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Attractions of Odesa region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Odesa region

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Морський вокзал, Одеса
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Sea Station of Odesa Port


The Port of Odesa is one of the largest seaports in Eastern Europe, and was the largest in the Russian Empire. The construction of a new port at the Khadzhibey fortress, which was captured by Russian troops, started the city. Completely reconstructed in 1968.

In front of the building of the sea station, a sculpture of Ernst Unknown "The Golden Child" was installed, on the pier there is a monument to the sailor's wife. The tower of the high-rise "Odesa" hotel (2001) rises above the naval station. At the end of the pier - the church of Saint Nicholas, a new yacht club. On the territory there is a museum of open-air anchors.

Map pin icon Prymorska Street, 6 Odesa


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Центр культури вина, Шабо
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Shabo Wine Culture Center

Winery / brewery , Museum / gallery

The modern Shabo winery is based on the ancient traditions of Shabo winemaking. The Turkish name of the village of Shabo - "Asha-abah" ("Lower gardens") - indicates that there were vineyards here already in the 17th century.

The development of winemaking was facilitated by French settlers who arrived in Chabot in 1822. The Swiss scientist and winemaker Louis Tardan planted the first vine here, and already in 1847, his son Karl Tardan presented 8 varieties of Saba wines at the first agricultural exhibition in Chisinau.

Today, on 1,000 hectares of its own vineyards, located between the Dniester estuary and the Black Sea coast, Chabo grows the best grape varieties, many of which were brought over 200 years ago by the first French settlers. The wine is produced using modern cold bottling technologies.

The "Shabo Wine Culture Center" was created at the plant, tours and tastings are held. During the tour, you can visit the ancient Royal Cellar, Sherry Cellar, underground vaults, Cognac Court, Champagne House, cold bottling shop, museum labyrinth.

Map pin icon Shveytsarska Street, 10 Shabo


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Шахський палац, Одеса
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Shah Palace


The neo-Gothic building on a steep slope at the very beginning of Hoholya Street is called the Shah Palace in Odesa, because it was once rented by the Persian Shah.

The palace was built in 1851-1852 according to the project of the architect Feliks Gonsorovsky for the Polish nobleman Zenona Bzhozovsky, and the last owner was Count Yosyp Shenbek. Part of the premises was rented out.

From 1909 to 1917, the Persian Shah Mohammad Ali, who fled to Odesa from the revolution in Iran, lived in the palace. According to legend, with the beginning of the revolution in Russia, he also left the country, this time abandoning his harem.

During Soviet times, the "Shah Palace" housed the House of Folk Art. For some time, the restored building was occupied by the main office of the Maritime Transport Bank. Currently - the office of the transfer company "Eximnaftoprodukt".

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 2 Odesa


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Дуга Струве, Стара Некрасівка
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Struve Geodetic Arc


The memorial sign on the southern edge of the Struve Geodetic Arc in Stara Nekrasivka is often called the "Meridian Monument".

The Struve Arc is a network of 265 triangulation points, which are stone cubes embedded in the ground with an edge length of 2 meters. The length of the arc is more than 2,820 kilometers. It runs from the coast of the Arctic Ocean near Cape Nord Cape to the mouth of the Danube.

It was created in 1816-1855 by academician Vasyl Struve with the aim of determining the shape and dimensions of the Earth.

Map pin icon Stara Nekrasivka


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Краєзнавчий музей, Татарбунари
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Tatarbunary Museum of History and Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Tatarbunary Museum of History and Local Lore was established in 1949 as a museum of the Tatarbunary Uprising, an armed peasant uprising in Tatarbunary organized by the Bolsheviks in 1924 against Romanian rule.

Today the museum has 8 halls and an art gallery. The history of the settlement of the region by numerous peoples is presented, starting with the Cimmerians, Scythians, Polovtsians, Tatars, Turks and ending with the Transdanubian Cossacks.

The main themes of the exposition: ethnography, Tatarbunary uprising, the period of the Second World War, the epoch of collective farms, sports glory of Tatarbunary region, creativity of Tatarbunary artists and poets (in particular works of Odessa artist Viktor Sharapenko).

The museum is located on the second floor of the Palace of Sports.

Map pin icon Himnazychna Street, 1 Tatarbunary


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Театр "Маски", Одеса
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Theater "Masks"

Theater / show

The "Masks" theater in Odesa was opened in 2003 by the famous Odesa comedy troupe "Masks" in the premises of the former "Druzhba" cinema.

Performances of "Masks", based on the rich classical traditions of the Theater Del Arte, the Theater of the Absurd, comedians "Big Dumb", European clowning - are fireworks of fresh unbridled fantasy, embodied in the form of pantomime, choreography, drama, trick, where each actor develops his own unique image.

The theater has a "Masks" cinema, which shows the best arthouse and festival films every day. Creative parties and children's matinees take place in the art cafe "Mana-Mana Restaurant", the interior of which was created by the members of the "Masks Show" troupe.

Map pin icon Olhiyivska Street, 23 Odesa


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Спасо-Преображенський собор, Одеса
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral is the main Orthodox church of Odesa, rebuilt from scratch in 2002 after it was blown up in 1936 by the decision of the Soviet authorities.

