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Attractions of Vinnytsia region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Vinnytsia region

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Vinnytsia region


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Краєзнавчий музей, Вінниця
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Vinnytsia Regional Museum of Local Lore

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Vinnytsia Regional Museum of Local Lore is located on the territory of the former defensive Jesuit monastery of the 17th century, which, together with the buildings of the Dominican monastery, forms the historical and architectural complex "Vinnytsia Mury".

The museum was founded in 1918 on the initiative of representatives of the local intelligentsia. In 1970, a new building was completed, and the exposition was significantly updated.

Currently, the collection includes 200,000 exhibits. Unique items belonging to the Scythian and Sarmatian periods, large numismatic collections, ethnographic collection: pottery, weaving, and embroidery are stored here. folk painting.

A mammoth skeleton found in the region is presented.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 19 Vinnytsia


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Садиба Вітгенштейнів, Бронниця
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Vithenshteyn Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of Field Marshal Petro Vithenshteyn, a hero of the Franco-Russian War of 1812, is located in Bronnytsia, a suburb of Mohyliv-Podilskyi.

After retiring for health reasons, the general decided to settle here, as Bronnytsia is famous for the source of healing mineral water "Bronnychanka".

He built a German-style manor house on a high mountain above the Dniester next to the Babina Durka cave. A manor house with a high tower and a gatehouse have been preserved, as well as a landscape park, on the territory of which the "Hirskyi" children's sanatorium is now located.

The gazebo in the park offers a wonderful view of the Dniester canyon and the city of Mohyliv-Podilskyi, which is spread out in the valley.

Map pin icon Bronnytsia


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Бункер Ворошилова, Вінниця
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Voroshylov Headquarters

Castle / fortress

The "Pivdenniy Buh" object in Vinnytsia is called the "Voroshylov Headquarters" - the command post of the 3rd Letychiv fortified district, which was created from 1931 to 1936 to cover the direction to Vinnytsia. The "Pivdenniy Buh" facility itself was built in 1937 under the cover of the construction of a military sanatorium, on the territory of which it is now located.

The complex of underground premises is carved out of the granite rock on the bank of the Pivdenniy Buh, consists of 28 premises of various purposes - from a bathhouse to a diesel generator room. The ventilation system has been preserved. There is no reliable information about whether the People's Commissar of Defense Voroshylov himself visited.

In 1941, the bunker was the command post of the Southern Front. During the German occupation, it housed Field Marshal Vilhelm Keytel, the chief of staff of the Wehrmacht High Command.

After the Second World War, the bunker was used by the military until the 1980s, then it was abandoned. Since 2003, the complex belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, the Holy Trinity Rock Church was founded in it. Visiting is possible with the permission of the priest.

Map pin icon Knyaziv Koriatovychiv Street, 185 Vinnytsia


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Водяний млин, Круподеринці
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Water Mill


The four-story water mill building in Krupoderyntsi was built in 1896 by Count Mykola Ihnatiev on the site of the old wooden grist mill (grain crusher), which gave the village its name.

The mill and the oil mill attached to it were set in motion by the waters of the Ros River. A vivid example of industrial architecture of the 19th century. The old equipment is still preserved inside.

Map pin icon Pishchanka Street Krupoderyntsi


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Водяний млин, Новофастів
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Water Mill


The water mill in Novofastiv was built in 1896 by landowners Borovsky. An architectural monument of local importance.

In our time, there was an attempt to restore the operation of the water mill - the floor between the floors was concreted, but then all work was stopped.

Map pin icon Sadova Street Novofastiv


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Музей ткацтва, Буша
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Weaving Museum

Museum / gallery

The interactive museum of weaving in Busha opened in 2019 as part of the artistic project "Ways of Woven Busha". The project involves reproducing the full process of making a woven product using traditional methods and training in various weaving techniques for everyone.

The exposition presents a variety of looms and other equipment for the production of fabrics, ancient carpets, paths, sackcloths, towels and many other products of Podillya folk art masters.

The Busha Museum of Weaving offers visitors to try to work at the looms on their own, in order to experience all the intricacies of the weaving craft and the fabric production process.

The Weaving Museum is a branch of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Busha".

Map pin icon Kooperatyvna Street, 13 Busha


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Музей образотворчого мистецтва, Ямпіль
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Yampil Fine Arts Museum

Museum / gallery

The Yampil Museum of Fine Arts presents a collection of works by contemporary Ukrainian artists, a collection of women's and men's clothing, and a numismatic collection by  Volodymyr Lev.

The museum exposition presents products of traditional crafts of Yampil region: embroidery, Easter eggs, weaving from the villages of Klembivka, Dzyhivka, Tsekinivka, Pisarivka, Borzhky and others.

Map pin icon Svobody Street, 136/48 Yampil


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Ямпіль
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Yampil Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Yampil Museum of History and Local Lore is a department of the local Museum of Fine Arts. The exposition tells about the nature, archeology, history and culture of the Yampil region.

Map pin icon Svobody Street, 71 Yampil


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Палац Ярошинських, Тиврів
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Yaroshynsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The manor house in Tyvriv, on a hill above the Buh, was built at the end of the 18th century by representatives of the Yaroshynsky family.

The palace was executed in the best Palladian traditions of early classicism. A park was built around the palace. Later, extensions were created that disturbed the original composition.

In 1891, the Tyvriv Palace was sold to the Podillya Diocese, which opened a theological school in it. Soon there was a fire, after which the building lost most of its decoration.

In 1910-1911, the famous Ukrainian composer Kyrylo Stetsenko taught singing at the school, as the memorial plaque reminds. Mykola Leontovych also worked here, and Volodymyr Svidzinsky studied.

Now the building houses the Tyvriv Lyceum Boarding School. The room-museum of the honored journalist of Ukraine, photo master, carver Volodymyr Ocheretny is open.

Map pin icon Tyverska Street, 14 Tyvriv


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Пам'ятник Єремії Могилі, Могилів-Подільський
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Yeremiya Mohyla Monument


The monument to the Moldavian landlord Yeremiya Mohyla , the founder of the city of Mohyliv-Podilskyi, was erected in 1995 for the 500th anniversary of the city.

At this place, in 1495, Yeremiya Mohyla built a castle, which he later gave to the Polish count Stefan Potocki as a dowry for his daughter. The new owner founded a fortified city here, which he named Mohyliv in honor of his father-in-law.

In 2011, a park with flower beds and a children's playground was laid out around the monument of Yeremiya Mohyla.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 4 Mohyliv-Podilskyi


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