Attractions of Rivne district

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Rivne district


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Церква Різдва Христового, Клевань
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Nativity of Christ Church

Temple , Architecture

The Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ is located in the center of Klevan next to the castle.

It was founded in 1777 as a Greek Catholic church. The stone church of the Nativity of Christ was built at the expense of Adam Chartoryysky. It has characteristic forms of classicism, decorated with a hollow pilaster portico of the Tuscan order with a triangular pediment, finished with a semicircular attic. Planning is typical of folk architecture: cross plan, single-headed finish.

In 1844, a stone bell tower was erected next to the Church of the Nativity.

It belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 16 Klevan


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Новомалинський замок, Новомалин
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Novomalyn Castle

Castle / fortress

The Novomalyn Castle was built on a hill above the Zbytenka River by Prince Svydryhaylo at the end of the 14th century.

Initially, it was surrounded by a moat with water. It was regular in plan, had five corner pentagonal towers connected by walls with loopholes, a bridge and an entrance gate on the north-eastern side. It was rebuilt in the XV, XVII, XVIII centuries. A major reconstruction was carried out at the beginning of the 19th century by the Sosnovsky magnates.

The palace is located along the south-eastern side of the castle. Its outer wall was defensive, connected to the walls of the castle. The building has vaulted basements in several levels. Nearby was a kitchen decorated with a neo-Gothic arcade.

A neo-Gothic style chapel was built on the basis of one of the defensive towers. Each of its facades is pierced by one narrow arrowed window, and high round towers placed at the five outer corners, drawn with linear rust, resemble Gothic pinnacles. The interior of the chapel was decorated with marble carvings made by the master of the manor himself, sculptor Tomash Oskar Sosnovsky (beginning of the 19th century).

Currently, the western pentagonal two-story tower, the half-ruined southern tower, a small section of the defensive wall between them, the chapel (the northern tower of the castle) and the ruins of the former palace are preserved. The ceilings are destroyed, only three rooms of the first floor have preserved cross vaults.

Map pin icon Pamposhchuka Street Novomalyn


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Музей нумізматики, Острог
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Numismatics Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The numismatic collection of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Ostroh is located in the former the Shteynberh residential building (19th century) in the city center.

A significant part of the collection consists of coins, paper money and awards of the Russian Empire, including gold coins of Peter I and Catherine II.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the history of the development of Ukrainian money of the twentieth century: paper notes of Odesa, Zhytomyr, Kremenets, Ostroh, national money and securities of the Liberation Struggle of 1917-1921.

The main place in the exposition is given to modern awards of Ukraine and awards of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue, 45 Ostroh


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Церква Олександра Невського, Костопіль
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Oleksandr Nevsky Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of Oleksandr Nevsky in Kostopil was built in 1893.

The temple belongs to the little-known samples of the last period of the development of Volyn monumental architecture of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century with the use of the "diocesan" style.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 68 Kostopil


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Острозький замок, Острог
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Ostroh Castle

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The Ostroh Castle on the mountain above the Viliya River is the former residence of the powerful Ostrozky princes, who in the 14th and 17th centuries owned large lands in Volyn.

Prince Danylo - the first precisely known prince from the Ostrozky dynasty - began to build fortifications on the site of an ancient Rus settlement. His descendants expanded and strengthened their capital for two centuries, which flourished at the beginning of the 16th century under Prince Kostyantyn Ostrozky.

The story of the "black princess" Halshka Ostrozka, who after the death of Illya Ostrozky father, inherited all his fortune is connected with the castle. Real tycoon wars broke out over her hand, she was forced to marry twice, but her uncle Vasyl-Kostyantyn managed to preserve the possessions of the Ostrozky family. Subsequently, he became famous as an educator and defender of Orthodoxy.

The oldest building of Ostroh Castle is the Watch Tower or "Brick Tower" (XIV century), in which the exposition of the local history museum was opened as early as 1916. The main exhibit is the famous Ostroh Bible, published in 1681 by the first printer Ivan Fedorov. A collection of unique Volyn "smiling icons" is on display. A model of the medieval Ostroh is presented. Also preserved is the Round (New) tower (XVI century) with a Renaissance crown of dentils, from the foot of which you can see the domes of the monastery in Mezhirich.

The ancient Epiphany Cathedral (year 1453) is located on the territory of the castle, the silhouette of which was the coat of arms of the city. Under the Catholics, the church was partially destroyed, one wall with loopholes was included in the fortification system of the castle. At the end of the 19th century, the cathedral was reconstructed in the pseudo-Byzantine style according to the project of the architect Basilevsky, and the baths received a characteristic gilding. In 1905, the Nadbram bell tower was built. The temple is active, belongs to the UOC MP.

