Attractions of Lviv district

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Музей сакрального мистецтва, Львів
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Sacred Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Sacred Art of the Lviv Archdiocese named after Father Anton Petrushevych Curia of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church was opened in 2008 in the restored church of Saint Klymentiy Sheptytsky.

An exposition of monuments of iconographic art collected by Studite monks after the legalization of the UGCC is presented.

Map pin icon Maksyma Kryvonosa Street, 1 Lviv


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Школа Святої Анни, Львів
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Saint Anna School


Saint Anna's School was founded in Lviv at the Church of Saint Anna in 1791.

The current building in the English neo-Gothic style was built in 1884 according to the project of the architect Yuliush Hokhberger.

Since 2009, the Lviv Law School has been located here.

Map pin icon Mykoly Leontovycha Street, 2 Lviv


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Церква Святої Анни, Львів
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Saint Anna's Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anna was founded in Lviv as a Catholic church in 1507 on the spot where apprentice tailors who fled the city were killed and buried by the city guard.

The first wooden temple burned down several times. In its current form, the church of Saint Anna was rebuilt in 1730 by the Augustinian order. The transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque is noticeable in the architecture. The bell tower was added in 1927 by the architect Bronislav Viktor, the dome is made in the Art Deco style.

Today it is the church of Saint Anna of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Horodotska Street, 32 Lviv


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Костел святого Антонія, Львів
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Saint Anthony of Padua Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Anthony of Padua in Lviv is an excellent example of church architecture in the Baroque style.

The Franciscan Church of Saint. Anthony was founded in 1618-1630 outside the then city walls, and was originally wooden.

The current stone temple was built at the expense of Prince Kostyantyn-Kryshtof Korybut Vyshnevetsky, consecrated in 1739. Some sources date the founding of the wooden church in 1718, and the construction of the stone church in 1784. It is also known about the reconstruction of the temple in 1765 by the architect Frantsysk Kulchytskyi.

In 1818, a bell tower was built according to the project of the architect Yozef Markl.

The Church of Saint Anthony remained active even in Soviet times.

The rich interior decoration of the temple has been preserved to this day. The interior is refined and beautiful: the magnificent carvings and gilding in the Rococo style are impressive. On the parapet of the stairs in front of the entrance is a stone sculpture of the Virgin Mary by Sebastyan Fesinhera(XVIII century).

Now the church again belongs to the Franciscans. In 1995, it was declared the sanctuary of Saint Anthony of Padua.

Map pin icon Lychakivska Street, 49A Lviv


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Михайлівська церква, Воля-Висоцька
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Saint Archangel Michael Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of St. Michael the Archangel in Volia-Vysotska is one of the oldest preserved wooden churches of the Lviv region.

In the interior you can see the iconostasis of 1655, some of the icons for which were executed in 1688-1689 by the artist Ivan Rutkovych.During the restoration in 1992, paintings from 1611 were also discovered, which are considered to be among the oldest in wooden churches in Ukraine.

Map pin icon Volia-Vysotska


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Церква Святого Климентія Папи, Львів
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Saint Clement Pope Church

Temple , Architecture

The monastery complex with the church of Saint Clement of the Pope was built in Lviv in 1893-1895 by the builder Ivan Levynskyi according to the project of Frants Shtatts for the Catholic female monastic order of the Discalced Carmelites.

In 1939, the headquarters of the NKVD was located here. In 1943, the Nazis shot Italian prisoners of war on the territory of the monastery garden and cemetery. After the Second World War, until 1952, the guard regiment of the NKVD-MIA was housed in the buildings of the monastery. Later, this unit was based on the southern outskirts of the city, and the monastery complex was taken over by the city's ATS - the temple housed an operating room for settlements with clients. In the 1960s, during renovation and construction works, the remains of the repressed were found here.

Currently, the church of Saint Clement of the Pope is an active church of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Discovered in one of the brick niches, the figure of the crucified Christ without hands is now installed in the altar of the church.

Map pin icon Henerala Chuprynky Street, 70 Lviv


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Церква Іоана Золотоустого, Львів
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Saint John Chrysostom Church

Temple , Architecture

The current church of Saint John Chrysostom and theological seminary occupy a complex of buildings of the former Franciscan monastery, built in 1877-1889 according to the project of architect Yulian Zakharevych.

The temple was built in the Neo-Gothic style. In the apse, there are 3 stained glass windows made in Munich by Frants Mayer in 1887-1889, as well as a wooden neo-Gothic pulpit. The monastery building is three-storey, with an inner courtyard.

In Soviet times, the First Infectious Disease Hospital was located here.

Currently, the complex belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, the Lviv Orthodox Theological Academy is located here.

Map pin icon Mykoly Lysenko Street, 43 Lviv


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Костел Св. Лаврентія, Жовква
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Saint Lawrence Church

Temple , Architecture

The majestic Saint Lawrence Church in Zhovkva was built at the beginning of the 17th century according to the project of the architect Pavlo Shchaslyvy.

Conceived as the main temple of the city, the tomb of the Zholkevsky family and a pantheon of knightly glory. The founder of the city, the crown hetman, Stanislav Zholkevskyi, a Lviv castelian, his wife and son, as well as the Danylovych family and Jakub Sobesky (father of King Yan Sobesky), are buried in the dungeon, which is why the Poles call the church "Little Wawel".

