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Музей Івана Франка, Халеп'я
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Ivan Franko Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The museum of the outstanding writer and philosopher of Ukraine Ivan Franko was opened in the village of Khalepya in 2009 in the building of the former school of literacy.

The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the journey of Ivan Franko to Taras Shevchenko through the Dnipro, whose grave the outstanding Ukrainian figure always wanted to visit.

In the same year, in the premises where the Ivan Franko Museum was already located, the museum of the pioneer of Tryrillya archaeological culture, Vikentiy Khvoyka, and the local history museum were opened.

The Ivan Franko Museum is a branch of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.

Map pin icon Berkutova Street, 11A Khalepya


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Музей Івана Гончара, Київ
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Ivan Honchar Museum National Centre of Folk Culture

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The National Center of Folk Culture "Ivan Honchar Museum" was created in 1993 on the initiative of the People's Artist of Ukraine Ivan Honchar, co-founder of the Ukrainian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, and one of the largest open-air museums in the world - the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine.

The museum is housed in an ancient building - an architectural monument of the 18th century. The exposition is based on the private collection of Ivan Honchar, who in Soviet times searched for and collected highly artistic works of Ukrainian folk art, as well as the works of professional painters who could not enter state museums for ideological reasons.

A large collection of icons of the 16th-18th centuries, fabrics, ceramics, and musical instruments is presented.

Map pin icon Lavrska Street, 19 Kyiv


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Музей-майстерня Івана Кавалерідзе, Київ
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Ivan Kavaleridze Museum-Workshop

Museum / gallery

The Museum-Workshop of the outstanding Ukrainian sculptor, film director and playwright, People’s Artist of Ukraine Ivan Kavaleridze opened in 1993 in a house on Andriyivsky Descent in Kyiv, where the artist worked on a project of a monument to Princess Olha in 1911.

The museum has about 3.5 thousand exhibits. The exhibition presents projects of monuments, easel sculptures, in which the sculptor refers to the image of Taras Shevchenko, Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Lev Tolstoy, Fedir Shalyapin, Amvrosiy Buchma, Lesya Ukrayinka, Mykola Amosov and other prominent personalities.

The museum also exhibits materials that highlight the life and career of Ivan Kavaleridze.

The sightseeing tour includes the artist's memorial room, where furniture and his personal belongings are exhibited. Visitors are shown digital copies of Kavaleridze's films.

Map pin icon Andriyivskyi Uzviz Street, 21 Kyiv


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Музей-садиба Козловського, Мар'янівкаМузей-садиба Козловського, Мар'янівка
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Ivan Kozlovsky Memorial Museum-Manor

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery

The Memorial Museum-Manor of Ivan Kozlovsky is located in the village of Maryanivka near Vasylkiv, where the outstanding Ukrainian tenor was born in 1900.

At the age of seven, Ivan went from here to Kyiv to study at a church school at the Saint Michael Monastery. He sang in Saint Sophia Cathedral.

His wonderful voice and the combination of folk motifs with classics in his work brought Kozlovsky world fame.

The singer visited his homeland many times. In a small house under a thatched roof, photographs, personal belongings, film materials, gramophone records with Kozlovsky's concerts are kept.

On the bank of the river, next to the house, there is a cozy park where mallows, apple trees, oaks, lindens, thuja and sycamores grow.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 3 Maryanivka


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Музей Івана Марчука, Київ
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Ivan Marchuk Museum

Museum / gallery

The Contemporary Art Center "Ivan Marchuk Museum" is planned to be opened in the former premises of the US Embassy in Kyiv. The artist personally developed the project of reconstruction of the administrative building into a modern museum and exhibition center.

Ivan Marchuk is People's Artist of Ukraine, laureate of the Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine, Knight of the Order of Freedom, recipient of the "National Legend of Ukraine" award of the President of Ukraine, member of the Golden Guild of the Roman Academy of Modern Art. In 2007, he was included in the rating of "Top 100 living geniuses", according to The Daily Telegraph.

The Ivan Marchuk Museum and Cultural Center of Contemporary Art was created in 2021 by decree of the President of Ukraine.

The creative work of the master includes about 5,000 paintings, which are exhibited in museums on all continents of the world. Some of them are kept in the National Art Museum of Ukraine, a branch of which is the Contemporary Art Center "Ivan Marchuk Museum".

