Attractions of Rivne district

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Городоцький Миколаївський монастир, Городок
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Horodok Saint Nicholas Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Saint Nicholas Horodok Convent was founded in the 16th century, when Princess Anastasiya Vilshanska donated her Horodok estate with a castle on an island in the middle of the Ustya River to the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

During the time of Ruina, when Ukraine was divided between Poland and Russia, the monastery passed to the Greek Catholics and became the residence of bishops. In 1740, the bishop of Kamyanets, Atanasiy Sheptytskyi, built a stone church of Saint Nicholas of Myrlikiya on the island. The stone body of the cells, which adjoins the church from the south, is dated to the same period.

After the annexation of Volhynia to the Russian Empire, the new owner of the estate, Count Esterhazi, rebuilt the cell block into a manor palace in the style of classicism and planted a park on the island. At the end of the 19th century, Baron Feodor fon Shteynhel built three new buildings to the northeast of the church and placed the first local history museum in Volyn in one of them.

During World War II, the palace housed a military hospital, then a regional tuberculosis sanatorium. In 1991, the complex of cells was transferred to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate, which revived the Saint Nicholas Horodok Women's Monastery. At the same time, the Church of Saint Nicholas belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Monastyrska Street, 1 Horodok


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Гощанський Покровський монастир, Гоща
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Hoshchansky Intercession Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Hoshchansky Orthodox Monastery was founded in 1639 at the Saint Michael's Church, which, according to the protective plaque, was built in Hoshcha in 1632.

The founder of the monastery was Rehina Solomyretska-Hoyska, who inherited Hoshcha from her brother Roman Hoysky. Soon, a relative of Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Solomyretska transferred here from Vinnytsia a branch of the Kyiv-Mohylyanska Orthodox School, whose rector was Innokenty Hisel. The monastery and the school were helped in every possible way by the champion of Orthodoxy, the Ukrainian nobleman Adam Kysil, who owned the Hoshcha house since 1642. Soon, the Michael Church and the monastery passed to the Greek Catholics, but in 1833 they were finally returned to the Orthodox.

Each time the temple was rebuilt, but did not lose its distinctive features. In particular, the window openings have preserved their original slightly arrowed contours - echoes of Gothic architecture. The building acquired its modern appearance as a result of reconstruction in 1888. The warm Saint Nicholas Church was built next to it with a cell building attached to it.

During the Soviet rule, the premises were used for economic purposes. At present, the restored churches are part of the complex of the Saint-Intercession Hoshchansky women's monastery.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 3 Hoshcha


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Губківський замок, Губків
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Hubkiv Castle

Castle / fortress

The romantic ruins of the Hubkiv Castle adorn the picturesque rocky shore of the Sluch River.

The castle was built in the 15th century. It was first mentioned in 1505, when it was destroyed by the Tatars. In the 16th century, the Semashko princes restored the castle, turning it into one of the most powerful fortifications in Volyn. The fortification system consisted of four corner towers, united by walls with loopholes, an entrance gate and a drawbridge. Residential and commercial buildings were located in the castle yard.

In 1596, during Severyn Nalyvayko's rebellion, the Hubkiv Castle was captured by the Cossacks under the command of Hryhoriy Loboda (a memorial sign was erected), but was soon restored by the Poles.

Two episodes of the Northern War, when the fortifications were destroyed first by Russian (1704) and then by Swedish troops (1708), were fatal for the stronghold. Since that time, Hubkiv Castle has not been restored.

Small sections of dilapidated walls of one tower and the former palace, the castle well, have been preserved. Access is free.

Map pin icon Zamkova hora tract Hubkiv


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Хотинські печери, Хотин
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Khotyn Caves

Natural object

Khotyn Caves near Rivne are a natural monument of local importance (since 1979).

They are located on the slope of the second floodplain terrace of the Horyn River near the village of Khotyn.

The caves interested researchers as early as the 19th century, when drawings were discovered on the walls, possibly dating back to pre-Christian times. Probably, the Khotyn Caves were a refuge for local residents during enemy attacks.

According to legend, an underground passage leads to Rivne.

Map pin icon Khotyn


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Клеванський замок, Клевань
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Klevan Castle

Castle / fortress

The well-preserved, well-fortified Klevan Castle was founded in 1475 by Prince Mykhaylo Chartoriysky on the site of an ancient Rus settlement above the Stubla River.

The castle is surrounded by powerful walls (thickness of 3.8 meters) and a defensive moat, over which a four-arch bridge is thrown. The construction was supervised by the Lviv fortification engineer Ivan Lys, the architect of the Lviv City Arsenal. Two corner towers were also preserved from the original building. In the 17th and 18th centuries, a college of Jesuits was located here. After the reconstruction carried out in 1817 by Kostyantyn Chartoryysky, a Polish gymnasium was opened in the new buildings, then a theological school.

