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Attractions of Kyiv region

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Садиба Браницьких (Краєзнавчий музей), Ставище
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Branytsky Manor (Local Lore Museum)

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery

The building that currently houses the Stavyshche Museum of Local Lore is a surviving fragment of the estate of the Polish magnates Branytsky, rebuilt beyond recognition.

The only original structure is a dilapidated tower next to the house.

The estate in Stavyshche was founded by the Branytsky at the beginning of the 19th century in the middle of the park founded in 1785 by academician Andzhiyevsky (12.2 hectares). Currently, Stavyshche Park is a monument of garden and park art of regional importance.

The park offers a picturesque view of the pond that gave the village its name.

Map pin icon Parkovy Lane, 2 Stavyshche


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Музей хліба НЕНЦ, Київ
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Bread Museum of NENC

Museum / gallery

The People's Museum of Bread has been operating since 1981 in the premises of the National Ecological and Naturalist Center for School Youth on Priorka in Kyiv, next to the Shevchenko museum "House at Priorka".

The museum has collected more than 2,000 exhibits that tell about the history of bread, its importance for humans, the origin of the main grain crops (rye, wheat, corn, barley, and others). More than 100 samples of various agricultural crops are presented.

The decoration of the exposition is the section "Bread is the head of everything", where 150 breads from different parts of Ukraine and other countries are presented. Agricultural tools of different times are exhibited - from a wooden plow to a modern tractor, from a bucket for manual sowing to a combine harvester.

An honorable place in the museum is given to the works of the poet Taras Shevchenko, who wrote a lot in his works about bread and the hard work of farmers.

A separate exposition is dedicated to the terrible events of collectivization and the Holodomor-genocide organized in Ukraine by the Russian occupiers in 1932-1933.

Considerable attention is paid to the works of Ukrainian scientific breeders. You can even see "cosmic" white and brown bread, donated to the museum by cosmonaut Pavlo Popovych.

Map pin icon Vyshhorodska Street, 12 Kyiv


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Пивоварня Зіберта, Фастів
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Brewery Zibert

Winery / brewery

The Fastiv Brewery was founded in 1906 by the burgher Yulius Zibert and the Prussian subject Herman Saalman.

A picturesque place on the banks of the Unava River in Zarichchya, next to the Intercession Church, was chosen for the construction of the plant. Beer production was adjusted by German specialists. At the time of its launch, the Fastiv Brewery could produce about 50,000 dal of beer per year. The enterprise was not damaged during both world wars.

A large-scale reconstruction with a complete update of technology was carried out in 2008. Currently, the capacity of the enterprise, which is part of the "Obolon" association, is 12 million deciliters of beer per year.

Tours with tastings are held every Thursday at "Zibert Brewery" (pre-registration is preferred). A branded store is open.

Map pin icon Ivana Ohiyenka Street, 3 Fastiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Бровари
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Brovary Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Brovary Museum of Local Lore is located in a modern building in the center of the city.

6 exhibition halls present collections that tell about the nature of the region, its history and ethnography.

The historical and archeological exposition tells in particular about the times of Kozachchyna and about the stay of the poet Taras Shevchenko in Brovarshchyna.

Among the events of the 20th century, the liberation struggle of Ukrainians from 1917 to the end of the Second World War is covered in detail.

Separate showcases are devoted to the period of collectivization, the Holodomor of 1932-1933, the work of the outstanding teacher Anton Makarenko in Brovary Children's Labor Colony No. 5 in 1936-1937.

The works of local artists, models of destroyed brewery temples are also exhibited.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Ukrayiny Street, 6 Brovary


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Міський парк, Буча
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Bucha City Park

Park / garden

The city park was created in Bucha in 2011. This is one of the youngest and most picturesque landscape parks of the Kyiv region.

Bucha city park in the English style is spread over an area of ​​42 hectares. At the entrance, visitors are greeted by an elegant rotunda and a huge oak tree. There are many sculptures and installations in the area with lakes and fountains, neat paths and luxurious flower beds.

Here you can visit a mini-zoo, a skate park, a rope park, a children's town, and a cafe-hut.

Map pin icon Instytutska Street, 54 Bucha


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Буртівський сільський краєзнавчий музей
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Burty Village Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Burty Village Local Lore Museum was opened in 1977 in the premises of the old school. The exposition in 5 rooms tells about the history of the village and the daily life of its inhabitants.

