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Attractions of Chernihiv region

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Парк "Міжрічинський", Отрохи
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Regional Landscape Park "Mizhrichynsky"


The Regional Landscape Park "Mizhrichynsky" is located in the Chernihiv region in the interfluve of the Dnieper and Desna rivers. It is the largest RLP in Ukraine - its area is over 102 thousand hectares.

The park protects various landscapes of Ukrainian Polissia: taiga forests, protected upland and lowland swamps, glacial sand dunes, the floodplain of the Desna River, etc. There are oaks that are about 500 years old. There are dozens of Red Book species of flora and fauna. Glacial relics deserve special attention - low birch, blueberry willow, various types of orchids. In the swamps you can find an interesting insectivorous plant - sundew.

The numerous inhabitants of the park are moose, roe deer, red deer, wild boar, hare, beaver, muskrat, raccoon dog. The pride and decoration of the park is the lynx, which has been living and breeding on the territory for a long time.

Ecological trails "Zhuravlyna", "Polissia", "Bondarivske Swamp", "Sokolynyi Meadow" and others have been laid through the park. They pass through pine-birch forests, wetlands, the Desna floodplain and introduce the local flora and fauna.

In the village of Otrokhy, which can be considered the informal capital of Mizhrichchia, there is the Mizhrichynska Pushcha Nature Center with the Polissya Forestry Museum, created by the famous ecologist Andriy Sahaidak. The center organizes excursions to the territory of the Mizhrichyn regional landscape park and provides other tourist services.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Otrokhy


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Музей "Вітрила Маклая", Батурин
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"Maklay's Sails" Museum

Museum / gallery

Historical and cultural center-museum "Maclay's Sails" (Vitryla Maklaya) was opened in Baturyn in 2014 for the 168th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist-traveler Mykola Mykluho-Maklay.

This is the third museum created by the descendants of the scientist Oleksandr and Nadiya Mykluho-Maklay.

Mykola Mykluho-Maklay himself was not directly related to Baturyn, but he was a descendant of the Zaporozhzhian Cossacks, and his patron was Count Oleksiy Tolstoy, the great-grandson of Hetman Kyrylo Rozumovsky, who spent his best years in Baturyn.

In the second half of the 19th century, Mykluho-Maklay studied the indigenous population of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania, wrote many works on zoology, zoogeography and physical geography.

The museum presents a gallery of portraits of Maklay and members of his family, a family coat of arms, materials from ethnographic expeditions, models of ships, statuettes of island natives, maps, and more.

In one of the rooms of the museum, there is a corner where you can try on 19th century costumes and take a picture near the ship's helm.

The Maklay Sails Museum in Baturyn is part of the hotel and restaurant complex of the same name.

Map pin icon Kooperatyvna Street, 5 Baturyn


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Церква Всіх Святих, Ніжин
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All Saints Church

Architecture , Temple

The All Saints Cathedral is the main church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Nizhyn, the spiritual center of the city's Greek community. Located in the territory of the "Greek Quarter" next to the Greek Church of Saint Michael.

The All Saints Church was built in 1782 by the Nizhyn Greek brotherhood on the site of an earlier wooden Greek church. It was originally made in the archaic Balkan style. At the end of the 19th century, it was partially rebuilt, the facades were supplemented with classical porticos, which gave the church features of classicism.

The Church of All Saints stands on a basement, the vault of which rests on a central pillar. In the interior, you can see a carved linden iconostasis, made by modern Nizhyn masters based on sketches by the artist Oleksandr Koshel.

Map pin icon Yevhena Hrebinky Street, 31 Nizhyn


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Антонієва печера, Любеч
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Antoniy Cave

Historic area , Temple

The oldest religious building in Liubech is an underground temple, excavated in the 11th century by monk Antoniy Pecherskyi.

The founder and first abbot of the Kyiv-Pechersk Monastery was born in Liubech in 983. According to legend, from here he went to Palestine, received tonsure on Mount Athos, and, returning a few years later to Rus, began to found cave monasteries - in Bukovyna, Kyiv and Chernihiv region.

He went to Chernihiv after a conflict with the Kiev prince, and spent the last years of his life in his homeland - in Lyubech, where he founded his last cave monastery. Antoniy's Monastery existed until 1786, when it was closed by order of Empress Catherine II.

The Far Cave, located in the forest on the southern outskirts of the village, has been preserved in its original form.

