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Attractions of Transcarpathian region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Transcarpathian region

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Теребле-Ріцька ГЕС, Нижній Бистрий
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Tereble-Ritska HPP

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Tereble-Ritska hydroelectric power station is the only hydroelectric power plant in the world that stands on two rivers at the same time.

The power station was built in 1949-1955 by Finnish prisoners of war according to the project of engineer Kryzhka. The essence of the unique project is that the HPP united two rivers - Tereblya and Rika, which flow approximately parallel at a distance of 4 kilometers from each other, separated by a natural watershed - the Bovtsar ridge. At the same time, Tereblya is 210 meters above the level of the Rika.

A spillway dam with a length of 153 meters and a maximum height of 45.8 meters was built on Terebly, which formed the Vilshanske Reservoir with an area of 1.6 square kilometers. A derivation tunnel 3.7 kilometers long and 2 meters in diameter was cut in the mountain, through which water from the Tereblya basin is discharged into the Rika. At the bottom is a 350-meter-long metal water pipe and a hydroelectric power station building with a turbine hall. Turbines manufactured by the Finnish company "Francis" and generators "Uralelectroaparat", which were installed during the commissioning of the HPP, are still operating at the station.

Currently, the Tereble-Ritska HPP is part of the Burshin Islands energy complex.

There is a museum on the territory of the HPP.

Map pin icon Nyzhnii Bystryi


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Тернівський краєзнавчий музей, Терново
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Ternovo Museum of Local Lore named after Ivan Zayats

Museum / gallery

The Ternovo Museum of Local Lore bears the name of its founder, the former chairman of the Ternovo village council, Ivan Zayats.

On his initiative, in the early 1980s, the Ternovo Museum of Local Lore began to function as a structural unit of the Transcarpathian Museum of Local Lore, and in 2003 the museum became an independent institution.

The exposition, in particular, presents a layout of the village at the beginning of the 20th century.

In the ethnographic part, ancient clothes, household items and work tools are exhibited.

Documents from the period of Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia, historical photographs, old prints are presented.

In the section dedicated to the founder of the museum, you can see rare cameras and film cameras of Ivan Zayats, who was fond of filmmaking.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 174 Ternovo


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Термальний басейн Закарпаття, Берегове
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Thermal pool "Zakarpattya"

Rest on the water , Aquapark

The open-air thermal pool is located in the center of Berehove in the complex of the "Zakarpattya" educational and sports base, which has a hotel, a cafe-dining room and a sauna.

The pool with thermal mineral water has been operating since 1967. It is filled with silicon-nitrogen-carbon dioxide-chloride-sodium waters of high mineralization from a geyser 1080 meters deep. The Berehove source of hot chloride-sodium mineral water (+35) is equipped for taking therapeutic baths all year round.

It is used for the treatment of organs of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, skin diseases and others.

Map pin icon Koryatovycha Street, 1 Berehove


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Термальні води "Косино", Косонь
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Thermal Waters "Kosino"

Entertainment / leisure , Rest on the water , Aquapark , Recreation area

The "Kosino Thermal Waters" health and recreation complex was built on the site of the "Shoshto-Termal" recreation area with hot springs of thermal springs.

The bathhouse is located 1.5 kilometers from the Transcarpathian village of Koson near the Hungarian border, in the middle of a 200-year-old oak grove.

Thermal water rises from a well 1190 meters deep and enters the pool at a temperature of 41 degrees. Cloudy, salty-tasting water has a yellowish tint due to an excess of iron. Bathing in it contributes to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, peripheral nervous system, peripheral vessels and miliary systems.

There are five swimming pools on the territory of the "Kosino" complex, three of which are thermal. The large thermal pool partially enters the "Royal Hall", where you can relax and go to the tea room, shower room, changing room, massage room or shop of the complex. A freshwater pool with an aqua bar and musical accompaniment is made in the Mexican style. There is also a children's pool. All pools are surrounded by sunbeds, equipped with fountains and underwater geysers. "Kneipp's Bath" works for the feet.

Visitors to the "Kosino" complex have a free Finnish sauna, as well as a barbecue area with barbecues and gazebos, free Wi-Fi.

