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Музей гончарства, Вишгород
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Museum of Ancient Rus Pottery

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Pottery of the Vyshhorod Historical and Cultural Reserve introduces the Vyshhorod region as a leading historical center of the traditions of pottery in Kyivan Rus.

The large pottery center of Ancient Vyshhorod was discovered in the middle of the XX century during the construction of the Kyiv HPP infrastructure. According to archaeologists, in the XI century. on the territory of 5-6 hectares there were about 250-300 pottery kilns. Probably, measuring utensils for taxation were made here. Most of the finds were destroyed during the construction of residential buildings in the city of power engineers.

An exposition pavilion was built over the only surviving medieval pottery kiln. Nearby, in a village house of the middle of the XX century, there is an exposition of archeological finds on the territory of Vyshhorod pottery center, a collection of products of the Mezhyhirya porcelain and faience factory, an exhibition of works by modern masters.

The Museum of Ancient Rus Pottery regularly holds various events and celebrations. Masters of pottery invite you to master classes, during which everyone can make a souvenir for themselves.

Map pin icon Mezhyhirskoho Spasa Street, 11 Vyshhorod


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Музей книги і друкарства України, Київ
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Museum of Book and Publishing of Ukraine

Architecture , Museum / gallery

Since 1975, the Museum of Books and Publishing of Ukraine has been located in the building of the monastery printing house of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which has been operating continuously for over 300 years - from the beginning of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

The exposition covers the history of domestic books and book business from the times of Kyivan Rus to the present day. Among the oldest manuscripts are the "Gospel of Reims" (XI-XIV centuries), the "Ostromir Gospel" (1056) and an integral attribute of the inauguration of the Presidents of Ukraine "Peresopnytsia Gospel" (1556-1561), examples of translation and orig. literature of Kyivan Rus.

Among the unique monuments of printing are the first Ukrainian printed book "The Apostle" (Lviv, 1574) and the first Slavic "Bible" (Ostroh, 1581), published by Ivan Fedorov.

You can also get acquainted with rare editions of Ukrainian printing houses: fraternal, monastic and private.

The two exhibition halls periodically display art, book and illustration, photo exhibitions, as well as events dedicated to important events in the cultural life of Ukraine and abroad.

The institution offers a museum-pedagogical event "Game in a fairy tale" for children's groups.

Map pin icon Lavrska Street, 9, building 9, 10 Kyiv


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Музей електрозв'язку, Біла Церква
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Museum of Electrical Communications

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Electrical Communication in Bila Tserkva is located in the premises of the Ukrtelecom Telecommunications Center.

The exhibition tells about the history of communication and post. Devices used to transmit messages at different times, the first television, and more are presented.

Map pin icon 72nd Brigade Heroiv Street, 23/1 Bila Tserkva


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Музей етнографії, Яготин
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Museum of Ethnography and Education

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Ethnography and Education in Yahotyn is located on the territory of the Yahotyn Lyceum No. 3, in the premises of the former Zemstvo school built in 1913. Since 1996, one of the branches of the Yahotyn Historical Museum has been located here.

In the two main halls, the history of the Yahotyn school, its teachers, leaders, and students is highlighted. Documents, photographs, personal belongings are widely presented.

In the ethnographic exposition, which appeared in the museum since 2006, exhibitions of old towels, peasant clothes of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, and household items are on display. A typical interior of a rural house in the Yahotyn region of the beginning of the 19th century has been reconstructed.

Author exhibitions of canvases by Yahotyn artists are held.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 105 Yahotyn


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Музей сучасного мистецтва, Київ
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Museum of Modern Art of Ukraine

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Modern Fine Arts of Ukraine (MSIIU) in Kyiv is the first private museum in the country that presents the work of modern Ukrainian artists.

The museum was created by philanthropist Serhiy Tsyupko on the basis of his personal collection of paintings, graphics, sculptures and decorative and applied arts.

The museum collection includes more than 6,000 unique exhibits and is located on an area of 3,500 square meters. Its basis is modern non-figurative painting.

In addition, exhibitions of Ukrainian artists are constantly held in the halls of the museum.

Map pin icon Yevhena Konovaltsya Street, 44А Kyiv


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Музей грошей Нацбанку, Київ
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Museum of Money of the National Bank of Ukraine

Architecture , Museum / gallery

A magnificent building in the style of the Italian Renaissance was built for the Kyiv office of the State Bank.

It was originally two-story, but 30 years later two more floors were added. The central place in the building is given to the operating room with colored stained glass windows and a glass ceiling.

The exposition of the Museum of Money of the National Bank of Ukraine tells about money circulation in Ukrainian lands from ancient times to the present. Primitive forms of money, antique, medieval coins, money of the Russian Empire, banknotes of the Ukrainian People's Republic, as well as money of the Soviet period and modern independent Ukraine are presented here.

A special permit is required to visit the Treasury Museum "Treasury of Ukraine".

