
Travel guide online Opishnia

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Opishnia

The largest center and informal capital of Ukrainian pottery. The village of Opishnia is located 45 km from Poltava, on the Poltava-Hadiach highway.

It was first mentioned in the XII, then in the XV century, although Scythian and other settlements existed here much earlier. In the XVI-XVII centuries. the town of potters, furriers and shoemakers was a Cossack outpost (medieval dungeons have been preserved). In 1668, the Cossack council in Opishnia refused to recognize the terms of the Andrusiv peace, according to which Ukraine was divided between Russia and Poland.

The wooden Saint Nicholas Church (1730) has been preserved.

The heyday and glory of the "capital of ceramics" came in the 18th century, when there were 200 artisans here, and by the end. XIX century ...

The largest center and informal capital of Ukrainian pottery. The village of Opishnia is located 45 km from Poltava, on the Poltava-Hadiach highway.

It was first mentioned in the XII, then in the XV century, although Scythian and other settlements existed here much earlier. In the XVI-XVII centuries. the town of potters, furriers and shoemakers was a Cossack outpost (medieval dungeons have been preserved). In 1668, the Cossack council in Opishnia refused to recognize the terms of the Andrusiv peace, according to which Ukraine was divided between Russia and Poland.

The wooden Saint Nicholas Church (1730) has been preserved.

The heyday and glory of the "capital of ceramics" came in the 18th century, when there were 200 artisans here, and by the end. XIX century. there were already about 1 thousand of them. Ceramics by the masters of Opishnia are exhibited at world exhibitions, they were purchased by the best museums in the world.

In 1986, the National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Pottery was founded, there are estate-museums of folk craftsmen.

The products of folk craftsmen can be purchased at the Opishnia ceramics market, which is located near the bus station on the central street of the village.

The Zdvyh pottery festival is held annually in early July in Opishnia.

Найбільший центр і неформальна столиця українського гончарства. Село Опішня розташоване в 45 кілометрах від Полтави, на автотрасі Полтава-Гадяч.

Вперше згадується в XII сторіччі, потім в XV столітті, хоча скіфські та інші поселення існували тут набагато раніше. В XVI-XVII столітті містечко гончарів, кушнірів і шевців було козацьким форпостом (збереглися середньовічні підземелля). У 1668 році козацька рада в Опішні відмовилася визнавати умови Андрусьєвского миру, згідно з яким Україна була поділена між Росією і Польщею.

Збереглася дерев'яна Миколаївська церква (1730 рік).

Розквіт і слава "столиці кераміки" прийшли в XVIII столітті, коли тут налічувалося 200 ремісників, а до кінця XIX століття їх було вже близько 1 тисячі. Керамічні вироби опішнянських майс ...

Найбільший центр і неформальна столиця українського гончарства. Село Опішня розташоване в 45 кілометрах від Полтави, на автотрасі Полтава-Гадяч.

Вперше згадується в XII сторіччі, потім в XV столітті, хоча скіфські та інші поселення існували тут набагато раніше. В XVI-XVII столітті містечко гончарів, кушнірів і шевців було козацьким форпостом (збереглися середньовічні підземелля). У 1668 році козацька рада в Опішні відмовилася визнавати умови Андрусьєвского миру, згідно з яким Україна була поділена між Росією і Польщею.

Збереглася дерев'яна Миколаївська церква (1730 рік).

Розквіт і слава "столиці кераміки" прийшли в XVIII столітті, коли тут налічувалося 200 ремісників, а до кінця XIX століття їх було вже близько 1 тисячі. Керамічні вироби опішнянських майстрів експонуються на всесвітніх виставках, їх придбали кращі музеї світу.

В 1986 році засновано Національний музей-заповідник українського гончарства, діють садиби-музеї народних майстрів.

Продукцію народних умільців можна придбати на ринку опішнянської кераміки, який розташований біля автостанції на центральній вулиці селища.

Щорічно на початку липня в Опішні проходить гончарський фестиваль "Здвиг".