Map pin icon tract No. 1 Koson


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Закарпатский художній музей імені Бокшая, Ужгород
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Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshay

Architecture , Museum / gallery

Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshay is located in the former county building in Uzhhorod.

A massive classicist office building on a hill in the center of the city was built in 1809 to house local authorities. On the facade you can see the coat of arms of the Ung County. The house is connected with the events of the Hungarian national liberation struggle and the activities of the Ukrainian society "Prosvita".

Since 1979, the premises have been occupied by the Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshay with an exhibition of works by Ukrainian, Hungarian and Western European artists.

The basis of the museum collection are the works of the former Zemsky Art Gallery. The artistic work of Transcarpathian artists is represented by the works of recognized luminaries of fine arts Yosyp Bokshay, Adalbert Erdely, Andriy Kotska, Vasyl Svyda, Zoltan Sholtes and many others.

Map pin icon Zhupanatska Square, 3 Uzhhorod


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Форелеве господарство "Ждимир", Вовчий
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Trout Farm "Zhdymyr"

Entertainment / leisure , Rest on the water , Recreation area , Gastrotourism

Trout farm "Zhdymyr" in Vovchyi near Svaliava is a complex of 18 ponds in which pond trout are bred.

Visitors are offered fishing with a guaranteed catch, fishing gear rental, gazebos over the lake, and a wood-burning bath. You can cook trout yourself on the grill or order a ready-made meal in a restaurant-collibus.

Nearby there is a forest and a river in which you can swim in the summer.

Map pin icon Zhdymyr tract, 2 Vovchyi


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Будинки-близнюки, Берегове
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Twin houses


Two similar buildings, built at the beginning of the 20th century opposite each other at the intersection of Secheni Street and Tinodi Street, were once the decoration of Berehove.

The best-preserved palace of Geysi Kubovych (the building of the Hungarian bank "Alfeld") in the Art Nouveau style. The second building, in which the chief architect of the city, Shamuel Meyhesh, lived, is now completely devoid of decoration.

In Soviet times, there were communal apartments here. Restoration is planned.

Map pin icon Ishtvana Secheni Street, 32-34 Berehove


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Великокопанський історико-краєзнавчий музей, Велика Копаня
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Velyka Kopania Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Velyka Kopania Historical and Local Lore Museum has been operating since 2002 at the comprehensive school of the village of Velyka Kopania.

The exposition presents more than 1,500 objects that demonstrate the history, culture and daily life of the inhabitants of the village from the earliest times.

The exhibition has 12 sections: "In a village house", "Weaving and embroidery", "Agricultural relics", "Old houses", "Vine weaving", "Pottery products", "Flour equipment", "Numism", etc.

A separate exhibition tells about the phenomenon Velyka Kopania - an abnormally high number of twins born in the village.

Excursions are conducted by high school students.

Map pin icon Stepana Vaydy Street, 51A Velyka Kopania


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Великий Бичків
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Velykyi Bychkiv Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Velykyi Bychkiv Historical and Local Lore Museum acquaints visitors with the nature, culture and history of the urban-type settlement of Velykyi Bychkiv from ancient times to the present day.

The museum was founded in 1957 on the initiative of the local community. It is located in a two-story building, which is a historical monument of the 17th century. The museum's collections include about 3,000 exhibits. In particular, a lithograph with the image of the "Clotilda" factory is presented – the first chemical enterprise in Hungary, which was built in Velykyi Bychkiv in 1868.

One of the exhibition sections is dedicated to the native of the village, the bishop of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Diocese, the blessed holy martyr Teodor Romzha.

Products of local masters of folk art: artists, carvers, embroiderers are widely presented.

Map pin icon Krushnyk Street, 1 Velykyi Bychkiv


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Водоспад Воєводин, Тур’я Поляна
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Voyevodyn Waterfall

Natural object

Voyevodyn waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Transcarpathia.

It is located in a hard-to-reach place on the territory of the Sokolovi Skeli State Reserve. The name is deciphered as "voy-vodyn" (howling water). He also received the second name Shypit for his powerful voice.