During the Soviet rule, the Klevan Castle housed a boarding school, a mechanization school, and a NKVD post at various times, then it was converted into a treatment and labor ward for alcoholics.

Currently, the buildings are derelict, and projects for reconstruction and development of tourist infrastructure are being discussed. Klevan Castle is cared for by volunteers from the sports and patriotic organization "Shyt".

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Klevan


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Корецький замок, Корець
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Korets Castle

Castle / fortress

The ruins of Korets Castle with a distinctive tower over the gate of red brick are the hallmark of the city.

The first wooden fortification was built in the 15th century above the Korchyk river by Prince Ostrozky. Later, the castle passed into the possession of Volyn Voivode Bohdan Koretskyi, who strengthened it with stone walls with towers and bastions, surrounded by an earthen rampart and a moat filled with water from the river.

In the 18th century, the fortress buildings became the basis for the construction of the palace complex of the Chartoryskyi princes. In 1832, the palace burned down and has not been rebuilt since then.

The three-level gate tower, the adjacent ruins of the outer walls of the palace buildings, and the three-pylon four-arch bridge (reconstructed in recent years) have been preserved.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street Korets


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Історичний музей, Корець
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Korets Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Korets Historical Museum was opened in the former Horchynski Palace (18th century) to mark the 850th anniversary of the first chronicle of the city.

The exposition is located in five halls: the history of the city of Korets, World War II, ethnography and two exhibitions. More than 6,000 exhibits reflect the history, culture and life of the region.

In front of the entrance to the Korets Historical Museum there is a monument to Taras Shevchenko, according to the legend, remade from the monument to Lenin.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 43A Korets


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Краєзнавчий музей, Костопіль
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Kostopil Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

Kostopil Museum of Local Lore is located in a small one-story house in the center of Kostopil.

There are 10 exhibitions about the nature, history and ethnography of the region. In the exposition "Nature of the native land" the most interesting dioramas are "River and meadow" and "Forest".

In the ethnographic corner the interior of the Polissya house was reconstructed, the full process of fabric making was presented.

The archeological collection includes tools of prehistoric times, fragments of pottery, bronze products.

The history of the region is told by the exhibition "Kostopil region from the IX century to 1921".

Stands "Kostopilshchyna Today" is actually an advertising exhibition of products of local enterprises.

A large collection of military equipment from the Second World War, open to the 40th anniversary of the victory, is on display on the site in front of the museum. Among the 17 exhibits are an IS-3 tank, a BM-13 Katyusha jet mortar, ISU-122 and ISU-152 self-propelled artillery units, a 203-mm B-4 howitzer, an automatic anti-aircraft gun, and more.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 16 Kostopil


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Садиба Валевських, Гоща
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Lenkevych-Valevsky Estate (Pohoryna Museum)

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The estate of the Lenkevychi-Valevsky landowners in Hoshcha is an outstanding monument of palatial modernism in the residential architecture of Volyn in the 19th century, the embodiment of modernist aesthetics in Volyn garden and park construction. The palace is an architectural monument of local importance.

At the end of the 18th century, Stanislav Kostka Lenkevych of the Lenkevych-Ipochorskyi family, to whom Hoshcha had belonged since the beginning of the 18th century, founded the Hoshcha estate with an English-style park and a one-story wooden house. In 1852 the estate became the property of Oktaviya Lenkevych, who married Count Mikhal Valevsky. Around this time, the current palace was built in the style of a Swiss chalet - an alpine house with half-timbered facades, an attic floor, a decorative tower and a balcony over a porch in Art Nouveau style. The last owners were the Russian landowners Isakov.

In Soviet times, the palace was greatly modified by adding a second floor, completing the second wing instead of a decorative tower and partially covering the facades with ceramic tiles, but the main facade remained close to the original. For a long time the building was used as a district library.

In 2017, the Lenkevych-Valevsky estate was transferred to the balance of the Hoscha village council, and restoration work began. Now the exposition of the Hoshcha Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Pohoryna" is unfolding here.

Hoshcha Park with an area of ​​7 hectares is a monument of landscape art of national importance. Among its greenery you can find a relict ginkgo tree, which is also called the "dinosaur tree". Also growing are marsh oak with a pyramidal crown, Schwedler's red-leaved maple, Weymouth pine with small silky needles and long narrow cones, Japanese sophora, which resembles white acacia but has no thorns.

Map pin icon Sadova Street, 5 Hoshcha


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Воскресенська церква, Козлин
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Lord's Resurrection Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Resurrection of the Lord (former Saint Nicolas Church) was built in Kozlyn in 1793.

This is one of the few temples that survived during the Soviet occupation in the vicinity.

The Resurrection Church is an architectural monument of local importance.

