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Музей “Нескорені”, Стрий
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Museum "Unconquered"

Museum / gallery

The Museum "Unconquered" in Stryi opened in 2022 during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The exposition of the museum consisted of war trophies of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which were brought by fighters of the "Karpatska Sich" battalion.

In the museum, you can see various types of weapons, equipment of the Ukrainian military, as well as clothing and protection of the occupiers, many photos and "unpacking" of the Russian dry ration.

Map pin icon Uspenska Street, 58 Stryi


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"На Унтервалю", Підгайчики
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Museum and Cultural Center "Na Unterwaliu"

Museum / gallery

The museum and cultural center "Na Unterwaliu" in the village of Pidhaichyky in the Lviv Region opened in 2019. Located on the territory of the former German colony Unterwal, which existed here until 1939.

The complex is dedicated to the life of this multicultural Galician village, in which four nations lived before the Second World War: Ukrainians, Germans, Poles and Jews.

About 150 exhibits are presented in the museum exposition - these are work tools, household items, furniture and old prints. All these things were collected by local residents for three years, while preparations for the creation of the museum continued. The exhibits reflect the life and culture of the village, as well as the daily life of all four nations.

Workshops, meetings, lectures, and film screenings are constantly held in the cultural center.

Map pin icon Pidlisna Street, 14 Pidhaichyky


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Музей в дзвіниці, Ясениця-Замкова
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Museum in Bell Tower

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Museum of Folk Life is organized by a local priest, the collection is exhibited in the premises of the architectural monument - the wooden bell tower of the Saint Michael's Church (1730).

The three-tiered belfry is considered a monument of Hutsul wooden architecture.

Various tools, dishes, looms, folk clothes, furniture are presented in the museum. On the second floor - an exhibition of icons and embroidered banners.

Excursions are conducted by the priest of the nearby Saint Michael's Church (1902).

Map pin icon Yasenytsia-Zamkova


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Музей комп'ютерних технологій, Львів
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Museum of Computer Technology

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Computer Technology in Lviv is located in the basement of the Scientific Library of Ivan Franko Lviv National University.

The interactive exhibition is devoted to the history of computers and video games of the 1980s and 1990s. More than a hundred devices are presented, most of which are in working condition.

In particular, you can see the technology of the USA (Apple, Atari, Commodore, IBM), the UK (Acorn, Sinclair, Tangerine Computer Systems), the countries of the former Eastern Bloc ("Pravets", Mera, Robotron), the USSR ("Elektronika BK") and of Ukraine (PK-01 "Lviv", "Search", "Orel" BK08).

Map pin icon Mykhayla Drahomanova Street, 5 Lviv


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Музей Петра Сагайдачного, Кульчиці
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Museum of Hetman Petro Sahaydachny

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Hetman Petro  Konashevych-Sahaydachny was opened in the village of Kulchytsi, where he was born in 1570 in the family of a local nobleman.

From there, he went to study at the Ostroh Academy, and then applied to the Zaporizhzhian Sich, later becoming one of the most prominent political figures in the history of Ukraine.

In 1992, a monument to Sahaydachny was erected in Kulchytsi.

The Sahaydachny museum was opened in the premises of the former elementary school. The exposition includes about 900 exhibits. Since 1993, on every third Sunday of April, "Sahaydachny Memorial Day" has been held annually near the monument to Petro Sahaydachny.

There is also an exhibition dedicated to another famous native of Kulchytsi - Yuriy Kulchytsky, the hero of the defense of Vienna in 1683 and the owner of the first Viennese coffee house.

In 2010, a monument to Yuriy Kulchytsky was erected in front of the museum.

Map pin icon Petra Sahaydachnoho Street, 2 Kulchytsi


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Музей ідей, Львів
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Museum of Ideas

Museum / gallery

The Lviv "Museum of Ideas" is an art gallery, exhibition space and location for artistic events, located in the very heart of Lviv - in the courtyard and basements of the former Bernardine Monastery of the 15th-17th centuries. Founded in 1992 by Lviv artist and gallerist Oles Dzyndra.

Near the entrance to the "Museum of Ideas" there is a kurdoner - a patch of land surrounded on three sides by monastery walls. Permanent projects "Bernarden Garden", "Republic of Rio" and "Temple of Trust" function here.

The museum considers its collection to be a collection of "ideas", i.e. implemented projects in the fields of philosophy, sociology, art, ecology, technology and urban planning. Among them are the festivals "KinoLev", "Lviv - the capital of handicrafts", "SkloKoko", "LeoPoltvis", etc.