Since 1981, Ostroh Castle, together with the ensemble of other architectural monuments of the city and its surroundings, has been part of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Ostroh. In recent years, a number of accessibility programs have been implemented here. In particular, the reserve implemented the project "Inclusive Museum in Ostroh Castle". Now visually impaired visitors have access to tactile pointers and diagrams, 3D models of some exhibits (in particular, a tactile model of the castle of the Princes Ostrozky), an audio guide with tiflocommentary, a guide for the blind, as well as a guide with adapted text for people with hearing impairments. The site of the reserve is adapted for people with disabilities.

Map pin icon Akademichna Street, 5 Ostroh


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Княжа гора, Маринин
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Prince's Mountain

Archaeological site

The earth ramparts of the castle of Prince Bohush Koretskyi, built in the 16th century, are located on Prince's Mountain (Knyazha Hora) in Marynyn.

The wooden buildings of the castle have not been preserved, the former castle bypass now has gardens.

The castle offers a unique panorama of the Sluch valley with rocky rapids, rocky canyons, steep cliffs and a sea of ​​greenery.

Map pin icon Knyazha Hora tract Marynyn


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Пам'ятник князям Острозьким, Острог
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Princes Ostrozki Monument


A monument to the princes Ostrozki - Reverend Fedir (in a scheme), Kostyantyn Ivanovych (with a sword) and Vasyl-Kostyantyn (with a Bible) - was erected in 2000 in the square in the central square of the city Ostroh.

In the 14th and 17th centuries, Ostroh was the main residence of the powerful Volyn family of the Ostrozki princes. The figures of the three most glorious representatives of the family are immortalized against the background of five arches crowned with a cross.

The author of the monument is Honored Artist of Ukraine Serhiy Chumakov.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Avenue Ostroh


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Рівненський пивзавод, Рівне
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Rivne Brewery

Architecture , Winery / brewery

The complex of buildings of the Rivne Brewery was built in 1900 by the "Bergshloss Steam Brewery" Joint Stock Company.

The main shareholder was the Czech entrepreneur Bergshloss, who arrived in Volyn at the end of the 19th century with a wave of immigrants from the Czech Republic. He created his enterprise in Rivne on the basis of artisanal beer that had existed in the city since 1849. A company logo was developed, a specially shaped bottle with an embossed stamp was blown.

In addition to the factory buildings, a metal fence has been preserved, in the lace of which Rivne blacksmiths wove the name of the owner of the enterprise.

In 1939, the plant was nationalized, during Soviet times it produced beer brands "Zhigulovske", "Ukrainian", "Slovianske".

Since 2012, the company has been called LLC "Riven LTD". Recently, the assortment has been expanded: dark, wheat, strong and other varieties are produced, the "Bergshloss" brand has been restored. Rivne beer has a natural bright taste thanks to the fact that no pasteurization or preservatives are used in production.

In the basement of the plant's main building, there is a Kant beer restaurant, which offers craft beer from its own mini-brewery.

In 2020, Riven Brewery became part of the new architectural complex "Maidan Bergshloss" Historical Quarter, styled after ancient buildings in various European styles. Most of the premises of the complex are currently occupied by the Optima Collection Bergshloss Rivne hotel of the "Reikartz" chain, and there is an Italian restaurant. The opening of the Beer and Hop Growing Museum is planned.

Map pin icon Kopernyka Street, 9 Rivne


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Дитяча залізниця, Рівне
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Rivne Children's Railway

Entertainment / leisure

Rivne Children's Railway is one of the 9 operating children's railways in Ukraine.

The design of the road began in 1948. Its construction was led by road workers PC-7 of the Kovel railway, who were helped on Sundays by the residents of the city. The ceremonial opening of the Small Rivne Railway took place in 1949.

The children's railway line with two dead-end double-track stations runs along the left bank of the Ustya River. The Partyzanska station is located in the very center of the city, near the bridge by which Rivne main street - Soborna - crosses the river. The second station – Ozerna – is on the shore of Lake Basiv Kut. The road management is located at Partyzanska station. There are several artificial structures on the route of the Rivne children's railway - a bridge, a culvert. Stepana Bandery Street crosses the road along the overpass.

P43 rails are laid in the track. The rolling stock of the road in the year of its opening included steam locomotive N.1572 (Kolomensk plant, type 86), two wooden passenger cars of the III class manufactured by the Kolomensk plant, and two cargo platforms. In 1973, the rolling stock of the road was renewed - a diesel locomotive TU3-034 and all-metal Pafawag passenger cars were received. The locomotive was scrapped, the wooden passenger cars were scrapped and disassembled. In 1982, the TU2-137 diesel locomotive was received from the Haivoron Locomotive Repair Plant, and the TU3-034, which had exhausted its resource, together with two Pafawag cars, was handed over to the "Expers" recreation camp for children of railway workers. Nowadays, these carriages are equipped with classrooms. Currently, the rolling stock of the road includes a diesel locomotive TU2-137, 2 Pafawag wagons ("Yuny zhlazhniynik" stock) and 2 cargo platforms.

