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Урочище Гончарі-Кожум'яки, Київ
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Honchari-Kozhumyaki Tract

Historic area

Craft settlements in Podil arose during the time of Kyivan Rus, the names of Honcharna, Kozhumyatska and Dehtyarna streets reflect the nature of the residents' activities.

During Soviet times, the area fell into disrepair.

Currently, elite mansions in the style of the 19th century are being built.

Map pin icon Honcharna, Vozdvyzhenska, Kozhumyatska, Dehtyarna streets Kyiv


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Гостинний двір, Київ
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Hostynnyi Dvir


The rectangular building of shopping rows, warehouses and an inn in the center of Kontraktova Square was designed by the architect Luyidzhi Ruska as a two-story building, but due to the fire of 1811, he was only able to build the first floor. They were able to complete the construction in only 25 years.

Nearby is the "Samson" fountain (1749), which was part of the first Kyiv water supply system. In the 19th century, the pavilion was complemented by a naive sculptural composition "Samson tearing the lion's mouth" (the original is kept in the National Art Museum). A sundial is placed above the columns, and the figure of the Apostle Andrew is above the dome.

On August 4, 2023, Hostynnyi Dvir was officially recognized as an architectural monument of national significance.

Map pin icon Kontraktova Square, 4 Kyiv


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Будинок плачучої вдови, Київ
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House of the Weeping Widow (Arshavsky Mansion)


The Art Nouveau mansion was built in 1907 by architect Eduard-Ferdinand Bradtman by order of Serhiy Arshavsky, a Poltava merchant of the 2nd guild.

In 1918, the building was nationalized, and to this day it houses government structures.

The facade is decorated with a sad female face, which drips water during the rain, and it seems that the mask is crying. Hence the popular name of the mansion.

Map pin icon Luteranska Street, 23 Kyiv


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Музей Григорія Кочура, Ірпінь
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Hryhoriy Kochur Literary Museum

Museum / gallery

The private literary museum of the poet and translator Hryhoriy Kochur in Irpen was opened in 1997 by his son and daughter-in-law Andriy and Mariya Kochur after his death. Mariya Kochur still lives in their Irpin house and personally takes care of the museum.

This building was called the "Irpin University" - during Soviet times, the "sixties" and dissidents often gathered here. Hryhoriy Kochur, who himself went through the GULAG, was their spiritual leader. Among Kochur's guests were Vyacheslav Chornovil, Vasyl Stus, Ivan Dzyuba, Lina Kostenko and other representatives of the opposition-minded creative intelligentsia.

The exposition tells about the life of Ukrainian patriots of the second half of the 20th century. Photographs, personal belongings, notebooks, manuscripts, publications from Kochur's lifetime are presented. His personal library, which helped the poet in his creative pursuits, is of great value.

A separate memorial exhibition is dedicated to Kochur's teacher, outstanding translator Mykola Zerov.

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Kochura Street, 12 Irpin


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Музей Сковороди (Колегіум), Переяслав
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Hryhoriy Skovoroda Memorial Museum (Collegium)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Pereyaslav Collegium was opened at the Ascension Monastery in Pereyaslav in 1738. Its main purpose was to train the Orthodox clergy to fight against the union and Catholicism on the Right Bank.

The school had six classes: two grammars, one each - rhetoric, poetics, philosophy and theology. The term of study was six years. Children of the clergy, Cossack officers, burghers, and peasants studied here.

From 1750 to 1751, the outstanding Ukrainian philosopher-humanist, poet and educator Hryhoriy Skovoroda taught poetry at the Pereyaslav Collegium. To commemorate the 250th anniversary of his birth, a memorial museum was established in the reconstructed building. The atmosphere of the library, classroom, teacher's room is recreated. The atmosphere of the era is conveyed by antique furniture and interior items - cabinets, chairs, secretary, astronomical globe, ancient musical instruments. A copy of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, which was kept in the collegium until 1862, is presented.

In the art department you can see a portrait of Hryhoriy Skovoroda by an unknown artist of the XVIII century, a sculptural portrait of the philosopher Ivan Kavaleridze, rare folk paintings: "Cymbalist", "Near the house".

The Hryhoriy Skovoroda Memorial Museum is part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

Map pin icon Hryhoriya Skovorody Street, 52 Pereyaslav


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Пам'ятник Г. Сковороді, Київ
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Hryhoriy Skovoroda Monument


A monument to the great Ukrainian philosopher and educator Hryhoriy Skovoroda is erected on Kontraktova Square in Kyiv in front of the building of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, where he studied from 1738 to 1750, sang in the choir, and later taught.

Hryhoriy Skovoroda is depicted as if returning to his alma mater. According to the idea of the author of the sculpture, Ivan Kavaleridze, he was supposed to be barefoot, with a Bible under his arm and a cross around his neck, but at the request of the party leadership, the philosopher was put in shoes, and the Christian symbols were removed.

The Skovroda monument became the mascot of the students of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. According to tradition, every year on the day of the academy on October 14, the monument is washed, and on June 28, on the day of the awarding of diplomas, a bonnet - a black graduate cap - is put on Skovoroda's head. It is also a traditional place for informal youth meetings.

Map pin icon Kontraktova Square Kyiv


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Гідропарк, Київ
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Entertainment / leisure , Rest on the water , Recreation area , Beach

Hydropark in Kyiv is one of the most popular summer vacation spots on the Dnipro River, convenient thanks to the metro station.

It is located on the site of Predmostova slobidka, which arose near the first Kyiv Chain Bridge and was nicknamed "Venice of Kyiv". The modern recreation complex unites the Venetian and Dolbetsky islands.