Map pin icon Tykha Street Kozlyn


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Майдан Бергшлосс, Рівне
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Maidan Bergshloss

Historic area , Architecture

The historic quarter "Maidan Bergshloss" opened in 2020 as part of the renewed architectural complex of the Rivne Brewery at the initiative of the director of the enterprise Maryan Hoda.

A small cobbled square is surrounded by three-story buildings reminiscent of the buildings of an old European city. Colorful and stylish false facades have Polish, German and Scandinavian features.

Most of the premises are currently occupied by the Hotel Optima Collection Bergshloss Rivne of the "Reikarts" chain. There is an Italian restaurant.

The European courtyard "Bergshloss" is periodically used as a festival site and a cultural and exhibition space.

The opening of the Beer and Hop Growing Museum is planned.

Map pin icon Petra Mohyly Street, 14 Rivne


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Садиба Малинських, Зірне
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Malynsky Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of the landowner Mykhaylo Malynskyi, the Dubene marshal (leader of the nobility) in the village of Zirne (a suburb of the city of Berezne) was founded at the end of the 19th century.

The landscape park with an area of 18 hectares was laid out on drained marshes in 1874-1897 (according to legend, the author of the project was the famous Irish landscape painter Dionisiy Mikler, which is unlikely). Among the 80 species of trees that grow here, there are Weymouth pine, Siberian spruce, European larch, silver maple, hornbeam, oak, ash and others. Several manor buildings in the Western European chalet style with elements of Art Nouveau have been preserved on the territory of the park.

Currently, an anti-tuberculosis sanatorium is located on the territory of the Malynsky manor. On the western edge of the park, you can see an unusual brick water tower about 25 meters high, which is stylized as the tower of a fairy-tale castle.

Map pin icon Myronenka Street, 27А Zirne


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Пам'ятник Марії Рівненській, Рівне
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Monument to Mariya Rivnenska


Monument to Princess Mariya Rivnenska, wife of Prince Semen Nesvytskyi, who in the 15th century contributed to the transformation of Rivne from a small village to a large city.

After the death of Prince Nesvytskyi in 1479, Rivne passed into the hands of his wife, who became known as Mariya Rivnenska. She laid a castle on the island and other city buildings, with her the city received the right of Magdeburg and the privilege of an annual fair. In 1507, Mariya received from the king the right of eternal possession of the castle and the city.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 99-113 Rivne


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Музей "Ковальські витребеньки", Рівне
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Museum "Blacksmith Delights" (Art gallery of blacksmithing)

Museum / gallery

The private museum "Blacksmith Delights" ("Kovalski Vytrebenky") in Rivne was founded in 2013 by the owners of the enterprise "Rivnebudpostach" (now "Rivnemetalkom"), which is the organizer of the International Blacksmith Art Festival "Metal Heart of Ukraine". The collection was launched by a metal shoe created at one of the festivals.

Currently, the exposition presents more than a hundred products of blacksmith art, both from Rivne blacksmiths and masters from other regions of Ukraine. Among the works are political cartoons and creative experiments with materials by Roman Veligursky, sculptures by Artem Volsky, sophisticated compositions by Viktor Mikhalyov, etc. Metal candelabras, knight's armor, filigree chests and several dozen different metal figures are presented. The largest exhibit is a two-meter long bear with a fishing rod and a bucket.

In 2016, the Art Gallery of Blacksmithing was opened at the museum.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Stelmakha Street, 18A (P.E. "Rivnemetalkom") Rivne


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Таємничі підземелля Рівного
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Mysterious Rivne Dungeons

Museum / gallery , Archaeological site , Entertainment / leisure

The museum and entertainment complex "Mysterious Rivne Dungeons" opened in 2021 in the Rivne Park of Culture and Recreation named after Taras Shevchenko. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the estate of Prince Frederik Lubomyrsky "On the Hill" was located here.

The Lyubomirskyi Palace was destroyed during the Second World War, in the post-war years its remains were demolished during the arrangement of the park, but elements of the basement part of the building were preserved under the "Bogatyr" fountain. They became the basis for the interactive museum exposition "Mysterious Rivne Dungeons". Its project was developed by the outstanding Ukrainian monumentalist artist Anatoliy Haydamaka.

The exhibition complex consists of an upper observation deck and an underground part. From above, fragments of archaeological excavations on the territory of the manor are available for inspection through glass circles, with an illuminated display of samples of weapons found during research.

In the underground part, you can see cleared corridors and rooms with an exposition about the history of the city of Rivne, the palace complex "On the Hill" and the family of the Lubomyrsky princes.

Visitors are offered classic tours, virtual tours using multimedia technologies, as well as an interactive game in the quest room.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 3E (Tarasa Shevchenko Park) Rivne


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