Attractions of Bucha district

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Bucha district


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Каплиця Різдва Богородиці, Гнатівка
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Chapel

Temple , Architecture

The cemetery chapel in honor of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Hnativka near Bilohorodka was built in 1905 by a local resident, Hvozdyk.

Throughout the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th, the majority of the population of Hnativka consisted of Jews. Due to the small number of the Christian community in Hnativka, a full-fledged church was never built, and its functions were performed and continue to be performed by the cemetery chapel of the Nativity of the Virgin.

A crypt looted during Soviet times has been preserved under the chapel. Currently, the chapel is restored, services are held.

In 2013, a memorial plaque was solemnly installed on the wall of the church commemorating the historical event that took place in Hnativka on February 9, 1918. On this day, in Hnativka, under the leadership of Acting Minister of War Oleksandr Zhukivskyi, the re-formation of all existing troops into the Separate Zaporizhzhia Detachment took place - this is how the first regular armed formation of the Ukrainian People's Republic was formed.

Map pin icon Starozhytomyrska Street, 40 Hnativka


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Палац Остен-Сакенів, Немішаєве
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Osten-Saken Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The ruins of the palace of the Nemishaieve Osten-Saken's estate are located in the park next to the Nemishaieve plant of biochemical preparations in Nemishaieve, on the outskirts of the village of Myrotske.

It is not known for sure who built the palace and when. Perhaps it existed already in the middle of the 19th century, when the estate was owned by the Counts of Osten-Saken from Courland. The one-story building with towers is made in the Renaissance-Neo-Gothic style, has rich decor and resembles a fairy-tale castle. From the end of the 19th century, the estate belonged to Count Vorontsov-Dashkov, then to the rich landowner Andriy Kulyk.

In Soviet times, the building housed a factory club, which burned down during a fire. Since then, the palace has not been restored, it was partially dismantled for building materials. In 2007, the ruins were leased to the local community of the UOC MP for the creation of a temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Divine services are occasionally held in the surrounding area, but restoration has not yet begun.

Since May 2018, the ruins of the Osten-Saken`s palace have been returned to the communal property of the Nemishaieve hromada.

Map pin icon Biokhimichna Street Nemishaieve


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Pillbox 402

Castle / fortress

One of the most interesting structures of the Kyiv Fortified District (KyUR) is the multi-story Pillbox (DOT) 402, located on the steep bank of the river Irpin.

Pillbox No. 402 was built according to an individual project and has three levels: ground level (classical with two machine-gun casemates and an entrance), the first underground and the main, lower underground level with an extensive system of underground communications 500 meters long.

On July 12, 1941, during the German offensive on Kyiv, after an unsuccessful attempt to immediately advance in the direction of Zhytomyr, General von Kleist, who commanded Army Group "South", tried to break through to the south of Bilohorodka. Its units were met by the 402nd Pillbox KyUR. Having suffered significant losses, the Germans retreated. The offensive of the aggressors was delayed until the departure of the main forces of the Red Army from Kyiv.

Episodes of the movie "The Tunnel" were filmed in Pillbox No. 402.

Map pin icon Zhovtneva Street Bilohorodka


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Поштова станція, Калинівка
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Postal Station


The complex of buildings of the stagecoach post station has been preserved in Kalynivka since the time of the Russian Empire in almost its original form.

It was built according to the model project "Houses of the II category with a hotel", a characteristic feature of which is the arrow windows in the Neo-Gothic style. Such stations were massively built in the country in the middle of the 19th century, in particular on the postal route that passed through Kyiv on the Brest-Lytovske highway (now it is the international highway E40). The complex includes a coach house, a carriage house, and a stable.

The main building is still used for its intended purpose - it houses the post office. The other premises are occupied by the office of the road maintenance service.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 4 Kalynivka


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Поштова станція, Любимівка
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Postal Station


The complex of buildings of the stagecoach post station has been preserved in Liubymivka since the time of the Russian Empire in almost its original form.

