Attractions of Pryluky district

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Pryluky district

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Театр Бродського (Будинок культури), Прилуки
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Brodsky Theater (City Culture House)

Architecture , Theater / show

The Pryluky City Cultural House is one of the most prominent buildings in the city.

As the first professional theater stage, Pryluky began to build it in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the burgher Brodskyi together with the owner of the brick factory Shtonda, but they did not have enough funds to complete the construction. The central two-story part was completed only in 1930.

Currently, the People's Amateur Theater "Rampa" and several other creative groups perform on the stage of the House of Culture. Theater festivals are held here every year, gathering amateur groups from all over Ukraine.

In 2008, a monument to the famous Ukrainian theater and film actor Mykola Yakovchenko, a native of Pryluky, was erected on the square in front of the Brodsky Theater building.

Map pin icon Yuriya Koptyeva Street, 28 Pryluky


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Заповідник Качанівка, Палац Тарновських
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National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Kachanivka"

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery , Park / garden

Kachanivka Palace and Park Complex is one of the best preserved landed estates in Ukraine with a luxurious palace in the style of classicism and one of the largest landscape parks in Europe.

The Kachanivka estate got its name from the first owner, the court singer Fedir Kachenovskyi. The creation of the palace and park complex was started in 1770 by the Governor-General of Little Russia Petro Rumyantsev-Zadounayskyi. His palace in the pseudo-Gothic style was radically rebuilt in 1808-1824 by the landowner Hryhoriy Pocheka.

In 1824 the estate became the property of the Tarnovsky family, who owned it until the end of the 19th century and turned it into a center of culture and arts. Taras Shevchenko, Mykola Hohol, Panteleymon Kulish, Mykola Kostomarov, Mykhaylo Maksymovych, Marko Vovchok and Dmytro Yavornytskyi visited them at different times. Mykhaylo Hlinka wrote the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in the altanka, which now bears his name. And Illia Repin was helped to create his most famous painting "Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish sultan" by a collection of Cossack weapons collected by Vasyl Tarnovskyi.

The last owners of the estate were sugar manufacturer Pavlo Kharytonenko and his daughter Olena, who married Baron Mykhaylo Oliv. In Soviet times, a sanatorium operated on the basis of the estate, which severely damaged the palace.

In 1981, the historical and cultural reserve "Kachanivka" was established. It includes a central palace with two outbuildings and a stylized water tower, service houses, Hlinka's Pavilion, Saint George's Church, and a complex of outbuildings.

On the territory of Kachanivka Park with an area of 560 hectares you can see a number of ponds, park bridges, slides of Love and Faithfulness, Romantic ruins and other park structures.

In the restored palace halls there is a museum exposition that tells about the history of the palace, its former owners and famous guests.

The service houses are equipped with hotel rooms, a souvenir shop and a cafe. On the territory of the park you can arrange a picnic - gazebos and barbecues for rent.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hlinky Street, 1 Kachanivka


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Трьохсвятительська церква, Прилуки
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Three Saints Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Three Saints in Kustivtsy in Pryluky was built in 1878 on the site of an old church founded in the 17th century.

The first temple was built at the expense of the burgher Andriн Kendyukh.

The new five-domed church in Kustivtsy is made in the so-called "parish" style.

Map pin icon Petropavlivska Street, 32 Pryluky


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Краєзнавчий музей, Прилуки
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Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Maslov

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Pryluky Museum of Local Lore named after Vasyl Maslov occupies a restored two-story mansion built in the 19th century for the mayor Mykola Kyslovsky in the very center of the city.

Its history begins with the Museum of Natural History, opened at the end of the 19th century. It reached its peak in the 1930s under the leadership of the famous scientist Vasyl Maslov (a monument has been installed at the entrance to the museum). The collection of masterpieces of world art and Cossack relics of the famous public figure and philanthropist Hryhoriy Galagan became the basis of his collection.

Since then, the museum has formed interesting art collections, a large collection of decorative and applied art, and opened a department of Pryluky history. The most interesting exhibits: the saddle of Hetman Danylo Apostol, a model of the Pryluky fortress, a fragment of the fortress palisade.

Employees of the local lore museum conduct tours of the city and its surroundings.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 277 Pryluky


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Музей художника Миколи Ге, Ічня
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Artist Mykola Ge Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Artist Mykola Ge was opened in 19179 in the village of Ivanhorod near Ichnia thanks to the efforts of the history teacher Oleksandr Tsyhanok and the great-niece of the artist Olha Kuznyetsova.

