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Природознавчий музей, Львів
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State Museum of Natural History

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv is considered one of the oldest natural history museums in Europe.

Founded in 1870 by the naturalist-collector, count of Ukrainian origin Volodymyr Didushytsky in a reconstructed building in the early neoclassicism style of the early 19th century. In 1880 Didushytsky donated the museum to the Lviv community, and since 1940 it has been under the jurisdiction of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 2013, the State Natural History Museum has been creating a new main exhibition "Symphony of Life", the paleontological part of which was opened in 2019 under the name "Ice Age". Among the most interesting exhibits: skeletons of a mammoth and woolly rhinoceros from the ozocerite deposit in Starun, bones of other fossil animals, a Cro-Magnon figure of the late Stone Age, reconstruction of a primitive man's dwelling. The exhibition is complemented by interactive multimedia kiosks.

A kind of museum exhibit is the oldest operating mechanical elevator in Ukraine, equipped back in 1870 by Count Didushytsky, who was partially paralyzed in old age and moved in a wheelchair. For the smallest visitors, there is an interactive children's area.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 18 Lviv


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Музей Степана Бандери, Дубляни
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Stepan Bandera Museum

Museum / gallery

The Stepan Bandera Museum was opened in Dubliany in one of the premises of the Lviv National Agrarian University, on the second floor of the main building.

In 1928-1933, when it was a branch of the Lviv Polytechnic, the future leader of the OUN studied here. He was immediately arrested for political activity.

The exposition presents photographs, literary works, and several sheets from the personal file of the ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Velykoho Street, 1 Dubliany


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Стрийський парк, Львів
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Stryiskyi Park

Park / garden

Stryiskyi Park is one of the oldest and most beautiful parks in Lviv, a monument of garden and park art of national importance.

Before World War II, it was considered one of the most beautiful parks in Poland.

Founded in 1879 by Arnold Rehring on the site of the cemetery. Now it occupies an area of 56 hectares. It consists of three parts: the zone of the lower parterres (at the bottom of the beam), the forest park zone (on the slopes of the beam), the upper terrace.

The Lviv Children's Railway, a monument to Yan Kilinsky (participant of the Polish uprising under the command of Tadeush Kostyushko) and a monument to Ukrainian football (in honor of the victory of the Lviv club "Sokil" over the Krakow team) are located in Stryiskyi Park.

Stryiskyi Park also boasts a decorative pond and beautiful alleys.

Free entrance.

Map pin icon Stryiska Street, 15 Lviv


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Свірзький замок, Свірж
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Svirzh Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Svirzh Castle in the Lviv region is a picturesque medieval building in the Renaissance style, a unique monument of defensive architecture of the XV-XVII centuries. The monument is part of the "Golden Horseshoe of Lviv region" tourist route.

It was originally built as a fortress, but after the reconstruction of the 17th century, it acquired the noble features of a magnate's residence. The first defensive structures on Mount Belz, surrounded by lakes and marshes, date back to 1484 (the ruins of the tower and grotto to the right of the entrance).

Svirzh Castle was first mentioned in documents in 1530, when it belonged to the Svirzhsky nobles. In the middle of the 17th century, it was rebuilt and significantly strengthened by Count Oleksandr Zetner, according to one version, inviting the famous fortification engineer Pavlo Hrodzytskyi from Lviv.

The castle with a defensive moat and a bridge is divided into two courtyards of different levels, surrounded by Renaissance towers and houses. Having become a comfortable residence, Svirzh Castle was able to withstand several Turkish sieges, but before that it was captured by the Cossack troops of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

He suffered greatly during the First and Second World Wars.

During Soviet times, the Svirzh Castle became the property of the Union of Architects as the House of Creativity, but the restoration was never completed. It is planned to transfer the castle to a private investor under concession conditions.

Map pin icon Persha Street Svirzh


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Пам'ятник Тарасові Шевченку, Львів
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Taras Shevchenko Monument


The monument to the outstanding Ukrainian poet and public figure Taras Shevchenko was opened in the center of Lviv only in 1992.

The construction issue was resolved for 5 years, the winner was not determined at two design contests, and as a result of a compromise, it was decided to use the "relatively better" project of sculptors Volodymyr and Andriy Sukhorsky and architects Yuriy Dyba and Yuriy Khromey.

The monument was made in Argentina. The ceremonial opening took place on the anniversary of the adoption of the declaration of independence of Ukraine. After 4 years, the second element of the monument was opened - the 12-meter bronze "Wave of National Renaissance".

Map pin icon Svobody Avenue Lviv


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Музей Теодозії Бриж, Львів
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Theodosia Bryzh Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the outstanding Ukrainian sculptor Theodosia Bryzh opened in 2000 in the workshop where she worked since 1954, after graduating from the Lviv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts.