It was built according to the exemplary project "Houses of the II class with a hotel", a characteristic feature of which are arrow windows in the neo-Gothic style. Such stations were massively built in the country in the middle of the 19th century, in particular on the postal route that passed through Kyiv on the Brest-Litovsk highway (now it is the international highway E40). The complex includes a coach house, a carriage house, and a stable.

The buildings of the post office in Liubymivka are still used for their intended purpose - they house a roadside hotel and restaurant complex with a sauna.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 86 Liubymivka


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Залізнична станція, Буча
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Railway Station


The railway station in Bucha was opened in 1901. Since those times, the station building has been preserved, which is now the main architectural landmark of the city.

The building, built in an eclectic style with elements of Romanesque and Gothic, is decorated with towers and arched windows, which makes it look like a small castle.

The station was restored for the centenary of the city, and a commemorative plaque appeared on its facade on this occasion. The station still has a functioning steam locomotive hydraulic column, which is also a local rarity.

Map pin icon Levka Lukyanenko Street, 3 Bucha


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Миколаївська церква, Луб'янка
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Saint Nicholas Church in the village of Lubyanka is the only surviving pre-revolutionary church in the former Borodyanka district.

The first wooden church in the village was built in 1758. In 1812, it was replaced by a new one, but at the end of the 19th century, due to the strong dilapidation of the building, it was decided to build a new church.

The project of the temple was developed by academician of architecture Volodymyr Nikolayev, the author of the projects of the Intercession Monastery, the Kyiv Philharmonic, the refectory church of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, and others. The architecture of the Saint Nicholas Church is quite restrained and practically devoid of decor. The only exception is the complex 10-column entrance portico, which has survived to this day.

During the years of Bolshevism, the dome was dismantled, and the church was closed. Divine service was resumed in 1941 during the German-fascist occupation. Since then, the temple has not been closed.

In 2014, the Saint Nicholas Church received a protective status. In the same year, the new priest carried out an arbitrary reconstruction of the temple - the decor of the entrance group was knocked down, four concrete pillars were placed in the central cross and a bulbous crown on top, the temple was painted, due to which it lost its authenticity.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 100 Lubyanka


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Церква Симеона Стовпника, Петропавлівська Борщагівка
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Saint Simeon Stovnyk Church

Temple , Architecture

The brick church of Saint Simeon Stovpnyk was built in Petropavlivska Borshchahivka in 1909 on the site of the old wooden church of 1755, built at the expense of the community.

Due to the rapid growth of the population in 1908, it was decided to build a new church. The contract for the construction of the church was given to Petro Temko, a peasant from Dymer, who had good recommendations after building churches in the village of Svaromia, Chernihiv province, and Boiarka, Kyiv district.

According to the project of the diocesan architect Yermakov, the church is two-story, 5-domed with a faceted aspid. It had three entrances - central and two side. The parish library was located on the second floor. The facades are made in eclectic forms of the "neo-Rus" style, and the decoration of the upper part of the church walls, parapet and decorative elements are taken from wooden architecture. The middle of the church was plastered and painted.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 28 Petropavlivska Borshchahivka


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Садиба Штамма, Буча
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Sthamm Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The manor house of Shtamm, an adviser to the board and one of the creators of the Kyiv-Kovel railway, built in the 1900s, is located in a park area on the western edge of Bucha.

The two-story building in the neo-Romanesque style is decorated with complex brick decor. The main facade of the manor is flanked by two round towers with decorative loopholes and a tented finish. Under the loopholes there is a real arcature frieze. The windows of the second floor have semicircular finials and are decorated with platbands.

Service buildings and farm buildings have also been preserved near the main building. The mansion is surrounded by an abandoned park, through which a landscape alley leads to the facade of the estate.

Thanks to its exquisite and original architecture, the Stamm manor has a significant historical and cultural value, but it is not officially an architectural monument. Until 2004, the "Druzhniy" children's sanatorium was located here. After the fire in 2004, it stopped working. At the moment, the manor is in an abandoned state.

