Attractions of Oleksandriia district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Oleksandriia district

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Oleksandriia district


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Будинок Дмитра Чижевського, Олександрія
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Dmytro Chyzhevsky's House

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi in Oleksandriia opened in 2022 in the house where this outstanding Ukrainian scientist-encyclopedist, culturologist, philosopher and literary critic spent his childhood and youth.

Dmytro Chyzhevskyi was born in 1894 in a noble family, descendants of the wealthy Cossacks and Ukrainian nobility, representatives of one of the branches of the ancient Chizh family. Since 1904, the Chizhevski family lived in a one-story brick house on the current Shevchenko Street, engaged in public and educational activities.

The museum exposition reproduces the atmosphere of provincial life at the beginning of the 20th century. Furniture in the style of that era, a piano, an antique clock, a camera and a telescope similar to Chizhevsky's father's telescope are presented. First editions of Chyzhevsky's books, family documents and photographs are exhibited.

The museum offers tours on the topics "The world of hobbies of the Chizhevsky family", "The role of the Chizhevsky family in the history of the Oleksandriia city", "The foreign period of life and scientific work of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi", as well as an interactive excursion with a game of croquet "Childhood, youth and hobbies of Dmytro Chyzhevskyi" .

The "Dmytro Chyzhevsky's House" is a department of the Oleksandriia City Museum Center named after Antonina Khudyakova.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 66 Oleksandriia


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Богоявленський монастир, Диківка
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Holy Epiphany Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Epiphany Convent in Dykivka was founded in 1996 on the basis of an ancient church built in 1875 by the Serbian army under the command of Colonel Khorvat.

In 1953, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities and turned into a granary, and then converted into a hospital.

In 1993, the temple with the adjacent buildings was handed over to the church community and the creation of the first women's monastery in the Kirovohrad region began.

The Dykivka monastery is called a family monastery, because the nuns live there with their children, and relatives come to them in the summer.

The interior decoration of the monastery church is filled with a large number of icons, including the miraculous icon of Saint Nicholas.

When entering the temple, you must take off your shoes. The territory of the monastery is well-kept, there are many flowers.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street Dykivka


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Кременчуцька ГЕС, Світловодськ
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Kremenchuk HPP


Kremenchuk HPP is the third stage of the Dnipro cascade of hydroelectric power plants.

In operation since 1959, when the 1st unit was put into operation. The last, 12th unit, was launched in 1960.

The reservoir of the Kremenchuk HPP is one of the largest in Ukraine (the area of the mirror is 2,250 square kilometers). The power of the station is 700.4 MW, the average annual electricity production is 1506 million kWh.

Excursions to the Kremenchuk HPP are conducted by prior agreement.

Map pin icon Svitlovodsk


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Стара школа, Онуфріївка
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Old School


The historical building of the Onufriivka Lyceum (former school No. 1) is an architectural monument of local importance. This is one of the few architectural monuments of Onufriivka, preserved from the beginning of the 20th century.

The large two-story school was built in 1906-1911 at his own expense by Count Mykhaylo Tolstoy, who lived with his family in Onufriivka. The red brick building is made in an eclectic style with elements of classicism and modernism, decorated with forged elements. The granite stairs, wrought iron railings, ancient tiles on the floor, original relief decor have been preserved.

From September 1939 to June 1941, the outstanding teacher Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi worked as a teacher in this school (the Sukhomlynsky Museum was opened in nearby Pavlysh). During the Second World War, the German commandant's office was located in the school building.

After a new three-story school building was built nearby in 1974, the old school housed a school library with a reading room and some classrooms.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 24 Onufriivka


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Музейний центр, Олександрія
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Oleksandriia City Museum Center named after Antonina Khudyakova

Museum / gallery

The Oleksandriia City Museum Center named after Antonina Khudyakova was created in 1967.

For a long time, the museum worked on a public basis, in 1991 it received state status. It bears the name of Antonina Khudyakova, who was the director of the museum in 1980-1991.

The total number of exhibits of the main fund is over 17,000 items. The exposition of the museum is located in two departments - historical and natural.

In addition, the ethnography of the region is represented separately by a model of a Ukrainian house and various household items: dishes, household utensils, work tools, etc.

The museum houses collections of paper money and coins of different eras and countries, a selection of old photographs.

Among the museum's valuable exhibits are personal belongings, a spacesuit, devices, equipment for training and work at the orbital station of cosmonaut Leonid Popov, a native of Oleksandriia.

"Dmytro Chyzhevsky's House" is a branch of the Oleksandriia City Museum Center named after Antonina Khudyakova.

Map pin icon Perspektyvna Street, 14 Oleksandriia


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Онуфріївський краєзнавчий музей, будинок земства
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Onufriivka Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Onufriivka Local Lore Museum opened in 1994 in the building of the former Zemstvo administration, built by Count Mykhailo Tolstoy at the beginning of the 20th century. The exposition in 15 halls introduces various stages of the history of the Onufriivka region and the culture of its inhabitants.

