Attractions of Kropyvnytskyi district

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Kropyvnytskyi district


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Хоральна синагога, Кропивницький
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Great Choral Synagogue

Temple , Monument

A large chorale synagogue in the characteristic eclectic style of the end of the 19th century with a romantic direction of the Moorish style was built in Kropyvnytskyi in 1853.

In 1895, it was reconstructed according to the project of the famous Elisavethrad architect Oleksandr Lyshnevskyi. At that time, about 25,000 Jews lived in the city.

After the Second World War, the synagogue was closed, the building was in a state of disrepair. Now it has been restored and returned to the Jewish community of Kropyvnytskyi.

In 1998, 2 significant projects of Jewish culture started working in the premises of the synagogue - the historical museum "Jews of Yelisavethrad" (at the time of its creation it was the first communal Jewish museum in Ukraine) and the Jewish musical and dramatic theater "Thiya".

Map pin icon Viktora Chmilenka Street, 90/40 Kropyvnytskyi


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Історико-меморіальний заповідник "Чорний Ворон", Розумівка
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Historical and Memorial Reserve "Black Raven"

Historic area , Monument

Historical and memorial reserve "Black Raven" was founded in 2020 in the tract "Chorny Voron" near the village of Rozumivka.

It was here that Mykola Sklyar, better known by the pseudonym Black Raven (Chorny Voron), died here, the legendary rebel leader of the times of the Kholodny Yar Republic, the commander of the shock-reconnaissance detachment of the Steppe Division of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

According to the chronicler of Kholodny Yar, Yuriy Horlis-Horskyi, the Black Raven detachment gave its last battle to the Red Army in October 2020, covering the withdrawal of the Steppe Division to the Kherson region. In a battle with much larger enemy forces, the chieftain himself and all 300 of his Cossacks died.

Residents of the village of Rozumivka buried the rebels at the site of the battle. This is the only precisely known burial place of one of the five insurgent chieftains of the time of the Ukrainian revolution, who had the pseudonym Black Raven (the prototype of the main character of Vasyl Shklyar's book of the same name is another Black Raven – Ivan 'Chorny Voron' Chernousov).

In 2005, a wooden cross was installed on the chieftain's grave. In 2017, a monument to Yuriy Horlis-Horskyi was opened nearby.

Since 2020, the creation of the "Black Raven" Historical Memorial Reserve, which is a branch of the Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Lore, has been underway. According to the project, the reserve will include a memorial composition "Crosses", a Cossack-style chapel, reconstruction of a rebel camp, training and tourist camps.

The historical and memorial reserve "Black Raven" is an object of the tourist historical and local history route "Kholodnoyarski stezhki Chornolissya".

Map pin icon tract "Chorny Voron" Rozumivka


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Історичний музей, Компаніївка
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Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical museum in the city-type settlement Kompaniivka was founded in 2009. It is located in the premises of the Kompaniivka House of Culture.

The museum's funds include 330 permanent exhibits and more than 200 items of temporary use.

The exhibition presents archaeological finds from different eras, in particular, the Cossack era, fragments of weapons and equipment from the Second World War, materials about prominent countrymen, collections of coins and banknotes from different times.

A separate exposition is devoted to the events of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Map pin icon Parkova Street, 14A Kompaniivka


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Покровська церква, Кропивницький
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The blue church with green domes in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in Kropyvnytskyi to the west of the headquarters complex of the military town.

It was built on the site of a wooden church in 1787. The money for the construction of the stone building was allocated in 1824 by the merchant Petro Shchedrin. The project was developed by the architect Kostyantyn Ton, the construction was supervised by the city architect Andreev. The temple is made in the neo-Rus style of cult architecture. Details of 17th century architecture are also used.

In the interior of the Intercession Church, the remains of a painting from the second half of the 19th century (Fedir Kozachinsky) have been preserved.

In 1932, the church was closed, although it resumed work for a short time during the Second World War. Returned to believers in 1988.

