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Attractions of Chernihiv region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Chernihiv region

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Палац Мейендорфа, Новий Биків
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Baron Meyendorf's Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate of Baron Mykola Meyendorf (Mayendorf) was built in Novyi Bykiv at the end of the 19th century, when a sugar factory was opened in the village.

The two-story neo-Gothic palace is decorated with a decorative tower.

Currently, the building is in a dilapidated state.

Map pin icon Valova Street Novyi Bykiv


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Цитадель Батуринської фортеці
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Baturyn Fortress Citadel

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The wooden Cossack fortress in Baturyn on the Seim River was reconstructed in 2009 on the same site where from 1669 to 1708 the fortified residence of three Ukrainian hetmans was located: Demyan Mnohohrishny, Ivan Samoylovych, Ivan Mazepa.

The life and activity of Pylyp Orlyk and Kyrylo Rozumovsky are also connected with the hetman's capital in Baturyn (a monument "Hetmans. Prayer for Ukraine" has been erected).

Baturyn Fortress was founded in 1625 on the ancient Russian settlement by Polish magnate Oleksandr Pyasochynsky. In 1664, when Baturyn was already a hundredth Cossack town, the fortress could not be captured by the troops of Polish King Yan Kazymyr.

Baturyn fortress consisted of external urban earthen fortifications with a fence and a citadel (castle), where the residence of the hetmans was located. There was a stone hetman's house and a wooden Resurrection Church, an entrance gate and three towers.

In 1708, all the buildings of the Baturyn Fortress were completely destroyed during a punitive operation by Russian troops under the command of Oleksandr Menshikov on the orders of Tsar Peter I of Moscow in revenge for Hetman Ivan Mazepa for siding with Swedish King Charles II during the Moscow-Swedish War. In memory of the Baturyn tragedy, during which almost the entire population of the city was destroyed (5-6.5 thousand soldiers, 6-7.5 thousand civilians), in 2004 a memorial was erected on the site of the north-eastern tower of the citadel. cross.

By 2009, the reconstruction of three defensive towers, wooden fortress walls, a stone hetman's house, a treasury and the castle Resurrection Church, which were included in the exposition "Citadel of Baturyn Fortress" of the Hetmanate History Department of the National Historical and Cultural Reserve, was completed Hetman's capital ".

An exhibition of three-dimensional figures "Light Hetmans. Life for Ukraine" has been opened in the Hetman's house.

From the observation deck of the gate tower of the Citadel of the Baturyn Fortress, the best panorama of the Seim Valley opens.

Map pin icon Partyzanska Street, 2 Baturyn


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Крупицький монастир, Вербівка
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Baturyn Krupytsky Saint Nicholas Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The Baturyn Krupytsky Saint Nicholas Monastery was probably founded before the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

It is believed that the first temple was built at the place of the appearance of the icon of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (the present territory of the hermitage).

According to legend, it was called Krupytsky after the monks were saved from starvation during the Mongol-Tatar siege thanks to the cereal that fell from the sky.

In the 17th century, the monastery was revived as a men's monastery, was under the patronage of Ukrainian hetmans and Russian tsars. It was burned by the Russians during the Baturyn massacre in 1708, but was soon revived.

In 1922, the Krupytsky Monastery was closed, all buildings were dismantled.

In 1999, a new stage of revival began, the accidentally found miraculous icon of Saint Nicholas was returned to the church. It is part of the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Hetman's Capital".

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 33A Verbivka


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Базарна площа, Новгород-Сіверський
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Bazaar Square (Shopping Rows)

Historic area

The complex of trade and commercial buildings on Bazaar Square was built in the center of Novhorod-Siverskyi throughout the 19th century.

The oldest building - Shopping Rows with warehouses, which, despite their status as an architectural monument, are still used for their intended purpose.

On the corner of Hubernska Street is the historic two-story building of the Central Hotel (1898), which has also retained its functionality.

On the square there is an original equestrian monument to Ihor Svyatoslavovych, the hero of "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign" (the bullet above the rider's head symbolizes the solar eclipse, which foreshadowed the prince's defeat in the battle with the Polovtsy).