For a number of reasons, the museum in the village of Ivangorod later ceased its activities. In order to preserve the collected exhibits, it was decided to move the museum to Ichnya. In 2011, to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Mykola Ge, the museum opened as a department of the Ichnia Local Lore Museum, which is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding painter of the second half of the 19th century, one of the founders of the Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions.

The museum's exposition reflects the artist's life and creative path, presents memorial items from that period, a number of rare exhibits, including the death mask of Mykola Ge, unique photos, photocopies of his most famous paintings, as well as works by contemporary artists and sculptors that highlight the life of Mykola Ge.

Map pin icon Voskresinska Street, 52 Ichnia


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Палац Галаганів, Дігтярі
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Galagan Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of Petro Galagan in Dihtiari was built in 1825-1832 according to the project of the architect Pavlo Dubrovskyi, who was also involved in the construction of the Galagan Palace in the neighboring village of Sokyryntsi.

The central two-story building is connected to the two wings by arched passages. The park is laid out under the leadership of gardener Yohann Bisterfeld. The huge manor house with a wonderful garden and huge greenhouses was called one of the best manors of the Chernihiv region.

After Galagan's death in 1876, according to his will, the estate was transferred to the Poltava Provincial Zemstvo for the establishment of an educational institution. In 1877-1882, the architect Fedir Verbytsky rebuilt the palace to organize a Zemstvo craft school in it, and the palace building retains this profile to this day. In particular, after the Second World War, a vocational school was opened in the palace of the Galagan manor in Dihtiari. Today it is the Dihtiari Vocational Agrarian Lyceum, which houses the ethnographic museum of Ukrainian life "Berehinya" with 5 exhibition sections.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 1 Dihtiari


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Сокиринський палац Ґалаґанів, Сокиринці
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Galagan Palace (Ostap Veresay Museum)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery , Park / garden

The majestic palace and park complex in Sokyryntsi was created in the early 19th century by Pavlo Galagan, designed by architect Pavlo Dubrovsky and gardener Iohann Ernst Bisterfeld.

The age-old oak grove has been transformed into a beautiful park with a lake, lawns and alleys. The park has a rotunda, a Gothic bridge, an antique gazebo.

The Empire-style palace with 60 enfilades is connected to two two-storey outbuildings. At the end of the 19th century, the estate was owned by Hryhoriy Galagan, the last representative of the nobility, a public figure and a patron. He gathered a rich art collection in the palace, which he later donated to the Chernihiv Museum.

Galagan assisted the local kobzar Ostap Veresay, Taras Shevchenko, Panteleymon Kulish, Pavlo Chubynsky visited him.

Now the palace is occupied by an agricultural lyceum, a room-museum of Veresay is opened, a monument is installed in the yard.

Excursions should be booked in advance.

Map pin icon Sadova Street, 16 Sokyryntsi


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Готичний місток, Сокиринці
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Gothic Bridge


The stone bridge in the Gothic style is one of the few surviving small architectural forms of the Sokyryntsi palace and park complex.

It was built according to the project of the architect Pavlo Dubrovsky together with the rest of the objects of the complex before 1830. The bridge is three-arched, with pointed arches and four three-tiered pylons.

It has remained in ruins to this day.

Map pin icon Sadova Street, 16 Sokyryntsi


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Вознесенська церква, Радьківка
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Holy Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Ascension Church in Radkivka was built on the territory of the manor at the expense of Fedir Rakovych, a collegiate assessor.

According to some sources, the author of the project is a self-taught master Maystrenko. The temple in the style of classicism. The central four is crowned by a large dome with a hollow lantern. Interior decor is partially preserved. From the north, the temple is connected to the warm church of Oleksandr Nevsky, built in 1849, which is almost completely destroyed.

In 2009, the Holy Ascension Men's Monastery of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine was opened near the church, which is assisted by the Separate Pryluky Cossack Regiment named after Petro Sahaidachny.

The church is located on the eastern edge of the village in the middle of an ancient park.

The granite tombstone of the landowner Rakovych has been preserved.

Map pin icon Voznesenskyi Lane Radkivka


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Успенська церква, Стара Талалаївка
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Holy Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Assumption in the village of Stara Talalaivka is one of the most beautiful examples of wooden architecture in the Chernihiv region.

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in 1775 as the ancestral tomb of the Mazaraki family, which then owned the village. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, the Church of the Assumption was reconstructed under the leadership of former military engineer Volodymyr Buzovsky.

The richly decorated eight-domed church is located on a small hill near the lake. On both sides there are two octagonal towers (in the southern part there is a belfry and stairs leading to the choir).