Map pin icon Instytutska Street, 9 Kyiv


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Музей окупації Києва, Київ
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Museum of Occupation of Kyiv

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Occupation of Kyiv was founded in 2008 and is located on the territory of the Partisan Glory Park of Culture and Recreation. Covers the most dramatic periods of the city's life - from the beginning of the Ukrainian Revolution in 1917 to the restoration of Ukraine's independence in 1991, when the country was under occupation by various states. The exposition reveals the themes of ideologies of different occupation regimes, their policy of occupation terror against citizens, their purposeful destruction of the urban environment. Photographs and documents, personal belongings of the direct participants in the events, leaflets and newspapers of different periods of occupation, samples of weapons and military equipment of those times, maps and diagrams are presented.

Visitors are also invited to view the interactive VR-exhibition "Babyn Yar".

The Museum of the Occupation of Kyiv is a branch of the City History Museum.

Map pin icon Slavhorodska Street, 49 Kyiv


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Музей однієї вулиці, Київ
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Museum of One Street

Museum / gallery

The Museum of One Street is dedicated to the history of Andriyivsky Descent, the most famous and colorful street in Kyiv.

Founded by the literary search association "Mayster", whose activists decided to reveal to visitors some secrets of Andriyivsky Descent, to acquaint with its most famous inhabitants, to recreate and preserve a special aura that surrounds this romantic street - Mecca of artists, writers and other creative people.

The interiors of some typical rooms have been reconstructed, showing the peculiarities of Kyiv life in the 19th century. Separate exhibitions are dedicated to M. Bulhakov, F. Krasitsky, I. Kavaleridze and others.

In 2002, the One Street Museum was named one of the best museums in Europe. Historical, documentary and art exhibitions are held regularly.

Map pin icon Andriyivsky descent, 2B Kyiv


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Музей видатних діячів української культури, Київ
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Museum of Outstanding Figures of Ukrainian Culture

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The large museum quarter between Saksahanskoho, Zhylyanska, Pankivska and Lva Tolstoho streets in Kyiv unites the museums of several outstanding Ukrainian families who lived here at the same time in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: Kosach, Lysenko, Starytsky, Tobilevych.

The district of Pankivshchyna was then called the Latin quarter, because the Kyiv intelligentsia lived here: professors and students of Saint Volodymyr University, doctors, engineers, artists.

The outstanding composer, the founder of Ukrainian classical music, Mykola Lysenko, was the first to settle in building No. 95. In the apartment where he lived the last 18 years of his life and wrote his main works, the interiors of the hall, study, dining room and living room are recreated, where even today you can hear the magical sounds of the Lysenko grand piano.

The writer and theater actor Mykhaylo Starytsky lived in the neighboring house No. 93 with his wife Sofiya, daughter Mariya and son Yuriy. The exposition of the Starytsky museum consists of a memorial apartment, where the interiors of the living room, dining room, office of Starytsky and the room of the eldest daughter Mariya are reproduced, as well as the exposition "Continuation of family traditions", which is dedicated to the life and creative path of the writer's children and grandchildren.

The Lesya Ukrayinka Museum was created in building No. 97, where the Kosach family lived for a decade and Lesya herself occasionally visited. In fact, the editorial office of the magazines "Native Land" and "Moloda Ukraina" was based here, the editor-in-chief of which was the mother of the poetess Olha Kosach from the Drahomanov family (literary pseudonym - Olena Pchilka). The seven halls of the literary exposition tell about the life and creative path of Lesya Ukrayinka, about the Drahomanov and Kosach families, the circle of friends and associates of the poetess.

The museum of one of the luminaries of the Ukrainian theater, Panas Saksahansky from the Tobilevych family, will be opened in the memorial building No. 96 on Zhylyanska Street after its restoration.

In the course of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, on October 10, Russia once again carried out a massive missile attack on Kyiv. One of the Russian rockets hit near the Museum of Outstanding Figures of Ukrainian Culture. The houses of outstanding figures suffered significant damage. Extremely valuable unique artifacts from the museum collection were not damaged because they were secured in advance, but there is damage in the museum premises.

Map pin icon Saksahanskoho Street, 93-97 Kyiv


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Музей науки "Експериментаніум", Київ
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Museum of Popular Science "Experimentanium"

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure

The Museum of Popular Science and Technology "Experimentanium" in Kyiv is a scientific and entertainment center, where the laws of science and the phenomena of the surrounding world are clearly and easily demonstrated.

The permanent exposition of the museum has about three hundred interactive exhibits and covers the main sections of physics studied at school: mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, acoustics.

The exhibits are designed so that visitors can conduct experiments that illustrate the work of a law of nature. One of the most interesting exhibits is a Tesla plasma ball, which demonstrates crisp experiments with high voltage.

On the second floor Experimentanium there is a cozy cafe.

Map pin icon Stepana Bandery Avenue, 6 Kyiv


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Музей науки, Київ
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Museum of Science

Museum / gallery

The first state science museum was opened in 2020 by the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the territory of the VDNH National Expocenter of Ukrainein Kyiv. The exposition demonstrates the most important scientific achievements of mankind, the laws of nature and their interaction in an understandable and accessible form.

