Attractions of Obukhiv district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Obukhiv district

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Obukhiv district


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Обухівський народний мистецький центр
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Obukhiv People's Art Center

Museum / gallery

The Obukhiv People's Art Center opened in 2019 in the premises of a former department store in the center of Obukhiv on the initiative of the city's creative community. Its main purpose is the collection and preservation of household antiquities, research and popularization of local traditional clothing.

The basis of the exposition was antiquities from the private collections of famous Obukhiv masters Halyna Kucher, Mykola Mayko, local historians Nataliya Lyubychenko, Olena Artyushenko and other local residents. 40 types of embroidered shirts, more than 200 towels, icons, household items and much more are presented.

Exhibitions, concerts, and excursions are held on the basis of the Obukhiv People's Art Center.

Map pin icon Andriya Malyshka Street, 1, 3rd floor Obukhiv


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Стара синагога, Васильків
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Old Synagogue


The old part of the building of the current Vasylkiv Secondary School No. 1 is a synagogue built in Vasylkiv in 1812.

Later, a Jewish school was located here. After the Second World War, a comprehensive school was opened in the premises of the former synagogue. For some time, a museum operated under it.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 16 Vasylkiv


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Гора Остриця, Застугна
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Ostrytsia Hill

Archaeological site

Ostrytsia Hill above the Stuhna River opposite Kopachiv in ancient Rus times was one of the strongholds of the first (northern) defense line of Kyiv, erected against the nomads by Grand Duke Volodymyr the Great.

Two more groups of Stuhna earthen fortifications extended in three lines and several spurs to the south of Stuhna. In the fortifications, a special place was occupied by anti-horse defensive embankments, known as "Snake ramparts", the construction of which began back in Scythian times.

According to one of the versions, the historical fortress of Tumasch stood on Ostrytsia, mentioned since 1150 (according to another version, the hillfort in Stary Bezradichy should be associated with Tumasch).

In 1240, in the fields at the foot of Mount Ostrytsia, a small detachment of Kyiv soldiers engaged in an unequal battle with the Mongol-Tatar army of Khan Batiy, numbering several thousand. It was the last open battle between the Rus and the Mongols. After her, the Horde captured and destroyed Kyiv.

In 2008, a memorial sign - a metal cross - was installed on Mount Ostrytsia.

Map pin icon Zarichna Street Zastuhna


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Аутлет-містечко "Мануфактура", Ходосівка
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Outlet town "Manufactura"

Entertainment / leisure

The outlet town "Manufactura" is located in Khodosivka near Kyiv. This is the first shopping complex in the outlet format in Ukraine, which presents collections of clothes and accessories of well-known brands with constant discounts.

The complex is stylized as an old Northern European town with a town hall, three streets, canals, fountains and street sculptures.

In one space there are about 100 boutiques, as well as restaurants, cafes, pastry shops, a children's playground and a special "zone for dads" with Wi-Fi and a small hotel. There is a large parking lot.

Entertainment events and fairs are often held in the "Manufactura" outlet town.

Map pin icon Obukhivske Highway, 2 Khodosivka


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Парк Київська Русь, Копачів
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Park "Kyivan Rus"

Entertainment / leisure , Theater / show

Kyivan Rus Park is a center of culture and history, which reproduces the architectural image of Ancient Kyiv and the atmosphere of Ancient Rus of the V-XIII centuries on the basis of scientific data.

The central object of the park is the Kremlin baby of Ancient Kyiv, the spatial and architectural appearance of which will be reproduced in full. Buildings of the princely era will be built on the territory, none of which has survived to our time: fortifications, the palace of Prince Volodymyr, the palace of Princess Olha, Fedorivsky Monastery, Tithe Church, Yaroslav's Court, Rotunda, Hridnytsia and others. It is planned to recreate the atmosphere of a living city with streets, fairs and citizens as authentically and organically as possible.

Currently, you can see the defensive wall-pillar, the entrance gate with two three-story towers, the arena (the place of heroic entertainment and medieval tournaments), the prince's chamber (tribune for honored guests), the watchtower, the Viking camp and the state of nomads, log housing Kyivan XI-XII centuries.

In August, the festival of culture and history "Park Kyivan Rus" takes place here: theatrical battles, medieval games, tournaments and competitions of warriors, stunt equestrian theaters, demonstration of historical folk customs and rites, ancient Slavic feast, exhibitions of artists and a fair of craftsmen. teams.

Excursions are held on weekends.

Map pin icon Zastuhna Kopachiv


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Парк Венеція, Васильків
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Park Venice

Park / garden

A small park in the central part of Vasylkiv is called "Venice", where an elongated pond, similar to a canal, has been created. Some resemblance to Venetian canals is provided by openwork bridges thrown over it.

On the shore of the pond stands a small neo-Gothic building of a children's art school with two pointed towers.

In the center of the park there is a monument to Afghan soldiers.

Map pin icon Mykhaylo Hrushevsky Street Vasylkiv


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Планерна гора (Кругле городище), Ходосівка
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Planerna Mountain (Round Hillfort)

Archaeological site , Reserve

The Small Khodosivka (Round) Hillfort on Planerna Mountain in Khodosivka village is part of the Khodosivsky archaeological complex - a group of archaeological monuments in the southern suburbs of Kyiv, which includes about 30 objects of cultural heritage, including the famous "Serpent's Wall".

The first literary references to the Round Fort, fortified by a rampart and an escarpment, date back to the 19th century. During the 20th century, it was repeatedly explored by archaeologists. Many archaeological materials of the Scythian era, the Zarubinets culture, and the Kyivan Rus' era were found here.