Recently, the cave was discovered in the center of the village, next to the Polubotko tenement house (excavations are underway).

Map pin icon Liubech


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Археологічний музей, Мезин
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Archaeological Research Museum named after Vasyl Kurylenko

Museum / gallery

A large settlement of ancient people of the Late Paleolithic era was discovered near the village of Mezyn by Fedir Vovk, a Ukrainian scientist and associate professor of the St. Petersburg University in 1908.

Archaeologists have excavated dwellings made of mammoth bones covered with bison hides. The Mezyn settlement lot gained worldwide fame thanks to unique finds, among which were rare examples of ancient art: figures of bird women made of mammoth tusk and decorated with carved ornaments, as well as iconic bracelets. Later, the oldest musical instruments and the lunar calendar were found.

Part of the archaeological materials is stored in the Mezyn Archaeological Museum, created in 1965 on the initiative of the local historian Vasyl Kurylenko.

The museum is located on the site of an archaeological excavation in a wooden house of the 18th century.

Map pin icon Shumeykivka Street, 7 Mezyn


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Художня галерея, Ніжин
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Art Department of Nizhyn Museum of Local Lore

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Art Department of the Nizhyn Museum of Local Lore named after Ivan Spassky was opened in 1991, and since 2021 it has been located in the former estate of the Makarov landowners of the 19th century.

A memorial plaque on the facade testifies that it was to this house in 1827 that Mykola Hohol read his first works. Taras Shevchenko, Yevhen Hrebinka, Marko Vovchok, and Mariya Zankovetska were also connected with the Makarov family. That is why the exposition of the museum demonstrates the transformation of the noble estate, its way of life in the period from the end of the XVIII to the beginning of the XX century.

There are plans to build a literary room, an exhibition of outstanding historical figures of Nizhyn.

The museum's art collection includes works by the outstanding Ukrainian artist Serhiy Shyshko, as well as Oleksandr Yakymchenko, Mykola Stratilat, Vadym Dobrolizh and others. Now the museum has an exhibition hall, which hosts exhibitions of contemporary Nizhyn artists.

Map pin icon Nebesnoyi Sotni Street, 11 Nizhyn


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Мистецький простір "Фабрична, 12", Чернігів
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Art Space "Fabrychna, 12"

Architecture , Museum / gallery , Theater / show

The art space "Fabrychna, 12" was founded in Chernihiv in 2024 by Yevhen Filatov and the frontman of the ONUKA band Nata Zhyzhchenko in order to popularize and preserve, rethink and modernize the unique cultural heritage of the region.

The modern ethnographic music space was founded in the old family house of Nata Zhyzhchenko, built in 1904, which was carefully restored by her and Yevhen. The house preserved a unique workshop-laboratory, where the singer's grandfather, a famous master of folk instruments, musician and researcher of Ukrainian culture from Chernihiv, Honored People's Master of Ukraine and Moldova Oleksandr Shlonchyk, not only crafted, but also researched the history and technologies of creating musical instruments of different peoples.

The workshop-laboratory "Fabrychna, 12" combines educational, artistic and ethnographic components. Nata Zhyzhchenko plans to organize both virtual and offline events here, meetings with stars, artists, and lecturers on various topics. Other areas of the project include master classes in woodworking and pottery, as well as the preservation and restoration of folk instruments.

Map pin icon Fabrychna Street, 12 Chernihiv


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Музей художника Миколи Ге, Ічня
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Artist Mykola Ge Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Artist Mykola Ge was opened in 19179 in the village of Ivanhorod near Ichnia thanks to the efforts of the history teacher Oleksandr Tsyhanok and the great-niece of the artist Olha Kuznyetsova.

For a number of reasons, the museum in the village of Ivangorod later ceased its activities. In order to preserve the collected exhibits, it was decided to move the museum to Ichnya. In 2011, to the 180th anniversary of the birth of Mykola Ge, the museum opened as a department of the Ichnia Local Lore Museum, which is dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding painter of the second half of the 19th century, one of the founders of the Society of Traveling Art Exhibitions.

The museum's exposition reflects the artist's life and creative path, presents memorial items from that period, a number of rare exhibits, including the death mask of Mykola Ge, unique photos, photocopies of his most famous paintings, as well as works by contemporary artists and sculptors that highlight the life of Mykola Ge.

