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Майоліковий завод, Васильків
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Vasylkiv Majolic Factory

The Vasylkiv majolic factory is a former enterprise of the porcelain and earthenware industry, where highly artistic handmade ceramic dishes were produced.

The enterprise arose in Vasylkiv on the basis of a group of artisans who in 1928 created the "Keramik" craft. Since 1931, pottery began to be painted with Ukrainian national ornaments, dishes began to take on a look close to majolica. Since 1960, the Vasylkiv majolica plant has become one of the leading enterprises of the Ukrainian art industry, its products were sold all over the country.

In 2005, a private enterprise "Vasylkiv Majolic" was established on the basis of a part of the factory's production premises, which continued the traditions of the production of majolica dishes in an ethnic style. Excursions were conducted for children's groups.

Unfortunately, the Vasylkiv majolic factory finally ceased to exist in 2019.

Map pin icon Keramichna Street, 38 Vasylkiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Васильків
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Vasylkiv Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Vasylkiv Museum of Local Lore is located in the building of the House of Culture in the center of Vasylkiv.

The museum funds include 1,200 exhibits. Ancient tools, weapons, jewelry, and other archaeological material from the Stone Age, Trypillya culture, Scythian times, and Ancient Rus are presented, collected in particular during excavations near Vasylkiv settlement during the archaeological expedition of 1985.

The ethnographic exposition presents work tools, dishes and clothes used by Vasylkiv residents in the past.

There are also departments of collectivization in the 1920s and 1930s, cultural development of the Vasylkiv region, World War II, decorative and applied arts.

Map pin icon Volodymyrska Street, 2 Vasylkiv


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Великопріцьківський сільський історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Velyki Pritsky Village History and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and local lore museum of the Velyki Pritsky village was opened in 2016 on the initiative of the local journalist and poet Nadiya Vehera-Predchenko. It is located on the second floor of the building of the Velyki Pritsky village council.

The exposition presents objects, documents and materials about the history, culture and life of the village. A prominent place is occupied by the collection of embroidered towels, which includes more than 150 specimens. More than 100 scarves, many ancient women's and men's embroidered shirts are also collected.

Materials are presented about the villagers who participated in the Soviet-Afghanistan war, liquidation of the consequences of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant accident, and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

A separate exhibition is dedicated to the achievements of the local agricultural enterprise "Kolos".

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 33 Velyki Pritsky


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Верховна Рада України, Київ
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Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine


The bright building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is one of the best architectural buildings of the Soviet period in Kyiv.

The interiors of the lobby and the main lobby are decorated with stucco, inlays and monumental painting in the style of socialist realism with elements of Ukrainian folk decorative art. In the central part of the building there is an octagonal session hall covered by a glass hemispherical dome.

In 1991, the state independence of Ukraine was proclaimed here. Currently, the Verkhovna Rada is the main political center of the country. On session days, rallies and pickets often take place on the square.

The information department conducts tours about the history of parliamentarism for organized groups of enterprises, educational institutions, and public organizations.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 5 Kyiv


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Меморіал жертв Голодомору, Обухів
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Victims of Holodomor Memorial


A memorial to the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-1933 was erected on the outskirts of Obukhiv in 2008.

During the famine organized by the Soviet authorities in Ukraine, every fourth resident of Obukhiv died of starvation. In general, according to the estimates of local historians, the Holodomor took the lives of up to 3,000 residents of Obukhiv.

The author of the monument to the victims of the Holodomor is the Ukrainian artist-monumentalist Anatoliy Haydamaka.

Map pin icon Obukhiv Ring Road Obukhiv


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Кіностудія "Вікторія", Гурівщина
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Victoria Films Studio

Entertainment / leisure

Victoria Films Studio near Kyiv is one of the largest and most modern film studios in the country, engaged in the development, production and post-production of film and television projects.

