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Палац Сєменських-Левицьких, Львів
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Semensky-Levytsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The eclectic palace of the Semensky-Levytsky count family in Lviv was built in 1849 on the site of an old manor of the 18th century.

The ambassador of the Galician Diet, Konstyantyn Semenskyi, ordered the project from the Prussian architect Fryderyk Bauman. In 1877, the architect Otto Wagner rebuilt the palace in the French Baroque style by order of the privy councilor Stanislav Kostka Semenskyi-Levytskyi. The facade and interiors were decorated by the sculptor Petro-Vitalis Harasymovych.

The palace has side wings and a large courtyard. To the east of the main gate is the entrance to the stables and arena, decorated with two horse heads (Stanislav Kostka Semenskyi-Levytskyi was the president of the Galician Horse Breeding Commission).

Today, the building houses a boarding school.

Map pin icon Pekarska Street, 19 Lviv


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Церква Зіслання Святого Духа, Верхня Рожанка
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Sending of Holy Spirit Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Sending of the Holy Spirit in Verkhnia Rozhanka was built in 1804 by master Mykhaylo Bylen. This is a vivid example of sacred architecture of the Boyko type, an architectural monument of national importance. It is part of the "original Carpathian trinity" (churches in Skole, Verkhnia Rozhanka and Isai).

The previous church on this site existed in the 18th century. The date of construction of the current church is indicated by a carved inscription in Polish to the right of the main door: "Cerkiew zbudowana 9 juny 1804". In 1891, the temple was restored and painted. Restoration and replacement of the shingle covering was carried out in 1969 and 1977.

The church is three-log, built of spruce beams on the same spruce foundations. The tops are crowned with octagonal tents, completed with crowns. The church is surrounded by a wide porch, resting on the outcroppings of log cabin crowns.

The gilded iconostasis of 1891, made by the carver Heinrich Heiche, is preserved in the interior. The walls of the church are covered with his oil paintings, restored in 1969.

During Soviet times, the church was closed. In 1987, by decision of the Lviv Regional Council, it was transferred to the ownership of a religious community. Then the church was restored, repaired, the walls and ceilings were painted.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 65 Verkhnia Rozhanka


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Костел Семи Скорбот, Сколе
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Seven Sorrows of Virgin Mary Church

Temple , Architecture

The Roman Catholic Church of the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary was built in 1892.

Before that, there was a wooden church in Skole from the 17th century. The new stone Catholic church was built according to the project of the architect Alfred Kaminobrodsky and was donated by the parishioners.

After the Second World War, the church was closed, the premises were used as a warehouse.

In 1994, the church of Seven Sorrows in Skole was re-consecrated and restored.

Map pin icon Markiyana Shashkevycha Street, 3 Skole


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Дуби Шевченка, Добряни
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Shevchenko's Oaks

Natural object

Two oak trees in the center of the village of Dobriany were planted by local residents in 1914 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko.

Having decided at the general meeting to celebrate this date, the people of Dobriany instructed the most respected citizens of the village to plant three oak trees: Ivan Solonynka, Yosyp Biletsky, and Yosyp Fedun. In the autumn of 1914, when the village was on the front line, a bullet hit one of the oak trees and destroyed it. Therefore, only two trees remained.

In 1976, it was decided to install a commemorative plaque with a bas-relief image of Taras Shevchenko and fence the oak trees.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Dobriany


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Шпіхлер (Житниця), Дрогобич
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Shpikhler (Zhytnytsya)


The ancient building of the town storeroom (granary) is called Shpikhler in Drohobych. It was built in 1778 by order of the Austro-Hungarian authorities to store the city's grain stocks in case of a siege or natural disasters.

It is a massive structure 30 by 15 meters with very thick walls, a shingled roof and small dormer windows. The granary consisted of 4 tiers, on each of which a certain type of grain was stored: wheat, rye, oats, barley.

In Soviet times, the building was used as a military warehouse. Recently, a partial restoration has been carried out, and the creation of a museum is planned.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 16 Drohobych


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Художній музей "Людина. Земля. Всесвіт", Сокаль
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Sokal Art Museum "Human. Earth. Universe"

Museum / gallery

Art Museum "Human. Earth. "Universe" in Sokal was created in 1985 by the efforts of the family of Anatoliy ta Nataliya Pokotyuk, as well as Hryhoriy Kostyuchenko.

In 1990, the museum became a branch of the National Museum in Lviv, and since 1995 - a branch of the Lviv Museum of the History of Religion.

