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Attractions of Chernivtsi region

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Чернівецька ратуша, Чернівці
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Chernivtsi City Hall


The construction of the City Hall on Rynok Square in 1847 cemented its status as the center of Chernivtsi.

The construction of the Chernivtsi City Hall was supervised by the architect Andreas Mikulich with the participation of regional engineer Adolf Marin. The architecture of the building shows features related to the departure from the principles of classicism and the turn to the Italian Renaissance: the facade is designed in a classical style, while the clock tower shows Renaissance motifs.

The building is still used for its intended purpose - it is where the Chernivtsi City Council meets. The facade is decorated with the coat of arms of the city.

Every day, a trumpeter in Bukovyna folk costume climbs the 126 steps to the 50-meter clock tower and at exactly 12:00 p.m. performs from the balcony the melody from the song "Marichka" - the musical business card of Bukovyna.

Upon prior agreement with the Tourist Information Center of Chernivtsi, it is possible to climb to the observation deck, which offers a wonderful panorama of the city and its surroundings (groups of up to 5 people).

The facades of several Austrian-style buildings, which in the 19th century housed the city's best hotels: "Under the Black Eagle", "Golden Lion" and others, also overlook the square.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Square, 1 Chernivtsi


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Протяте каміння (Соколине око), Розтоки
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Pierced Stones (Hawkeye)

Natural object

The group of rocks in the Bukovyna Carpathians east of the village of Roztoky, near the Nimchych pass, is called "Pierced Stones".

As a result of weathering, many holes have formed in the 40-meter-high sandstone rocks, they seem to have been perforated.

The most impressive arched rock is Hawkeye - a rare form of karst in the Carpathians. The arch at the top of the rock resembles the shape of eyes, hence the name. At the foot of the rock is a small three-chambered cave.

Map pin icon Roztoky


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Залізничний вокзал, Чернівці
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Railway station


The imposing building of the Chernivtsi railway station in the Art Nouveau style was built according to the project of the architect Otto Vahner using the forms of the Vienna Secession fashionable at the beginning of the 20th century.

The main element of the decor is a portal with a stained-glass window made of a steel frame, symbolizing the gates of the city.

At the time of its opening, this stylish house was not inferior to the best European counterparts.

Map pin icon Vokzalna Street, 38 Chernivtsi


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Площа Турецька Криниця, Чернівці
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Turkish Well Square Complex

Historic area

The cozy Turkish Well (Turetska Krynytsya) Square is a new landmark of Chernivtsi, emphasizing the multi-ethnicity of the city.

In the 17th century, a Turkish community lived in this area of the Lower City, immediately outside the city walls. Next to the old wooden well, the Turks built a stone fountain. From time immemorial, there was a city bath here, which operated even in Soviet times.

The ensemble of the square consists of the Turkish bridge (XIX century), a restored oriental-style pavilion above the spring, and a round arcade with a fountain. The decoration of the square is a flower clock, opened in 2008.

In 2009, during Blacksmiths' Day, a forged bicycle was installed on the square. Ancient houses around the perimeter continue to be restored.

Turkish Well Square is especially beautiful when illuminated in the evening.

Map pin icon Turetska Street Chernivtsi


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Музей Вижницького коледжу мистецтв та дизайну імені Василя Шкрібляка, Вижниця
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Museum of Vyzhnytsia College of Art and Design named after Vasyl Shkriblyak

Museum / gallery

The museum of Vyzhnytsia College of Arts and Design named after Vasyl Shkriblyak was opened for the 60th anniversary of the educational institution, which bears the name of the famous wood carver, who taught here since 1905.

The exposition includes 23,000 exhibits. The best graduation works of college graduates are presented: woodworking, jewelry, blacksmithing, artistic weaving, embroidery, clothing modeling, and more.

Some works can be purchased.

