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Attractions of Ternopil region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Ternopil region

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Свято-Духівський монастир (Скит), Почаїв
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Holy Spirit Pochaiv Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Spirit Pochaiv monastery was revived in the place where the monk Methodius, who came from Athos, who is considered the founder of the Pochaiv Lavra, settled in the 13th century.

The complex includes three churches: the Holy Spirit, Saint Seraphim of Sarov and All Saints. There is a miraculous icon, the relics of Saint Methodius and other shrines.

Belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Lypova Street, 51 Pochaiv


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Церква Пресвятої Трійці, Бережани
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Greek-Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity was built in the 18th century on the site of shopping rows.

Over the course of two centuries, it was rebuilt several times. Initially, it had Gothic-Renaissance forms, but in the course of numerous reconstructions, it gradually acquired a modern appearance.

The relics of Saint John the Baptist are stored here, which in 1673 were presented to the Berezhany Voivode Synyavsky and were in the chapel of the Berezhany Castle, from where they were transferred to the Church of the Holy Trinity in the 18th century (before that, the relics of the saint were in Antioch, where they were taken by the apostle Luke, and from there they got to Constantinople). After the Second World War, the relics disappeared, but in 2000 they were found and put on display again for commemoration. Another shrine is the miraculous icon of the Roman Mother of God.

A monument to Taras Shevchenko was erected in front of the church.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 9 Berezhany


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Троїцький костел, Микулинці
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity in the late Baroque style is located opposite the Potocki Palace in Mykulyntsi and is connected to it by a maple avenue.

It was built in 1761-1779 according to the project of architect Avgust Moshynsky at the expense of Countess Lyudovika Potoska. The church of the Hofkirche royal palace in Dresden, Germany, where the architect studied, served as a model.

The decor of the temple and its elegant forms perfectly harmonize with the central facade of the palace and organically close the perspectives of the regular part of the park.

The original interior has not been preserved, because during the Soviet times the premises were used for economic purposes.

Today, the Trinity Church is active and belongs to the Mykulyntsi Catholic community. Next to the church is an old Polish cemetery with the graves of members of the Count family of Ray.

Map pin icon Halytska Street, 11 Mykulyntsi


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Костел Пресвятої Трійці, Підгайці
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The ruins of the Church of the Holy Trinity are the main attraction of Pidhaitsi.

The church was built in 1634 by the Potocki magnates on the site of a previously destroyed church in 1463. The bell tower of the church (1643) was built in the Renaissance style and has a defensive tower. Belongs to the Roman Catholic Church.

Today, the state of the church is in a state of emergency, no restoration work is being carried out.

Map pin icon Hetmana Mazepy Street, 2A Pidhaitsi


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Палац Городиських, Колиндяни
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Horodysky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The neglected palace in Kolyndiany with two castle-like towers is actually built on the basis of a medieval castle built by the Stamensky nobles in the 15th century (according to other sources, in the 17th century).

At the beginning of the 19th century, the half-ruined castle in Kolyndiany passed to the Albinovsky family, from whom it was inherited by the nobleman Kornel Horodyskyi. In 1840, the new owner reconstructed the castle towers, and between them he built a two-story palace in the style of late classicism. Its front facade is decorated with a large portico with four columns of the Ionic order, and on the park side is a risalite, which used to have a balcony overlooking the landscaped park. The entrance gate probably survived from the former castle.

During the First World War, the palace was badly damaged, but in the interwar period it was restored by the last owner, Lyudvik Horodyskyi.

In Soviet times, the building housed a technical school. Until recently, a tractor crew was stationed near the estate, but now the palace is abandoned.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street Kolyndiany


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Особняк Громницьких (Краєзнавчий музей), Підволочиськ
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Hromnytsky Mansion (Local Lore Museum)

Museum / gallery

The mansion of the famous Polish lawyers Hromnytsky in Pidvolochysk was built in the 19th century.

In 1919, Symon Petlyura met with the command of the Ukrainian Galician Army at the Hromnytsky villa.

Currently, the mansion is home to the Omelyan Kovch Museum of Local Lore.

Two halls of the museum are dedicated to the history of the OUN-UPA liberation movement. The exposition includes 281 exhibits - personal belongings of the rebels, weapons, photographs, documents, models, paintings, triptych "Ukraine is invincible".

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Street, 37 Pidvolochysk


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Гримайлівський ландшафтний парк
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Hrymailiv Landscape Park

Park / garden

Hrymailiv landscape park with an area of 13 hectares is located on the river bank in the center of Hrymailiv village.

It was founded in the 18th and 19th centuries around the palace built on the basis of the 17th-century Hrymailiv Castle by Count Leonard Pininsky. The last owner of the palace was the Volyansky landowners. The palace was completely dismantled at the end of the Second World War. Only fragments of foundations and ruins of basements with arched ceilings have survived.

