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Attractions of Rivne region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Rivne region

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Rivne region


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Руїни замку Вишневецьких, Тайкури
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Ruins of Vyshnevetsky Castle

Castle / fortress

Separate fragments of defensive walls and towers can barely be seen on the site of the medieval castle in Taikury, built in the late 16th - early 17th centuries by Prince Yuriy Vyshnevetskyi.

The castle was made of stone and brick, regular in plan. It had corner towers connecting defensive walls, a drawbridge.

In 1825, the castle burned down. The then owner Oleksandr Illinskyi decided not to restore it and sold it for building materials.

The part of the southern tower, which reached a height of 30 meters and served as a watchtower, was best preserved.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Taikury


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Костел Св. Антонія (Органна зала), Рівне
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Saint Anthony Church (Organ Hall)

Temple , Architecture , Theater / show

The former parish church of Saint Anthony in the neo-Gothic style with a beautiful clock on the facade was built in Rivne according to the project of Konstantiy Voytsekhovskyi at the expense of Roman Sanhushko on the site of an early church.

Consecrated in 1900. Originally, the house was crowned with two spiers, decorated with frescoes and stained glass windows.

Since Soviet times, the Church of Saint Anthony has been used as the House of Chamber and Organ Music of the Rivne Regional Philharmonic.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 137 Rivne


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Костел Святого Антонія, Великі Межирічі
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Saint Anthony's Church

Temple , Architecture

In the second half of the 17th century, the Lubomyrsky magnates, to whom Velyki Mezhyrichi belonged at that time, founded a Roman Catholic collegium.

In 1702-1725, the majestic church of Saint Anthony was built in the baroque style according to the project of the architect Voytsekh Lenartovych.

The church is stone, hall-type, with choirs, where the organ used to be. The interiors were decorated with rich stucco. The church is decorated with three pediments of late baroque character. On the altar side of the building, a two-story annex of the collegium with a library and an examination hall has been preserved.

Today, the church of Saint Anthony is in a very neglected state, although it is an architectural monument of national importance.

Map pin icon Luhova Street Velyki Mezhyrichi


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Костел Св. Лаврентія, Тайкури
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Saint Lawrence Church

Temple , Architecture

The one-nave church of Saint Lawrence in Taikury with an elongated faceted apse and two side chapels half the height of the nave is surrounded on all sides by a dilapidated but still strong stone wall.

A belfry in the form of a high pediment with three vertical slits for bells is attached to the western corner. Once the church had a crowning pinak tower above the ridge of the pitched roof. Despite the neglected state, the main elements of the architectural design are clearly visible in the interior: pilasters, horizontal belts, cornice with a complex set of profiles. The composition of the main part of the interior space is completed by a cylindrical vault with deep formwork in the places adjacent to the windows, elastic arches and bundles of false ribs. Other rooms are covered with ordinary cross vaults.

According to legend, the church of Saint Lawrence was built thanks to an accident: the dog of the nobleman Peplovsky, looking for game shot by his master, dug up a golden treasure from the ground. Thanks to fate, the nobleman built a church on that place.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Taikury


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Миколаївська церква, Пересопниця
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Saint Nicholas Church is located in the western part of the ancient Rus settlement of Peresopnytsia.

It was probably built in the 18th century on the site of an older church that existed during the heyday of the Peresopnytsia Monastery of the Nativity of the Virgin, when the Peresopnytsia Gospel was created (16th century).

The Nicolas Church is a three-part, one-story building consisting of a rectangular nave and nave and a hexagonal altar block. Above the nave rises an octagonal pediment, crowned by an octagonal dome with a decorative lantern. In 1888, an additional entrance was cut into the southern wall of the nave, highlighted by a small porch on two wooden posts, and a vestibule was added to the nave from the west. A two-story wooden belfry was built nearby.

The Nicolas Church in Peresopnytsia has harmonious proportions and is one of the most distinctive wooden churches in this region of Volyn.

Next to the church there is a reconstruction of a fragment of the Peresopnytsia hillfort of the 12th-13th centuries - a wooden wall with three towers.

Map pin icon Peresopnytsia


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Миколаївська церква, Корець
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Saint Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saint Nicholas in Korets was built in 1834 at the expense of Prince Yuzef Chartoryiskyi.

The composition of the church in the Empire style is based on a typical three-part structure for Volyn cult construction. From the ends, the church is decorated with majestic, albeit somewhat disproportionate, porticoes with Tuscan columns.

Mykolaiv Church in Korka belongs to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 1А Korets


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Джерело Святого Миколая, Гільча Перша
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Saint Nicholas Source

Historic area , Natural object

Known throughout Volhyn, the tract of Saint Nicholas with twin Sources in a stone grotto (cave) has been known since the time of the Ostrozky princes.