Map pin icon Ukrayinska Street, 74 Vyzhnytsia


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Водоспад "Сучавський Гук", Шепіт
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"Suchavsky Huk" Waterfall

Natural object

The "Suchavsky Huk" cascading waterfall is located on the Suchava River near the center of Shepit village.

It is a cascade with three ledges with a total height of 5 meters.

Map pin icon Zarichna Street Shepit


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Будинок Анни Москви–Голоти, Вижниця
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Anna Moskva-Holota House

Palace / manor

The house of Anna Moskva-Holota, the wife of Mykhaylo Moskva, a lawyer and member of the Austrian Parliament, was built in Vyzhnytsia in the second half of the 19th century.

Anna Moskva-Holota was one of the most educated women of Bukovyna, well versed in politics and culture, knew several foreign languages, knew how to play the piano, graduated from a teachers' gymnasium, was hardened in the fight for women's rights, for the will of Ukraine. Extremely energetic and patriotic, she renovated the People's House in Vyzhnytsia with her own funds (now it is located on the territory of the Vyzhnytsia boarding school) and became the last head of the "Prosvita" (Enlightenment) society in the city.

Moskva's house was a cozy place for rest, peace of mind, communication with creative people over a cup of coffee and rum, those who wanted could use the family's library of rare books. Moskva's house, which the local intelligentsia then called among themselves the "House under the green lantern", in the times of Austria-Hungary became a kind of House of creativity, where cultural figures, writers and scientists were guests. Ivan Franko stopped in Moscow several times - for the first time in 1884 during his expedition to collect materials about the legendary oprysh Oleksa Dovbush and the leader of the peasant uprising Lukyan Kobylytsa. In the summer of 1901, Lesya Ukrayinka, together with her husband, the ethnographer Klyment Kvitka, also stayed at the house of Anna Moskva-Holota, with whom she was friends until her death. At the beginning of the 20th century, the writers Mykhaylo Kotsyubynskyi, Olha Kobylyanska, Hnat Hotkevych, Yuriy Fedkovych and many other prominent Ukrainians visited here.

On the facade of the Moskva`s house, the old sign of the shop, which was kept by the family, has been preserved to this day.

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Franko, on the initiative of the creative intelligentsia and the "Prosvita" society, a bas-relief to Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrayinka and Olha Kobylyanska was unveiled on the building. The author of the bas-relief is the sculptor Volodymyr Rymar.

Map pin icon Romana Shukhevycha Street, 13 Vyzhnytsia


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Успенський собор, Біла Криниця
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Assumption Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Old Believer Assumption Cathedral in Bila Krynytsia was built in 1901-1908, and later became the main temple of the Bila Krynytsia Convent.

Moscow Old Believers Hlib and Olha Ovsyannikovy allocated large funds for the construction to perpetuate the memory of their son who died early. Architect Oleksandr Kuznetsov developed the project in the style of Russian Orthodox architecture of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The construction was carried out under the supervision of the Austrian architect Klik. Individual stone parts of the structure were delivered from Moscow.

The elegant brick cathedral with five onion baths, covered with glazed tiles on the outside, resembles the Moscow Cathedral of Saint Basil the Blessed. A carved oak iconostasis was made for him by masters from Volodymyr and Palekh. Sketches of paintings were prepared by Viktor Vasnetsov, but they did not have time to paint the temple due to the First World War.

In Soviet times, the premises were used as a warehouse for mineral fertilizers.

In 1988, on the initiative of Rayisa Horbachova, a branch of the Andriy Rublev Moscow Museum of Ancient Russian Art was opened in the Assumption Cathedral. Currently, the church has been returned to the Bila Krynytsia Convent.

It was the residence of the head of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church.

After the start of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, in May 2022, the majority of Old Believers voted for the registration of an independent church and exit from the subordination of the Moscow Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church. Today, the Assumption Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Ancient Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Bilokrynitska Street Bila Krynytsia


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Кафедральний Собор Успіння Пресвятої Богородиці, Чернівці
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the first stone Greek-Catholic church in Chernivtsi.