The museum does not have a permanent exhibition, but various exhibitions and performances are regularly held in its halls. The project includes a restaurant of Galician cuisine "Trapezna idey" and a shop where you can buy works of art.

Map pin icon Valova Street, 18A Lviv


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Інтерактивний музей цікавої науки та техніки "Еврика", Львів
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Museum of interesting science and technology "Eureka"

Museum / gallery

The interactive museum of interesting science and technology "Eureka" (Evrika) in Lviv is a children's scientific and entertainment complex that introduces visitors to the world of science in an accessible game form.

The interactive exposition covers the main branches of science: physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astronomy, geology, etc. All exhibits are not only possible, but must be touched, moved, looked at from all sides and checked in practice. In the "Eureka" laboratory, everyone can independently conduct more than two hundred laboratory experiments in physics, chemistry and other scientific fields.

The modern Lviv planetarium of the "Eureka" museum will help you immerse yourself in the world of space discoveries and learn about the causes of the universe, the structure of the constellations, the structure of the solar system, the discovery of the Hubble space telescope and the prospects of research on the newest James Webb orbital telescope.

The virtual reality section will help you meet dinosaurs, become a spectator of the Du Soleil circus or get to a distant country. Science shows are regularly held in "Eureka" hosted by the "crazy professor" Smiley.

In addition to the rich museum exposition, there is a small shop where you can buy educational literature, interesting intellectual games and unusual souvenirs.

Map pin icon 106 Knyahyni Olhy street, "Lviv" department store, 4th floor, hall 15 Lviv


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Музей визвольної боротьби, Рудки
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Museum of Liberation Struggle

Museum / gallery

The museum-room of the national liberation struggle in the town of Rudky presents historical material about the struggle for Ukrainian statehood in 1918-1919 and in 1930-1940 in the Rudky region.

In the most honorable place is a portrait of the UPA Commander-in-Chief, General Roman Shukhevych.

Map pin icon Vidrodzhennya Square, 9 Rudky


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Музей природи Розточчя, Івано-Франкове
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Museum of Nature Roztochchya

Museum / gallery , Zoo

The Museum of Nature in Ivano-Frankove is located on the territory of the administration of the "Roztochchya" Nature Reserve and exhibits the flora and fauna of this region.

The museum presents collections of invertebrates and vertebrates, rare and listed in the Red Book species of plants and animals. Stands with rocks and minerals of Roztochchya, lichens and bryophytes, fruits and seeds, pathogenic fungi are presented.

Fish, viper, etc. "swim" in cans with formalin. In the corner of the room are stuffed animals: red deer, badger, wild boar. The collection of birds includes 45 species. The collection of butterflies and beetles of the entomologist Filyk Roztochchya is valuable in the museum, which includes more than 250 species, 15 of which are listed in the Red Book.

On the territory there is a conference hall, a tennis court, a place for horse riding, places for rest. Seedlings for sale.

Map pin icon Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 7 Ivano-Frankove


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Музей Патріарха Йосипа Сліпого
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Museum of Patriarch Yosyp Slipy

Museum / gallery

The Memorial Museum of the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Cardinal Yosyp Slipy, was opened in 1997 in the main building of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

The museum exposition is presented on the basis of materials from the private collection of the famous popularizer and propagandist of the ideas of the Patriarch, doctor of medicine, Roman Smik from the USA, as well as modern philatelic materials of the head of the Lviv Regional Organization of the Ukrainian Philatelic Society Roman Byshkevych, documents and photo materials of the Institute of Church History. These are special envelopes, postcards and stamps, medals, tokens, festive ribbons, with which the Ukrainian community abroad tried to celebrate every event in the life of the Church and the Patriarch after his arrival in Rome.

The museum illuminates the life of the Patriarch, popularizes the ideas laid down in the Testaments of Yosyp Slipy. It combines three periods of the Patriarch's life: Lviv, in exile in Siberia, and Roman.

Two rarities are included in the museum's collection: a cast of the great seal of Patriarch Yosyp Slipy and the medal "For Loyalty to the Church and the Pope", which was awarded in 1998 to priests of the UGCC who survived the times of persecution. Photographs of the Patriarch occupy a special place in the museum. In the museum there are personal paramans (an amulet that testifies to the special care of the Virgin Mary) worn by the Patriarch, his sweater, kamilavka, omophorus and miter. Also in the exhibition is the miter of the Patriarch, which was worn on the day of the funeral. After restoration, it was transferred to the museum.

