
Travel guide online Haivoron

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General information about Haivoron

The city of Haivoron on the banks of the Pivdenny Buh is located 70 kilometers northwest of Uman, 40 kilometers from the M-05 (E-95) highway "Kyiv - Odesa".

It originated in the 18th century as a Cossack winter coat. The name, most likely, comes from the name of the bird haivoron (rook).

The village of Haivoron was first mentioned in 1752. A year later, the wooden church of Saint John the Baptist was built here, and in 1889, a stone temple was built, which was destroyed during the Soviet regime (restored in our time).

The development of the village is connected with the construction in 1897 of the Haivoron narrow-gauge railway with a length of 130 kilometers along the Rudnytsya - Haivoron ...

The city of Haivoron on the banks of the Pivdenny Buh is located 70 kilometers northwest of Uman, 40 kilometers from the M-05 (E-95) highway "Kyiv - Odesa".

It originated in the 18th century as a Cossack winter coat. The name, most likely, comes from the name of the bird haivoron (rook).

The village of Haivoron was first mentioned in 1752. A year later, the wooden church of Saint John the Baptist was built here, and in 1889, a stone temple was built, which was destroyed during the Soviet regime (restored in our time).

The development of the village is connected with the construction in 1897 of the Haivoron narrow-gauge railway with a length of 130 kilometers along the Rudnytsya - Haivoron - Holovanivsk route (a monument was installed - the Belgian steam locomotive MT-202 of 1895, which is considered the oldest locomotive in Ukraine). Since 1949, Haivoron has had the status of a city.

A water mill (XIX century) and a railway station building (1897) have been preserved. The main part of the Haivoron narrow-gauge railway is still in operation today, sometimes a train is run on it for tourist groups.

Місто Гайворон на березі Південного Бугу розташоване в 70 кілометрах на північний захід від Умані, в 40 кілометрах від траси М-05 (Е-95) "Київ – Одеса".

Виникло в XVIII сторіччі як козацький зимівник. Назва, швидше за все, походить від птаха гайворона (грака).

Вперше село Гайворон згадується в 1752 році. Через рік тут була збудована дерев'яна церква Святого Іоанна Предтечі, а в 1889 році споруджений кам'яний храм, який був знищений за радянської влади (відновлений в наш час).

Розвиток села пов'язаний з будівництвом в 1897 році Гайворонської вузькоколійної залізниці протяжністю 130 кілометрів за маршрутом Рудниця – Гайворон – Голованівськ (встановлено пам' ...

Місто Гайворон на березі Південного Бугу розташоване в 70 кілометрах на північний захід від Умані, в 40 кілометрах від траси М-05 (Е-95) "Київ – Одеса".

Виникло в XVIII сторіччі як козацький зимівник. Назва, швидше за все, походить від птаха гайворона (грака).

Вперше село Гайворон згадується в 1752 році. Через рік тут була збудована дерев'яна церква Святого Іоанна Предтечі, а в 1889 році споруджений кам'яний храм, який був знищений за радянської влади (відновлений в наш час).

Розвиток села пов'язаний з будівництвом в 1897 році Гайворонської вузькоколійної залізниці протяжністю 130 кілометрів за маршрутом Рудниця – Гайворон – Голованівськ (встановлено пам'ятник – бельгійський паротяг МТ-202 1895 року, що вважається найстарішим локомотивом в Україні). З 1949 року Гайворон має статус міста.

Зберігся водяний млин (XIX століття) та будівля залізничного вокзалу (1897 рік). Основна частина Гайворонської вузькоколійки донині діє, іноді для туристичних груп нею пускають потяг з паротягом.

Сплануй своє перебування у Haivoron

What to see and where to go in Haivoron

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Tourist attractions and museums of Haivoron

Haivoron Local Lore Museum
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Haivoron Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Haivoron Local Lore Museum was created in 2005 on the basis of the materials of the Railway Workers Museum, which was founded in the 1950s and told about the history of the Haivoron Railway. It is located in the Center for Culture and Leisure of the Haivoron City Council.

More than 2,000 exhibits are presented in 40 thematic expositions, which are dedicated to the nature, history, culture and art of the Haivoron region, outstanding personalities of the region.

The historical section of the museum is decorated in the form of wall books, which highlight the history of the Haivoron region and the Haivoron railway. A large collection of Trypillya ceramics is also exhibited.

In the ethnographic department, the color of the Ukrainian house of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century is reproduced. The most interesting exhibits are a working loom, embroidered towels and shirts, and old agricultural implements.

The art department contains works of art by outstanding artists-compatriots, including 150 works by Mykola Zhydeliov, made in various artistic techniques and styles. Paintings by the folk artist Nataliya Shevchuk and wooden sculptures by the master of folk art Hryhoriy Pylypyshyn are also presented.

In 2024, the museum received from Latvian partners a unique narrow-gauge locomotive of the ESU2a series, which can work as a mobile power plant.

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Haivoron narrow-gauge railway
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Haivoron narrow-gauge railway

Entertainment / leisure

The Haivoron narrow-gauge railway is one of the few operating narrow-gauge railways in Ukraine. It was built in 1897 as part of a large network of narrow-gauge railways, created in the south of Ukraine by the Southern Association of Access Roads.

The 130-kilometer long route starts in the village of Rudnytsia, passes through Bershad, Haivoron and ends in the village of Holovanivsk. The Haivoron narrow-gauge railway is the longest in Europe.

The infrastructure of the railway included a station, a locomotive depot, a locomotive repair plant, and repair workshops. Since then, Haivoron has been the capital of Ukrainian narrow-gauge railways.

The station is located next to the regular railway station, on the other side of the tracks. Regular passenger traffic is carried out along the entire route (TU-2 locomotives). At the request of tourist groups, the old steam locomotive Gr-280 can enter the route.

In order to popularize and preserve the Haivoron narrow-gauge railway, the "GoodoK_Fest" festival was introduced in 2021, which is planned to be held annually.

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