Сплануй своє перебування у Opishnia

What to see and where to go in Opishnia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Opishnia

Krychevsky Family Museum, Opishnia
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Krychevsky artistic family Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The house of Krychevsky-Lebishchak in Opishnia is the premises of the former Opishnia Pottery Demonstration Point of the Poltava Provincial Zemstvo (Zemsky Pottery School).

It was built in 1916 in the style of Ukrainian Art Nouveau according to the project of the outstanding architect and painter Vasyl Krychevskyi, the author of the Ukrainian Trident, with the participation of Yuriy Lebishchak, an instructor of pottery production, technologist-ceramist from Galicia.

For many years, the Krychevsky-Lebischak House was the center of pottery life in Opishnia. In 1925, the Opishnia Ceramics Industrial School was opened here, in 1929, the "Art Ceramics" potter's workshop was formed, then the Opishnia School of Art Ceramics Masters, then shop No. 1 of the Opishnia Factory "Art Ceramics" operated.

Since 1986, the building has been owned by the National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Pottery in Opishnia. The Wall of Pottery Glory of Ukraine and the Krychevsky Art Family Museum are open. There are exhibitions: "Pottery Visions of the Country", "Modern Ceramics of Ukraine, "Ceramics of the Opishnia Art Nouveau", etc. An exhibition of the works of the Krychevsky family has been opened.

Map pin icon Partyzanska Street, 2


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Museum of Boiled Borscht, Opishnia
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Museum of Boiled Borscht

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The Museum of Boiled Borscht and the Museum of Living Bread were opened in Opishnia on the basis of the green tourism estate "Lyalyna svitlytsya" during the ethno-festival "Living Bread" in 2020.

The owner of the estate, Olena Shcherban, prepares daily borscht for guests according to a new recipe, of which she knows at least 365. Among them are wedding, funeral, winter, summer, white, brown and many others.

In one of the houses of the ethnic estate there is a collection of pots from different regions, stags, as well as a traditional oven in which dishes are prepared. Ingredients added to borscht in different regions of Ukraine are also presented.

Map pin icon Partizanska Street, 19


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Oleksandra Selyuchenko Estate Museum, Opishnia
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Oleksandra Selyuchenko Memorial Museum-Manor

Museum / gallery

The memorial museum-house of the world-famous potter Oleksandra Selyuchenko in Opishnia tells about the life and creative path of the honored master of folk art of Ukraine, one of the most outstanding masters of traditional clay zoo- and anthropomorphic sculpture of small forms.

She was born in 1921 in a family of simple potters and lived all her life in Opishnia, only once leaving her native village for a while. Oleksandra Selyuchenko is considered an unsurpassed master of traditional Ukrainian clay toys.

In the museum, you can familiarize yourself with her works and the technology of making clay products at home.

An old potter's kiln used by a ceramist has been preserved in the courtyard of the manor.

Map pin icon Oleksandra Hubarya Street, 29


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Poshyvaylo Estate Museum, Opishnia
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Potter's Family Poshyvaylo Memorial Manor-Museum

Museum / gallery

Memorial Manor Museum of potter's family Poshyvaylo is dedicated to representatives of one of the oldest pottery dynasties of Opishnia.

A collection of pottery by masters of the Poshyvaylo dynasty and works of other types of folk art are presented.

During the tour, guests are introduced to the history of the creation of the manor museum, the interiors of the house, and family photos.

Map pin icon Yavdokhy ta Havryla Poshyvayliv Street, 63


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Ukrainian Pottery National Museum-Reserve, Opishnia
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Ukrainian Pottery National Museum-Reserve

Museum / gallery

The National Museum-Reserve of Ukrainian Pottery was founded in Opishnia in 1986.

This ancient village has long been famous as the largest center of pottery, the pottery capital of Ukraine. The open-air exhibition presents exclusive works by Opishnian potters, including Taras Shevchenko Prize winners, as well as masters from other regions who take part in the annual festivals of monumental ceramic sculpture.

The exhibition hall presents especially valuable exhibits, a large collection of books on pottery.

All visitors receive a fistula as a gift. By prior arrangement, it is possible to meet with a master who will demonstrate the art of working on a potter's wheel. There is a souvenir shop on site.

Map pin icon Partizanska Street, 102


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