Map pin icon Knyazya Ihorya Square Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Парк природи Беремицьке
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Beremytske Nature Park

Entertainment / leisure , Reserve , Zoo

The Beremytske Nature Park on the left bank of the Desna River with an area of ​​500 hectares was opened near the city of Oster in 2017 with the aim of restoring the original appearance of the forest-steppe zone and the mixed forest zone, typical for the Chernihiv region.

Beremytske Park offers tourists to spend time face to face with nature, see and communicate with animals in a recreational environment. The park offers to walk along an ecological trail through the forest and steppe areas in the reserve part of the park accompanied by a guide, observing such wild animals as tarpans (wild horses), red deer, elk, aurochs, fallow deer, roe deer, mouflons, wild boars, hares, foxes, badgers and others. Visitors will be able to get to know the flora and fauna of the Chernihiv region better. You can also explore the park from a bird's eye view using the observation tower.

The tourist part of the park has a mini-zoo, a shooting range, an apiary, a museum of wild cats, and stables where you can not only ride horses, but also learn many interesting facts about each breed and how to properly care for horses.

Map pin icon 73rd kilometer of the T1008 route Beremytske


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Курган Чорна могила, Чернігів
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Black Grave Mound

Historic area , Archaeological site

The "Black Grave" mound is located in the park near the Palace of Culture of the Builders.

According to legends, the legendary founder of Chernihiv, Prince Chorny (Black), was buried at this place.

According to an ancient legend, the prince's daughter threw herself out of the window of the princely tower in order not to become the wife of the Khazar Khagan, who surrounded the city.

In 1872-1873, archaeologist Dmytro Samokvasov excavated the burial mound, discovering a 10th-century burial with a rich treasure of weapons: two helmets, chain mail, two swords, a saber, more than ten spears, arrowheads, an axe, stirrups, and clubs. 2 gold Byzantine coins from the time of Basil I of Macedonia allowed us to date the burial.

A memorial obelisk has been installed on the "Black Grave" mound.

Map pin icon Knyazya Chornoho Street, 4 Chernihiv


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Блакитні озера, Олешня
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Blue Lakes

Natural object , Rest on the water , Recreation area , Beach

The flooded sand quarries near Oleshnia in Chernihiv region are called "blue lakes" (high-quality quartz sand is mined in Oleshnia).

It is believed that the crystal clear water of four lakes located in the middle of a pine forest has certain healing properties. The area of the largest lake is 25 hectares, the depth is about 20 meters. The water in the lakes has a bright blue and even azure color, because their bottom is covered with deposits of special quartz sand.

These picturesque places are a popular recreation area with clean air and comfortable beaches. More than 250,000 tourists come to Oleshnia every year to rest on the "Blue Lakes". But even this amount of space on the shores of the lakes is not always enough for a large number of people willing to breathe in the fresh air of the pine forest and enjoy a rest near the crystal clear, blue water. These places also attract fishermen and hunters.

Map pin icon Oleshnia


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Краєзнавчий музей, Бобровиця
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Bobrovytsia Museum of History and Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Bobrovytsia Historical and Local Lore Museum is located in the very center of the city of Bobrovytsia.

Founded in 1986 at the expense of doctor Mykhaylo Zamchynsky. The basis of the exhibition was a collection of exhibits collected by local schoolchildren from a group of young trackers.

In 6 exhibition halls, ancient tableware, ceramics, objects made of metal, bronze and copper, ancient icons, towels, folk clothes and household items are presented.

Documents about the life and activities of the Decembrists Volkonsky and Podzhio, who are buried near Bobrovytsia, are also presented.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 1 Bobrovytsia


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Болдині гори, Чернігів
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Boldyni Hills

Historic area

The historical area, known as the Boldyni Hills (Boldyni Hory), is located 1.5 kilometers from the Chernihiv Val.

This is a chain of hills with a height of 20 to 35 meters, which in ancient times were covered with an oak forest (the ancient Rus word "bold" means "oak"). Since pagan times, the Boldyni Hills had an important sacred significance. One of the largest ancient Rus burial mounds is located here, with more than 200 burial mounds dating back to the 9th-10th centuries. The largest of them are Hulbyshche and Bezimenny.

With the advent of Christianity, Anthony's Caves appeared on the slopes of the mountain, and the Trinity-Illinsky Monastery was founded. During Soviet times, a monument to the Unknown Soldier with the Eternal Flame at its foot was erected on Boldina Hill.