Exhibitions of Ivan Marchuk's paintings from the museum's collections are currently being held at other venues.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Vynnychenko Street, 10 Kyiv


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Меморіал Івана Мазепи, Мазепинці
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Ivan Mazepa Memorial

Museum / gallery , Monument

The memorial of Hetman Ivan Mazepa was created in the village of Mazepyntsi, where he was born in 1639.

It was here in 1994 that the first monument to Mazepa in Ukraine and Europe was opened (sculptor - Yevhen Horban.). The monument was built on the initiative and at the expense of Ukrainian philanthropist Mariyan Kots, who lives in the USA.

The memorial complex also included the wooden church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (2007) and the Park of Cossack Glory (2009). Tree saplings were planted on the territory of the future park, a small museum was opened, and a cross was erected in honor of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

Map pin icon Ivana Mazepy Street Mazepyntsi


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Будинок-музей Івана Сошенка, Богуслав
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Ivan Soshenko Memorial House-Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The memorial house-museum of Ivan Soshenka in Bohuslav was opened in 1973 in the house of the artist's father, in which he was born in 1807.

The exhibition is housed in three rooms. In the first room, materials are exhibited that tell about Ivan's childhood and youth. The exposition of the next room highlights the artist's stay in St. Petersburg and studies at the Academy of Arts (1832-1838). The third room tells about Ivan Soshenko's meeting with Taras Shevchenko, the artist's work as a drawing teacher.

The museum presents photo reproductions of numerous sketches and drawings of the artist, as well as photocopies that tell about Ivan Soshenko's activities as a teacher, about the last years of his life.

A monument to Ivan Soshenko (sculptor Ida Kopayhorenko, architect Voldemar Bohdanivskyi) was installed on the territory of the museum.

Map pin icon Uchylyshchna Street, 1 Bohuslav


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Урочище Іван-гора, Ржищів
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Ivan-hora (Ivan-hill)

Natural object , Historic area

The tract of Ivan-hora (Ivan-hill ) is located on the bank of the Dnipro on the southeastern outskirts of Rzhyshchiv, to the right of the pier.

On the top of the 174-meter-high mountain, an ancient Rus settlement of the 11th-13th centuries was discovered in the 19th century, identified with the historical fortress city of Ivan (mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle in 1151). Remains of wooden fortifications were found.

In the 16th century, a Polish fortress was built on Ivan-hora, which in 1663 was used by the troops of King Yan Kazymyr as a bridgehead for the invasion of the Left Bank (according to one version, the mountain bears the name of King Yan (Ivan).

After the construction of the Kaniv HPP, the process of erosion and washing of the mountain by the waters of the Kaniv Reservoir began.

Map pin icon Osvity Street Rzhyshchiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Іванків
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Ivankiv Local History Museum

Museum / gallery

Ivankiv Local History Museum is located in the city park, on the site of an ancient Rus settlement of the X-XIII centuries.

The exposition presents samples of fauna and flora of the region, collection of antique household items, reconstruction of the interior of the Ukrainian house of Polissya region.

The exhibition "Ivankiv and Munster in the Second World War - Ukrainian-German research project" tells about the life of the town during the Nazi occupation and deportation of residents to forced labor in Germany.

The exposition "Chornobyl is our pain" tells about the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant and the elimination of its consequences.

The pride of the museum is an exhibition of paintings by the People's Artist of Ukraine Mariya Prymachenko, who lived in the neighboring village of Bolotnia.

At the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022, when Ivankiv came under fire, the Ivankiv History and Local History Museum burned down. But the employees managed to save all the paintings of Mariya Prymachenko. The restoration of the museum is planned.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 13 Ivankiv


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Ivankiv Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Ivankiv Museum of Local Lore is located on the 2nd floor of the House of Culture.

The exposition presents a large number of weapons of different epochs, tools and household items of the Ukrainian village of the XIX century, a large number of printed publications and documents of the Soviet-Ukrainian war, the period of collectivization and the Second World War.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 1 Ivankiv


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Музей Задорожного, Ржищів
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Ivan-Valentyn Zadorozhny Museum of Fine Arts

Museum / gallery

Rzhyshchiv Museum of Fine Arts named Ivan-Valentyn Zadorozhny is located in an administrative building in the center of Rzhyshchiv.

The permanent exhibition presents works by contemporary artist-monumentalist, a native of Rzhyshchiv Ivan-Valentyn Zadorozhny. He is the author of 24 monumental works located throughout Ukraine. These are stained-glass windows in the author's technique of cast glass, mosaics, carvings, concrete reliefs.