Map pin icon Yevhena Konovaltsya Street Bucha


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Тюльпанове дерево, Ворзель
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Tulip Tree

Natural object

The tulip tree or tulip liriodendron is not directly related to tulips - it is a relative of the magnolia.

It comes from the north-east of America, where it reaches a height of 50-60 meters. It has a leaf of an unusual shape - without a tip. The tree got its name thanks to the delicate yellow-green flowers, similar to tulips.

In Vorzel, a tulip tree was planted in 1914 at the manor of Zherebtsov, secretary of the Kyiv Zemstvo Administration. This tulip tree is one of the largest in Ukraine (they say that there are only two of them in the country, but in fact there are about 30). Its height is about 30 meters, and the diameter of the trunk is more than one meter. Blooms in late May - early June.

Map pin icon Tyulpanivska Street, 8 Vorzel


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Музей українського костюму та писанки, Немішаєве
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Ukrainian Costume and Easter Egg Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ukrainian Costume and Easter Egg Museum was opened in 2007 in one of the buildings of the Nemishaieve Agricultural Technical College on the initiative of teacher Tamara Uhnivenko. The institution operates on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center of Higher and Vocational Pre-Higher Education.

The exposition presents 50 men's and women's national costumes of the mid-19th - early 20th centuries from all regions of Ukraine, as well as household and wedding towels with traditional ornaments.

A significant place in the exposition is occupied by a collection of 3,000 Easter eggs of 27 types. Pottery and carving, weaving, and embroidery products are also presented. The exhibition of charms is of particular interest.

Thematic excursions and master classes on pysankari are held.

Map pin icon Technikumivska Street, 1 Nemishaieve


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Кіностудія "Вікторія", Гурівщина
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Victoria Films Studio

Entertainment / leisure

Victoria Films Studio near Kyiv is one of the largest and most modern film studios in the country, engaged in the development, production and post-production of film and television projects.

The filming location of the film studio on the territory of 36 hectares is located on the outskirts of the village of Hurivshchyna, 15 kilometers from Kyiv. Large-scale real-life sites are located here: "Village", "Old Town", "Prison", "Lake", "River", "Field". There are also shooting pavilions, prop warehouses, a park of game vehicles, etc.

But the most attention is attracted by the entrance gate of the Victoria Films Studio in the form of a fairy-tale castle, reminiscent of Cinderella's castle in Disneyland. The gate is guarded by stylized figures of the Alien and the Predator over 3 meters high.

Access to the territory is closed, excursions are not conducted.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 100 Hurivshchyna


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Вишневий історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Vyshneve Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and local history museum of the Vyshneve city was founded on the initiative of the local historian Kateryna Sereda, and received official status in 2004.

The museum does not yet have a permanent premises, part of the exposition is temporarily located in the building of the State Statistics Service. In particular, on the second floor, the grand piano of the Becker company is exhibited, on which the outstanding composer Ihor Stravynskyi played when he came to Vyshneve to visit the Myhay family.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 27A Vyshneve


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Будинок письменників (Дача Чоколова), Ірпінь
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Writers Creativity House (Chokolov's House)


The House of Creativity of the Union of Writers of Ukraine in Irpen is located on the territory of the former house of the head of the Kyiv merchant assembly, yeast manufacturer Mykola Chokolov, after whom the Kyiv district of Chokolivka was named.

The build, built at the beginning of the 20th century in the neo-modern style, resembles a fairy-tale house.

In 1936, on the initiative of the poet Ivan Honcharenko, the "Irpin" House of Creativity of the Writers' Union of Ukraine was opened on the territory of Chokolov's house. Oleksandr Dovzhenko, Pavlo Tychyna, Mykhaylo Stelmakh, Mykola Bazhan, Ostap Vyshnia, Oles Honchar, Maksym Rylsky and others worked and rested here.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Stelmakha Street, 20 Irpin


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