The museum space is divided into five zones, where you can get to know individual branches of science. The "Strange Matter" zone is dedicated to materials science and work with the tiniest particles of matter - molecules and atoms. In the "Acoustics" zone, you can see your voice and hear it through acoustic mirrors. Interactive tables in the "Human" area allow you to look inside living organisms. The "Optics" zone invites you to discover the world of color and learn what light is made of. In the "Great Inventions" zone, you can see a bicycle with square wheels and learn about the discoveries of four of the most famous Ukrainian scientists.

Acquaintance with the exhibits takes place in the form of free exploration of the space without the help of tour guides, but interpreters work near the exhibits, who are happy to help find answers to all questions.

Map pin icon Akademika Hlushkova Street, 1, VDNH, Pavilion 23 Kyiv


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Музей театрального, музичного та кіномистецтва, Київ
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Museum of Theater, Music and Cinema

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Museum of Theater, Music and Cinematography of Ukraine was founded in Kyiv in 1923 as a theater museum at the Berezil Art Association, headed by a prominent figure in the Ukrainian theater Les Kurbas.

It is located on the territory of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, in an adapted room of the former Lavra infirmary.

The exhibition tells the history of theater in Ukraine from its inception in ancient folk art to the early twentieth century. The creative activity of the constellation of luminaries of the Ukrainian theater is presented: Marko Kropyvnytsky, Mykhaylo Starytsky, Ivan Karpenko-Kary, Mykola Sadovsky, Panas Saksahansky, Mariya Zankovetska.

A separate exhibition is dedicated to the life and career of the genius Ukrainian actor and world-class director-innovator Lesya Kurbas.

The exhibition "Ukrainian Film Genesis" presents the history of the origin and formation of national cinema.

The museum also has unique collections of Ukrainian folk musical instruments and rare Ukrainian nativity scenes with dolls.

Sightseeing, thematic and interactive music excursions, children's master classes are carried out.

Map pin icon Lavrska Street, 9, building 26 Kyiv


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Музей трипільської культури, Переяслав
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Museum of Trypillya Culture

Museum / gallery

The Pereyaslav Museum of Trypillya Culture is one of the youngest museums in the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav". It was opened in 2003 in the house where the brother of Ukrainian composer Pavlo Senitsa once lived.

The exposition presents materials from about 40 settlements of Trypillya agricultural culture (V-III millennium BC) from different regions of Ukraine: Dnipro region, Pobuzhzhya, Podnistrovya. They tell about the Trypillya system of land cultivation, the first cultivated cereals, the construction of Trypillya dwellings, the mythology and rituals of the ancient inhabitants of the region. Among the exhibits: ceramic ware, jewelry, clay figurines, tools.

In the same room is the Museum of Cossack Glory, which presents the works of a talented artist and wood carver, Ukrainian poet-singer Vasyl Zavhorodny. In the three halls of the museum there are more than 200 works by the artist, addressed to the theme of the Ukrainian Cossacks: images of Cossacks, princes, hetmans and educators, including Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Hryhoriy Skovoroda, Petro Sahaidachnyi, Taras Shevchenko, Mykola Hohol.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 10 Pereyaslav


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Музей української діаспори, Київ
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Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Museum of Ukrainian Diaspora, which tells about the fate of Ukrainian immigrants, is located in an ancient Kyiv mansion of the 19th century.

Here are presented documents, photographs and some personal belongings that once belonged to Ukrainian artists, writers, and musicians who at various times were forced to leave their homeland.

Several halls of the museum are dedicated to the work of immigrant artists: Lyudmyla Morozova, Oleksa Bulavnytsky, Vadym Dobrolizh and others. The largest exposition is dedicated to the life and work of the famous ballet master and dancer Serzh Lyfar.

Map pin icon Knyaziv Ostrozkykh Street, 40B Kyiv


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Музей непотрібних речей, Київ
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Museum of Useless Things

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Useless Things in the area of the Livoberezhna metro station in Kyiv is called the "Museum of Antiques" or the "Museum of Recycled Materials".

It was opened in 2007 on the territory of the "Kyivmiskvtorresurs" plant, which is engaged in the procurement and processing of secondary raw materials. Back in the middle of the 20th century, interesting things began to be systematically selected from the garbage here, and later, having learned that the factory accepts antique items, people began to bring them here.

Among the unique rarities are the very first vacuum cleaner in the Russian Empire, an ancient set of hairdressing tools, a set of torture tools for the tsarist gendarmerie, a sledge, a hemp processing machine.

An entire stand is dedicated to the Soviet theme, with about 40 different figures of the leader of the revolution, and the famous 7-meter statue of Lenin, brought from Crimea, is installed in the yard of the plant.

The large exhibition is located on the street under a canopy, and the small one is in a wooden old-fashioned house.

Map pin icon Yevhena Malanyuka Street, 112 Kyiv


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