The icy waters of the mountain stream Voyevodyn, flowing from Mount Runa, are dumped here from a height of 24 meters and after 4 kilometers flow into the Shypit River.

There is a comfortable recreation center nearby.

Map pin icon Turya Poliana


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Історичний музей, Виноградів
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Vynohradiv Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

Vynohradiv Historical Museum is located in the historic center of the city, is located in a temporary room (until recently housed in the Franciscan Monastery, which is now returned to the Catholic Church).

The funds have about 10,000 exhibits.

An interesting bronze collection of the second millennium BC.

Extensive material is presented about the uprising of Uhochan peasants under the leadership of Dyerd Dozh (early sixteenth century) and about the liberation war of the Hungarian people against the Habsburgs.

In one of the halls there is an ethnographic collection with samples of folk weaving and embroidery.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 6 Vynohradiv


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Виноградівський винзавод, Виноградів
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Vynohradiv Winery

Winery / brewery

Vynohradiv Winery was opened in 1972.

The shaft of the wine cellar is cut in the Chorna (Black) Mountain in the shape of a horseshoe and is 350 meters long. The temperature there varies between 11-14 degrees. Up to 720,000 liters of wine material and wine can be stored in oak barrels at the same time. The classic technology of making wines aged in oak containers is used.

Wines of "Leanka King", "Sauvignon", "Stepnyak", "Müller Thurgau", "Isabella" and others were produced here. Currently, the Vynohradiv Winery has suspended production, tastings are temporarily not held.

Map pin icon Persykova Street, 35 Vynohradiv


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Музей ткацтва, Великі Береги
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Weaving Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Weaving and Ethnography was opened in 1992 in the premises of the secondary school of the Transcarpathian village of Velyki Berehy, which is the center of traditional Berehove weaving.

The museum was founded by the honored master of folk art Marianna Profus with the help of her teacher Katalin Poloni (Kateryna Antonyk), who in 1958 created a weaving and embroidery circle in Velyki Berehy with the aim of reviving local weaving traditions. On her initiative, compulsory teaching of weaving and cross-stitching was introduced at the Velyki Berehy school.

The museum has a collection of samples of ancient embroidery on homespun cloth with ornaments that are typical for Velyki Berehy and the entire Berehove region. Also in the exposition are old looms and other equipment for the production of fabrics in working condition, household items, old photographs.

Weaving and embroidery workshops are held.

Map pin icon Ferentsa II Rakotsi Street, 161 Velyki Berehy


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Будинок вина "Берегвідек", Яноші
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Wine House "Beregvidek"

Gastrotourism , Winery / brewery

The "Beregvidek" wine house invites you to get acquainted with the history of winemaking and taste the best Transcarpathian wines.

The tasting hall is located in the village of Yanoshi, at the exit from Berehovo in the direction of Mukachevo. The interior features wooden decoration, old barrels, an exhibition of production tools, candles and a fireplace.

7 varieties of wine are offered for tasting: "Royal Leanka", "Black Doctor", "Tokai furmint", "Kagor", "Saperavi" and others. Transcarpathian wines have a delicate taste and aroma. Cheese and prunes are served as an appetizer. Here you can buy the variety you like.

A coat of arms hangs on the wall, which reads: "Entry is free, exit as much as possible."

Map pin icon Holovna Street, 78 Yanoshi


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Winery "Zakarpatsky Sad"

Winery / brewery

The wine cellars of the "Zakarpatsky Sad" plant in Korolevo were laid in 1972 at the same time as the wine cellar in Vynohradiv.

The total length of the tunnels is 700 meters. A constant temperature of 11-14 degrees is maintained in the cellars. This is one of the largest wine cellars in Ukraine, where up to 1.5 million liters of wine and wine materials can be stored at the same time. The products of the "Zakarpatsky Sad" plant were sold under the trademark "Korolivsky zamok" (Royal Castle) in honor of the castle that once stood on the mountain at the foot of which the enterprise is located today.

Excursions were held. During the tasting, visitors were treated to nine types of wines, from dry white to sweet red, and two types of cognacs. Currently, the Zakarpatsky Sad winery has suspended production.

Map pin icon Zatyshna Street, 1 Korolevo


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