The filming location of the film studio on the territory of 36 hectares is located on the outskirts of the village of Hurivshchyna, 15 kilometers from Kyiv. Large-scale real-life sites are located here: "Village", "Old Town", "Prison", "Lake", "River", "Field". There are also shooting pavilions, prop warehouses, a park of game vehicles, etc.

But the most attention is attracted by the entrance gate of the Victoria Films Studio in the form of a fairy-tale castle, reminiscent of Cinderella's castle in Disneyland. The gate is guarded by stylized figures of the Alien and the Predator over 3 meters high.

Access to the territory is closed, excursions are not conducted.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 100 Hurivshchyna


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Вікторія Музей, Київ
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Victoria Museum

Museum / gallery

Victoria Museum of Costume and Style in Kyiv was founded in 2017 by private collector Victoria Lysenko.

The exposition is located in a restored eclectic style profit house, which was built at the end of the 19th century by Lazar Chornoyarov, a merchant of the first guild.

All the demonstration halls on two floors present more than 1,500 authentic exhibits of the 19th and early 20th centuries, including clothes, shoes, accessories, valuables and ordinary household items used by the inhabitants of the cities of Ukraine and Europe at that time.

In the first hall, costumes from 1900-1920 are presented, reflecting the pre-revolutionary style of Kyiv residents. The second hall is used for temporary exhibitions. In the third hall, clothes from the end of the 19th century are exhibited, a characteristic feature of which was mandatory women's corsets. The exhibits of the fourth hall reflect the fashion of the first half of the 19th century, which was characterized by women's dresses with crinolines. In the fifth hall there is a rest area and photo locations. The sixth hall gives an opportunity to see some exhibits in detail almost up close. In the seventh hall, there is a cinema hall and another photo area.

Among the unique exhibits of the Victoria Museum is the only dress in Ukraine from the Charles Worth Fashion House of the beginning of the 20th century. A collection of fans of the XVIII-XX centuries is also presented.

Map pin icon Butyshiv Lane, 23 Kyiv


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Музей Вікентія Хвойки та краєзнавчий музей, Халеп'я
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Vikentiy Khvoyka Museum and Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Museum of the archaeologist Vikentiy Khvoyka in the village of Khalepya near Trypillya is dedicated to the discoverer of the Trypillya archaeological culture, which some researchers consider a civilization. It was here, in the building of the former literacy school, that an outstanding archaeologist worked in 1896-1898.

The museum was opened on the birthday of the outstanding archaeologist - February 20, 2009. It is still the only museum in Ukraine dedicated to his activities. Most of the exposition consists of models of the excavation sites of Trypillya hillforts and originals of various documents.

Particularly valuable exhibits are Vikentiy Khvoyka's hand-drawn sketches of finds and pages from his diary.

In the same year, in the premises where the museum of Vikentiy Khvoyka was already located, a museum of the outstanding Ukrainian writer and philosopher Ivan Franko was opened in a separate hall.

The Vikentiy Khvoyka Museum is a branch of the Kyiv Regional Archaeological Museum.

Map pin icon Berkutova Street, 11A Khalepya


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Музей-квартира Віктора Косенка, Київ
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Viktor Kosenko Museum-Apartment

Museum / gallery

The memorial museum-apartment of the composer Viktor Kosenko was founded in 1938 by his widow Anhelina Kanep-Kosenko.

The museum recreates the interiors of Kosenko's living room and office as they were during his lifetime. Among the personal belongings of the composer presented in the exposition, the oldest is the name silver spoon from Kosenko's parental home. An album made of crocodile skin with sheet music of themes from Kosenko's symphonic works attracts attention. Books from Kosenko's personal library are presented with the authors' gift inscriptions.

Now the Museum-apartment of Viktor Kosenko is a branch of the Museum of Theater, Music and Film Arts of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Kotsyubynskoho Street, 9, apartmet 4 Kyiv


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Музей історії села Шандра
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Village History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Shandra Village History Museum was opened in 2001 at the Shandra Gymnasium on the initiative of the local historian Ivan Redko, who became the first director of the institution.