The ethnographic section presents household items, clothes, embroidered towels, work tools (loom, spinning wheel). The historical exhibition tells about the events of the Ukrainian revolution, collectivization and the Holodomor, the participation of the villagers in the Second World War, post-war reconstruction, the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

A separate exposition is devoted to the development of education in Burty.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 2 Burty


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Бишівський історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Byshiv Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Byshiv exemplary museum of history and local lore was founded in 1983 by Valeriy Obukhivskyi, a history teacher at the Byshiv secondary school. It is located in the premises of the Byshiv Academic Lyceum.

The museum's collections include up to 1,500 exhibits, which are organized by sections: archaeological, medieval, ethnographic, the first half of the 20th century, the Second World War, socio-economic development of the village in 1950–1990, and the present.

Map pin icon Zakhysnykiv Ukrayiny Street, 6 Byshiv


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Кабінет Міністрів України, Київ
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Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (House of the Government of Ukraine) is the largest administrative building in Kyiv (235,000 square meters).

It was built in 1938 for the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVS), which left its mark on the exterior and interior layout (rounded corridors and many corners facilitated defense). However, throughout its century, the building served as the premises of the Ukrainian government.

In 1997, on the initiative of the then Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko, the upper floors of the Government House were repainted white, thereby softening the harsh appearance of the building.

Excursions are held in the building of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. The Government House also houses the Museum of the History of Governments of Ukraine. Original materials related to the activities of former heads of government, including documents, awards, and photographs, have been submitted. The interior of the office of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR has been recreated. Visitors can familiarize themselves with the technical means used by employees of the government apparatus. The exhibition of gifts received by leaders and members of the government of Ukraine as gifts to the state is constantly updated.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 12/2 Kyiv


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Замкова гора, Лісники
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Castle Hill

Historic area

Castle Hill in Lisnyky is one of the hills above the village on which a medieval castle was located in the 16th century.

It was built by Prince Yukhym Koretsky, who in 1596 bought Foresters from Adam Bohohval. The prosperity of the village is connected with the activities of the prince and his wife Anna. The further fate of the castle is unknown, but ruins were still visible on the mountain in the 19th century.

Until recently, Castle Hill was a wasteland. Currently, the plateau is being actively built up with private cottages. A memorial sign in the form of a cross is installed at the entrance.

Map pin icon Lisnyky


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Замкова гора (Хоривиця), Київ
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Castle Hill (Khoryvytsya)

Historic area

Castle Hill (Khoryvytsya) is a historical area of ​​Kyiv associated with the legend of the founders of the city. Along with Shchekavytsya Hill, Starokyivska Hill and Lybid River, Khoryvytsya is one of the main symbols of Kyiv.

According to legend, when the first Kyiv prince Kyi founded Kyiv Castle on Starokyivska Hill, his brother Khoryv built his city on the nearby Khoryvytsya Hill. Traditionally, Khoryvytsya is identified with the mountain that is now known as Castle Hill (Kyselivka), although according to another version, Khoryvytsya should be called the current mountain Yurkovytsya.

At the end of the 14th century, when Podil became the center of Kyiv, a wooden castle of the Lithuanian voivode was built on Castle Hill. In 1482, it was burned by the Tatars, but it was soon restored, and at the end of the 16th century it became the residence of the Polish voivode. The mountain began to be called Kyselivka in the middle of the 17th century after the Kyiv voivode Adam Kysil. The castle had 15 towers, its area was 16 thousand square meters. In 1651, the Ukrainian Cossacks burned down the castle, and since then it has not been restored.

In the 19th century, Castle Hill was transferred to the Florivsky Monastery, and a cemetery appeared on it. Now this place is popular with representatives of informal youth movements and followers of pagan cults. Reconstruction of the castle and the creation of a museum complex are planned.

Map pin icon Andriyivskyi Descent Kyiv


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Собор Антонія і Феодосія, Васильків
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Cathedral of Anthony and Theodosius

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of Anthony and Theodosius in Vasylkiv is an example of Ukrainian Baroque architecture.

The cathedral in honor of Saints Anthony and Theodosius was built in the middle of the 18th century by the serf of the Kyiv-Pecherska Lavra, Stepan Kovnir, by order of the Lavra Archimandrite (according to legend, an underground passage was laid from the Vasylkiv Cathedral to the Lavra).

From the outside, it resembles the Kozelets Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Gables with cornices of double curvature are considered a characteristic detail of architecture (sculptor Talyanets).