The Rivne Children's Railway operates from the beginning of May to the end of August, trains run on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 147 Rivne


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Краєзнавчий музей, Рівне
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Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore is located in the building of the former male gymnasium, built in the classicism style in 1839 on the initiative of Prince Frederik Lubomyrskyi.

Mykola Kostomarov, a Ukrainian historian, taught here, and Volodymyr Korolenko, a humanist writer, studied here. During the Second World War, the building served as the Reich Commissariat of Ukraine, next to it was the bunker of General Erik Kokh (preserved).

Since 1975, the premises have been occupied by the Museum of Local Lore, organized in Rivne in 1906. 140 thousand exhibits, including archeological finds, ethnographic exhibition, numismatic collection, objects of the Cossack era, icons. In the square there is an exposition of military equipment.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Drahomanova Street, 19 Rivne


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Рівненський зоопарк, Рівне
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Rivne Zoo


Charming in its provincialism, the Rivne Zoo is located on a relief park area of 4.7 hectares at the entrance to Rivne from the Kyiv side.

Almost 200 species, 700 specimens of animals. Lions and other big cats, bears, monkeys, even-toed animals, and birds are represented. Baghira, a rare black leopard from the Far East, is very popular among visitors. Exotarium works.

It is allowed to feed and hold domestic animals in the "Grandma's Yard" aviary. There is a riding school.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 110 Rivne


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Руїни замку Вишневецьких, Тайкури
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Ruins of Vyshnevetsky Castle

Castle / fortress

Separate fragments of defensive walls and towers can barely be seen on the site of the medieval castle in Taikury, built in the late 16th - early 17th centuries by Prince Yuriy Vyshnevetskyi.

The castle was made of stone and brick, regular in plan. It had corner towers connecting defensive walls, a drawbridge.

In 1825, the castle burned down. The then owner Oleksandr Illinskyi decided not to restore it and sold it for building materials.

The part of the southern tower, which reached a height of 30 meters and served as a watchtower, was best preserved.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Taikury


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Костел Св. Антонія (Органна зала), Рівне
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Saint Anthony Church (Organ Hall)

Temple , Architecture , Theater / show

The former parish church of Saint Anthony in the neo-Gothic style with a beautiful clock on the facade was built in Rivne according to the project of Konstantiy Voytsekhovskyi at the expense of Roman Sanhushko on the site of an early church.

Consecrated in 1900. Originally, the house was crowned with two spiers, decorated with frescoes and stained glass windows.

Since Soviet times, the Church of Saint Anthony has been used as the House of Chamber and Organ Music of the Rivne Regional Philharmonic.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 137 Rivne


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Костел Святого Антонія, Великі Межирічі
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Saint Anthony's Church

Temple , Architecture

In the second half of the 17th century, the Lubomyrsky magnates, to whom Velyki Mezhyrichi belonged at that time, founded a Roman Catholic collegium.

In 1702-1725, the majestic church of Saint Anthony was built in the baroque style according to the project of the architect Voytsekh Lenartovych.

The church is stone, hall-type, with choirs, where the organ used to be. The interiors were decorated with rich stucco. The church is decorated with three pediments of late baroque character. On the altar side of the building, a two-story annex of the collegium with a library and an examination hall has been preserved.

Today, the church of Saint Anthony is in a very neglected state, although it is an architectural monument of national importance.

Map pin icon Luhova Street Velyki Mezhyrichi


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Костел Св. Лаврентія, Тайкури
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Saint Lawrence Church

Temple , Architecture

The one-nave church of Saint Lawrence in Taikury with an elongated faceted apse and two side chapels half the height of the nave is surrounded on all sides by a dilapidated but still strong stone wall.

A belfry in the form of a high pediment with three vertical slits for bells is attached to the western corner. Once the church had a crowning pinak tower above the ridge of the pitched roof. Despite the neglected state, the main elements of the architectural design are clearly visible in the interior: pilasters, horizontal belts, cornice with a complex set of profiles. The composition of the main part of the interior space is completed by a cylindrical vault with deep formwork in the places adjacent to the windows, elastic arches and bundles of false ribs. Other rooms are covered with ordinary cross vaults.

According to legend, the church of Saint Lawrence was built thanks to an accident: the dog of the nobleman Peplovsky, looking for game shot by his master, dug up a golden treasure from the ground. Thanks to fate, the nobleman built a church on that place.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Taikury


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