Honored artist of Ukraine Teodosia Bryzh created more than two hundred sculptures during her lifetime, including monuments and monuments, tombstones and park sculptures.

The museum exposition presents the entire range of her creative pursuits: from historical portraits to images of contemporaries, images of literary heroes, symbolic and metaphorical compositions, in total - more than a hundred works. A series of images from Lesya Ukrayinka's extravaganza drama "Forest Song" deserves special attention.

The museum retains the creative atmosphere of a workshop with a wooden table and bookshelves, sketches and photographs.

The Museum of Theodosia Bryzh is a branch of the Lviv National Art Gallery.

Map pin icon Lesya Martovycha Street, 5 Lviv


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Музей "Третя після опівночі", Львів
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Third After Midnight Museum

Museum / gallery

The Lviv branch of the museum in the dark "Third After Midnight" opened in 2023.

Here you can visit the exhibition "Art by touch" with a tour in complete darkness and accompanied by a blind guide. Such an excursion will give an opportunity to explore in a new way 25 exhibits representing famous works of architecture, painting and cinematography, which most people are used to perceive only visually.

Excursions in the dark are held for groups of up to 3 people and last 45 minutes. After that, visitors are offered to spend time with interesting activities in the recreation room – learn to write Braille, play sensory games, etc.

For children under 10 years of age, a team quest is offered, which allows you to learn interesting facts about the senses and understand the peculiarities of perception of the world by blind people.

In addition to the institution in Lviv, there is also a Third After Midnight Museum in Kyiv.

Map pin icon Lychakivska Street, 8 Lviv


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Преображенська церква, Грімне
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Transfiguration Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Hrimne has been known since 1471.

In its current form, the wooden Transfiguration Church was built in 1777.

The three-tier carved iconostasis has been preserved since the 19th century. The interiors are painted with oil.

Map pin icon Sichovykh Striltsiv Street Hrimne


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Преображенська церква, Львів
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Transfiguration of the Lord Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ was built in Lviv in 1875-1898 according to the project of the architect Sylvester Havryshkevych on the site of the former Church of the Holy Trinity and the Trinitarian Monastery.

In 1783, the order of the Trinitarians was abolished by the Austrian authorities, and the monastery buildings were transferred to the university. Burnt during the bombardment of the city in 1848, the university buildings stood in ruins for a long time. It was decided to build the Church of the Transfiguration in their place. Well-known Lviv painters and sculptors Andriy Koverko, Teofil Kopystynskyi, Mykhaylo Osinchuk, Antin Pylykhovskyi, Tadey Popel, Leonard Markoni took part in the decoration of the church. The solemn consecration of the church took place in 1906.

After the Soviet authorities banned the Greek Catholic Church, for a long time the temple was under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In October 1989, the Transfiguration Church became the first shrine in Ukraine that was returned to the believers of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Krakivska Street, 21 Lviv


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Палац Туркулів-Комелло, Львів
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Turkulo-Komello Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

Neo-Gothic palace on Pekarska Street in Lviv, known as Turkulo-Komello Palace, built in 1840-1843. Count Henryk Didushytskyi.

The authorship of the project of the building in the early neo-Gothic style of the Venetian type is attributed to Fryderyk Bauman, a Polish architect of the Romantic era. Gothic elements here are large pointed arches and crucifixes. The main facade of the building, unfolding towards a small park, emphasizes a portico on two columns that support a balcony with lace railings, thanks to which the building resembles a romantic medieval house.

In the second half of the 19th century, the palace belonged to CountessFelitsiya Komello. In the 1920s and 1930s, the building was owned by lawyer Batytskyi, and his daughter, the artist Sofiya Batytska, was the first to be awarded the title of "Miss Polonia".

Map pin icon Pekarska Street, 50A Lviv


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Музей визвольної боротьби України, Львів
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Ukraine Liberation Struggle Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ukraine Liberation Struggle Museum is located in the historical building of the former Lviv Rifle Association (1869-1871), in the southern part of the Park "Znesinnya". Opened in 2012 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army as a department of the Lviv Historical Museum.

The exposition in chronological order reveals the main stages of the struggle for an independent cathedral Ukrainian state and covers the period from the 19th to the end of the 20th century.

In particular, here you can learn about the activities of the sports organizations "Sokil" and "Sich", the purpose of which was to educate physically healthy and nationally conscious Ukrainian youth of Galicia and Bukovyna. The history and combat path of the Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen are highlighted by documents, photographs and fragments of weapons found in the area of ​​the USS battles on Makivka Mount. In the exhibition about the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921: samples of contemporary weapons, reconstruction of the military uniform of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the original coat of a soldier of the Ukrainian Galician Army, documents of the Central Council and banknotes of the Ukrainian People's Republic, etc.