In Austrian times, it was called the Ruska Church (that is, Ruthenian - Ukrainian). The street leading to the cathedral from the main square is also called Ruska.

The Church of the Assumption in Empire style was built on the initiative of a wealthy citizen Thaddeus Turkul for the Greek Catholics of Chernivtsi, consecrated in honor of Saint Thaddeus. In the 1930s, the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style according to the project of the architect Volodymyr Zalozetsky and rededicated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

A luxurious carved iconostasis created by Italian masters has been preserved.

In Soviet times, the building was used as a chemical warehouse.

Assumption Cathedral was returned to the Greek Catholic community in 1990. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Chernivtsi "Hope of those who have lost hope".

Map pin icon Ruska Street, 28 Chernivtsi


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Костел Успіння Діви Марії, Вашківці
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in Vashkivtsi at the beginning of the 19th century.

In 1949, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities, the building was used as a cinema.

Recently, the Church of the Assumption has been returned to believers, and restoration has begun.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 24 Vashkivtsi


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Успенська церква, Дубівці
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Assumption of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary was built in Dubivtsi in 1775 and reconstructed in 1782.

It is considered one of the best examples of Hutsul wooden architecture. A three-log temple with a dome over the central log. A small five-tier carved iconostasis has been preserved in the interior.

In recent years, the compositionally harmonious structure of the Church of the Assumption has been covered with galvanized iron, as a result of which the church has lost the specific charm characteristic of wooden religious buildings.

The names of two world-class Ukrainian singers - Orest and Denys Rusnak - are associated with the Assumption Church. Their father was a priest in this church, and they themselves sang in the church choir as children. The museum exposition in the nearby one-story building of the village school tells about it.

Map pin icon Bukovynska Street, 1A Dubivtsi


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Історичний музей, Берегомет
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Berehomet Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Berehomet Historical Museum was opened at the end of 2012.

This is one of the youngest museums in Bukovyna. The museum is located in the center of Berehomet.

The exposition of the museum is thematically divided into 3 sections and tells about the history, daily life and culture of local residents.

The museum collection includes more than 1,000 exhibits, including materials from archaeological excavations in the territory of the region, household items, historical documents and photographs from the XIX-XX centuries.

Map pin icon Olhy Kobylyanskoyi Street, 4 Berehomet


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Ботанічний сад, Чернівці
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Botanical Garden

Park / garden

The Botanical Garden of Chernivtsi National University is one of the oldest in Ukraine. Founded in 1877 by Professor Eduard Tanhle on the initiative of the Chernivtsi city magistrate.

There is a collection of more than 920 plants from different continents. Today, the botanical garden has departments of dendrology, tropical and subtropical plants, park science and herbaceous plants.

Map pin icon Yuriya Fedkovycha Street, 11 Chernivtsi


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Буковинські водоспади, Розтоки
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Bukovyna Waterfalls

Natural object

The cascade of Bukovyna waterfalls is located on the mountain river Smuhar, which flows into Cheremosh on the outskirts of the village of Roztoky.

The lower waterfall of the cascade is located within the village, 400 meters from the track. To the largest and most beautiful waterfall Velykiy Huk (18 meters) you need to walk 2.5 kilometers through a gorge along the stream. On the approach to the Velykiy Huk, you will see the waterfalls Kovber (3.5 meters), Sych (10.5 meters), Nizhniy Huk (9 meters), Vorota (3.5 meters) and Seredniy Huk (10.5 meters).

Bukovyna waterfalls are a landscape reserve.

Map pin icon Roztoky


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Католицька каплиця, Дубівці
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Catholic Chapel

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic chapel in Dubivtsi was founded in the 18th century. In its current form, it was rebuilt at the beginning of the 20th century by Baron Shymonovych in neo-Gothic forms with admixtures of local architectural traditions.

On the pediment of the chapel, a family coat of arms with two lions holding a crown is inlaid.

Now the building is not used, nothing has been preserved inside.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 39 Dubivtsi


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