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Attractions of Chernihiv region

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Воскресенська церква, Остер
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Holy Resurrection Church

Temple , Architecture

The Resurrection Church is the only Orthodox church that was completely preserved during the Soviet rule in Oster.

The news about the laying of the wooden Resurrection Church dates back to 1790. After half a century, the temple was rebuilt in classical forms in stone.

The icon of Saint Barbara, created by the icon painter Vasyl Levchenko, is stored here.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 1 Oster


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Свято-Троїцький собор, Чернігів
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Holy Trinity Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chernihiv is part of the complex of the Trinity-Illinsky Monastery, founded on the Boldyny Hills in the 11th century by Antoniy Pecherskyi.

After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the monastery was revived in 1649 on the initiative of Colonel Stepan Podobaylo. The ensemble of the Trinity Cathedral with the bell tower, the Church of the Introduction and the Refectory was built in 1679-1695 at the expense of Hetman of Ukraine Ivan Mazepa. The wonderful architecture in the Ukrainian Baroque style is the work of the talented Vilnius architect Yohann-Batyst Zauer (Yohann Baptyst).

Since 1790, the Trinity-Illinsky Monastery has served as the residence of the Archbishop of Chernihiv - the so-called "Archbishop's House" is located here.

The monastery itself is closed, but the cathedral is open to parishioners. The relics of Chernihiv saints rest in the Trinity Cathedral: Saint Theodosius of Chernihiv, Saint Lavrenty, Saint Filaret (Humylevskyi), parts of the relics of some Kyiv saints.

The biker poet Leonid Hlibov is buried near the southern wall of the cathedral.

The 58-meter-high monumental bell tower is open for visitors (195 steps), the best panorama of Chernihiv opens from above.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral is part of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernihiv".

Map pin icon Tolstoho Street, 92 Chernihiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Городня
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Horodnia Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The municipal institution "Horodnia Historical and Local Lore Museum" was founded in 1979.

Since 2007, it has been housed in a 19th-century local history monument, the building of former mayor and philanthropist Mykola Pysaryev.

The museum has almost 5,500 exhibits. 5 exhibition halls tell about the archeological monuments of the region, about the Horodnia Cossack Hundred, about folk crafts, handicrafts, ethnographic features of the region. The interiors of a peasant house and a burgher's room, as well as a shop with the exposition "Development of trade in the city" were recreated.

Numerous documents, photographs, various things tell about the events of the Second World War.

The exhibition about the second half of the XX century focuses on the figures of dissident and political prisoner, organizer of the Helsinki Union, chairman of the Ukrainian Republican Party, Hero of Ukraine and author of the Act of Independence of Ukraine Levko Lukyanenko, a native of Khrypivka. In addition to photos and documentaries, the interior of the cell for holding political prisoners has been recreated.

Map pin icon Troyitska Street, 14 Horodnia


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Будинок генерального судді Кочубея, Батурин
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House-Museum of the Judge General Vasyl Kochubey

Museum / gallery

The house-museum of the General Judge of the Zaporizhzhia Army Vasyl Kochubey in Baturyn is a rare example of civil architecture of the Ukrainian Baroque era.

This is the only building that has survived since the Baturyn Fortress after the destruction of the Hetman's capital by Moscow troops in November 1708.

The one-storey brick building of the General Court was built in the second half of the 17th century during the time of Hetman Demyan Mnohohrishny. He performed both administrative and housing functions.

From 1700 it was inhabited by Judge General Vasyl Kochubey and her family. His 16-year-old daughter Motrona (Motrya) was in love with her godfather, 58-year-old Hetman Ivan Mazepa, but the father was adamantly against their marriage. Kochubey and his associate Ivan Iskra tried to settle accounts with Mazepa by informing Tsar Peter I of Moscow about the hetman's secret negotiations with King Charles XII of Sweden. The tsarist government extradited the informers to Mazepa, and they were sentenced to death. After the execution of her father, Motrya went to the monastery. The monument, the Alley of Love and 500-year-old oaks in the manor park (there are the remains of the ramparts of the Baturyn fortress) remind of this dramatic story.

The house of Judge Kochubey has housed the Museum of History and Local Lore since 1975, which in 2006 became part of the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Hetman's Capital". The exposition acquaints with the history of the house and the Kochubey family, and also deeply reveals the theme of Motrya’s and Mazepa's love.

The interiors of the investigation and pre-trial detention rooms with an exposition of instruments of torture are recreated in the basements.

Part of the exhibition is dedicated to the beekeeper, inventor of the hive Petro Prokopovych, who lived in Baturyn.

Map pin icon Hetmanska Street, 74 Baturyn


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Густинський монастир, Густиня
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Hustynia Holy Trinity Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Hustynia Holy Trinity Convent was founded in 1600 by the Kyiv-Pechers monk Ioasaf on the lands of the Vyshnevetsky princes.

An island overgrown with dense forest, formed by the bend of the Uday River and a swamp, was chosen for the arrangement of the monastery. The location in a difficult terrain, as well as the system of defensive structures with a moat and walls gave the monastery an important strategic importance. It was used as a rebel base during popular uprisings against the nobility, as a result of which it was destroyed.