The historical expositions present tools of the Stone Age, things from the Scythian period, materials about the foundation of the village in the 18th century and its stay as part of New Serbia. The exhibition "Ukrainian House" demonstrates the daily life and customs of the Ukrainian people - the biggest attention here is a huge needle about a meter long, intended for sewing the roof.

The history of the Tolstoy family - the largest landowners in the Onufriivka region - is revealed in the exhibition "To multiply, protect, love, grateful memory calls." In the chapter on the period of the First World War and three revolutions, the panorama "Battle of Denikinites with a detachment of Red Army men" is presented. The expositions "Swinging bells of memory: times of repression", "Onufriivka region in the Second World War", "The era of socialism in the territory of Onufriivka region", "Russian-Ukrainian war" tell about difficult pages of history.

An exhibition of works of decorative and applied art and a gallery of famous people of Onufriivka region are also presented.

Map pin icon Nazarenko Street, 3 Onufriivka


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Онуфріївський парк
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Onufriivskyi Park

Park / garden

The ancient Onufriivskyi Park with a cascade of ponds is a monument of garden and park art of the second half of the 19th century. This is one of the most attractive objects of natural tourism in the Kirovohrad region.

The landscape park with an area of 51.7 hectares is located in the floodplain of two rivers Omelnyk and Omelnychok, on the territory of the former count estate Tolstoy in Onufriivka. The Tolstoy family founded the park in the early 1820s. In the 1880s, the construction of a new part of the park was completed, a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a stable, a water tower, a boat station, a summer dance floor, a wine cellar, original gazebos, and bridges were built. An embankment island with a gazebo and a swimming pool (now known as the "Island of Love") was arranged. The main entrance, the White dining room and the ruins of some other buildings have been preserved.

About 50 exotic and rare species of plants have been preserved in the Onufriivskyi park: Japanese pagoda tree, Virginian juniper, Common hackberr, Crimean pine, European larch, etc. Bicentennial willows grow along the banks.

Map pin icon Hrafa Tolstoho Street, 55 Onufriivka


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Петрівський краєзнавчий музей
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Petrove Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Petrove Museum of Local Lore is located in the center of the urban-type village of Petrove, in a neat square next to the village cultural center. Works since 1967.

The exposition in four halls tells about the nature, history and culture of the part of the Kirovohrad region, where the village is located. In particular, some archaeological materials, an ethnographic selection, household objects of the XIX-XX centuries are presented.

The Second World War section has a large collection of fragments of weapons, cartridges, cartridges, military uniforms and equipment, found or given to the museum for preservation by eyewitnesses.

A special place is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933, when a large part of the inhabitants of this region suffered from the artificial famine arranged by the Bolsheviks.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 43 Petrove


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Краєзнавчий музей, Світловодськ
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Svitlovodsk City Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Svitlovodsk city museum of local lore is located in the historical building in which the original builder of Svitlovodsk Mykhaylo Karpov lived. It started with a museum room at the House of Culture, opened in 1970.

One of the most interesting expositions is devoted to the legendary city of Krylov (since 1822 - Novoheorhiivsk), which fell into the flood zone of the Kremenchuk Reservoir. Photos of the missing city, copies of archival documents were submitted.

Separate expositions are devoted to paleontology, the events of the Second World War, and urban planning.

Map pin icon Haharina Street, 21 Svitlovodsk


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Музей Василя Сухомлинського, Павлиш
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Vasyl Sukhomlynsky Memorial and Pedagogical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Vasyl Sukhomlynsky Memorial Pedagogical Museum was opened in 1971 at the Pavlysh Secondary School, which the outstanding teacher managed from 1948 for 22 years.

Here he conducted his long-term pedagogical experiment, as a result of which he created an original system of raising children.

The museum fund includes more than 20,000 storage units. Pedagogical documentation of the school from the 1950s and 1960s, manuscripts of Sukhomlynsky's literary and scientific and pedagogical works, and personal documents are presented. The interior of the office and apartment of the Sukhomlynsky family has been preserved.

You can inspect the school grounds: several educational premises, a school garden, green classrooms.

Map pin icon Vasylya Sukhomlynskoho Street, 4 Pavlysh


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Захарівський музей історії
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Zakharivka History Museum

Museum / gallery

The History Museum in Zakharivka is considered one of the largest rural museums in the Kirovohrad Region - its holdings include more than 13,000 objects from the main holding alone. The exhibition is housed in 15 rooms of the former kindergarten.

The basis of the museum's collection is the materials about the 116th Kharkiv Rifle Division, which liberated Zakharivka from the German occupiers in 1943. Searchers managed to establish the names of about a hundred fallen heroes buried in a mass grave on the territory of the village. Fragments of weapons and military equipment are presented.

The ethnographic section exhibits things preserved by the inhabitants of the villages of the Novoheorhiyvka district, which were flooded in the 1960s by the waters of the Kremenchuk Reservoir during the construction of the Kremenchuk HPP. Among them are furniture, household items, work tools, photos, toys, postcards. A collection of embroidered fabrics and antique towels is presented, including a wedding towel embroidered in 1813.

Impressive collections of ancient musical instruments, as well as hand, pocket and wall clocks, which are presented about 1.5 thousand copies.

Map pin icon Haharina Street, 2 Zakharivka


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