In 2023, Planerna Mountain received the status of a landscape reserve of local importance. The reserve protects a valuable natural complex with an area of 31 hectares, which includes a hill with meadow-steppe vegetation, where the populations of the Stipa capillata and the Stipa pennata, listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, grow.

Planerna Mountain with a height of 157 meters is a favorite place for lovers of paragliding, hang-gliding and model aircraft sports. It is also one of the best observation decks, from where you can see panoramas of the hills of the Dnieper Upland with the urban landscapes of the capital's residential areas on the horizon.

Near the northern foot of Planerna Mountain is the outlet town "Manufactura".

Map pin icon Molodizhna Street Khodosivka


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Будинок Покраса, Богуслав
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Pokras House (City Council)


The residential building of the merchant Pokras in the center of Bohuslav was built in 1887.

At that time, it was the most imposing building in the city. Pokras was a successful businessman, and at the beginning of the 20th century he became the owner of the Bohuslav cloth factory, which previously belonged to the landowner Yuzefov.

Currently, the Pokras building houses the Bohuslav City Council.

In 2009, a monument to Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the founder of Bohuslav, was erected in the park next to it. The sculpture is bronze, height - 2.6 meters. On the granite pedestal, the ornament of the sarcophagus of Yaroslav the Wise, which is kept in Sophia of Kyiv, is reproduced.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 40 Bohuslav


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Садиба Зінченків, Дерев'яна
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Private Local Lore Museum "Zinchenko Manor"

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The Private Local Lore Museum "Zinchenko Manor" was opened in 2021 by the family of Viktor and Lyubov Zinchenko in their native village of Derevyana near Obukhiv. Initially, it was called "Kutok Museum" (Kutok is the part of the village where the museum is located).

The ethnographic exposition is located in the restored country house of Viktor Zinchenko's parents, built in 1934. The interior preserves the atmosphere of a traditional Ukrainian hut of the first half of the 20th century.

A traditional stove painted by a local folk artist occupies a prominent place in the house. Ceramic and wooden dishes are displayed on the bowls. Ancient paintings, icons, and photographs hang on the walls. A large collection of embroidered towels and embroidered towels is presented (some of them are embroidered by the hostess herself). Household items are exhibited in the halls: kerosene lamps, irons, nightstands, scythes, etc.

In winter, the Residence of Saint Nicholas operates on the basis of the "Zinchenko Manor".

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 40 Derevyana


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Воскресенська церква, Бородані
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Resurrection Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Resurrection in Borodani, a village of Dybyntsi, was built in 1800.

With its simple architectural forms, this small three-headed church resembles early examples of Ukrainian wooden architecture.

In the Church of the Resurrection there is a wonderful icon of the Mother of God.

Map pin icon Serhiya Korolova Street Borodani


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Ревина гора, Германівка
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Revyna Hill

Natural object , Archaeological site

Revyna Hill above the Chervona River is a historical place on the outskirts of the village of Hermanivka, where the Old Rus fortified settlement of Hermanych, known since 1096, was founded approximately at the end of the 10th century.

It is believed that the city was founded by Prince Volodymyr the Great of Kyiv on Serpent's Shafts for protection from nomads. Ancient Hermanych burned to the ground during the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

In commemoration of the foundation of the village, a talisman was erected on Revyna Hill, a chapel and a gazebo were built.

A picturesque view of the village of Hermanivka, which lies on the other side of the river, opens from the ramparts of the hillfort.

Map pin icon tract "Revyna Hora" Hermanivka


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Річкові пороги, Хохітва
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River Rapids

Natural object

Picturesque rapids on the Ros River near the village of Khokhitva attract lovers of water tourism.

Nearby is the largest granite quarry in the Kyiv region.

Map pin icon Khokhitva


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Краєзнавчий музей, Ржищів
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Rzhyshchiv Archaeological and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

Rzhyshchiv Archaeological and Local Lore Museum is housed in an original brick building of the late XIX - early XX centuries downtown.

The exposition is based on archaeological materials found during excavations in Rzhyshchiv.

The first hall presents archeological finds of different cultures: Trypillya, Chornoliska, Zarubynetska, Chernyakhivska and Ancient Rus.

The local lore hall shows Rzhyshchiv of the XVI-XX centuries, significant historical events are noted: the creation of the Rzhyshchiv Cossack Hundred, the meeting of the Hetman's Council Bohdan Khmelnytskyi and others.

Ethnographic material gives an idea of ​​the life and way of life of peasants and burghers of the XVIII-XX centuries, their beliefs, crafts, clothing, everyday life.

Separate expositions are dedicated to the Holodomor of 1932-1933 and the events of the Second World War.

The exhibition hall exhibits from the museum and the works of folk artists and craftsmen from Rzhyshchiv and Kyiv region.

Map pin icon Admirala Petrenka Street, 4 Rzhyshchiv


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Миколаївська церква, Васильків
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Nicholas in Vasylkiv combines features of classicism with characteristic elements of the Baroque. It is famous for its rich decoration, paintings of the 19th century and a wonderful carved iconostasis.

The architectural monument is an active Orthodox church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Near the Saint Nicholas Church is a spring discovered by Saint Theodosius. A chapel was built above it.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 30 Vasylkiv


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Миколаївська церква, Чайки
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Saint Nicholas Church


The Church of Saint Nicholas in Chaikywas built in 2002 on the site of the ancient Cossack Saint Nicholas Church.

The wooden church of Saint Nicholas in the style of classicism was built in 1758 (according to other sources - in 1558) and survived until the 20th century, but was destroyed during the Soviet rule.

Thanks to the efforts of the abbot, the Saint Nicholas Church was rebuilt in 2002. It is also consecrated in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

There are 3 old graves on the church grounds. The inscriptions are difficult to read.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Chaiky


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