Many beaches, attractions, sports grounds, restaurants, cafes and night clubs.

Map pin icon Brovarsky Avenue Kyiv


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Покровська церква, Кожанка
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Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Intercession Church in Kozhanka is located on a hill in the center of the village.

The church is wooden on a stone foundation, three-log three-domed, later expanded due to the addition of low buildings and a vestibule. A small extension adjoins the apse from the south. Log houses are covered with octagonal domes without drums, which makes the silhouette of the building somewhat stocky.

According to legend, the funds for the construction of this church were raised by the Haydamaks.

The unusual composition of the building places it among a number of interesting monuments of wooden architecture of the Right Bank of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 159 Kozhanka


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Покровська церква, Мотовилівка
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Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Intercession Church was built in Motovylivka in the middle of the 19th century on the site of a collapsed stone church, but in smaller sizes.

In the 1930s, the temple was closed by the Soviet authorities, the premises were used as a granary. During the German occupation, religious services were resumed and no longer stopped.

Today, the Intercession Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 4 Motovylivka


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Покровська церква, Поділля
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in the village of Podillia was built in 1874 at the expense of the landowner Tomachynskyi.

The Intercession Church is an architectural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 87 Podillia


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Покровська церква, Гатне
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church


The architectural ensemble of the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Hatne is made in the ancient traditions of wooden Orthodox architecture.

The type of church is cross-domed. In its plan, it is a cruciform space into which light penetrates through windows in a drum surmounted by a dome that symbolizes heavenly glory.

Intercession Church belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street Hatne


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Церква Покрови Богородиці, Гостомель
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The church in honor of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was founded in Hostomel on the initiative of the colonel of the Haidamac platoon Semen Paliy.

The construction of the wooden temple, the elements of which have survived to our time, began in 1770 on the site of an older religious building. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Hostomel church underwent several reconstructions. The main construction works were completed in 1890.

In Soviet times, the church was closed and converted into a village club. Reconstruction work began in 1989, during which it was possible to preserve the wooden drum of the central bathhouse from 1890. Currently, the Intercession Church continues to be developed.

In July 2022, after the liberation of Hostomel from the Russian occupation, the residents of the city at a community meeting decided on the transfer of the Holy Intercession Church to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Svyato-Pokrovska Street, 220 Hostomel


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Церква Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці (Пріорка), Київ
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church (Priorka)

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin on the Priorks in Kyiv was built in 1902-1906 on the site of the wooden Saint Demetrius temple.

The name of this area is connected with the word "prior", that is, the abbot of the Catholic monastery in Podil, abolished in the 19th century.

The five-domed church is made in the neo-Rus style with the use of platbands, kokoshniks and brick ornamentation. In the western part there is a bell tower, also topped with a dome. There are three thrones in the church: the main one - in honor of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, on the north side - in the name of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, on the south side - in the name of the Holy Great Martyrs George the Victorious and Demetrius of Thessalonica.

In the 1920s, the Intercession Church belonged to the Ukrainian Autocephalous Church, then to the Old Slavonic community, and now to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Mostytska Street, 2 Kyiv


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Центр культури і мистецтв, Київ
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International Center of Culture and Arts (Institute of Noble Girls)

Architecture , Theater / show

The former building of the Institute of Noble Girls is located on the hill dominating Khreshchatyk in Kyiv, which offers the best view of Maydan Nezalezhnosti.

The building of the institute was built according to the project of the architect Vikentiy Beretti, and was the property of the Kyiv noble assembly. The institute provided general education, aesthetic and ethical education, graduates were given the right to work as tutors in noble and merchant families. Mykola Kostomarov, Oleksiy Stavrovsky, Vitaliy Shulhyn, Mykola Bunhe, Mykola Lysenko, Yosyp Vytvytsky and others taught here. Natalya Zabila, Olena Pchilka, Natalena Koroleva, Thalberр sisters (singer and pianist) studied at the institute at different times.

During the Soviet rule, the building was occupied by various institutions, including the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR. A memorial cross was erected in honor of repressed Ukrainians, the creation of a museum is being discussed.

Currently, the building has the status of the International Center of Culture and Arts (the former "Zhovtnevy Palace"), the audience hall is used for public and cultural events, the annex houses the first high-tech cinema "Kinopalats" in Kyiv.

In front of the entrance is the "Alley of Stars", on which the names of prominent Ukrainians are placed.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni Alley, 1 Kyiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Ірпінь
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Irpin History and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Irpin Historical and Local Lore Museum sheds light on the history of the city of Irpin and the Irpin community, introduces the work of outstanding countrymen - artists, writers, sculptors, and masters of folk art.

The museum was founded in 1977 by the history teacher Oleksiy Perederiy as a local history club of the local school. The city museum in Irpen was officially opened in 1987, and in three years it received its current separate premises.

The exhibition is housed in four halls with modern multimedia equipment. The historical section tells about the formation of Irpin, in particular, about the Irpen dachas and the railway that gave life to the city. In the second hall, you can learn about the most famous artists of the city, including the outstanding kobzar Mykola Budnyk, artists Matviy Dontsov and Volodymyr Sydoruk. There are rare old prints, a collection of inkwells of various writers whose lives and works were connected with Irpin.

A separate exhibition tells about the events of the occupation of Irpen by Russian troops in February-March 2022, when the museum building was damaged. Evidence of the crimes of the Russian army, personal belongings of the occupiers, shot household objects of local residents, mutilated icons, shell casings, projectiles and fragments of military equipment are presented.

Personal exhibitions, presentations, art events are held in the exhibition hall.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 4A Irpin


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