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Attractions of Rivne region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Rivne region

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Rivne region


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Музей Першокниги, Пересопниця
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Cultural and Archaeological Center "Peresopnytsia" (First Book Museum)

Historic area , Museum / gallery

Cultural and archaeological complex "Peresopnytsia" is a three-level constructivist building that resembles a temple.

Here is the Museum of the First Book, dedicated to the history of the creation of the Peresopnytsia Gospel, as well as a conference hall and rooms for archaeologists.

In particular, the exhibition presents a 9-kilogram facsimile copy of the Peresopnytsia Gospel and a model of the ancient Rus settlement of Peresopnytsia.

Nearby is the open-air museum complex "Prince's town": a reconstruction of a residential estate and fortifications of the 12th-13th centuries, when Peresopnytsia was the capital of a separate principality.

There is a permanent archaeological expedition in the village, which students and even tourists can join. The found rarities will complement the exposition of the First Book Museum.

The "Peresopnytsia Gospel" museum is partially adapted for people with disabilities: parking, mnemonic scheme, ramp.

Map pin icon Verbova Street, 22 Peresopnytsia


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Палац Красицького, Володимирець
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Krasytsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The empire-style palace was built in Volodymyrets in the 18th century by Count Vinsent Yuzef Krasytsky, a representative of the ancient Polish family of the coat of arms of Rohal.

The building is two-story, with a colonnade. In Poland, it was the residence of the manager of Volodymyrets and Horodets distilleries and agricultural affairs. After the Second World War, the building housed an orphanage, then the office of the collective farm.

The palace is currently in a state of disrepair.

Map pin icon Tarasa Hodunka Street, 2 Volodymyrets


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Етнопарк Ладомирія, Радивилів
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Ladomyriia Ethnopark

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

Ladomyriia Ethnopark has been under construction since 2019 on the revitalized industrial territory in the town of Radyvyliv, Rivne region.

This is an ethnographic complex, which presents three restored by authentic technologies wooden peasant houses aged about two hundred years, ancient looms and their new copies, elements of national costumes and costumes of different regions of Volyn region.

During the excursions, guests can visit the open-air location, the exhibition hall, which presents reproduced authentic costumes of historic Volyn, a weaving workshop, photo areas. Visitors are offered workshops on weaving and knitting traditional hats.

In 2024, the Museum of Schooling in Historical Volyn was opened in Ladomyria. In an authentic house of the 19th century, the interior of a classroom of a rural school of that time is recreated. Old desks, a blackboard, an abacus, school textbooks, historical documents and photographs are presented.

There is also an Austeria cafe on the territory of Ladomyriia, where you can taste branded catfish dumplings.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 1 Radyvyliv


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Базальтові стовпи, Берестовець
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Basalt Pillars

Natural object

Reserve "Basalt Pillars" is a geological reserve in the center of the Rivne region, a unique "architectural" work of nature.

Dense rows of polyhedron columns impress with their monumentality and geometric perfection.

Basalt pillars are an igneous rock, broken by cracks into characteristic basalt columns separately. In section, the pillars have the shape of tetrahedra or polyhedra, which makes this material convenient for the construction of paving stones. The thickness of the pillars reaches 1.2 meters, the height is up to 30 meters.

Large deposits of basalt were discovered near the village of Berestovets in the 18th century. Industrial extraction is carried out in an open manner. Some quarries are flooded, and in combination with the calm surface of the water, the basalt walls look especially beautiful.

An even more impressive quarry with basalt pillars is located in the Yanova Dolyna tract near the Bazaltove village, 15 kilometers from Berestovets. A small island, called the "Island of Love", was formed in the midst of a flooded quarry.

The road from Berestovets to Bazaltove is broken, a detour through Kostopil is recommended.

Since 1972, the reserve "Basalt Pillars" has the status of a natural monument of local importance, which is used as a recreation area.