Map pin icon Voskresinska Street, 52 Ichnia


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Cадиба-музей Олександра Саєнка, Борзна
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Art-Memorial Museum "Manor of Artist Oleksandr Sayenko"

Museum / gallery

The Borzna Memorial Art Museum "Manor of the People's Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Sayenko" was opened in 1996 in the house of the Sayenko family in the town of Borzna, Chernihiv Region.

The exposition highlights the life and work of the famous Ukrainian decorator, whose name is included in the UNESCO list of outstanding figures of world culture.

Oleksandr Sayenko was born in Borzna in 1899. Due to an illness, he lost his hearing and speech as a child, but thanks to the patronage of the Sayenko neighbor, the writer Hanna Barvinok (wife of Panteleymon Kulish), he entered the St. Petersburg Imperial School for the Deaf and Dumb. He became most famous for his works in the field of monumental and monumental-decorative art in the straw inlay technique.

The exposition of the museum presents such famous works as "Kozak Mamay", "Semen Paliy" and others. Also on display are carpets, tapestries, scraps of Sayenko's work, a collection of Ichnya tiles collected by him, and family memorabilia.

Map pin icon Partyzanska Street, 58 Borzna


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Вознесенська церква, Короп
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church was built in Korop in 1764 at the expense of the Cossack chieftain Petro Yurkevych, who commanded the artillery unit stationed in the city, the General Armata.

The temple has a tower-like shape with an octagonal drum. Samples of easel oil painting of the end of the 18th century have been preserved inside.

Map pin icon Voznesenska Street, 19 Korop


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Успенський собор, Новгород-Сіверський
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Assumption Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Assumption Cathedral is the oldest of the buildings of Novhorod-Siversky that have been preserved in their original form.

The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built approximately in 1671 on the site where, according to legend, in ancient times there was a pagan temple with Slavic idols. The temple is five-domed, cross-shaped in plan. Made in the classic Ukrainian baroque style.

In 1701 reconstruction was carried out, in 1820 the baths were replaced and the bell tower was added.

Today, the Assumption Cathedral is an active temple of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 6A Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Успенська церква, Седнів
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Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The small brick Assumption Church of the so-called diocesan architecture is the "youngest" in Sedniv. Located on a hill on the outskirts of the village.

The temple was built in 1860. Then throughout the Russian Empire old wooden churches were replaced by stone structures. The basis was "exemplary" (tested) projects, which diocesan architects adapted to a specific place. Decorative elements of Russian architecture of the XIV-XVI centuries were used to decorate these temples. Such is the Assumption Church in Sedniv.

On the western side there is a tented belfry. In the post-war period, it was the only active church in the entire district.

Map pin icon Snovska Street Sedniv


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Успенська церква, Волосківці
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Assumption of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary in Voloskivtsi was built in 1765 next to the ancient castle.

Forms are characteristic of Ukrainian Baroque architecture. The temple is cruciform in plan, at the intersection of four high lateral log cabins, an octagonal top is placed. The sides of the sleeves have a pronounced slope towards the center of the structure. In this way, the masters strengthened the perspective and created the illusion of a higher building.

From the western side, the temple is combined with a three-tiered wooden bell tower, added in the middle of the 19th century.

The Church of the Assumption in Voloskivtsi is an architectural monument of national importance.

Map pin icon Uspenska Street Voloskivtsi


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Успенська церква, Новий Биків
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Assumption of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin Mary was built in Novyi Bykiv in 1801-1804 in the Empire style by order of Count Kyrylo Rozumovsky, the last Hetman of Ukraine.

The cruciform structure has an elongated western vestibule, which is combined with a two-story belfry. The western, southern and northern entrances are decorated with four-column porticoes of the Tuscan order with triangular pediments. The church is crowned by a hemispherical dome with a hollow lantern.

In its forms, the church is identical to the Church of the Resurrection in Baturyn, the residence of Rozumovsky.

Assumption Church belongs to the community of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Valova Street Novyi Bykiv


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Історичний музей, Бахмач
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Bakhmach Historical Museum named after Mykola Yaremenko

Museum / gallery

The Bakhmach Historical Museum named after Mykola Hnatovych Yaremenko offers to get acquainted with the history of one of the oldest Slavic cities.

The exposition covers all epochs: Ancient Rus, the Liberation War, the hetmanship of Ivan Mazepa, the construction of the Kursk-Kyiv railway.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Street, 21 Bakhmach


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