Map pin icon Yuriya Olefirenka Street, 14 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музей Івана Карпенка-Карого, Кропивницький
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Ivan Karpenko-Kary Literary Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Literary and Memorial Museum of Ivan Karpenko-Kary was opened in Kropyvnytskyi in 1995 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the well-known Ukrainian playwright, the luminary of the Ukrainian professional theater Ivan Karpenko-Kary (Tobilevych).

The museum is located in the memorial building where the writer lived in Yelysavethrad (then the name of the city) from 1872 to 1883. Here he began his literary activity, writing the short story "New Recruit" and the first two plays - "Shepherd" and "Not so gentlemen, as mister". Famous cultural figures of the second half of the 19th century visited him, including: Mykola Lysenko, Marko Kropyvnytskyi, Mykola Sadovskyi, Panas Saksahanskyi, Mykola Arkas, Mariya Zankovetska, Mykhaylo Starytskyi and others.

The main exhibition "Ivan Karpenko-Kary: life paths of a luminary" highlights the Yelisavetgrad period of the writer's life, his role on the amateur and professional scene. Lifetime editions of Karpenko-Kary's works, original photographs of luminaries of the Ukrainian theater, theater posters are presented.

In the second and third halls there are temporary exhibitions: "Khutir Nadiya - the theater mecca of Ukraine", "Voices of literary Kirovohrad region" (history of the literary life of the region for 80 years), "A word about the city above Ingul" (references to the city of Kropyvnytskyi in the works of famous writers).

Map pin icon Ivana Tobilevycha Street, 16 Kropyvnytskyi


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Юнкерське кавалерійське училище, Кропивницький
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Junker Cavalry School


The complex of buildings of the former Junker Cavalry School in Kropyvnytskyi was built in the middle of the 19th century on the territory of the former suburb of Kovalivka.

It was one of the largest military schools in the country. The military town included a three-story palace, headquarters and training buildings, officers' meeting, arena, and stables.

The buildings are located around the current Cavalry Park, on the site of which there used to be a parade ground where military parades and reviews were held. The complex is still in the hands of the military.

Map pin icon Kavaleriyska Street, 13 Kropyvnytskyi


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Кімната-музей Левка Мацієвича, Олександрівка
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Levko Matsiyevych Room-Museum

Museum / gallery

The Room-Museum of Levko Matsiyevych in Oleksandrivka was opened in 2003 in the house where this outstanding Ukrainian public figure, designer, aviation pioneer was born in 1877.

Levko Matsiyevych was the author of the world's first aircraft carrier project, the project of one of the world's first seaplanes, and many submarine projects. He was among the founders of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP) - the first political party in Trans-Dnipro Ukraine. He died in a plane crash during the first All-Russian Aviation Festival in 1910 near St. Petersburg.

The exhibition of Levko Matsiyevych's Room-Museum presents some of his personal belongings, photographs and documents, which were donated to the museum by a descendant of the Matsiyevych family, Ukrainian politician and public figure Yuriy Sakhno. A model of the Farman-4 plane, on which the aviator flew and died, was also presented.

A memorial plaque has been installed on the facade of the museum.

The Room-Museum of Levko Matsiyevych is a branch of the Oleksandrivka Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Ukrayiny Street, 64 Oleksandrivka


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Музей Марка Кропивницького, Кропивницький
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Marko Kropyvnytsky Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The memorial museum of Marko Kropyvnytsky in the city of Kropyvnytskyi was opened in 1982 in the building where the luminary of the Ukrainian theater lived for almost 20 years. Here the playwright wrote his classic plays, and in the early 1880s, he formed a celebrated Ukrainian theater troupe.

The exposition of the museum consists of several chapters that tell about the family of the playwright and actor, about his childhood and studies at the gymnasium and university, about his path in art as the founder of the first professional Ukrainian theater - the Theater of Corypheivs.