Map pin icon Sydorova Street, 3 Berestovets


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Історичний музей, Радивилів
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Radyvyliv Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Radyvyliv Historical Museum presents expositions dedicated to the history and ethnography of the Radyvyliv Region.

Also on display are works by local folk artists: artists, sculptors, carvers.

Map pin icon Kremenetska Street, 24 Radyvyliv


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Парк історичної реконструкції Оствиця, Рівне
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"Ostvytsya" Historical Reconstruction Park

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Ethnographic complex , Rest on the water

Ostvytsya Historical Reconstruction Park was founded in 2020 on the shores of Lake Basiv Kut in Rivne, near the Basivkutsk settlement of the 11th-12th centuries.

The park bears the ancient name of the Ustya River and recreates the atmosphere of an ancient Rus settlement. Two piers, two large canopies, an entrance gate and a bridge were built on the territory of almost 2 hectares, paths were arranged, benches were installed and a model of an ancient Rus log house was built. Here you can walk on ancient boats, shoot from a traditional bow, try different crafts, touch the life, life and entertainment of the period of Ancient Rus.

An important area of ​​work of Ostvytsya is the revival and development of ancient shipbuilding. In the warm season we offer water rides on drakes, boats, boats.

The location regularly hosts a number of cultural and artistic events, mainly in the warm season, including festivals, meadow tournaments, concerts on the lake, workshops in various crafts, boat competitions and more.

Map pin icon Marusi Churay Street, 13 Rivne


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Музей бурштину, Рівне
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Amber Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Amber Museum was opened in Rivne on the basis of the Rivne amber factory - the state enterprise "Amber of Ukraine".

The museum is located in the premises of the Rivne House of Scientists - a two-story mansion of the beginning of the 20th century in the Art Nouveau style.

Among the exhibits of the museum are pieces of amber up to 40 million years old, found at different times in the Rivne region, as well as jewelry and works of art made from it. In particular, the oldest amber product in Ukraine is exhibited - a disk-amulet approximately 2.5 thousand years old.

Stones in which ancient insects have crystallized are considered to be the decoration of the museum. A piece of wild amber weighing about 2 kilograms is presented.

The exhibits tell not only about the history of amber mining in the region, but also about the only enterprise in Ukraine that is engaged in its processing.

The Ulas Samchuk Museum is located in the same building.

Map pin icon Symona Petlyury Street, 17 Rivne


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Благовіщенський костел, Клевань
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Annunciation Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Annunciation in the early Baroque style was founded in Klevan by Yuriy Chartoriyskyi, and served as the burial place of the Chartoriyskyi princes.

During the Soviet period, the temple was closed, the building fell into serious disrepair.

Currently, the Church of the Annunciation has been returned to the Catholic community, and restoration is underway.

Map pin icon Adama Mitskevycha Street, 9 Klevan


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Садиба Арсеньєвих, Шубків
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Arsenyev Estate

Palace / manor

The Arsenyev estate in Shubkiv was built in the 19th century. The two-story building was rebuilt in Soviet times and housed the village council.

An outbuilding with an original roof has also been preserved. A giant chestnut tree 26 meters high grows in the yard.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 1A Shubkiv


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Костел Успіння Діви Марії, Острог
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Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary arose in Ostroh as a result of the development of the Orthodox Church, founded in the 15th century by Prince Fedir Ostrozky.

In 1442, the church was transformed into the church of the Dominican monastery. In those days, it was the main Catholic church in Ostroh, which had a large parish. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the church was repeatedly rebuilt and decorated with magnificent baroque altars.

In 1897, after a big fire, the church was rebuilt again at the expense of Roman Sangushko, this time in the classicist style with the construction of a bathhouse.

After the deportation of the Poles, the church was emptied and closed, services were resumed recently.