The exhibition in eight halls tells about the foundation of Shandra village, important moments in its history, famous people who were born or lived in the village.

One of the halls is decorated in the style of a Ukrainian hut with a traditional oven, where old dishes and other household items are presented.

A separate exposition is dedicated to the memories of the residents of Shandra, who were eyewitnesses to the terrible events of the Holodomor of 1932-1933.

The Shandra Village History Museum is a branch of the Myronivka Historical and Local Lore Museum.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenka Street, 98A Shandra


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Ферма "ВІП страус", Зазим’я
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VIP Ostrich Farm


VIP Ostrich Farm was opened near Kyiv in 2001. The main activity of the farm is the breeding of African ostriches for the further sale of young animals and the breeding of an adult herd. Technologies of ostrich farms in the USA and Canada are used, which are adapted to Ukrainian conditions.

According to previous agreements, informative and entertaining tours of the farm territory are held. You can also buy commemorative souvenirs made of feathers and eggshells of African ostriches, take pictures with the birds and get a commemorative photo of the ostrich.

Map pin icon Ivana Bohuna Street, 16 Zazymya


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Музей Заболотного, Переяслав
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Volodymyr Zabolotny Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Famous Academician, Outstanding Architect, Founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture Volodymyr Zabolotny is located in a building that belonged to the Zabolotny family. It is a part of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve "Pereyaslav".

The exposition includes unique items from Volodymyr Zabolotny's collection: paintings by Western European artists, luxurious vases, a library (over 5,000 volumes). Here are the works of the architect himself - a model of the Verkhovna Rada building, furniture designed by him, watercolors and oil landscapes.

Map pin icon Ivana Mazepy Street, 9 Pereyaslav


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Пам'ятник В'ячеславу Чорноволу, Київ
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Vyacheslav Chornovil Monument


A monument to the leader of the People's Movement of Ukraine, Vyacheslav Chornovil, was erected in Kyiv in 2006 at the corner of Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi Street and Muzeyniy Lane, near the building that housed the headquarters of the People's Movement of Ukraine in 1989.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Chornovil was an ideologue of national revival and independence of Ukraine, and later the leader of the most influential national democratic party. Died in a car accident under dubious circumstances in 1999.

The author of the sculptural composition is the sculptor Bohdan Mazur. The figure of Chornovil in a billowing cloak, as if breaking through a stone wall, symbolizing Ukraine's totalitarian past. Above him hovers a muse with a viburnum wreath - symbols of glory and recognition.

Map pin icon Muzeyniy Lane Kyiv


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Комплекс ВишГора, Вишгород
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VyshHora complex

Active rest , Ski resort , Rest on the water

The "VyshHora" complex is located in Vyshhorod in a picturesque location, on the steep banks of the Kyiv Reservoir, next to the old bobsleigh track.

In winter, the mountain, which is about 200 meters long, has three different slopes and snow tubing for riding on inflatable tubes. A modern conveyor belt, snow cannons, and night lighting are in operation. Equipment can be rented, instructors work. Visitors are offered tandoori meat dishes, hot mulled wine, tea and coffee. The complex works in snowy weather, or when the average daily temperature allows the use of snow cannons.

In the summer, the complex includes 200-meter-long water slides, a 20x20-meter pool with a pool bar, and a sunbathing and relaxation area with an area of more than 400 square meters.

In July 2020, the administration of the "VyshHora" complex announced the complete cessation of activities.

Map pin icon Vatutyna Street, 102 Vyshhorod


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Вишневий історико-краєзнавчий музей
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Vyshneve Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The historical and local history museum of the Vyshneve city was founded on the initiative of the local historian Kateryna Sereda, and received official status in 2004.

The museum does not yet have a permanent premises, part of the exposition is temporarily located in the building of the State Statistics Service. In particular, on the second floor, the grand piano of the Becker company is exhibited, on which the outstanding composer Ihor Stravynskyi played when he came to Vyshneve to visit the Myhay family.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 27A Vyshneve


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