Monuments were installed on the graves of Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsyubynskyi and Ukrainian folklorist and ethnographer Opanas Markovych.

In March 2022, during the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Boldyni Hills were fired upon by Russian troops. As a result of being hit by a Russian projectile, the gazebo, which was installed at the beginning of the 20th century before the arrival of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II in Chernihiv, was destroyed.

Map pin icon Tolstoho Street Chernihiv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Борзна
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Borzna Museum of History and Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The People's History and Local Lore Museum was opened in the city of Borzna in 1962. He received the status of "People's Museum" in 1968. It is located next to the Borzna Lyceum.

The museum's collections include over 1,700 exhibits, including two unique Ukrainian-language collections by Lyubov Yanovska, a gramophone, and a collection of 70 towels dating from the beginning of the 20th century.

The wall of memory "We Remember. We Will Not Forget. We Will Not Forgive" was recently opened as a symbol of gratitude and respect for our compatriots who died in the struggle for the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Krasnosilskoho Street, 3B Borzna


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Кінно-спортивний комплекс Бреч
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Brech Equestrian Sports Complex

Entertainment / leisure , Active rest

Breeding farm "Brech" was established in 2006 in the village of Brech in the Chernihiv region to breed elite Hanoverian horses.

Currently, the enterprise includes an equestrian sports complex "Brech", a tourist hotel complex, a restaurant and a cafe, a sauna and a swimming pool. Types of active recreation: billiards, horse riding, dressage master classes, walks on bicycles and ATVs, fishing.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 15A Brech


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Полкова канцелярія, Козелець
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Building of the Regimental Office


The two-story building of the Regimental Office is located in Kozelets in the park behind the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin.

It was built almost simultaneously with the cathedral by the same architects - Ivan Hryhorovych-Barsky and Andriy Kvasov. At that time, the Kozelets Hundred of the Kyiv Regiment was located in Kozelets, and the regimental office - the headquarters of the regiment - was also located there.

In the future, the building performed the functions of the Kozelets magistrate. Now it is the central library of Kozelets.

Map pin icon Fausta Sydoruka Street, 3 Kozelets


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Замкова гора, Новгород-Сіверський
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Castle Hill

Historic area

Castle Hill is a hill above the Desna River, on which an ancient Rus fortress was built in the 10th century, which later became the capital of the Novhorod-Siverskyi principality.

From the 12th century, the wooden fortress with earthen ramparts was the residence of the Olhovychi dynasty, defending the eastern borders of Kyivan Rus. The entrance was made through one gate, inside was the princely court and the stone cathedral of Arch-strategist Michael. On three sides, the baby was surrounded by the surrounding city, where the Saint Nicholas Church was built (now in its place is a wooden church of the same name from 1762).

In the second half of the 14th century, the fortress passed into the hands of Lithuanian princes, in 1503 it went to Muscovy, then to Poland, until it was recaptured by Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. In 1708, the fortress was occupied by Peter I, fortified, but soon lost its importance and was destroyed.

A monument to the legendary Boyan, the author of "The Tale of Ihor's Campaign", as well as a commemorative stone, was erected at the place of the prince's baby.

Map pin icon Naberezhna Street Novhorod-Siverskyi


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Замкова гора, Любеч
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Castle Hill

Historic area

The ancient Rus hillfort of Liubech is located on a high hill above the Dnipro, from where a picturesque view of the river valley opens.

A three-story princely palace, a tower-donjon, a church and farm buildings were located here.

The earth ramparts surrounding the castle, on which rose oak walls with towers, have been preserved. A granite commemorative sign was installed in honor of the 1100th anniversary of the city, as well as a monument in honor of the congress of ancient Rus princes, which took place in Liubech in 1097, as a result of which the principalities united against the Polovtsy.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street Liubech


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Парк культури та відпочинку, Чернігів
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Central park of culture and recreation

Park / garden

The Central Park of Culture and Recreation of Chernihiv is a popular leisure place for the citizens. Located on the banks of the Desna.

The park is home to an open-air Summer Theater, an amusement park, roller coasters, a circus, fountains, and a botanical monument of nature "Group of centuries-old oaks".

Mass cultural events and festivals are held throughout the year.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 59 Chernihiv


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