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Attractions of Lviv region

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Арт Центр Дзиґа, Львів
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Dzyga Art Center

Museum / gallery , Entertainment / leisure

Art Center "Dzyga" in Lviv is the residence of the creative association "Dzyga" - an organization of artists, public figures and entrepreneurs. Active since 1993.

The gallery presents modern art. Jazz and blues concerts are held every night in the club.

At the gallery, there is a cafe "Pid klepsydroyu" - a meeting place of Lviv bohemians with a democratic and creative atmosphere.

Map pin icon Virmenska Street, 35 Lviv


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Ферма Елізи, Дмитровичі
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Elise Farm

Museum / gallery , Gastrotourism , Farm / cheese factory

Fromages "Elise", also known as the Chevreut Farm, is located in Dmytrovychi, on the outskirts of Sudova Vyshnia.

The farm is built according to European standards of traditional farming. The farm is open for green tourism and offers visitors high-quality farm products produced according to traditional French technology.

The main products are goat cheeses based on the milk of goats grown on the farm, as well as ecologically clean meat (goat, beef) and meat products.

Excursions are held by prior arrangement.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 16 Dmytrovychi


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Богоявленська церква, Орявчик
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Epiphany Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Epiphany in Oriavchyk was built in 1865.

An expressive example of Boyko architecture of the 19th century.

The parish belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Map pin icon Pid Mytoyu Street Oriavchyk


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Етнографічний музей, Стільсько
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Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

The school ethnographic museum of Stilsko village is located in the premises of the local educational complex. Its exposition includes 460 original exhibits.

In particular, maps and drawings of the Stilsko settlement, photos from archaeological excavations are presented. The interior of a peasant's house of the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century is reproduced.

The ethnographic collection includes embroidery, pottery, tools, musical instruments, etc.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 121 Stilsko


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Музей етнографії та художнього промислу, Львів
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Ethnography and Artistic Crafts Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The Museum of Ethnography and Artistic Crafts of the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine occupies a Neo-Renaissance building on the main street of the Lviv.

At the base of the dome is an allegorical sculptural group symbolizing the economic prosperity of Halicia, which is called the world's only sitting Statue of Liberty.

The exposition presents a rich collection of ceramics, porcelain and earthenware, art glass products. Collection of watches of the XVI-XX centuries. has about 350 copies.

Map pin icon Svobody Avenue, 15 Lviv


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Музей народознавства, Бишів
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Ethnology Museum

Museum / gallery

The People's Exemplary Ethnology Museum in Byshiv, Lviv Region, was founded in 1991 at the Byshiv Secondary School. It was created on the initiative of the former director of the school, a researcher of historical and cultural monuments, Volodymyr Koval.

The exposition in five halls tells about the history of Byshiv and neighboring villages, introduces the culture and crafts of the region. Museum funds contain more than 3,000 exhibits.

In the first hall, ancient icons of the 19th and 20th centuries are exhibited. The historical exposition contains documents and old maps of the villages of Byshiv, Zabava, Ordiv and Torky, a collection of old clocks and a large school bell. The tools of weavers, carpenters, coopers, etc. tell about the ancient crafts of the Galician peasantry. A unique attraction is a wooden beehive-log from the 17th century.

In the "Galician Peasant's House" hall, the interior of a donkey is recreated with a stove, ancient pots and plates, and a large wooden chest. The exhibition "From Grandmother's Chest" presents a collection of embroidered women's shirts and suits, spare parts, skirts, towels, shawls.

In the "Weaving shop" exhibition, visitors are offered master classes on working looms.

Map pin icon Hostynna Street, 57 Byshiv


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Церква Воздвиження, Дрогобич
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Exaltation of Holy Cross Church

Temple , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The wooden three-log church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Drohobych is considered one of the best buildings in the style of Galician folk architecture.

The temple was founded in the 16th century, but as a result of the reconstruction in 1661, it lost its original appearance.

Monumental tempera painting of the 17th century and unique examples of icon painting of the 15th-18th centuries have been preserved.

The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is located in the suburb of Drohobych Zvarychy, on the territory of the fire department. Nearby is a wooden bell tower of the 17th century.

Map pin icon Zvarytska Street, 9 Drohobych


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Воздвиженський костел, Городок
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Exaltation of Holy Cross Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is the main Catholic church of the town, which existed already during the time of Vladyslav Yahaylo.

In his image, the architectural techniques of various stylistic directions - Gothic, Baroque and modern - were originally combined.

Probably, the first wooden Exaltation Church was laid in 1372 by the Polish governor Vladyslav Opolchyk. In its current form, the traditional Gothic church was rebuilt in 1419. In the 16th century, reconstruction was carried out and a belfry with six bells was built, the largest of which was consecrated in 1753.

During the last reconstruction, carried out in the 1930s of the 20th century by the architect Bronislav Viktor, the western, largest part of the church was completed. The facade was decorated with sculptures of the Mother of God, the apostles Peter and Paul.

The interiors were completely destroyed during the Soviet rule.

Today, the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is active again.

Map pin icon Lvivska Street, 4 Horodok


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Плоский будинок, Львів
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Flat House


One of the buildings on Pekarska street, which has a small architectural feature - one of its corners is extremely sharp, was nicknamed the "flat house" in Lviv. Thanks to this, when viewed from a certain angle, when the faces are hidden from the observer, the illusion is created that the house is flat, that is, it has only one wall - the facade.

Other famous "flat houses" are in Odesa and Zhytomyr.