In ten museum halls, exposition exhibitions were opened: "Man and the Universe", "Holy Ukraine", "Jesus Christ - the greatest of the sons of mankind", "Under the protection of the Mother of God", "What is the truth", "In search of the truth", "Cosmic art", "Teaching of life - a call to the future", "Taras Shevchenko - an apostle of truth and a beacon of spirit", "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy".

The museum holds documents from the history of the Sokal region of the 17th-19th centuries, rare materials about the famous Ukrainian composer Viktor Matyuk (from the village of Tudorkovychi in the Sokal region), materials about the history of the churches of the Sokal region, spiritual educators and cultural figures, ceramics of the famous 19th century master Vasyl Shostopalets , samples of unique Sokal embroidery, household items of the 19th-20th centuries.

Map pin icon Andreya Sheptytskoho Street, 108 Sokal


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Музей "Сокальщина", Червоноград
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Sokalshchyna Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Sokalshchyna Museum was opened in 1981 to mark the 30th anniversary of Chervonohrad's accession to Ukraine.

About 1000 exhibits: a unique collection of works of folk art, household items, antique furniture. The specificity of the museum's exposition is that it presents the folk art of Sokalshchyna region, very original and original, which testifies to the sophistication and talent of Sokalshchyna residents.

The exposition includes "Dobryachyn" black-and-white embroidered shirts, bouquets of spring flowers on "Zavyshenski" shirts. Sokalshchyna is famous for its masters of embroidery: black embroidery is a rarity of the museum, each shirt is an exclusive product, and no ornament is repeated. Samples of wedding costumes impress with their sophistication - in one shirt the master used 6-7 different techniques.

The pride of the museum is an exhibition of unique samples of black ceramics and unique Easter eggs by Taras Horodetsky. Also interesting is the interior of Sokalshchyna okal housing in the late XIX - early XX centuries.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 16 Chervonohrad


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Музей Крушельницької, Львів
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Solomiya Krushelnytska Music Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Solomiya Krushelnytska Music and Memorial Museum is located in Lviv in the former house of the singer, which she bought in 1903, at the zenith of her creative career.

The museum was opened on the initiative of her niece Odarka Bandrovska in 1989 after the restoration of the house.

The singer's personal belongings, concert dresses, photos and documents are collected in the recreated interiors of the rooms. The exposition tells about Krushelnytska's childhood, the history of her artistic activity in Lviv, Vienna, Paris, Warsawa, Milan and other opera houses around the world.

Concerts are regularly held in the music salon of the museum.

Map pin icon Solomiyi Krushelnytskoyi Street, 23 Lviv


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Стадіон "Арена Львів"
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Stadium "Arena Lviv"

Stadium / sports complex

Arena Lviv Stadium was opened in 2011 as part of preparations for the European Football Championship Euro-2012.

This is one of the newest stadiums in Europe, which was built taking into account all UEFA requirements. The capacity of the stadium is almost 35,000 seats, including 14 VIP boxes. The construction of the arena seats is designed in such a way as to create the maximum effect of the presence of spectators on the field.

"Arena Lviv" has a natural lawn with modern systems of drainage, heating and automatic watering.

During mass events, guests are served by 19 fast food outlets located on the promenade, as well as 7 fast food outlets selling food and beverages on the outer perimeter of the stadium.

The arena has 4,500 parking spaces, of which 100 are for people with disabilities.

Excursions are held by prior appointment, during which visitors are shown the playing area, conference hall, footballers' block (dressing rooms, showers and massage rooms), flash zone, substitute benches, media tribunes, fan sectors, VIP area (restaurant and sky boxes) and the hall of the history of the stadium. Among the "highlights" of the excursion is the opportunity to sit in the seat of the famous football player Ronaldo, try on a T-shirt with the autograph of Andriy Shevchenko, look at the 3D model of the stadium or take a photo with Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

Map pin icon Stryiska Street, 199 Lviv


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Меморіальний музей Станіслава Людкевича, Львів
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Stanislav Lyudkevych Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Memorial Museum of Stanislav Lyudkevych was opened in 1995 in the composer's house in Lviv on the initiative of his wife, art critic Zenoviya Shtunder.

The two-story building was built in the second half of the 1950s. Ms. Zenoviya allocated the second floor of the house she inherited for the museum and began working at the museum as a senior research associate.

The interiors of the composer's office and his bedroom have been preserved in two exhibition rooms. In the third room, editions of the composer's musical works, family photos, and objects of fine art are exhibited.

