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Attractions of Khmelnytskyi region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Khmelnytskyi region

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Khmelnytskyi region


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Парк диких тварин "Арден", Сатанів
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Wild Animal Park "Arden"

Entertainment / leisure , Reserve , Zoo

The Wild Animal Park-Shelter "Arden" was created in 2020 to rehabilitate predators and other animals that have suffered from improper human captivity. It is located on an area of ​​32 hectares on the territory of the National Nature Park "Podilski Tovtry", next to the balneological resort of Sataniv.

In conditions as close to natural as possible, more than two dozen brown bears live here, as well as wolves, foxes, deer, fallow deer, mouflons and other forest animals. In 2023, a family of lions and a white Bengal tiger settled in the park.

The animals are in isolated and fenced areas of the forest and walk freely on the ground. A kilometer-long observation bridge-gallery in the shape of a horseshoe has been laid throughout the territory at a height of about 5 meters, from which visitors can observe the animals accompanied by a guide. During excursions, visitors are told about the origin of each animal, their habits and nutritional characteristics.

Group excursions are held every hour. Individual excursions for organized ones must be booked in advance.

There is a pizzeria and a souvenir shop on the territory of the "Arden Park".

Map pin icon Kurortna Street, 40/1 Sataniv


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Кабаній розплідник, Лютарка
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Wild Boar Nursery


The nursery for breeding wild boars is located in a picturesque forest on the road between the villages of Liutarka and Komyny.

The main activity of the nursery is the breeding of wild pigs in the natural environment with the aim of increasing the population. Today, there are more than 100 individuals of various ages in the herd. The nursery belongs to Liutarka Forestry.

Also functions in mini-zoo mode. Visitors are provided with communication with piglets, feeding, recreation in nature. It is planned to create a full-fledged recreation area.

Map pin icon Liutarka


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Музей Другої світової війни (ДОТ-музей), Волочиськ
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World War II Museum (Pillbox Museum)

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Second World War in Volochysk was established in 2012 on the basis of the Pillbox (DOT - long-range firing point) of the Proskuriv Fortress District (PrUR) during the Second World War, which was part of the so-called "Stalin Line".

It is a two-storey machine gun semi-caponier for two machine guns. On the upper floor there were battle casemates and a control point. At the bottom - living room, fan, diesel, storage. The military situation was recreated in the premises, samples of weapons, uniforms, personal belongings of soldiers of those times were collected.

The section of the defensive line of the Proskuriv fortified area was reconstructed nearby: a trench of the infantry division's position, a dugout for sheltering personnel. An exposition of military equipment of different years has been opened.

Map pin icon Zaporizka Street, 13 Volochysk


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Історичний музей, Ярмолинці
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Yarmolyntsi Historical Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Yarmolyntsi Historical Museum is located in the premises of the monastery of the Bernardine Order, the construction of which was begun in 1761 by General Pavlo Starzhynsky.

The museum's exposition includes a model of the castle, which was built in 1445 by Oleksandr Khodok, archival documents, unique photographs, archaeological finds, ancient household items, works of masters of decorative and applied arts, which tell about the history of the region and its inhabitants.

In 2024, the Yarmolyntsi Historical Museum was replenished with a new exposition, which was created from the personal belongings of the native of Yarmolyntsi, the deceased Hero of the Russian-Ukrainian War Taras Chvartatsky.

Map pin icon Zakhysnykiv Ukrayiny Street, 2 Yarmolyntsi


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Музей Юхима Сіцінського, Мазники
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Yukhym Sitsinsky Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Yukhym Sitsinsky in the village of Maznyky, a local native, a famous Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, patriarch of Podillya local lore, founder and director of the first historical museum of the region, a figure in the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 in Podillya, was opened in 1999.

The exhibition presents exhibits that tell about the multifaceted personality of the scientist: his personal belongings, information stands with photographs, published copies of scientific works.

The museum is located near the village school in a two-story library building.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 1 Maznyky


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Палац Завойка, Дунаївці
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Zavoyko Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

In 1891, landowner Vasyl Zavoyko bought Dunaivtsi from Viktor Skibnyevsky. At that time, the city was considered a large industrial center and had the status of "Podillya Manchester". More than 50 cloth factories, a foundry and mechanical plant of Lellbach, a leather factory, and many manufactories operated in the town. In 1904, Zavoyko took the initiative to give Dunaivtsi city status, but the Jewish community stopped this process.

The palace, wing and park of those times were left as an inheritance from Zavoyko. The modest building of the palace is decorated with a wrought-iron balcony. Many old trees have been preserved on the territory of the park. The complex of lakes is surrounded by willow plantations. In the center of one of the lakes is a small island that can be reached by a footbridge.

With the advent of Soviet power, Zavoyko left Dunaivtsi, and the premises of his estate began to be used for the needs of a local hospital.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 7 Dunaivtsi


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Мавзолей Жебровських, Брага
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Zhebrovsky Chapel-Mausoleum

Temple , Architecture

The chapel-mausoleum of the Zhebrovsky family is located in the old Polish cemetery of the village of Braha.

A small neo-Gothic church was built in 1905. Three representatives of the Zhebrovsky family are buried in the chapel.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street Braha


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Жванецький замок, Жванець
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Zhvanets Castle

Castle / fortress

A pentagonal defensive tower on a rock above the river. Zhvanchyk is all that is left of the once powerful Zhvanets Castle.

It was built by the Kamyanets chief Valentiy Kalynovskyi at the beginning of the 17th century, but the first fortifications here arose much earlier. As early as the 15th century, Lithuanians were reconstructing ancient fortifications.

The new Polish fortress, which had 5 towers, competed in size with Kamyanets-Podilskyi. In 1653, during the siege of Zhvanets, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, betrayed by the Tatars, decided to conclude a military alliance with Muscovy and went from there to Pereyaslav for negotiations.

At the end of the 17th century, the castle was destroyed several times during the Polish-Turkish war. The last attempt at restoration was made by the Lianskoronski nobles as their manor. The Russian government planned to build a large fortress here, but these plans were never implemented. Later, the castle fell into disrepair and was almost completely dismantled.

On the eve of the Second World War, the Pillbox "Stalin Lines" was built on the ruins.

The most picturesque view of the preserved tower opens from the opposite bank of Zhvanets.

Map pin icon Zhvanets


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Зіньківський замок, Зіньків
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Zinkiv Castle

Castle / fortress

The ruins of the castle in Zinkiv are located on a high oblong promontory formed by the valley of the Ushka River and a ravine.

Zinkiv Castle was founded on the site of an ancient Russian fortification in 1431 by the Podillya Voivode Petro Odrovonzh, making it one of the most important outposts in the network of Podillya fortresses. He repeatedly repelled Tatar attacks.

The castle, triangular in plan with walls 10 meters high and up to 3.5 meters thick at the corners, had large hexagonal towers, two of them three-story, one a four-story donjon tower. One of the walls of the fortress was the outer wall of a large three-story building. From the side of the city, the castle was separated by a deep moat, over which a suspension bridge was thrown.

The fortress was slightly damaged during the Liberation War and during the Turkish invasion, but was completely rebuilt after the return of the Poles in the 18th century, when Zinkiv was owned by the Senyavskyis.

In the 19th century, Zinkiv Castle was used for administrative and economic purposes, but in 1898, the village community decided that the old walls threatened the church below, and the building was almost completely dismantled for building materials. Only the ruins of its oldest part - the southern tower (one floor high) and four casemate apartments under the foundation of the western wall - have survived from the once powerful fortress.

Map pin icon Zinkiv


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