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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Маркопіль
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Nativity of Holy Virgin

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Markopil was built in 1892-1896 on the site of a burned down wooden church known since 1763.

The new stone Church of the Nativity was built by the architect Stavarsky from Sinyava in an eclectic style using Byzantine, Romanesque and Romanian elements. Before the First World War, the walls of the church were painted by Lviv artist Antin Manastyrskyi.

In 1926, the temple was restored. A characteristic Romanian element is a star-shaped 12-petal scotch.

Map pin icon Markopil


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Костел Різдва Богородиці, Стрий
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The elegant Gothic church-sanctuary of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin is considered a symbol of the city of Stryi.

The Roman Catholic parish was founded in the city by King Kazymyr the Great in the 14th century. The parish church of the Nativity of the Virgin was built in 1425. Several times the Gothic temple was destroyed by fire. In 1891, the last major restoration was carried out, an organ was installed.

In 1939, the temple was closed, but the building was preserved during Soviet times.

In 1995, the church was declared the Sanctuary of the Mother of God, the Patroness of Human Hopes, and in 2001, Pope John Paul II consecrated the icon of the Mother of God of Stryi.

Map pin icon 22nd January Street, 1 Stryi


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Розлуч
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin was built in Rozluch in 1876 by master Havryla Roman in a typical Boyki style.

Previously, an older temple, known since 1534, stood on this place. The three-timbered church is distinguished by multi-tiered domes. Nearby is a low two-story wooden belfry.

Belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Lesi Ukrayinky Street Rozluch


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Кути
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Kuty is a monument of wooden architecture of the Galician school of folk architecture.

Built in 1750. Attached to the central log house is a babinets with a covered chapel and a faceted five-sided altar part. The temple is surrounded by a wooden gallery. It was originally covered with shingles, but as a result of the restoration in the 1930s, the authentic wooden covering was replaced by a metal one.

In the interior of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, a monumental oil painting by Yaroslav Levytsky (1936) and a wooden, four-tiered, carved gilded iconostasis (second half of the 18th century) have been preserved.

Nearby is a two-story wooden bell tower.

The temple is located in the village cemetery at the entrance to Kuty from Olesko. You can also see an ancient crypt-chapel in the classicism style at the cemetery.

Map pin icon Dovha Street Kuty


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Костел Різдва Богородиці, Комарно
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Nativity of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Defense Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Komarno was founded in 1656 at the expense of the magnate Mykolay Ostroroh, who owned the city. Consecrated in 1658.

Architects Voytsekh Kapinos and Yan Pokorovych are named as possible authors of the project, although both died long before construction began.

The wonderful architecture of the Church of the Nativity is a vivid example of the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Typical Renaissance elements are the framing of the main entrance and niches with sculptures, as well as pilasters with cherub heads. At the same time, the pediment of the facade and the framing of the central window are characteristic of the Baroque style.

The facade is decorated with numerous sculptures of saints and complex white stone carvings (it is assumed that the master who designed the facade of the Jesuit church in Lviv participated in the construction).

The defensive character of the building is revealed by the key loopholes located along the perimeter along the eaves.

In the middle of the 18th century, a bell tower in the form of a triumphal arch was built next to the church.

In 1946, the church was closed, part of the church property was taken to Poland. In 1992, the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin was handed over to the Greek Catholic community of Komarno.

Map pin icon Shchyretska Street, 1 Komarno


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Броди
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Nativity of Most Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin (the so-called "Great Church") was the main Orthodox church of Brody for several centuries.

It was probably founded in the 16th century. It is believed that the first wooden temple was built in 1600. The stone church was rebuilt in 1749, and in the 19th century a clock was installed in the bell tower.

Paintings were made in the first half of the 20th century (Anatol Yablonskyi, Mykhaylo Osinchuk, Mykola Fedyuk).

During both world wars, the Nativity of Most Holy Virgin Church was not damaged, and in Soviet times it was the only functioning church in the city. It currently belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Ivana Franko Street, 14 Brody


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Костел Іоанна Хрестителя, Мостиська
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Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist in Mostysk was built in 1604 on the site of an old wooden Catholic church founded in 1404 by the Polish king Vladyslav II Yahaylo.

The Gothic-style church had 5 altars and 2 chapels, to which 2 more altars were added in 1722.

During the Soviet rule, the temple remained in use, now it has been restored.

Map pin icon Ivana Franka Street, 1 Mostyska


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Церква Різдва Богородиці, Росохи
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Nativity of Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Defense Church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Rosokhy was built in the 15th-16th centuries.

The bell tower and stone walls were completed in the 19th century.

Three-part temple, three-storied. It used to have a shingled pitched roof, but is now covered with tin. The thickness of the walls reaches 1.5 meters.

An ancient altar partition with an opening for the Royal Gate has been preserved inside.

Map pin icon Zelena Street Rosokhy


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Музей нафти та газу, Борислав
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Oil and Gas Industry Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the History of Oil, Ozokerite and Gas Processing Industry was founded in Boryslav in 1972 at the Palace of Culture of Oil Workers.

In 2003, the updated exposition was opened in the administrative building of Boryslavnaftogaz NSU (5th floor). The exposition of the museum room acquaints visitors with the history of the development of Boryslav oil production - the oldest oil industry in Ukraine.

The museum presents work tools, industrial equipment, samples of raw materials and products, household items, numismatic materials (coins, medals, orders, badges), photos of old Boryslav.

An interesting collection of kerosene and oil lamps, working models of drilling rigs.