The Marko Kropyvnytsky Memorial Museum is a branch of the Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Lore.

A monument to Marko Kropyvnytsky was erected near the Coryphaei Theater.

Map pin icon Marka Kropyvnytskoho Street, 172/42 Kropyvnytskyi


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Урочище Монастирище, Інгульське
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Monastyryshche Tract

Natural object , Reserve

The landscape complex "Monastyryshche Tract" is located on the banks of the Ingul river between the villages of Inhulske and Zavutrovo.

This is a pre-Christian temple, a pagan religious building with altars and pagan symbols on the stone. In the center of the tract is a large oval rock, which is washed by the Ingul River on one side, and is framed by a wide circular amphitheater on the other. The height of the rock is 13 meters, length - 50 meters, width - 20 meters. The northern, eastern and western walls are vertical, and the southern one is sloping. The whole building is paved with huge rectangular stone blocks. On the upper platform in various places there are many large shaped blocks - the result of the glacier's descent and weathering (according to another version, the figures were once carved by hand).

According to legend, a Cossack treasure is hidden in the rock. The entrance to the treasury is somewhere above, the exit is underwater in the middle of the river.

Plants characteristic of the southern part of the steppe region have been preserved on the slopes of the canyon and adjacent areas of Ingul.

Today it is a landscape reserve of national significance "Monastyryshche".

Map pin icon Monastyryshche tract Inhulske


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Янгол-охоронець України, Кропивницький
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Monument "Guardian Angel of Ukraine"


The monument "Guardian Angel of Ukraine" was installed in Kropyvnytskyi for the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ and for the 250th anniversary of the city.

Along the perimeter of the base of the column is the inscription: "God, save Ukraine."

During the creation of the monument, the craftsmen used granite from the Kapustinsky, Krupsky and Voynovsky deposits. The monument to the Guardian Angel was created by sculptor Anatoliy Honchar and architect Vitaliy Kryvenko.

Map pin icon Velyka Perspektyvna Street, 2 Kropyvnytskyi


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Пам'ятник студентам, Кропивницький
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Monument to students


The monument "Students of all times" was installed in Kropyvnytskyi in 2012 on the square in front of the Central Ukrainian National Technical University, which is now called Studentska.

At the heart of the composition of the monument to students is a bench, near which a male and a female student are sitting with books in their hands. The bench is a Mebius strip (a surface with only one side) engraved with the names of the higher education institution at different times.

Map pin icon Universytetskyi Avenue, 8 Kropyvnytskyi


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Музейний Льотної академії, Кропивницький
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Museum complex of the National Aviation University Flight Academy

Museum / gallery

The museum complex of the National Aviation University Flight Academy in Kropyvnytskyi unites a number of museum institutions and exhibition spaces dedicated to the history of Ukrainian aviation in general and the educational institution in particular.

The center of the complex is the Aviation Museum, which has been operating since 1971. The exposition presents many aircraft models, photos, souvenirs from different countries, awards and gifts. The most popular exhibit is the cabin of the An-24 aircraft, which was used as a training exercise for cadets. Samples of on-board recorders - so-called "black boxes" are also presented.

Kozhedub Square behind the main training building of the academy was created in 2010 around a memorial sign in honor of the stay of Ukrainian ace pilot Ivan Kozhedub in Kirovohrad Oblast. The square also features a forged commemorative sign "Shpakivnia forever" in honor of all graduates, a memorial plaque dedicated to the two-time Hero of the Soviet Union Amet Khan Sultan, stands with information about outstanding aviators whose activities are related to Kirovohrad region, etc.

Alley of Aviators was laid in 2010 from Chobanu Street to BC "Aviator" in honor of the 100th anniversary of the first flight into the sky of Yelisavetgrad. There are real airplanes and models, stands and creative compositions, a fountain in the form of an airplane and much more.

