Attractions of Rivne district

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Rivne district


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Воскресенський скит, Корець
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Christ's Resurrection Hermitage

Temple , Architecture

The massive body of cells of the former Resurrection Monastery stands on a hill in the center of Korets, opposite the Saint Nicholas Church.

It was founded by Prince Bohush Koretsky in 1571 as an Orthodox monastery on the site of an older monastery. The current monastery complex in the late Baroque style was built in 1754-1767 by the Basilian Fathers (according to other sources, by the Franciscans).

Today it is the Resurrection Hermitage of the Holy Trinity Korets Monastery with the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Map pin icon Staromonastyrskyi Lane, 20 Korets


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Костел Св. Антонія, Корець
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Church of Saint Anthony

Temple , Architecture

Saint Anthony's Church is the oldest church in the city of Korets. Founded by Prince Karol Koretsky in 1533 (according to other sources - in 1633), named after Saint Anthony of Padua.

In 1706, a new stone church in the Baroque style was built on the site of the wooden church. During the reconstruction in 1916, an additional nave was added.

During the Soviet rule, a chemical warehouse was located here.

In 1990, the church was returned to the Catholic community of Korets, consecrated in 1904 as the church of Saint Anthony.

Fragments of wall paintings have been preserved, and restoration has been carried out.

Map pin icon Kostelna Street, 6A Korets


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Дерманська гімназія, Дермань Друга
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Derman Gymnasium


The Derman Gymnasium building was built in 1912-1913 for the Saint Fedir Teacher's Seminary, which was transferred to Derman in 1906 from Zhytomyr under the care of the Derman Monastery.

The gymnasium was opened here during the Polish period, and during the Soviet times it was a secondary school. In 1917-1920, the famous Ukrainian writer Ulas Samchuk studied in a four-grade school at the Derman Seminary. The gymnasium now houses a museum of Samchuk, in which, in particular, some of his personal belongings are presented: glasses, a cane, and a pen.

In addition, there is a room-museum of the poet Borys Ten, who was also born in Derman.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 1 Derman Druha


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Екоферма AlpacaHome, Городище
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Eco Farm AlpacaHome

Zoo , Recreation area

The Eco Farm AlpacaHome (Fluffy Farm) in Horodyshche near Rivne opened for visitors in 2024. It is located on the banks of a large pond 10 kilometers from the city center.

About three dozen South American alpacas now live on the farm. They are accompanied by pygmy goats, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs and peacocks.

During a visit to the farm, visitors are in the same territory with alpacas, which are completely non-aggressive. You can directly contact the animals, feed them with special food, take pictures with them.

On the territory there are places for relaxation with gazebos, tables, hammocks, canopies, deckchairs.

The price of the visit includes an excursion and a portion of feed for the animals. Pre-registration is required to visit.

Map pin icon Shchaslyva Street, 56A Horodyshche


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Музей "Берегиня", Біла Криниця
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Ethnographic Museum "Berehynya"

Museum / gallery

The School Ethnographic Museum "Berehynya" was created at the Bila Krynytsia lyceum in 1991. Since 1995, the museum has had the status of "People's Museum".

In the center of the exposition is a panorama of the village with picturesque landscapes. The interior of a traditional Ukrainian home has been recreated: a stove, benches, a table, a chest, a icons, a cradle, a shrine, shelves, basins with dishes, towels, samples of Ukrainian national clothing.

A prominent place among the museum's expositions is occupied by tools used by peasants.

The museum's funds number over 400 exhibits.

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 45 Bila Krynytsia


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Галерея "Євро-Арт", Рівне
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European Painting Gallery "Euro-Art"

Museum / gallery

The Gallery of European Painting "Euro-Art" opened in Rivne in 2011.

The gallery introduces the art of the 19th–20th centuries. The four halls of the gallery present paintings by Western European and Ukrainian artists with world names: Volodymyr Orlovsky, Albert Bredov, Davyd Burlyuk, Oleksa Novakivsky, Serhiy Shyshko, Fedir Manaylo, Andriy Kotska, Erno Erb, Ernest Kontratovych, Oleksiy Shovkunenko, Tomassyne Dezyre, Teodor Russo, Piter Kalman, Yozef Braks, Leon Delderene, Yaroslav Vyeshyn, Vinchentso Volpe, Yaroslav Kamikh and others.

Art exhibitions are systematically held in the hall of temporary exhibitions "Euro-Art".

Map pin icon Myru Avenue, 4 Rivne


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Пожежне депо, Дібрівка
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Fire station

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The firefighting museum opened in 2020 in the restored premises of the old fire station in the village of Dibrivka in the Rivne region.

The fire station in Dibrivka was built by Czech colonists, who in 1923 founded the first volunteer fire brigade here, which was part of the Association of Voluntary Fire Protection. The number of team members was 22 people. The team went to the fire in a radius of 5 kilometers.

During Soviet times, the building was adapted for economic purposes, and for a long time it stood empty. It was restored by the joint efforts of the Emergency Department of the Rivne region and local patron Roman Stasyuk.

Now the fire station in Dibrivka has an authentic appearance. It houses a museum exposition, which presents firefighting equipment from the beginning of the 20s of the 20th century. There is an information stand nearby.