In 1639, Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Kyiv took up the revival, and later his monastery came under the care of the Ukrainian hetmans.

On the territory there is a white stone five-headed Trinity Cathedral (1672-1676) in the Baroque style, founded by Hetman Ivan Samoylovych, a refectory of the Resurrection (former Assumption) Church (1695), built at the expense of Hetman Ivan Mazepa, as well as a soft pink Peter and Paul Church (1693-1708) with five sections.

Under Catherine II, the monastery was closed, but half a century later it was restored again at the expense of Prince Mykola Repnin (he is buried in the Resurrection Church).

The Hustin Chronicle (1600-1640) was created in the monastery - the first comprehensive work on the history of Ukraine, which combines the secular and hagiographic history of Rus. Taras Shevchenko visited here.

Excursions are conducted, the clothing of visitors must meet the requirements accepted in the temples of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Yarmarkova Street, 27 Hustynia


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Краєзнавчий музей, Ічня
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Ichnia Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Ichnia Museum of Local Lore is located in a small one-story building near the city center.

Founded in 1961 by local historian Mykola Butko. 7,000 exhibits reflect the nature and history of the Ichnia region.

The original collection of samovars, tiles, icons and old prints deserves special attention. The museum presents the works of local artists and masters of decorative and applied art, including a unique selection of wood carvings by Anton Shtepa.

Map pin icon Voskresinska Street, 27 Ichnia


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Садиба Кочубеїв, Тиниця
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Kochubey Estate

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Kochubey estate in Tynytsia is an architectural monument of national importance.

It was founded by the descendants of the general judge Vasyl Kochubey, who owned the village in the 19th century. The center of the composition is the manor house of the Kochubeys, built in the 18th century. A beautiful thick pine alley leads to the house.

The palace building is one-story, stone, rectangular in plan, with a strictly symmetrical composition of facades. Further in the park is the treasury building with a second floor added, which changed the original appearance of the building.

The park in Tynytsia was founded at the same time as the Sokyryntsi park by the efforts of Hryhoriy Galagan in the first half of the 19th century. In general, a complex planning system of several park sites with alleys has been preserved. The architectural structure of the park is very interesting: four alleys - spruce, maple, chestnut and linden - converge in rays to the center.

Until 2006, there was a vocational school on the territory of the complex. At the moment, the buildings and the park are in a deplorable condition.

Map pin icon Parkova Street, 2A Tynytsia


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Історичний музей, Корюківка
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Koriukivka Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Koriukivka Historical Museum consists of 5 exposition departments, which tell about the life of people on these lands in different historical periods.

The museum's holdings include more than 8,000 exhibits: numismatics, stone tools of the late Neolithic period, a mammoth tusk, household items and antiques, personal belongings and materials of prominent people, photo documents.

In particular, a fragment of a Ukrainian house of the Koryukiv region of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century is presented. This is a three-room apartment (work, household and ritual parts), in which various things that were used in everyday life at that time are displayed.

Map pin icon Zarichna Street, 8 Koriukivka


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Історико-археологічний музей, Короп
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Korop Historical and Archaeological Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Korop Regional Historical and Archaeological Museum is located in the building of the former Theodosius Church, which was built in the 1880s in the pseudo-Rus style.

Under Soviet rule, the baths were removed from the temple and housed first a cinema and then a museum.

Archaeological, geological and ethnographic collections are of considerable value. In the exposition you can see finds from the Mezyn Paleolithic site, a diorama of the Radychiv settlement from the times of Kyivan Rus, samples of traditional clothes and towels.

The museum also widely presents samples of ceramic pottery and tiles of Korop region, which was known as one of the leading centers of pottery.

The architecture of the region is represented by models of all 9 churches that existed in Korop in the early XX century.

Map pin icon Voznesenska Street, 2 Korop


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Ліцей №1, Козелець
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Kozelets Lyceum


Kozelets Lyceum No. 1 was established in 1996 on the basis of a secondary school, which in turn was established in 1912 as a Higher Primary School for girls.

Arithmetic, writing, reading, embroidery, cutting and sewing were taught there for 4 years. Teaching was conducted in Russian.

During the First World War, the building was used as a hospital. In 1919, the 1st Congress of Councils of the Kozelets district took place in the premises of the lyceum, at which Soviet power was proclaimed. During the Second World War, the Germans used the premises as a granary.

In 1943, training resumed.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 36/1 Kozelets


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Меморіал Пам’яті героїв Крут, Пам’ятне
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Kruty Heroes Memorial Complex

Museum / gallery , Monument

The Kruty Heroes Memorial was opened in 2006 at the railway station "Kruty" (Pamyatne village near Kruty), where on January 29, 1918, an unequal battle took place between the 4,000-strong Bolshevik army of Mykhaylo Muravyov and several hundred Kyiv cadets and students who took up defense on the approaches to Kyiv.