A particularly valuable museum exhibit is the omophorus of the Patriarch. This is the first omophorus he wore when he came to Rome (the Patriarch went to a meeting with Pope Ivan XXIII in a borrowed cassock).

Map pin icon Ilariona Svyentsitskoho Street, 17, room 119 Lviv


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Музей-криївка, Сприня
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Museum / gallery

The Museum-Kryivka (hideout museum) in the village of Sprynia was opened in 2012 on the territory of the "Prykarpattya" sports and tourist complex.

In 1944, the founding meeting of the Ukrainian Main Liberation Council was held at this place - the political body of warring Ukraine, which was supposed to represent the country on the international stage.

The situation of Kryivka (hidden refuge of the rebels) accurately reproduces the living conditions of the UPA fighters of those times.

There is a permanent exhibition with the possibility of excursions.

Map pin icon Sprynia


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Музей-криївка "Курінь Мохнач", Волосянка
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Museum-Kryivka "Kurin Mokhnach"

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure , Active rest

The Museum-kryivka in Volosianka is part of the "Kurin Mokhnach" paintball club of the "Vezha Vedmezha" hotel complex.

The exposition of the museum tells about the history of the activity of the UPA in Skolivshchyna. In particular, the text of the oath of a UPA soldier, other authentic documents and photographs found in Carpathian hiding places are presented.

Samples of Soviet and German weapons from the Second World War period are active, and visitors are offered to shoot them.

The most interesting part of the museum is the recreated underground kryivka (hideout) of the UPA soldiers, where you can see the sleeping places of the undergrounders, a peasant stove, a kerosene lamp and a secret hatch.

The complex includes a large paintball field, a shooting range, a military tent, and a field kitchen.

Children's sports competitions and classes on patriotic education of young people are held.

Map pin icon Opryshkiv Street, 1 Volosianka


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Музей Русалка Дністрова, Львів
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Museum-Reserve "Rusalka Dnistrova"

Museum / gallery

Museum-Reserve "Rusalka Dnistrova" is a branch of the Lviv National Art Gallery. Dedicated to the first Ukrainian folklore and literary almanac "Ruskalka of Dniester", which had a great influence on the Ukrainian national revival and the development of Ukrainian literature in Galicia.

It is located in the architectural monument of the 18th century - the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Spirit. In 1939, the church itself was destroyed by a German bomb, leaving only the bell tower with a baroque finish, on which there is a unique clock, donated in the 17th century by Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky to the Manyavsky hermitage and later transported and installed on the Holy Spirit bell tower.

The museum's exhibits highlight the social, research, literary and publishing activities of the founders of the "Ruthenian Triad" (Ruska Triytsia) society, Markiian Shashkevych, Ivan Vahylevych and Yakiv Holovatsky, who published the Western Ukrainian literary almanac "Rusalka Dnistrova" in the Ukrainian vernacular since 1873.

Map pin icon Kopernyka Street, 36 Lviv


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Художній музей Біласа, Трускавець
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Mykhaylo Bilas Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Art Museum, dedicated to the work of the outstanding master of folk and applied arts Mykhaylo Bilas, created in Truskavets in 1992 during the artist's lifetime.

The museum occupies the premises of an elegant wooden villa "Hoplyana" (1928), made in the Polish folk style of Zakopane. It used to be the summer residence of the resort's mayor Raimund Yarosh.

Mykhaylo Bilas became famous as a master of textile plastics, figurative toys, the author of unsurpassed plot panels and applications. The museum's exposition includes unique carpets, tapestries, bedspreads, Art Nouveau towels with bright folklore motifs created in a single copy.

Map pin icon maydan Kobzarya, 3 Truskavets


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Музей модерної скульптури Михайла Дзиндри, Брюховичі
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Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture

Museum / gallery

The first museum of modern abstract sculpture in Ukraine was created in Briukhovychi by an outstanding Ukrainian artist, modernist sculptor Mykhaylo Dzyndra, who lived most of his life in the USA.

The artist himself undertook the development of the project and the financing of the construction. The basis of the museum exposition was the sculptures that he brought from America. Among the master's works exhibited in the museum are spectacular sculptures "Lovers" and "Honeymoon", sculptural portraits of women, "Frightened Soldier" and about 800 other sculptures.

The Mykhaylo Dzyndra Museum of Modern Sculpture is a department of the Lviv National Art Gallery.

Map pin icon Muzeyna Street, 16 Briukhovychi


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