Map pin icon Pekarska Street, 34 Lviv


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Монастир францисканців (Боярський двір), Золочів
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Franciscans Monastery (Boyar Court)

Castle / fortress , Temple , Architecture

The boyar court in Zolochiv, also known as the Zolochiv Arsenal, is a former fortified residence of the town's owners, built in the 15th century by representatives of the Shchechy boyar family.

This is the oldest architectural monument of Zolochiv. After the Zolochiv castle was built, the building began to be used as a city arsenal, then it was handed over to the parish church for the care of the poor.

Until recently, the building of the Boyar Court was in a state of disrepair. In 2012, it was transferred to the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Exaltation of the Life-giving Cross, which carried out reconstruction and opened there the Holy Cross Monastery of Saint Damian Friars Minor (Franciscans) and the Chapel of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross of the Lord.

Map pin icon Markiyana Shashkevycha Street, 13 Zolochiv


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Дім Франка, Львів
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Franko House

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum (Franko House) was opened in 1940 on the initiative of the writer's youngest son, Petro.

The museum is located in a small two-story villa in the Swiss style, where Ivan Franko and his family spent the last 14 years of his life.

The exhibition was based on a collection of autographs, letters, documents, photographs, books and personal belongings from the writer's office, collected by the Taras Shevchenko Scientific Society.

In Franko House, the atmosphere of the life of the writer and his family is recreated in detail: a study, a library, a dining room, Ivan Franko's bedroom, a women's room, Olha Franko's room, Taras and Petro Franko's room. In 2018, the exhibition "Kitchen of the Franko House" was created.

The literary exposition is located in the neighboring two-story house of the Polish entrepreneur Antony Uvyera, built in 1923-1925 in the neoclassical style according to the project of the Lviv architect Ivan Bahenskyi.

Upon request, the museum staff conducts theatrical, thematic, author's, interactive excursions, walking tours through the streets of Lviv, themed quests, and master classes. Literary evenings, theater performances, concerts of classical and modern music, various exhibitions and performances are also periodically held in the museum.

Map pin icon Ivana Franko Street, 150-152 Lviv


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Палац Фредрів-Шептицьких, Вишня
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Fredro-Sheptytsky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

Since the 19th century, the estate in the village of Vyshnia belonged to the Polish comedian Aleksander Fredro, the grandfather of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, one of the most respected heads of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

The Neo-Renaissance palace, built in 1835, a wing with a tower, a park with a pond, and farm buildings have survived to this day. Today, an agricultural college is located here.

The magnificent stucco in the exterior and interior decoration, ancient stairs, several tiled stoves, and bookcases from the writer's library have been preserved in the palace.

The room-museum of Aleksander Fredro and Andrey Sheptytsky was opened. The exposition presents original furniture, as well as a model of the palace, made by students of the Warsaw Polytechnic.

Map pin icon Naukova Street, 1 Vyshnia


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Галерея сакрального мистецтва, Дрогобич
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Gallery of Sacred Art (Vice-Burgomaster House)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The gallery of sacred art in Drohobych was opened in 1996 in a building that was built at the beginning of the 20th century by Vice-Burgomaster Yakub Fayyershteyn.

The facade of a small building in the art nouveau style has been completely preserved.

Particularly valuable exhibits are ancient Boykiv icons of the 16th-20th centuries. Also in the exposition: sacred sculpture, decorative carvings, forged crosses, handwritten church books and old prints, priest's clothing, etc.

Map pin icon Sichovykh Striltsiv Street, 18 Drohobych


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Гарнизонний храм (Костел єзуїтів), Львів
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Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Church of the Jesuits)

Temple , Architecture

The Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (the former Church of Peter and Paul of the Jesuit Order) is one of the largest religious buildings in the city, the first vivid example of mannerism (early baroque) in Lviv.

Construction began in 1610 by the Jesuit monk Sebastyan Lyankhius, who was the author of the original project. The Italian architect Dzhakomo Briano, взявши maintained the pure style of the Italian Baroque during the completion of the church in 1618-1621, taking as a model the facade of the Il Gesu church in Rome. In 1630, the construction was completed, the temple was consecrated, but the finishing works continued for another 30 years.

Trinefny temple. The main facade dominates, decorated with pilasters, niches with statues and a strong cornice. Inside - lush baroque decoration. Paintings were made by artists Francysk and Sebastyan Ekshteyn from Brno. In one of the side altars there is a highly artistic wooden crucifix by Yan Pfister.

Next to the church is a three-story building of the former Jesuit college.

In 2011, the church was consecrated as the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul of the UGCC.

In the underground crypts of the church there is a museum "Dungeon of the Garrison Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church", where you can order a tour of the church.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 11 Lviv


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Музей скла, Львів
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Glass Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Glass in Lviv was established on the initiative of a famous Ukrainian glazier, chairman of the organizing committee of the International Symposiums of Tempered Glass in Lviv, former rector of the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Professor Andriy Bokotey.

Since 2006, the museum has been operating in the basement of the Bandinelli Palace in the Rynok Square. Since then, the museum's collection has been systematically replenished with works created as part of the International Symposium of Tempered Glass. Part of it was transferred to the funds of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv.

Among the oldest exhibits are glassware and beads made in the I-II centuries AD in the Roman colonies in southern Ukraine, beads and utensils from the XI-XII centuries, as well as bracelets and fragments of bracelets found during archaeological excavations.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 2 Lviv


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