17 species of trees and shrubs grow in the park. At the entrance to the park, there is a monument to the native of Hrymailiv Ivan Pulyuy (1996; sculptor Mykola Obezyuk), the pioneer of X-ray radiation, as well as a monument to the poet Taras Shevchenko (1956).

Map pin icon Sichovykh Striltsiv Street Hrymailiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Гусятин
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Husiatyn Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Husiatyn Museum of Local Lore was founded in 1979. Until 2006, the exhibition was housed in an ancient synagogue building.

The museum has more than 16,000 exhibits: animal bones, stone and bronze tools, pottery, antique embroidery and more. In one of the halls there is an exposition of the settlement-sanctuary Bohit, which was part of the "Zbruch cult center" (village Horodnytsia). A copy of the famous Zbruchansky idol is presented.

Map pin icon Ternopilska Street, 5 Husiatyn


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Замковий костел Непорочного Зачаття Пресвятої Діви Марії, Кривче
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Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary Castle Church

Temple , Architecture

The small and very simple castle church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Kryvche was built in the 17th century - at the same time as the Kryvche Castle.

According to other sources, the church was rebuilt from the castle powder tower in 1723. It served as a burial place for the Holiyovsky magnates.

The church is located in a spruce grove on the edge of the castle hill. Partially restored.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Kryvche


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Костел Непорочного Зачаття, Трибухівці
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Immaculate Conception of Holy Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The old defense church of the Immaculate Conception of the Immaculate Virgin Mary rises in the center of the village of Trybukhivtsi on Castle Hill.

This church was built at the beginning of the 18th century in the Renaissance style and was part of the defense system of the castle. The temple was restored in 1728, as evidenced by the Latin inscription above the entrance portal of the temple.

There used to be a cemetery near the church, where many people famous for the village were buried, including the poet Tymon Zaborovskyi. But with the arrival of Soviet power, the cemetery was razed to the ground, and the church was closed. The building began to be used as a chemical warehouse.

Today, the church is in a state of disrepair: the walls are moldy, trees are growing inside the premises, the roof collapsed in 2008.

Yan Sheptytsky, Adjutant General of the Polish Army, a participant in the Napoleonic campaign to Moscow, is buried in the church.

Two monuments have also been preserved on Castle Hill. The first, "Shadows of Dead Souls", was erected in memory of the victims of the plague that raged in Trybukhivtsi in 1830, when more than 200 people died. Unfortunately, only the legs of the allegorical figure of Sorrows on the pedestal remain. The second monument is a high stone point on which a helmet is placed. Built in honor of Mykhaylo Zaborovsky (1812).

Map pin icon Livryka Street Trybukhivtsi


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Покровська церква, Кривче
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The stone church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was built in 1856.

It is located in the center of the village of Kryvche, across the street from the Kryvche Castle Kontsky.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Kryvche


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Покровська церква, Заліщики
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin  was built in Zalishchyky in 1864-1875, consecrated in 1873 as the Trinity Church.

Inside was an iconostasis of the work of local master Ivan Nich.

In 1962, the Intercession Church was closed, and a local history museum was placed in the premises.

Since 1989, it has been an active Greek Catholic church.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hayvoronskoho Street, 4 Zalishchyky


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Покровська церква, Гримайлів
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Intercession of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The stone church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Hrymailiv was built in 1806 as a Catholic church.

The baroque temple with elements of the Renaissance, which had a high fence with a strong gate, was part of the city fortification system of Hrymailiv. A belfry tower with loophole windows was used for defense.

The monumental pediment of the temple is decorated with five sculptures of saints. Decorative stone vases are placed on the corners of the pediment of the vestibule.

Today, the church belongs to the parish of the Intercession of Holy Virgin Church of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 8 Hrymailiv


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Пам'ятник Іванові Франку, Тернопіль
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Ivan Franko Monument


A monument to the Ukrainian writer and public figure Ivan Franko was erected in Ternopil in 1995.

It is located in the square behind the Dominican Church, on the site of the former gymnasium No. 1, where in 1902 the writer met with Ternopil gymnasium students.

Franko visited Ternopil several times, in particular. as a correspondent of the newspaper "Lviv Courier" at the regional ethnographic exhibition. He read "Moses" in the premises of the Municipal Brotherhood (now the Philharmonic), often stopped at the "Podilskyi" hotel on the way to the village of Vikno.

The author of the monument to Ivan Franko in Ternopil is the sculptor Ivan Sonsiadlo.

Map pin icon Hetmana Sahaydachnoho Street Ternopil


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Музей Івана Марчука, Ланівці
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Ivan Marchuk Museum

Museum / gallery

Lanivtsicity communal institution "Ivan Marchuk Museum" was created in 2011. It includes the Museum-room of Ivan Marchuk in his native village of Moskalivka near Lanivtsi.

The Marchuk Museum is being created directly in Lanivtsi since 2020 in the former premises of the "Suputnyk" cinema in the center of the city. It should be a modern museum with an art gallery, a creative workshop and an area for installations.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 15 Lanivtsi


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