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Attractions of Sumy region

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Вознесенська церква, Тростянець
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church in Trostianets was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The richly decorated temple in the tent-dome style is popularly called the "Red Church" because of the characteristic color of the brick walls.

The 40-meter bell tower is distinguished by the highly artistic work of master stonemasons. The floor in the temple is made of Metlakh tiles. A special feature of the building is the location of the sacristy and the deacon's room of the central nave behind the side apses.

Due to its large size and expressive plasticity, the Ascension Church dominates the surrounding buildings of Trostianets and gives the city a well-known silhouette.

Map pin icon Voznesenska Street, 53 Trostianets


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Вознесенська церква, Лебедин
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Ascension Church in Lebedyn was built in 1858 on the site of the wooden church of the same name, known since 1692.

The new brick temple was made cubic, four-columned, with a semicircular altar apse. There is a bell tower above the entrance.

In the architecture of this building, classicism and baroque are well combined with the local flavor.

Map pin icon Voli Square, 36 Lebedyn


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Вознесенська церква, Ромни
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Ascension Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Ascension was built in Romny at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries outside the city wall, on the site of a wooden church founded in 1700.

In 1895, a bell tower was added. In 1896, a church and parish school was opened.

During Soviet times, the temple was closed, the building was not used for its intended purpose.

The revival of the Ascension Church began in 1996. Restoration is underway.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 25 Romny


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Вознесенська церква, Великий Бобрик
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Ascension Church

Architecture , Temple

The white-stone Ascension Church in Velykyi Bobryk is one of the most successful religious buildings in the Sumy Region.

A majestic temple in the style of classicism with a three-tier bell tower was built in 1808 on the heights in the center of the village. It perfectly complemented the picturesque rural landscape with a pond and hills. The church comes into view immediately after the turn from the Sumy-Okhtyrka road, and then it does not disappear from view for the entire five kilometers of the road.

At first, the temple seems very small, which is natural for a small village. The real scale of the structure becomes apparent only when you start to descend to the pond. Compared to the surrounding rural structures, the Ascension Church looks simply huge.

The original architectural feature of the temple is an open three-lane arcade gallery topped by a belfry.

The interior of the church is decorated with columns and pilasters of the Corinthian order. Ancient frescoes have been preserved.

Map pin icon Mykoly Pyrohova Street Velykyi Bobryk


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Садиба Асмолова (Дендропарк), Суми
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Asmolov Manor (Arboretum)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Park / garden

Park named after Ivan Asmolov is a monument of garden and park art.

The park with an area of about 3 hectares is located across the street from the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Sumy. In the middle of the 19th century, Ivan Asmolov, a merchant of the 2nd guild, bought a block of land on Troyitska Street to build his residence. A park was laid out around the house, built according to the latest architectural fashion. Asmolov, a passionate traveler and breeder, was brought exotic plants from all over the world, which went well with the local ones.

Currently, about 100 rare species of coniferous and deciduous trees, about 30 varieties of lilac grow in the park. The Sumy regional specialized dispensary for radiation protection of the population is located on the territory of the park. Asmolov's manor house is one of its buildings.

Map pin icon Troyitska square, 14 Sumy


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Успенський собор, Межиріч
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Assumption Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The large stone Cathedral of the Assumption is located on the terrace above the village of Mezhyrich, at the foot of the plateau of the high right bank of the Psel River.

Founded in 1759 by the order and at the expense of local native Luka Bilous, archimandrite of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, as the cathedral church of the hundred-year-old town of Mezhyrich. Assumption Cathedral in Okhtyrka (1728-1738, not preserved) served as a model.

Built in a rare temple style typical of Slobozhanshchyna, the cathedral is a valuable monument of Ukrainian national architecture of the Baroque era.

Map pin icon Mezhyrich


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Успенська церква, Верхня Сироватка
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Assumption Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Assumption Church in Verkhnia Syrovatka was built in 1805-1812 according to the project of the poet and educator Oleksandr Palitsyn, who lived in the nearby "Popivka" estate, at the expense and under the direction of a descendant of the elder family, lieutenant Mykola Vlasovskyi. The brick and iconostasis were purchased from the dismantled Sumy monastery.

In 1844, lightning struck the bell tower and, passing inside the church, burned the gilded iconostasis, but the church survived. The Chenstokhova church icon of the Mother of God, which, according to tradition, was brought to the old wooden church by a Polish nobleman from Chenstokhova was especially revered.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Verkhnia Syrovatka


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Музей авіації, Конотоп
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Aviation Museum

Museum / gallery

The Aviation Museum in Konotop is a department of the Konotop City Museum of Local Lore of Oleksandr Lazarevsky.