The Stanislav Lyudkevych Memorial Museum is a department of the Solomiya Krushelnytska Memorial Music Museum. An artistic memorial table with a high-relief of the composer is installed on the facade of the building.

Map pin icon Stanislava Lyudkevycha Street, 7 Lviv


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Старосільський замок, Старе Село
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Stare Selo Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture

Stare Selo Castle is one of the largest strongholds of Galicia.

A powerful stone fortification in the middle of a swampy area was built in 1584-1589 by the princes of Ostrozky to protect the south-eastern approaches to Lviv.

Architect Amvrosiy Prykhylny used the style of the Eastern European late renaissance. The castle with an area of about 2 hectares was surrounded by 8-meter walls in the shape of an irregular triangle, at the corners of which there were six defense towers 14-16 meters high with baroque carvings (3 of them have been preserved).

In 1648, the castle was taken by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, in 1672 it withstood the Turkish siege.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the Stare Selo Castle belonged to Adam Mykolay Senyavskyi, who moved his arsenal here from Lviv. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it was owned by the Chartoriysky and Potocki. The last owner, Alfred Potocki, turned the castle into a brewery, after which it began to decline.

In 2010, the architectural monument was given a long-term concession to a private investor under the conditions of restoration and creation of a recreational complex, but the ruins of the castle still remain in a neglected state. In 2023, the court terminated the concession agreement with the private company and returned the Stare Selo Castle to state ownership.

Access is free.

Map pin icon Pidzamche Street Stare Selo


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Природознавчий музей, Львів
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State Museum of Natural History

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The State Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Lviv is considered one of the oldest natural history museums in Europe.

Founded in 1870 by the naturalist-collector, count of Ukrainian origin Volodymyr Didushytsky in a reconstructed building in the early neoclassicism style of the early 19th century. In 1880 Didushytsky donated the museum to the Lviv community, and since 1940 it has been under the jurisdiction of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 2013, the State Natural History Museum has been creating a new main exhibition "Symphony of Life", the paleontological part of which was opened in 2019 under the name "Ice Age". Among the most interesting exhibits: skeletons of a mammoth and woolly rhinoceros from the ozocerite deposit in Starun, bones of other fossil animals, a Cro-Magnon figure of the late Stone Age, reconstruction of a primitive man's dwelling. The exhibition is complemented by interactive multimedia kiosks.

A kind of museum exhibit is the oldest operating mechanical elevator in Ukraine, equipped back in 1870 by Count Didushytsky, who was partially paralyzed in old age and moved in a wheelchair. For the smallest visitors, there is an interactive children's area.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 18 Lviv


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Будинок Стефана Баторія, Самбір
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Stefan Batory's Hunting House


The hunting house of the Polish king Stefan Batory in Sambir was built in the 16th century on the territory of the royal Sambir castle, which was located south of the city center.

Later, a complex of buildings of the current district hospital was built on the castle ramparts. The house of Stefan Batory was adapted for the hospital church of Saint Panteleymon.

Map pin icon Shpytalna Street, 12 Sambir


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Музей Степана Бандери, Воля-Задеревацька
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Stepan Bandera Manor-Museum

Museum / gallery

The manor-museum of Stepan Bandera in the village of Volia-Zaderevatska was opened in the house where Andriy Bandera, the father of the OUN leader, lived in 1933-1936.

During these years, Andriy Bandera served as a priest in the church of Saint Archangel Michael in Zaderev, engaged in legal and underground activities. Stepan Bandera used to come to him on vacation.

Later there was a school in this building.

The museum was founded in the first years of Ukraine's independence by Bandera's sister's friend Anna Ivaniv. In the first room - the pedigree of the Bander family. In the second, there is a chapel where Stepan's father baptized children. In the third room there are documents, photographs, leaflets of the OUN-UPA.

A park named after Stepan Bandera has been laid near the house. The reconstructed hiding place is a disguised refuge of the rebels.

Map pin icon Volia-Zaderevatska


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Музей Степана Бандери, Дубляни
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Stepan Bandera Museum

Museum / gallery

The Stepan Bandera Museum was opened in Dubliany in one of the premises of the Lviv National Agrarian University, on the second floor of the main building.

In 1928-1933, when it was a branch of the Lviv Polytechnic, the future leader of the OUN studied here. He was immediately arrested for political activity.

The exposition presents photographs, literary works, and several sheets from the personal file of the ideologue of Ukrainian nationalism.

Map pin icon Volodymyra Velykoho Street, 1 Dubliany


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