The student group, formed from students of Saint Volodymyr Kyiv University, Ukrainian National University and Cyril and Methodius Gymnasium, was sent by the Central Council of the Ukrainian People's Republic to help the Bahamian garrison, which consisted of cadets of the cadet school. The battle lasted 8 hours. Ukrainian troops repelled several attacks by the Bolsheviks, but were forced to retreat, having previously dismantled the railway track.

There are no exact data on the number of dead on the Ukrainian side (historians give different figures - from several tens to three hundred). One reconnaissance platoon (about 30 men) was captured and executed by the Bolsheviks. The bodies of those shot were later buried at the Askold grave, history has preserved the names of only 18 of them.

In the course of military operations, the battle near Kruty was not of decisive importance, but the feat of Kyiv students is heroized as an example of patriotism and self-sacrifice of Ukrainian youth. Oleksandr Vertynskyi's song about the fallen cadets "I don't know why and who needs it..." and Pavlo Tychyna's poem about the thirty martyrs "They were buried at the Askold grave" became a symbol of the era.

The central element of the Kruty Heroes Memorial is a monumental stele in the form of a column of the Red Corps of Kyiv University, crowned with a trident.

The museum exposition is housed in old railway carriages collected from all over Ukraine.

Festive events take place on January 29 every year.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Krut Street, 38 Pamyatne


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Музей Левка Ревуцького, Іржавець
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Levko Revutsky Manor-Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The Irzhavets Manor-Museum of the composer Levko Revutsky has been open for a century from the day of his birth in the ancestral manor of the Revutsky family, where he was born and spent his childhood and youth.

In 1789, the composer's great-grandfather received an estate in Irzhavets near Parafiivka for his services during the Russian-Turkish war. Writer Lev Tolstoy, composer Mykola Lysenko, artist Mykola Ge, composer Platon Mayboroda and others visited the Revutsky estate.

After the composer's family moved to Kyiv, the building housed a school, a library, and a paramedic-midwifery center.

Currently, the estate has recreated the atmosphere of the Revutskys' house. The piano on which the future composer learned to play, the furniture he made himself, the portrait of Shevchenko that hung in his office and other personal items are presented.

Map pin icon Kosmichna Street, 28A Irzhavets


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Чоловіча гімназія, Новгород-Сіверський
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Male Gymnasium


The male gymnasium building appeared in the center of Novohorod-Siverskyi at the end of the 19th century, although the educational institution itself was founded in 1804 on the basis of an even older public school.

For a long time, the gymnasium was the center of education of the entire Chernihiv province. Among the graduates are the historian, the first rector of Kyiv University Mykhaylo Maksymovych, the Ukrainian writer Panteleymon Kulish, the revolutionary-populist Mykola Kybalchych, as well as the famous teacher Kostyantyn Ushynsky.

The state gymnasium, which currently occupies the premises, is named after the latter.

On the night of May 12, 2022, in the course of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian aviation dropped missiles on the center of Novhorod-Siverskyi. As a result of the Russian airstrike, the entire complex of buildings of the male gymnasium was damaged - the windows were broken, the roof and part of the facade of the building were completely destroyed.

Map pin icon Hubernska Street, 38 Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Музей Марії Заньковецької, Заньки
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Mariya Zankovetska Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

Memorial Museum of Mariya Zankovetska was opened in 1964 in the village of Zanky, in the estate of the Adasovsky family.

It was here in 1854 that the outstanding Ukrainian actress, representative of the luminaries of the Ukrainian theater, Mariya Zankovetska (Adasovska), the first People's Artist of Ukraine, was born. She spent her youth here and returned here many times as an adult.

In the house restored after the fire, where Mariya lived as a child, photos of members of the Adasovsky family and Zankovetska's personal belongings are presented: a casket, a mirror, a handbag, dishes, lace woven by her hands. Of particular interest are her stage costumes, as well as the grand piano presented to the actress by the composer Mykola Lysenko.

An ethnographic collection and an exhibition of medicinal herbs are presented in the adjacent building of the old school. The museum organizes a tea party upon the order of tourist groups.

A monument to Mariya Zankovetska has been installed in the courtyard of the museum.

Map pin icon Mariyi Zankovetskoyi Street, 16 Zanky


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Меморіал героям-захисникам України, Ніжин
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Memorial to the heroes-defenders of Ukraine


The memorial to the heroes-defenders of Ukraine was opened in 2023 in the center of Nizhyn city, in the former square named after Hubina, next to the All Saints Cathedral.

The memorial complex in the form of a Cossack cross was built from Ukrainian granite according to the project of architect Zhanna Balanyuk and sculptor Serhiy Oleksienko.

In the center of the composition is a sculpture of the Hero of Ukraine Oleksandr Matsiyevskyi, who went to the Russian-Ukrainian war from Nizhyn and died on December 30, 2022 at the hands of the Russian invaders, boldly throwing into their eyes before being shot: "Glory to Ukraine!" His figure symbolizes the feat of all men and women who defended Ukraine against Russian aggression.

In front of the memorial, an interactive information stand has been installed with information about all citizens of Nizhyn who gave their lives defending Ukraine.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street Nizhyn


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