The history of the museum began in 2004 with the observation deck of the Konotop air base, where three helicopters of Mil family were installed.

To date, the exhibition presents the L-39 aircraft, as well as seven different helicopters KB Mil, in particular the world's only surviving to this day air control point Mi-22.

In addition, you can see the military bunker during the German-Soviet war.

Map pin icon 1st lane Ryaboshapka, 1/1 Konotop


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Центральний міський парк, Глухів
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Central City Park

Park / garden

The Central City Park of Hlukhiv is a small park area in the very center of the city.

On Cathedral Square, next to the park, there was a manor house, in which Dmytro Bortnyansky lived until 1758, a famous Ukrainian composer and the founder of spiritual choral singing. In 2002, a memorial sign with a bas-relief image of the composer, cast from bronze, was installed on the site of the Bortnyansky manor.

There is a monument to Bortnyansky in the park opposite the square. A monument to the composer Maksym Berezovsky, who was also born in Hlukhiv, was erected next to it.

Map pin icon Rudchenka Square Hlukhiv


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Дитячий парк "Казка", Суми
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Children's Park "Kazka"

Park / garden , Entertainment / leisure

Children's park "Kazka" is located in the central part of the city of Sumy.

On its territory, in addition to children's attractions, there are fairy-tale buildings and figures of fairy-tale characters.

In addition, a mobile zoo and a circus are regularly opened in Kazka Park, as well as city-wide entertainment events.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko avenue Sumy


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Святодухівський собор, Ромни
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Descent of Holy Spirit Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Descent of the Holy Spirit is the oldest stone building in the city of Romny.

It is located at the highest point of the city - on Bazarna Square.

This outstanding monument of architecture in the Ukrainian Baroque style was created in 1738-1746 on the site of a temple founded in 1689.

Fragments of paintings have been preserved.

Map pin icon Bazarna Square, 15 Romny


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Музей лісу, Тростянець
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Forest Museum

Museum / gallery

The Forest Museum in Trostianets was opened in 2019 at the Trostianets Forest Farm to the 70th anniversary of the formation of the Sumy Regional Department of Forestry and Hunting.

The exposition presents samples of flora and fauna of Sumy region, tools for forestry management, forest planting and wood harvesting. On the territory of the forest farm, you can take a walk through the mini arboretum and buy seedlings.

The 4.3-km-long ecological trail starts from the museum, which runs through the Neskuchne tract and includes 10 stops, including a black walnut plantation, an oak tree up to 500 years old, Yakubiv Yar, Nymph's Grotto, etc.

During the Russian military aggression in 2022 and the temporary occupation of Trostianets, the building of the Forest Museum suffered significant destruction. The exposure is restored.

Map pin icon Neskuchanska Street, 3 Trostianets


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Фонтан-пам'ятник Сумці, Суми
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Fountain-monument "Sumka"


The fountain-monument "Sumka" (Bag), installed in 2008 on one of the central pedestrian streets of Sumy, symbolizes the legend of the founding of the city.

According to legend, in the summer of 1655, the first Cossack settlers from the town of Pruda in the Kyiv region, led by Otaman Kondratyev, found three hunting sums with coins at the place where a small river flowed into the Psel. The river was named Sumka, and the city founded here was called Sumy.

Sculptor Oleksiy Shevchenko recreated the legend in stone: a bag with money hangs over a well with water, from which water also flows. A new urban tradition has appeared - to wet the face, bags and wallets with "magical" water from the well.

Map pin icon Voskresenska Street, 32 Sumy


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Альтанка, Суми
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A small gazebo made of carved wood, built according to the project of the architect Matviy Shchaveliyiv without a single nail, is considered a visiting card of the city.

According to legend, it was built by a burgher, Yosyp Lishchynsky, on the site of a well drilled during an unsuccessful search for oil.

This is the only wooden structure in the city that was not damaged in the slightest during the Second World War.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Square Sumy


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Музей-садиба генерала Драгомирова, Конотоп
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General Mykhaylo Drahomyrov Museum-Manor

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The museum-manor of General Mykhaylo Drahomyrov opened in 2007 in the restored house of the general in Konotop.

Military and statesman of the Russian Empire of Ukrainian origin, General of the Infantry Mykhaylo Drahomyrov was born in the ancestral Drahomyrov village near Konotop, and the last years of his life he lived in his city estate.

The museum exposition presents furniture of the late XIX - early XX centuries, paintings by local artists and other exhibits.

The museum-manor of General Drahomyrov is a department of the Konotop city museum of local lore of Oleksandr Lazarevsky.

Map pin icon Henerala Drahomyrova Street, 18 Konotop


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