Map pin icon Kozatska Street Dibrivka


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Музей лісу, Костопіль
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Forest Museum

Museum / gallery , Park / garden

The Forest Museum near Kostopil was opened in 2011 on the basis of the Kostopil Forestry.

The exposition covers the work of each of the 16 forestries of the region. In particular, one of the stands tells about the 250-year-old Kostopil oak.

Among the exhibits of the forest museum are a stuffed animal of 50 species of birds, wild boars, martens, badgers and bison. Another exposition tells about the peculiarities of wooden architecture and life of Polishchuks.

Around the museum is the creation of a forest park with a cascade of ponds and labyrinths of forests. Lawn and flower beds were laid out, paths were equipped, gazebos for recreation and a playground with wooden figures of fairy-tale heroes were installed, a chapel was built.

There is a souvenir shop.

Map pin icon Sarnenska Street 21 Kostopil


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Велика синагога, Острог
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Great Synagogue


Built in Ostroh in the 16th century, the defensive Great Synagogue was at one time one of the largest centers of Jewish culture in Europe, with a higher school of rabbis.

It was destroyed during the War of Liberation.

After the Second World War, the Jewish community of the city was never restored, the synagogue building was used as a warehouse.

Until 2016, it was in a state of disrepair, gradually collapsing. In 2016, the restoration of the synagogue began at the expense of patrons.

Map pin icon Lavrentiya Tustanovskoho Street Ostroh


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Велика синагога, Рівне
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Great Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

The building of the main Great Synagogue in Rivne was built at the end of the 19th century.

Before the Bolshevik coup of 1917, a Jewish school operated there.

Since Soviet times, the building of the Great Synagogue has housed the children's and youth sports school "Avangard".

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 33 Rivne


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Музей "Берегиня", Великі Межирічі
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Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Berehynya"

Museum / gallery

The Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Berehynya" of the Velyki Mezhyrichi Lyceum was established in 1992 on the initiative of the school director Sava Chumak. In 2004, it received the status of "People's Museum".

The museum collection consists of 450 storage units, of which the main collection is 400.

The exhibition is presented in three thematic sections: "History of the village of Velyki Mezhyrichi", "Main occupations and crafts of the villagers" and "Ukrainian embroidery - the soul of the people, its history".

Map pin icon Shkilna Street, 5 Velyki Mezhyrichi


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Острозька академія, Острог
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History of Ostroh Academy Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

Ostroh Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy is the first higher educational institution in Ukraine and Eastern Europe.

It was founded in 1576 by Prince Vasyl-Kostyantyn Ostrozky and Princess Halshka Ostrozka (a memorial sign has been erected in Shevchenko Park next to the castle where the academy was originally located). The first printer Ivan Fedorov opened a printing house there in 1580, where the first "Bukvar" and the famous "Ostroh Bible" were published.

The first rector of the academy was Herasym Smotrytsky. Among the graduates are Hetman Petro Sahaydachny, the Nalyvayko brothers and others.

In 1624, after the founding of the Jesuit College in Ostroh, funding for the academy ceased, and in 1636 it was disbanded. Revived in 1994 as a state university. Today it occupies the premises of the former Capuchin monastery with the Trinity Church (1778, architects Paolo Fontana).

There is a museum of history of the National University "Ostroh Academy", excursions to the dungeon of the monastery, where crypts with burials of monks were found.

Map pin icon Seminarska Street, 2 Ostroh


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Вознесенська церква, Верхів
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Holy Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Ascension in the village of Verkhiv was built in 1875 on the site of an old wooden church known since 1785 that burned down.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Verkhiv


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Успенська церква, Рівне
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Holy Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Assumption is the oldest building in Rivne. The temple in the Tyutkivskyi suburb of the city was built in 1756 at the expense of the parishioners. The church is single-domed, the iconostasis was completed in 1784.

According to legend, Ivan Honta, the leader of the Haidamac movement, prayed in the Assumption Church before the battle with the Polish nobility.

The belfry and the "chain of moral foundations" to which ungodly parishioners were chained in the 18th century for public atonement have been preserved.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenka Street, 113 Rivne


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Успенська церква, Дорогобуж
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Holy Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The Assumption Church in Dorohobuzh is one of the oldest in Volyn. It was founded in the 11th century, when Dorohobuzh was the center of a separate principality of the Ryurykovychi princes.

For a long time, an Orthodox monastery operated near the church. In 1577 (according to other sources - in 1582), on the initiative of Prince Vasyl Ostrozky, the Assumption Church was completely rebuilt with the inclusion of fragments of the ancient Rus plinth masonry.

The building is rectangular in plan, single-nave, single-headed, with a rectangular apse strengthened by two corner buttresses.

From 1644 to 1834, the monastery was Basilian (Greek Catholic). During this period, two cell buildings were added to the temple, which have not survived. After the temple was returned to the Orthodox Church, a wooden bell tower was added to it.

The Church of the Assumption is a unique example of Ukrainian architecture of the XI-XVII centuries, in which the traditions of Old Rus architecture are combined with the Baroque style and some later architectural techniques.

Map pin icon Zelena Street, 19 Dorohobuzh


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