The Aeronautical square is located between the second educational building and the training center - here the composition "Rose of the Winds" and samples of aeronautical equipment, which was operated at the airfield "Kirovohrad" in different years, are presented.

The museum exposition of historical local history is also a part of the complex.

Map pin icon Stepana Chobanu Street, 1 Kropyvnytskyi


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Краєзнавчий музей, Бобринець
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Museum of Local Lore named after Mykola Smolenchuk

Museum / gallery

Bobrynets City Museum of Local Lore in Kirovohrad Region bears the name of Mykola Smolenchuk, a Ukrainian writer and researcher of the life and work of luminaries of the Ukrainian theater, who founded this institution in 1959.

Now the museum has more than 5,500 exhibits. In particular, the archeological collection, household items of different epochs, ancient weapons and money are presented.

The main exposition presents photos, documents, letters, invitations related to the figure of Marko Kropyvnytskyi. Among the unique things - a shawl of the famous Ukrainian actress Mariya Zankovetska, as well as furniture from the houses where the luminaries stopped during a tour in Bobrynets.

Preserved authentic table, chair, mirror, gramophone. The "Ukrainian Room" hall tells about the traditional life of the region's inhabitants.

The military hall presents materials about the Second World War and modern war in eastern Ukraine, and a corner in memory of the Hero of the Heavenly Hundred Viktor Chmilenko has been opened.

Map pin icon Mykolayivska Street, 78 Bobrynets


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Музей Кароля Шимановського, Кропивницький
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Musical Culture Museum named after Karol Shymanovskyi

Museum / gallery

The Kropyvnytskyi Museum of Musical Culture named after Karol Shymanovskyi was founded in 1991 on the initiative of musicologist Olha Levtonova. At this time, it temporarily does not have its own premises, the exhibits are stored in storage rooms.

The museum is dedicated to the Yelysavethrad period in the life of the outstanding Polish composer Karol Shymanovskyi, who was born in 1882 in Ukraine - in the family estate in the Chyhyryn region. In Yelysavethrad, where his family lived during the winter, he studied at the music school of Neuhaus, where he began his concert and journalistic activities.

The memorial building of the Shymanovskyi on Hoholya Street, which was in a state of disrepair, was actually rebuilt in 1991-1997, but the construction was never completed. The museum was temporarily located in Music School No. 1 named after Heinrich Neuhaus, but in 2020, in connection with the major renovation of the school building, the museum exhibits were dismantled.

The museum's collections include about 10,000 exhibits. Among them, the most valuable are autographs, belongings and portraits of Karol Szymanowski, documents and photographs of the Neuhaus and Blumenfeld families.

Currently, the Karol Shymanovskyi Museum of Musical Culture organizes separate exhibitions at other venues, conducts thematic tours of the city and works online.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 42 Kropyvnytskyi


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Новгородківський краєзнавчий музей
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Novhorodka Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Novhorodka Museum of Local Lore is located in the center of the urban-type village of Novhorodka. Founded in 1974 at the local cultural center, it has been operating in the current premises since 1991.

The exhibition "Archaeological finds of Novhorodka region" presents research materials of two mounds located near Novhorodka, belonging to different archaeological cultures - from the 3rd millennium BC to the 8th-9th centuries AD. The oldest exhibit is an ammonite (fossilized shell) about 25 million years old, found in the Novhorodka quarry.

The exhibition "Novhorodka region - Cossack Territory" is devoted to the period of the founding of Novhorodka in the second half of the 18th century. Household items and weapons from the Cossack period are exhibited here. The ethnographic collection exhibits towels of the 19th and 20th centuries, clothes, jewelry, household items and tools.

A special exhibit is a unique towel dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence, started by the Petrokorbivka hromada, which was embroidered by 25 craftsmen from each rural hromada of the district over the course of two years.

Employees conduct tours of museum exhibits and organize trips along tourist routes of the region.

Map pin icon Kvitneva Street, 15 Novhorodka


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