On the outskirts of the village of Hilcha Persha, clean Sources of living cold water emerge from the ground. It was believed that these keys are not simple, but "thunderous", struck by God's lightning and, therefore, healing. Therefore, for centuries, the source of Saint Nicholas has attracted many people.

The grotto and pool were built in the 18th century. The poet Olena Pchilka (mother of Lesya Ukrainka), who was in Hilcha with her children, described the "God's path" of the holy stream in the short poem "Hulcha".

Map pin icon Hilcha Persha


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Церква Параскеви П’ятниці, Новий Корець
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Saint Paraskeva Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Novyi Korets was built in 1911-1914.

The architectural forms of the temple resemble the structures of the Holy Trinity Monastery.

The best view of the Saint Paraskeva Church opens from the walls of the Korets Monastery.

Map pin icon Novyi Korets


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Свято-Іллінський собор, Дубно
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Saint Prophet Ilya Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Holy Prophet Ilya in Dubno was built in 1905 at the expense of the parishioners.

The ornate temple is made in a bright neo-Rus style, and the belfry is in the Rus-Byzantine style.

Previously, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, donated to the city of Dubno by Prince Kostyantyn Ostrozky, was kept in the Saint Ilya Church, but it was stolen. Now there is a copy in the temple.

It is the central cathedral of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in the city of Dubno.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Street, 13 Dubno


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Святокосмодаміанівська церква, Новий Корець
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Saints Cosmas and Damian Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Novyi Korets stands on a coastal rock above the Korchyk River directly opposite the Korets Castle.

The wooden Saints Cosmas and Damian Church was built in 1896-1897 on the site of the 18th century temple.

Map pin icon Novyi Korets


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Петропавлівська церква, Великі Межирічі
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Saints Peter and Paul Apostles Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul in Velyki Mezhyrichi was built in 1848 on the site of an older church.

The building is three-log, one-story. The architecture of the monument combines classicist principles with pseudo-Rus styling. In the interior, the highly open inner space of the nave is actively enhanced by the contrast of the flat-roofed nave, which opens into the nave with a high semi-circular arch-cut.

The Peter and Paul Church is a work of wooden architecture of the Rivne region of the middle of the 19th century.

Map pin icon Tserkovna Street Velyki Mezhyrichi


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Історико-етнографічний музей, Сарни
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Sarny Historical and Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

Sarny Historical and Ethnographic Museum is a department of the Rivne Regional Museum of Local Lore.

The exposition is devoted to folk crafts and handicrafts, life and everyday life of Polishchuk peasants.

A mini-skansen (open-air museum) was opened on the territory of the museum in 2020. Monuments of folk architecture from the village of Horynychi have been collected and restored here: two village estates and a wooden chapel of the XVIII century, a smithy and a windmill of the XIX century.

Traditionally, the museum hosts folk art festivals with the invitation of amateur art groups, masters of folk art.

Map pin icon Prosvity Street, 20 Sarny


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Спасо-Преображенська церква, Дубно
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Savior and Transfiguration Church

Temple , Architecture

The first Orthodox church in Dubno was built in the 16th century on Kampa Island near the Transfiguration Monastery, founded by the first owners of the city from the Ostrozky family.

The Transfiguration Church was first mentioned in 1592 in a letter of Prince Kostyantyn Ostrozky as "a creation of our ancestors". In 1643, a stone church was built on the site of the wooden church, which has survived to this day. In 1839, the bell tower was completed.

One of the medieval bells of the church (1572) is presented in the exposition "Our spiritual treasures" of the Dubno historical and cultural reserve.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 30A Dubno


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Шевченкове джерело, Підлужжя
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Shevchenko Spring

Historic area , Natural object

The Shevchenko spring (Tarasova krynytsya) is located next to the M-06 highway "Kyiv - Chop" not far from Dubno, behind the village of Pidluzhzhia near Tarakaniv.

In the fall of 1846, the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko rested near this spring during his trip to Volyn as an artist in the Archaeological Commission. On his way back from Pochaiv, he visited the village of Verba and the city of Dubno. According to local legend, Shevchenko drank water from this roadside well.

During Soviet times, the Shevchenko spring was beautifully decorated, and a monument to the poet was erected near it.

Map pin icon Pidluzhzhia


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Соколині гори, Маринин
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Sokolyni Mountains

Natural object

The Sokolyni Mountains (Falcon Mountains) landscape reserve, which is part of the Nadsluchan regional landscape park, is nicknamed "Nadsluchan Switzerland" for its characteristic, beautiful relief.

The reserve covers the steep banks of the Sluch River from Hubkiv to Bilchaky, centered in the village of Marynyn. In this section, the river flows between steep, forested rocky banks up to 25 meters high, which are composed of granites and gneisses of the Paleoproterozoic age. On an area of 510 hectares, 77 species of rare plants grow here, including those from the Red List of Europe and the Red Book of Ukraine.

The Sokolyni Mountains reserve is the most popular place for camping.

Map pin icon Maidan hamlet Marynyn


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