Contemporaries were impressed by the magnificence of the interior of the temple. After the reconstruction in 1903, the Transfiguration Cathedral was one of the largest churches in the Russian Empire and could accommodate up to 9,000 people. Its dimensions in plan were 90 by 45 meters, and the height of the belfry was 72 meters.

In 2005, the remains of the governor-general of the Novorossiya region Prince Mykhaylo Vorontsov and his wife were reburied in the restored church.

On the night of July 23, 2023, Russia launched a massive missile attack on the historic center of Odesa, as a result of which the Savior and Transfiguration Cathedral suffered significant destruction. A Russian rocket hit the central altar, as a result of which the cathedral building was partially destroyed, the three lower floors were covered, the interior decoration and icons were significantly damaged, and the service premises of the lower part of the cathedral were completely destroyed.

Map pin icon Soborna Square, 3 Odesa


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Спасо-Преображенський собор, Болград
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Transfiguration Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Transfiguration Cathedral in Bolhrad was built in 1838 with donations from the city's residents.

Architect Avraham Melnykov used the architectural style of mature classicism. The height of the dome, decorated with Corinthian pilasters, is 50 meters.

The interior was painted in 1912-1914 by the artist Pavlo Piskarov in the style of romanticism based on sketches by Vasnetsov.

Map pin icon 28 Chervnia Square, 26 Bolhrad


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Преображенська церква (Лютеранська кірха), Великодолинське
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Transfiguration Church (Lutheran Church)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Transfiguration in Velykodolynske is an architectural monument of local importance.

The history of the temple begins in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, the German colony of Gross Liebenthal was located on the territory of the village of Velykodolynske. The church building is the former Evangelical-Lutheran German Church in the name of the Apostle Peter. Its construction was started by German colonists in 1845, and in 1846 the church was consecrated. Kirkha was considered an architectural masterpiece. It had octagonal columns, inside was Engelmann's organ.

In 1993, the abandoned church was handed over to the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. As a result of the reconstruction, its appearance has completely changed. In particular, the dome was built and the bell tower was rebuilt.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 97 Velykodolynske


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Музей українського козацтва, Одеса
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Ukrainian Cossacks Development History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ukrainian Cossacks Development History Museum in Odesa was founded in 2006 by the Interregional Public Organization "Black Sea District. Zaporizhzhian Cossacks". The institution is located in a restored building of the 19th century in the central part of the city, on Peresyp.

In three halls on an area of 120 square meters, there is a permanent exhibition, which presents about 1,000 exhibits and various dioramas.

The "Ukrainian Cossacks Heroic" hall tells about the prerequisites for the emergence of Cossacks, the creation of Zaporizhzhian Sich, the liberation movements of the XVII-XVIII centuries, the destruction of Sich and the creation of the Black Sea Cossacks, the liberation of southern Ukraine from Turkish-Tatar influence, the role of Cossacks in the First and Second World Wars. The dioramas "Assault of the Turkish frigate by the Cossacks", "Settlement on Peresyp", "Assault on the Khadzhybey fortress", "Outpost on Shkodova Hill" are presented. The decoration of the exhibition is a copy of Illya Repin's painting "Zaporizhzhians writing a letter to the Turkish Sultan" by an unknown artist.

In the "Cossack life and works of art" hall, typical Cossack clothing, crockery of the 18th-19th centuries, ancient icons, as well as the works of the sculptor Petro Kravchenko are exhibited. The "Ukrainian room of the 19th Century" hall recreates the life of Ukrainian peasants and displays everyday items, including a collection of embroidered and home-woven towels and shirts from more than a century ago.

Museum employees organize tours of Cossack sites in Odesa, as well as thematic tourist and excursion programs with master classes.

Map pin icon Chornomorskoho Kozatsva Street, 9 Odesa


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Воронцовський палац, Одеса
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Vorontsov Palace

Architecture , Palace / manor

The Palace of the Governor-General of the Novorossiya Region Mykhaylo Vorontsov in Odesa was built in 1827 in the Empire style according to the project and under the direction of the architect Frants Boffo.

The interiors of the palace, designed by the outstanding sculptor and painter Karl Scotti, are the best examples of the preserved interiors of Odesa from the empire era. Prince Vorontsov arranged elegant balls here.

In Soviet times, the premises were occupied by the Palace of Children and School Youth.

The belvedere colonnade on the embankment is considered one of the symbols of Odesa. In 1994, the "Day and Night" fountain by Mykhaylo Reva was installed nearby.

In May 2022, during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Vorontsov Palace was damaged by Russian missile fire.

Map pin icon Vorontsovsky Lane, 2D Odesa


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Городище Єні-Дунья, Южне
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Yeni-Dunya Hillfort

Archaeological site

Excavations at the site of the hillfort, which some researchers also associate with the 18th century Turkish fortress of Yeni-Dunya.

The hillfort is located near Cape Sychavskyi to the west of the mouth of the Tylihul estuary, near the town of Yuzhne and the village of Koshary.

According to one version, the Koshary settlement is much older, and it can be identified with the ancient city of Odesos, which gave its name to the present Odesa.

Map pin icon Cape Sychavskyi Yuzhne


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