A significant part of the exposition is dedicated to the activities of combat units of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. In the interiors stylized as forest thickets, materials are presented about the main stages of formation and organizational structure of the UPA, the activities of the "Buh" Military District, senior and sub-senior schools, the medical service of the UPA, publishing and propaganda work. Of great interest is the section dedicated to the history of the Ukrainian Galicia Division: personal belongings of divisional members, commemorative combatant awards, camp publications.

The following expositions tell about the Bolshevik repressions in Western Ukraine, the Sixties movement, the activities of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, the democratic processes of the late 1980s and the declaration of Ukraine's Independence.

The sectors of the Ukraine Liberation Struggle Museum are the Museum of UPA General Roman Shukhevych Museum (Lviv) and the Colonel Yevhen Konovalets Historical and Memorial Museum (Zashkiv).

Map pin icon Mykoly Lysenka Street, 23A Lviv


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Музей шатаба Романа Шухевича, Грімне
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Underground Headquarters UPA Museum of General Roman Shukhevych

Museum / gallery

The museum of the UPA underground headquarters of General Roman Shukhevych was opened in 2007 in the village of Hrimne, where in 1947 the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army was located.

For several days, there was a conspiratorial apartment in the house of a local priest, where Shukhevych stayed with his closest entourage. Of them, only the liaison Dariya Husak, who initiated the creation of the museum, remained alive.

In the basement of the priest's house, a hideout of the rebels was discovered, covered with earth. Enthusiasts cleaned it and restored the interior.

Weapons of those times and personal belongings of the underground are presented. You can view the collection of documents, photographs and rebel posters printed here.

Map pin icon Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 35 Hrimne


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Музей Романа Шухевича, Львів
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UPA General Roman Shukhevych Museum

Museum / gallery

The UPA General Roman Shukhevych Museum in Lviv was created in 2001 with the assistance and financial support of the Association of UPA Soldiers in the USA named after General Taras Chuprynka. It is a department of the Lviv Historical Museum, sector of the Ukraine Liberation Struggle Museum.

It is located in an old building on the territory of the former village of Bilohorshcha (now district of Lviv), where in 1950 the last headquarters of the UPA commander-in-chief was located.

The exposition on the first floor tells about the Shukhevych family, Roman Shukhevych's youth, his military and political activities and the armed struggle of the Ukrainian liberation movement. In particular, an autobiography written by Shukhevych's hand is presented, as well as objects related to his field activities.

The second floor of the museum reproduces the daily life of the UPA commander-in-chief in this underground apartment: stairs, living room, hiding place. It was here that on March 5, 1950, Roman Shukhevych's last battle with the MGB unit took place. In the room where Roman Shukhevych lived and worked, original furniture (a table, four chairs, an armchair) made in the mid-1930s in Western Europe, which was presented to the museum by the daughter of General Mariya Trylovska, is presented.

On January 1, 2024, the Roman Shukhevych Museum in Lviv was completely destroyed by a fire caused by a Russian air terrorist attack. The lost memorial items of Roman Shukhevych: a table, armchairs, an armchair, a piano, as well as a bust of Roman Shukhevych by Mykhaylo Chereshniovskyi and a sculpture of Stepan Bandera by Yaroslav Trotsko. The remaining approximately 600 pieces of exhibits from the beginning of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war were moved to another place.

Map pin icon Bilohorshcha Street, 76A Lviv


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Костел Діви Марії, Переможне
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Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels, and Saint Stanislav Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Angels and Saint Stanislav in Peremozhne near Komarno is one of the few churches in the Lviv region in the constructivist style.

The imposing church is built of red brick in the form of a triangular structure with round windows at the top and tall, narrow windows at the bottom, which are divided by ribs resembling buttresses.

Today it is the Greek-Catholic Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God.

Map pin icon Zelena Street Peremozhne


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Музей Володимира Патика, Львів
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Volodymyr Patyk Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the Ukrainian modernist artist Volodymyr Patyk opened in Lviv in 2024. It is located in the premises of the Potulitsky villa, built in 1891-1894 according to the design of Ivan Levinsky's bureau in the late neo-baroque style.

The Volodymyr Patyk Museum is a branch of the Lviv Regional History and Local History Museum.

The museum has a hall, a terrace, two interactive rooms, an exhibition hall and a corridor with changing exhibitions. In one of the rooms, the workshop-studio of Volodymyr Patyk is recreated.

The wife of the artist Roman Vasylyna donated to the museum about 100 of his paintings and graphic works, sketches, archives, as well as the artist's personal belongings. This collection became the basis of the museum exhibition.

Map pin icon Yana Mateyka Street, 4 Lviv


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