Map pin icon Karpatska Brama Street, 26 Boryslav


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Старий парк (Городище), Городок
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Old Park (Ancient Rus Hillfort)

Historic area , Park / garden , Archaeological site

The old park of the city of Horodok was built in the 18th century near the Ancient Rus Hillfort of the 11th and 13th centuries.

A child of the ancient city was located in this place. The memorial sign indicates that in 1213 the city of Horodok was founded on this place. The external fortifications consisted of a system of ramparts and ditches (partially preserved), ponds and the natural channel of the Vereshchytsa River, which turned Horodok into an artificial island that could only be reached by two bridges.

At the end of the 14th century, Prince Vladyslav Opolchyk built a castle on the hillfort, which became a royal castle under Vladyslav II Yahaylo. It was probably made of wood, since after the capture of the castle by the Tatars in 1611 and the subsequent events of the Liberation War, no traces of it remained.

In 1682, a wooden Starostynsky palace was built on its place, and in the 18th century, already under Austrian rule, the Park of Generals was demolished. In Soviet times, it was renamed Komsomolskyi Park, which the sculpture of a mother with a child reminds of.

Horodok City Park has the status of a monument of garden and park art.

Map pin icon Parkova Street Horodok


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Музей Олекси Новаківського, Львів
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Oleksa Novakivsky Art and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Oleksa Novakivsky Art Memorial Museum is located in the house where the famous Ukrainian painter has lived since 1913.

The exquisite red-brick villa, built in the late 19th century in the neo-Romanesque style by the famous Lviv architect Yulian Zakharevych, was once known as the palace of the Polish artist Yan Styka.

In 1907 it was bought by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky for the needs of the church museum. With the assistance of the Metropolitan in 1923-1935, the Oleksa Novakivsky Art School operated here - the first art school for young people in Western Ukraine, which became the leading center of artistic life in Lviv.

The artist's creative studio was located on the second floor of the house, and his family lived next door in five rooms. Since 1972, an art-memorial museum has been set up in these premises, covering the main stages of the artist's creative path.

The Oleksa Novakivsky Museum is a branch of the National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky in Lviv.

Map pin icon Lystopadovoho Chynu Street, 11 Lviv


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Музей Олександра Мишуги, Новий Витків
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Oleksandr Myshuha Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of the opera singer Oleksandr Myshuha was opened in the village of Novyi Vytkiv, where he was born in 1853.

The outstanding Ukrainian tenor won world recognition at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, performing on the best stages of many European capitals: Paris, Rome, Vienna and others.

According to the will, in 1922 he was buried in his native village.

The Myshuha Museum was opened in the People's House of Novyi Vytkiv. The exposition tells about his life and work, about his relations with outstanding contemporaries - Ivan Franko, Mykola Lysenko, Solomiya Krushelnytska, Modest Mentsynskyi. Visitors can listen to a tape recording of Myshuha.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 3 Novyi Vytkiv


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Музей Олени Кульчицької, Львів
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Olena Kulchytska Art and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Olena Kulchytska Art Memorial Museum was opened in 1971 in the artist's former apartment in Lviv, on the third floor of a residential building of the late 19th century.

According to the artist's will, all her creative heritage, apartments and personal belongings were donated to the Ukrainian people.

The exposition in four rooms reveals the artist's work in various genres and types of fine and applied arts. And also presents her as an innovator and creator of modern expression in Ukrainian art culture.

The best-preserved interior of the apartment reproduces the artist’s aesthetic preferences for the decoration of urban housing in the context of Ukrainian folk tradition and its creative interpretation.

The Olena Kulchytska Museum is a branch of the Lviv National Museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky.

Map pin icon Lystopadovoho Chynu Street, 7 Lviv


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Страусина ферма "Білаки", Самбір
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Ostrich Farm "Bilaky"


Ranch "Bilaky" is located at the exit from Sambor in the direction of Stariy Sambir.

It consists of an ostrich farm and a mini-zoo with exotic animals: lions, buffaloes, bears, wolves, deer, wild boars, donkeys and others. Ostriches are kept in large enclosures.

The farm has a restaurant "Hostiny dvir", where you can taste exotic dishes made of ostrich meat and eggs.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street Strilkovychi


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Садиба-музей Осипа Маковея, Яворів
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Osyp Makovey Manor-Museum

Museum / gallery , Palace / manor

The museum-house of Osyp Makovey was created in Yavoriv in the house where this outstanding Ukrainian poet, prose writer, satirist, publicist, teacher and public figure was born.

The exhibition is housed in three halls: two rooms and halls. In one room, the belongings of the Makovey family are collected: furniture (chairs, table), dishes, embroidery, toys. In the other - photos of Osyp with his family and friends; his letters, books; portraits Household items are presented in the halls.

Makovey studied at the Ukrainian gymnasium in Lviv and at the philological faculty of Lviv University. He was the editor of "Zorya" magazine, "Bukovyna" newspaper, one of the editors of "Literary and Scientific Herald". In 1901, he received the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy for researching the works of Panteleymon Kulish.

During the First World War in 1914-1918, he served as a military translator of the Austrian army, the head of postal censorship, later - in a radio group. In the post-war period, he worked as the director of a teachers' seminary in Zalishchyky.

Makovey maintained friendly relations with Ivan Franko,Lesya Ukrayinka and other writers. He began his literary activity at the end of the 80s of the 19th century under the pseudonyms: Spectator, Osyp Stepanovych.

Map pin icon Nataliyi Kobrynskoyi Street, 9 Yavoriv


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