Paintings by Vasyl Bibibkov have been preserved in the interior. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Three-Handed Mother of God.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 46 Vasylkiv


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Залізничний вокзал, Київ
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Central Railway Station


Kyiv-Pasazhyrskyi is the main passenger railway station of Kyiv. It belongs to the Central Railway, which has been operating since the 1860s. It consists of the old Central, new Southern and Suburban railway stations. The "Vokzalna" metro station is located in the immediate vicinity of the Suburban Station.

The laying of the central building took place in 1927 on the site of the old station, built in the form of English Gothic in 1868-1870. The first line started working in 1932.

During the Second World War, the station was partially destroyed, and after the war - it was restored. In 1954-1955, pedestrian tunnels were laid from Station Square to the platforms, in 1967-1969 a canopy was built over the first platform, and the two original passages at the second floor level were replaced by a large waiting hall with exits to the platforms.

The station was designed for 72 pairs of trains and 40 thousand passengers per day. The main volume has an overall symmetrical composition, in the center of which is a departure lobby with an area of more than 1,200 square meters and a height of 32 meters.

In 2001, a general reconstruction of the station was carried out, during which the facade of the central building was renewed, and the lobby became much more spacious. Its walls were decorated with granite and marble of different colors, and panels with views of the historical monuments of the capital were placed under the vaults. A large escalator was installed near the central entrance, which takes passengers to the second floor. At the same time, the spacious seven-story building of the South Railway Station was built, which is considered one of the most beautiful railway terminals in Eastern Europe.

Map pin icon Vokzalna Square, 1 Kyiv


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Архів-музей літератури та мистецтва, Київ
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Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine was created in 1966 with the assistance of the chairman of the board of the Writers' Union of Ukraine Oles Honchar.

It is located in the historical building of Sophia Monastery Bursa (1763-1767), on the territory of the National Reserve "Sofia of Kyiv"

The archive-museum holds documents from the literature, art and culture of Ukraine of the 18th-20th centuries, biographical and epistolary materials, manuscripts of works, graphic works and photographs of many Ukrainian writers, artists, composers, actors of theater and cinema. Some of these materials are presented in the exhibition halls of the museum. 

Of particular interest are the recreated interiors of work offices with personal belongings of outstanding figures of Ukrainian culture. Among them are the memorial offices of film director Oleksandr Dovzhenko, writers Yuriy Yanovsky, Mykhaylo Stelmakh, Ivan Mykytenko, poet Andriy Malyshko, artist Mykola Hlushchenko. 

The State Archive-Museum has a reading room where you can order archival documents for perusal.

The department of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine is the "Literary and Artistic Pliuty" Museum on the outskirts of Kyiv.

Map pin icon Volodymyrska Street, 22A Kyiv


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Синагога Бродського, Київ
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Central Synagogue (Brodsky Synagogue)

Temple , Architecture

The Central Kyiv Synagogue was built in 1897-1898 at the expense of a large sugar factory, Lazar Brodsky, and informally bears his name.

The project in the Moorish style was developed by the architect George Shleifer. The building functioned as a Jewish religious center for three decades. In Soviet times, a puppet theater was located here. Since 1992, the service has been resumed.

A small museum has been created in the hall of the synagogue - here you can see a Hanukkah by the famous Israeli sculptor Frank Meisler, a fragment of a Torah scroll of the II-V centuries, a copy of the key from the opening of the synagogue in 1898, old books, stacks, tefillin, mezuzahs, candlesticks.

Map pin icon Shota Rustaveli Street, 13 Kyiv


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Каплиця Андрія Первозванного, Київ
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Chapel of Saint Andrew the First-Called

Temple , Architecture

The chapel in honor of Saint Andrew the First-Called Apostle, who, according to legend, foretold the foundation of Kyiv, was built on the slopes of the Dnipro near Askold's grave.

The construction was carried out at the expense of the Public Fund of Saint Andrew the First-Called, the project was developed by the architect Mykola Zharikov. The temple facing upwards is made in the style of a modern interpretation of the Ukrainian Baroque. According to the peculiarities of style and territorial affiliation, the chapel was included in the Lavra complex.

A commemorative sign in honor of the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ has been installed nearby. Across the road from the church, a monument to Andrew the First-Called (architect Mykola Zharikov) was opened in 2000. The monument is made of a solid block of granite. The pedestal in the upper part is stylized as clouds, which emphasizes the holiness of the apostle.

Map pin icon Andriya Pervozvannoho Square, 1 Kyiv


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