Map pin icon Knyaziv Ostrozkykh Street, 4A Ostroh


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Базальтові стовпи, Базальтове
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Basalt Pillars

Natural object

Reserve "Basalt Pillars" is a geological reserve in the center of the Rivne region, a unique "architectural" work of nature. Dense rows of polyhedron columns impress with their monumentality and geometric perfection.

Basalt Pillars are an igneous rock broken by cracks into basalt-like columnar individualities. In section, the pillars have the shape of tetrahedra or polyhedra, which makes this material convenient for the construction of paving stones. The thickness of the pillars reaches 1.2 meters, the height - up to 30 meters.

The development of large deposits of basalt in the Yanova Dolyna tract near the current village of Bazaltove has been carried out by the open method since the 18th century. One of the quarries is completely flooded, a small island called the "Island of Love" has formed in the middle of it. In combination with the calm surface of the water, the basalt walls look especially beautiful.

Since 1972, the "Basalt Pillars" reserve has the status of a natural monument of local importance, which is used as a recreation area.

Another flooded quarry is located in the village of Berestovets, 15 kilometers from Bazaltove. The road from Bazaltove to Berestovets is broken, a detour through Kostopil is recommended.

Map pin icon Bazaltova Street Bazaltove


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Музей пива та хмелярства, Рівне
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Beer and Hop Growing Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The director of Rivne Brewery Maryan Hoda plans to open a Beer and Hop Growing Museum in Rivne.

The museum will be located in the former house of the first director of the Rivne brewery, Hersh Pisyuk, built in 1928 on the plot bordering the territory of the enterprise.

Until recently, the two-story building was occupied by the Rivne City Center for Student Youth Creativity. After the restoration, the building became part of the complex of buildings of the "Maidan Bergshloss" Historic Quarter with a hotel and a fairground.

The museum exposition will tell about the history of brewing in Volyn. The basis of the exposition is the personal collection of Maryan Hoda: beer bottles, mugs, elements of brewing equipment, historical documents and photos.

Map pin icon Petra Mohyly Street, 10 Rivne


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Краєзнавчий музей, Березне
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Berezne Museum of Local Lore

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Berezne Museum of Local Lore is located in the former house of landowner Mykhaylo Malynsky, built in 1902-1903 in the classicism style.

5 thousand exhibits tell about the history of Berezne region from the earliest times. In particular, an iron sword and an arrowhead of the XIV-XV centuries, objects of the Cossack era, are presented.

The interwar period is characterized by documents, photographs, household items, books that belonged to the destroyed Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, icons from the Roman Catholic Church.

One of the halls is dedicated to modern decorative and applied art.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 8 Berezne


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Березнівський дендропарк, Березне
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Bereznivsky Arboretum

Park / garden

The Bereznivsky State Dendrological Park was established in 1979 at the Berezne Forestry College.

Currently, about 900 species of trees and shrubs from many parts of the world grow here on an area of 30 hectares. Representatives of flora from Central Asia and the Caucasus, the Carpathians and the Crimea, North America, Siberia and the Far East, Japan and China have taken root in Polissya.

Walking paths have been laid in the park, a cascade of ponds has been built, gazebos and observation decks have been equipped. There is a separate area of ornamental plants, a birch grove (more than 40 species of birch), jasmine gardens, and a rose garden.

Excursions are conducted.

Map pin icon Vyacheslava Chornovola Street, 23 Berezne


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Монастир бернардинів, Дубно
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Bernardine Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The former church of the Bernardine monastery is the oldest church in the city of Dubno. The monastery was founded by Yanush Ostrozky in 1614. The temple complex in the early Baroque style was completed in 1630, already under the Zaslavsky princes.

Surrounded by defensive walls, the Bernardine monastery was part of the system of city fortifications of Dubno together with the Lutsk Gate. After the third partition of Poland in 1784, the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Bernardine monastery was transformed into an Orthodox church and rebuilt in a pseudo-Rus style.

In Soviet times, the building was used as a production facility. Currently, it is the Saint Nicholas Church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which has been partially restored.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Street, 74 Dubno


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