Attractions of Lubny district

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Lubny district


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Меморіал "Хорольська яма", Хорол
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Memorial "Khorol Yama"


The memorial to the victims of the "Khorol Yama" concentration camp was created in 1991 in the former Khorol suburb of Dubky, where a German concentration camp for prisoners of war existed from 1941 to 1943.

The death camp was located near the quarry of the brick factory. Only in the first six months of its existence, more than 37,000 people died. In total, the ashes of about 91,000 residents of Khorol and other cities of Ukraine, soldiers, officers and partisans lie in six of the mass graves known to date.

Map pin icon Kremenchutska Street (Dubova roshcha Park) Khorol


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Мототрек, Вишняки
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Motoball Track

Entertainment / leisure , Active rest

The Motoball Track near Vyshniaky is the home arena of the Niva Motoball club.

Matches of the Ukrainian motorball championship are played here. In 1995, 2007, 2009 matches of the European Championship were held.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Vyshniaky


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Лубни
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin Mary is the oldest preserved church in Lubny.

Built at the beginning of the 19th century, it was originally consecrated as the Brethren Church.

It is located in the central part of the city.

It belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Yaroslava Mudroho Street, 15 Lubny


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Собор Різдва Богородиці, Пирятин
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Nativity of Virgin Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Nativity of Virgin Cathedral in Pyriatyn was built in 1781 by order of the regimental vassal Andriy Ilchenko.

The single-domed church in the Ukrainian Baroque style resembles traditional three-part wooden churches of that time. The walls are decorated with characteristic baroque moldings.

In the 19th century, the temple was rebuilt, but as a result of the restoration carried out in 1980, it returned to its authentic appearance.

Until 1990, the building housed a local history museum. Currently, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Maydanu Square, 1 Pyriatyn


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Оржиця
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Orzhytsia Museum of History and Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Orzhytsia Museum of History and Local Lore was established in 1974.

The exposition tells about nature and archeological finds in the region, the history of Orzhytsia from ancient times to the present, the traditional way of life of the local population.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 38 Orzhytsia


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Михайлівська церква, Ковалі
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Saint Michael's Church


Saint Michael's Church in Kovali was founded in 1901. The original temple was built of oak without a single nail.

During the Second World War, the church was damaged, later it was used as a chemical warehouse. In the 1960s, it was destroyed by the Soviet authorities. And only in 1993, the Saint Michael's Church was revived and rebuilt from bricks on the old foundation.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 71 Kovali


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Мгарський Преображенський монастир, Мгар
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Savior-Transfiguration Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Savior-Transfiguration Monastery in Mhar is one of the most revered Orthodox shrines in Ukraine.

It was founded in 1619 by Metropolitan Isaya (Kopynsky) at the expense of Princess Rayina Mohylyanka Vyshnevetska, who owned Lubny in the 17th century. According to legend, angels indicated the place for the construction of the monastery to the princess.

In 1684-1692, on the site of the first wooden church, at the expense of hetmans Ivan Samoylovych and Ivan Mazepa, the stone Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral was built (architect Johann-Baptist Sauer).

The exterior of the temple combines the ancient Ukrainian style of the 11th-12th centuries with the Baroque-Renaissance architecture of Western Europe, with a lot of non-canonical decor.

The complex also includes a bell tower in the baroque style (1837-1844), the Annunciation warm church (now Saint Athanasius) in the pseudo-Byzantine style (XIX century), the abbot's and brotherhoods (18th century), the two-level church of Saint Athanasius (now Annunciation, 1891 year).

Patriarch Athanasius of Constantinople, who died during a visit to his beloved monastery, and other church figures are buried here. The monastery enjoyed the support of Ukrainian hetmans and Russian tsars, it was visited by Ivan Mazepa, Peter I, Taras Shevchenko, Oleksandr Pushkin and others.

In Soviet times, a disciplinary battalion was stationed here, warehouses were located, then a pioneer camp. Most of the frescoes were damaged (in memory of these events, the shot icon of Saint Oleksandra was preserved).

The Annunciation in Mhar was returned to the church in 1993, and restoration was carried out. Monks conduct tours.

In 1990, the "Holodomor-33" Memorial of People's Grief was built nearby on Hill Zazhura in the form of a large bell on a mound, which offers the best view of the monastery.

Map pin icon Mhar


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Вежа Стороженка, Велика Круча
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Storozhenko Tower


The ancient Storozhenko tower in Velyka Krucha is the only original building of the Storozhenko family manor, which lived in the village in the 19th century, that has survived.

During the Soviet era, the rest of the manor buildings were destroyed.

Now there is a camping site with a hotel and a restaurant on the territory of the manor. Storozhenka Tower is used as a banquet hall.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Velyka Krucha


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Троїцька церква, Вишняки
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Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Trinity church was built in Vyshniaky at the expense of representatives of the Obolonsky Cossack family in 1794-1799.

The single-domed, cruciform church is made in the style of classicism.

According to legend, the Trinity Church used to be connected to the nearby Kotlyarevsky manor by an underground passage, which is now covered up.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Vyshniaky


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Водонапірна вежа, Пирятин
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Water Tower


A thirty-meter Water Tower with an ornamental edging in the upper part is a business card of Pyriatyn.

It was built in 1951 on the Kyiv-Poltava highway next to the "Pyriatyn-1" bus station. In the 1960s, the gas station located next to it became the filming location of the popular film comedy "Queen of the Gas Station" of the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Kyiv Film Studio based on the script of the writer-humorist from Poltava region Petro Lubenskyi, thanks to which the Pyriatyn Tower became famous throughout the country.

Currently not used as intended. On the site of the old gas station, there is now a modern gas station, a cafe, a motel and a roadside bazaar. In the building of the bus station, there is a cafe-museum "Queen of Gas Stations", in which, according to legend, episodes were filmed in the buffet.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 158A Pyriatyn


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Садиба Закревських, Березова Рудка
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Zakrevsky Estate

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The palace and park complex in Berezova Rudka was built in 1838 by landowner Platon Zakrevskyi, a historian and ethnographer.

The palace in neo-baroque style was built according to the project of the architect Yevhen Chervinsky on the site of a burnt wooden house of the 18th century.

The estate consists of an elegant two-story palace with a view terrace and two bay windows, two one-story outbuildings and a large park (45 hectares) with more than 40 species of trees and shrubs.

In the 1840s, the brothers Viktor and Platon Zakrevsky repeatedly hosted the poet and artist Taras Shevchenko. Here he began to write the poem "Caucasus" and also painted portraits of the Zakrevskys. It is believed that Shevchenko was secretly in love with Platon Zakrevskyi's wife Hanna, dedicating to her the poem "If we met again", which became a famous romance.

Since Soviet times, the estate has housed an agricultural technical school. A monument to Taras Shevchenko has been installed in the central flower bed.

In one of the wings there is a historical and local history museum, which presents photos and documents of the Zakrevsky family, furniture, dishes, books and paintings.

Employees conduct tours of the palace, the park and to the pyramid-tomb of the Zakrevskys.

Map pin icon Parkova Street, 1 Berezova Rudka


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