The iconostasis of the 18th-19th centuries and the wall paintings of the beginning of the 20th century have been preserved.

In Soviet times, the Church of the Assumption was the only active church in the entire district. Now the temple belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Stara Talalaivka


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Покровська церква, Антонівка
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Intercession in Antonivka was founded in 1889 on the site of an old wooden church. It was consecrated on the feast of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in 1914. The red brick temple is made in the Rus-Byzantine style.

In 1920, the church was closed by the Soviet authorities. During the Second World War, the service was resumed for a while. In 1991, the Holy Intercession Church was returned to the Orthodox community of the village. At the same time, the restoration began, which continues to this day.

The interiors of the Church of the Intercession impress with bright colors and the almost complete absence of paintings.

Map pin icon Brativ Hashkiv Street, 1 Antonivka


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Густинський монастир, Густиня
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Hustynia Holy Trinity Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Hustynia Holy Trinity Convent was founded in 1600 by the Kyiv-Pechers monk Ioasaf on the lands of the Vyshnevetsky princes.

An island overgrown with dense forest, formed by the bend of the Uday River and a swamp, was chosen for the arrangement of the monastery. The location in a difficult terrain, as well as the system of defensive structures with a moat and walls gave the monastery an important strategic importance. It was used as a rebel base during popular uprisings against the nobility, as a result of which it was destroyed.

In 1639, Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Kyiv took up the revival, and later his monastery came under the care of the Ukrainian hetmans.

On the territory there is a white stone five-headed Trinity Cathedral (1672-1676) in the Baroque style, founded by Hetman Ivan Samoylovych, a refectory of the Resurrection (former Assumption) Church (1695), built at the expense of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, as well as a soft pink Peter and Paul Church (1693-1708) with five sections.

Under Catherine II, the monastery was closed, but half a century later it was restored again at the expense of Prince Mykola Repnin (he is buried in the Resurrection Church).

The Hustin Chronicle (1600-1640) was created in the monastery - the first comprehensive work on the history of Ukraine, which combines the secular and hagiographic history of Rus. Taras Shevchenko visited here.

Excursions are conducted, the clothing of visitors must meet the requirements accepted in the temples of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Yarmarkova Street, 27 Hustynia


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Краєзнавчий музей, Ічня
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Ichnia Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ichnia Museum of Local Lore is located in a small one-story building near the city center.

Founded in 1961 by local historian Mykola Butko. 7,000 exhibits reflect the nature and history of the Ichnia region.

Of particular note is the original collection of samovars, pottery tiles and pottery products, icons and old prints, Ukrainian shirts, towels, weaving products and wood carvings. The museum presents works by local artists and masters of decorative and applied arts, in particular a unique selection of wood carvings by Anton Shtepa.

The Museum of the Artist Mykola Ge is a department of the Ichnia Local Lore Museum.

Map pin icon Voskresinska Street, 27 Ichnia


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Ічнянський національний парк, Ічня
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Ichnia National Natural Park


The Ichnia National Nature Park protects unique forest-steppe complexes in the upper reaches of the Uday River in the northwest of the Left Bank-Dnipro Forest-Steppe Province.

Maple, linden, hornbeam and oak can be found in the local forests, many medicinal plants grow, in particular. listed in the Red Book of Ukraine (forest lily, summer plantain).

On the territory of the Ichnia National Nature Park, the ecological and educational trail "In the Ichenka Valley" and the ecological and touristic route "Sadove" have been arranged. In the picturesque corners of the park there are places for short-term rest - benches, tables, shelters from the rain. For long-term rest, there are cabins, and tourist equipment is available for rent.

Map pin icon Ichnia


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Пам'ятник Іванові Мартосу, Ічня
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Ivan Martos Monument


A monument to the sculptor-monumentalist Ivan Martos was erected in his homeland in Ichnia in 1980.

Ivan Martos was born in 1754 in Ichnia in a Cossack family. His most famous work is the monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow. During the creation of Martos's sculptures, his sons posed. On the front bas-relief, he depicted himself as a Roman patrician who pushes his sons forward, giving the most precious thing he has to the Motherland. Martos's face was made by his student Samuyil Halberh, keeping his portrait resemblance to his teacher.

In Ukraine, Martos's most famous sculptures are the Dyuk de Rishelye monument in Odesa, the Hrihoriy Potomkin monument in Kherson, and the tombstone of Hetman Kyrylo Rozumovsky in the Baturyn Resurrection Church.

Map pin icon Kovalya Street, 2 Ichnia


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