catacomb culture of the III millennium BC and Neolithic settlements of the V-IV millennia BC.

Map pin icon Poshtovy lane, 1 Pechenihy


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Гомільшанські ліси, Коропове
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National Natural Park "Homilsha Forests"

Natural object

The Homilsha Forests are a reserve massif of deciduous forest on the banks of the Siverskyi Donets River 40 kilometers south of Kharkiv, between the villages of Velyka Homilsha and Koropove.

The national nature park "Homilsha Forests" was created in 2004, but as early as the 18th century, Peter I drew attention to the natural value of local landscapes, issuing a decree on the allocation of protected ship groves near Homilsha. In the 1970s, the "Homilsha Forest Dacha" reserve was created, recreation centers began to appear around it.

The list of rare plants in the forest is 132 species. One of the areas is called a "branch of the taiga" because very tall silver fir trees grow here. About 500 hectares of 130-150-year-old oak forest have been preserved to this day, and there are some 300-year-old oaks.

Rare birds are found here, including the white-tailed eagle, the burying eagle, the blue kingfisher, the bee-eater, the white-tailed eagle, the vulture, and others. Waterfowl liked the picturesque Kosach Bay.

Archaeological monuments of the Stone and Bronze Age, hillforts and burial grounds of Scythian, Alanic and Slavic antiquity have been preserved.

Map pin icon Monastyrska Street, 27 Koropove


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