The artist's creative work also includes tapestries of hand weaving, sculptures, graphic illustrations to Taras Shevchenko's "Kobzar" and children's fairy tales.

Visitors to the museum can see the author's works, historical and documentary photographs, read excerpts from the artist's diary. The Rzhyshchiv Museum of Art also holds thematic exhibitions and other events.

Map pin icon Yarmarkova Street, 24A Rzhyshchiv


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Музей медуз, Київ
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Jellyfish Museum

Museum / gallery

The Jellyfish Museum in Kyiv was opened in 2018 by a team of professional aquarists under the leadership of Oleksandr and Yana Yanovsky. The institution is located in the very center of the city, on Maidan Nezalezhnosti.

About 20 types of live jellyfish are presented in the exposition. Among the exhibits are fire jellyfish, Atlantic aurelia, "cannonball", Cassiopeia jellyfish, Amakusa jellyfish, spotted Australian jellyfish, "lion's mane" jellyfish and others.

During the tour, you can find out, in particular, how many species of jellyfish known to mankind inhabit the Earth, which of them are deadly poisonous, and which jellyfish is the only immortal creature on the planet.

Map pin icon Khreshchatyk Street, 7 Kyiv


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Костел Іоанна Хрестителя (Органна зала), Біла Церква
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John Baptist Church (Organ Hall)

Temple , Architecture , Theater / show

The Roman Catholic Church of John the Baptist was built in Bila Tserkva in 1812-1813 by Count Ksaveriy Branytskyi on Castle Hill, where the nursery was located during the princely times.

According to one of the versions, an ancient church stood on this place, which gave the city its name. Branytskyi built the church in memory of his son Oleksandr, who died in childhood.

In the plan of the building lies the Latin cross, traditional for Catholic architecture, stretched on the east-west axis. The interior of the church is decorated with ornamental moldings with openwork rosettes complex in terms of plot and technique. The church is painted with monumental paintings by unknown masters. A white marble stele in memory of Kateryna Branitska-Sanhushko has been preserved on one of the walls.

In 1990, the organ of the Czech firm Rieger-Kloss was established. Today, the Church of John the Baptist is the Bila Tserkva city organ and chamber music hall with a 300-seat hall.

Map pin icon Soborna square, 4 Bila Tserkva


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Аквапарк Dream Island, Київ
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Jurassic Dream Island Aquapark


Dream Island Aquapark in Kyiv is the largest indoor water park in the CIS and one of the largest indoor water parks in Europe (25,000 square meters). Its capacity is up to 4 thousand people.

Located in the "Dream Town" shopping and entertainment center.

The creators of the water park call it the "Jurassic Aquapark" because it is designed in the style of the Lost World: an island with blue lagoons, wild plants and prehistoric animals.

The arsenal of the "Dream Island" water park includes 14 slides, 2 wave pools, 3 pools with current, a lagoon with an aqua bar for 55 seats, a jacuzzi, all types of baths, as well as a children's area with an area of about 700 square meters. Animation for children and adults.

The SPA-zone "Banny world" presents the bath cultures of different peoples of the world: Roman steam room, Indian, Moroccan, Russian bath, Turkish hammam, Finnish or Egyptian sauna, hydromassage showers, etc.

On weekends, aqua parties with exotic cocktails are held in the "Dream Island" water park. There is a tent town where you can stay for the night.

Currently, the "Dream Island" water park is closed for reconstruction.

Map pin icon Obolonsky Avenue, 21B Kyiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Кагарлик
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Kaharlyk Museum of History and Local Lore

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Kaharlyk Historical and Local Lore Museum

has been located in a spacious room where there was once a reading room of the City Library for Children. Earlier, the museum was in a small house in the center of the Kagarlyk, built at the end of the eighteenth century, where there was once a guest yard, then a post office.

The museum was founded in 1974. Of the 33,000 storage units, about 1.5 thousand exhibits were exhibited in the museum's exposition hall.

The museum exposition covers a wide time period - from the first settlements in Kagarlychyna to the present. The section of nature introduces to the flora and fauna of Kagarlychyna. The archeology section presents excavations on the territory of the region. The ethnographic department presents collections of embroideries, towels, scarves, pottery. You can also get acquainted with weapons, sculptures, banknotes of different times, historical documents and ancient books.

Map pin icon Stavyanka Street, 2 Kaharlyk


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