In the interior, there are preserved marble tombstones with sculptures by Voytsekh Zychlyvy: male figures in knightly armor, female figures in traditional long dresses. Also, the interiors were decorated with picturesque canvases of the 17th century: "Battle of Vienna", "Battle of Khotyn", "Battle of Kalushyn" (now they are in Olesko Castle). The Renaissance portal is decorated with images of saints, on the pediment there is a sculpture of Michael the Archangel.

Near the church is a late Renaissance belfry, built in the 16th century as a defensive tower. The preserved part of the city wall is adjacent to it.

During Soviet times, the Church of Saint Lawrence was closed, but now it has been returned to the Catholic parish, restored by Polish specialists.

Map pin icon Vicheva Square, 18 Zhovkva


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Костел Марії Магдалини (Органна зала), Львів
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Saint Mary Magdalene Church (Organ Hall)

Temple , Architecture , Theater / show

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Mary Magdalene was founded in 1600 by Dominican monks on the site of an old wooden church outside the city walls of Lviv.

A Dominican monastery and a seminary were opened near the church. The authors of the project of the monastery complex are architects Voytsekh Kelar and Martyn Hodny.

In 1648, the monastery fortifications were captured by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. Subsequently, the church building underwent several changes. In 1754-1758, the church was expanded and rebuilt by the architect Martyn Urbanik, the facades were changed, and the towers were completed.

During the secularization reform of the Austrian emperor Joseph II in 1786, the church was made a parish, and a prison for women of light behavior was established in the monastery (closed in 1922).

The church acquired its modern appearance in 1870. The architecture of the building combines elements of the Baroque and Renaissance styles.

The largest organ in Ukraine, manufactured in 1932 by the Czech company Rieger-Kloss, was installed in the church of Saint Mary Magdalene. Since Soviet times, the building has housed the Lviv House of Organ and Chamber Music.

Since 1998, the service has been resumed.

Map pin icon Stepana Bandery Street, 10 Lviv


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Церква Св. Миколая, Великий Любінь
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Greek Catholic Church in Velykyi Liubin was consecrated in 2000 and named after Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The building is basilica-like, with a tall octagonal drum, on which a dome covered with sheet metal is built.

On a small mound near the church there is a cross erected in honor of the fighters for the freedom of Ukraine.

Nearby is the old wooden Nicolas Church from 1854.

Map pin icon Lvivska Street, 174A Velykyi Liubin


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Миколаївський костел, Куликів
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The majestic church of Saint Nicholas rises in the center of Kulykiv village.

The defense temple was built in 1538 at the expense of Prince Mykola Herburt Odonovsky on the site of the original Roman Catholic temple, founded in the 14th century.

Built of hewn stone, the Saint Nicholas church still preserves strict Gothic features. Inside, there are 19th-century paintings by the artist Antoniy Kachmarsky. According to legend, underground passages led from the church all the way to Zhovkva.

In the 1940s, the Kulikiv church was closed.

In 2000, it was returned to the Roman Catholic community of Kulykiv. Restoration was carried out, as a result of which the building lost its ancient charm.

Map pin icon Zahoroda Street, 2 Kulykiv


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Церква святого Миколая, Глиняни
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Greek-Catholic Church of Saint Nicholas in Hlyniany was built in 1894 on the site of the old wooden church founded in 1632.

In 1932-1933, the interiors were painted by the famous Galician artist Severyn Boracek.

During the Soviet era, the temple was closed and abandoned.

Divine service was resumed in 1989, the church was restored. The frescoes on the walls are shining with colors again - the local priest claims that they have miraculously restored themselves.

Map pin icon Svyatoho Mykolaya Street, 8 Hlyniany


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Церква Святого Миколая, Перемишляни
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Nicholas in Peremyshliany was built in 1805.

From 1922 to 1942, the rector of the church was Father Omelyan Kovch, who was declared a holy martyr of the Greek Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Halytska Street, 69 Peremyshliany


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Костел Святого Миколая, Вижняни
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Nicholas in Vyzhniany was founded in 1400, although then it was most likely still wooden.

It was rebuilt several times, in particular in 1651 and 1750. In its current form, which combines Gothic and Baroque features, it was rebuilt in 1929-1931 according to the project of architect Bronislav Viktor. The fresco was painted under the supervision of the Lviv artist Stanislav Teyseyr in 1942-1943. The remains of the organ remained in the choirs.

Currently, the temple is closed, the building needs restoration.

Map pin icon Vyzhniany


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Церква Святого Миколая, Чишки
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Staint Nicholas was founded in Chyshky in 1410 by the local nobleman Mykola Dmytrovskyi as the Church of All Saints.

The first temple was wooden, after 1492 it was first rebuilt in stone. Over the centuries, it was rebuilt several times. In its present form, it was rebuilt in 1774 as the Church of Saint Nicholas, and in 1894 it was significantly expanded. The apse part and a fragment of the southern side have been preserved since the 15th century.

Today it is the Greek Catholic Church of Saint Nicholas.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 116 Chyshky


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