Attractions of Tulchyn district

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Tulchyn district


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Піщанський краєзнавчий музей, Піщанка
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Pishchanka Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The local history museum in Pishchanka was created in 1987 on the initiative of local historian Volodymyr Bershadsky.

In the main exposition, ancient household items and tools of the inhabitants of Podillya are widely presented. Ukrainian shirts of the 18th and 19th centuries are particularly proud of the collection of the Pishchanka Museum of Local Lore, where there are embroideries with elements of both Ukrainian and Moldavian traditions.

The second exposition tells about important events of the 20th century that had a significant impact on the history of the region, including the Ukrainian revolution of 1917–1921, the Holodomor of 1932–1933, the Second World War, the reconstruction of the national economy, and Ukraine's independence.

An exhibition of paintings by local artist Stepan Trubalyevych has been opened in the exhibition hall of the Pishchanka Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Vyshneva Street, 2 Pishchanka


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Будинок Сваричевського, Тульчин
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Svarychevsky's House


The house of Svarychevsky, the personal lawyer of Count Potoski's daughter, Sofia Stanislavivna Potoska, is located in the center of Tulchyn. It has the status of an architectural monument of local importance.

After 1917, for some time the Denikin counter-intelligence was located in the building, then the department of education, and during the years of Soviet power - the local department of the Cheka.

Nowadays, a children's music school is located in Svarychevsky's house.

Map pin icon Mykoly Leontovycha Street, 53 Tulchyn


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Краєзнавчий музей, Тульчин
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Tulchyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Tulchyn Museum of Local Lore was organized in 1927 on the initiative of ethnographer Zborovsky.

The exposition is located in the former building of the Officers' Assembly, where meetings of the Southern Society of Decembrists were held in the XIX century.

14 departments represent the history of the city from ancient times to the end of the XX century. Among them are departments dedicated to the Potocki family, commander Suvorov, composer Mykola Leontovych.

Map pin icon Rostyslava Pokyncheredy Street, 1 Tulchyn


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