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Гарнизонний храм (Костел єзуїтів), Львів
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Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Church of the Jesuits)

Temple , Architecture

The Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (the former Church of Peter and Paul of the Jesuit Order) is one of the largest religious buildings in the city, the first vivid example of mannerism (early baroque) in Lviv.

Construction began in 1610 by the Jesuit monk Sebastyan Lyankhius, who was the author of the original project. The Italian architect Dzhakomo Briano, взявши maintained the pure style of the Italian Baroque during the completion of the church in 1618-1621, taking as a model the facade of the Il Gesu church in Rome. In 1630, the construction was completed, the temple was consecrated, but the finishing works continued for another 30 years.

Trinefny temple. The main facade dominates, decorated with pilasters, niches with statues and a strong cornice. Inside - lush baroque decoration. Paintings were made by artists Francysk and Sebastyan Ekshteyn from Brno. In one of the side altars there is a highly artistic wooden crucifix by Yan Pfister.

Next to the church is a three-story building of the former Jesuit college.

In 2011, the church was consecrated as the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul of the UGCC.

In the underground crypts of the church there is a museum "Dungeon of the Garrison Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Church", where you can order a tour of the church.

Map pin icon Teatralna Street, 11 Lviv


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Музей скла, Львів
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Glass Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Glass in Lviv was established on the initiative of a famous Ukrainian glazier, chairman of the organizing committee of the International Symposiums of Tempered Glass in Lviv, former rector of the Lviv National Academy of Arts, Professor Andriy Bokotey.

Since 2006, the museum has been operating in the basement of the Bandinelli Palace in the Rynok Square. Since then, the museum's collection has been systematically replenished with works created as part of the International Symposium of Tempered Glass. Part of it was transferred to the funds of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv.

Among the oldest exhibits are glassware and beads made in the I-II centuries AD in the Roman colonies in southern Ukraine, beads and utensils from the XI-XII centuries, as well as bracelets and fragments of bracelets found during archaeological excavations.

Map pin icon Rynok Square, 2 Lviv


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Велика синагога, Буськ
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Great City Synagogue


The majestic city synagogue in Busk was built in the 18th century thanks to the donation of Yakob Hlanzer.

It is located near Rynok Square, where the Jewish community of the city used to live, which owned most of the shops.

During the Soviet times, the synagogue operated as a gym, later it was turned into a building materials warehouse, and later part of the synagogue was turned into a residential building. The building was rapidly collapsing. In the early 2000s, in order to preserve the monument, the uninhabited part of the synagogue was transferred to the Evangelical Christian community, which partially restored the building.

Map pin icon Rynok Square Busk


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Велика синагога, Броди
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Great Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

A large defense-type choral synagogue was built in Brody in 1742 instead of a wooden temple that burned down. The large brick building of the synagogue is crowned with a two-story attic.

During the Second World War, the synagogue was badly damaged and was not restored during the Soviet era. It is currently in a dilapidated state. In March 2021, one of the columns fell and part of the roof collapsed.

Map pin icon Honcharska Street, 12 Brody


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Порохова вежа, Львів
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Gunpowder tower

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Gunpowder tower is a fully preserved fragment of Lviv's defensive structures. One of the 17 towers that were part of the ring of city fortifications. A monument of military defense architecture of the Renaissance era.

The Gunpowder tower was located on the defensive rampart behind the second line of fortifications and served to protect the approaches to the city from the eastern side. It was also used to store gunpowder and ammunition, and in peacetime - as a grain warehouse.

It is built of unhewn stone, semicircular in plan, three-story, covered with a gabled roof. The thickness of the walls reaches 2.5 meters. For more than four centuries, the rising ground level hid the lower part of the tower by one and a half to two meters.

Since 1959, the premises have been occupied by the Architect's House with an exhibition hall. Now the Center for Architecture, Design and Urbanism "Gunpowder Tower" is located here.

Map pin icon Pidvalna Street, 4 Lviv


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Замок Гербуртів, Добромиль
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Herburts Castle

Castle / fortress

The Dobromyl castle of the Herburt family is located in the middle of a beech forest on the Blind Mountain (Slipa Hora, 566 meters), 3 kilometers south of Dobromyl.

Lviv castelian Stanislav Herburt began to build it from stone and brick in 1566 on the site of a wooden fortification founded in 1450 by Mykola Herburt, but soon burned by the Tatars. In 1614, Yan Shchasny Herburt thoroughly rebuilt the fortress. The oval shape of the Dobromyl castle in plan corresponded to the outline of the mountain.

The ruins of the northwestern part have been preserved, consisting of the remains of a massive multifaceted tower (internal diameter of about 17 meters) and fragments of walls diverging from it, 25-26 meters long. The tower is two-story with an entrance gate. In the first tier of the tower, loopholes with arched lintels are placed on two levels. The second tier is separated by a small ledge. Its walls are pierced with rectangular windows. The tower is completed by a high attic with a decorative blind arcade, similar to the attic of the castle in Stare Selo. The defensive walls are completed with the same attic, the top of which is at the level of the second tier of the tower. The Renaissance attic somewhat softens the harsh appearance of the powerful walls (thickness reaches 2 meters). The loopholes of the lower tier of the tower with large chambers (internal) and side holes in the cheeks were intended for conducting cross fire.

The castle has been abandoned since the 18th century. Unlike other castles of the palace type, it had exclusively defensive significance, and the living quarters were used only for temporary residence.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street (Slipa Hora tract) Dobromyl


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Музей гетьмана Виговського, Руда
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Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The first museum of Hetman Ivan Vyhovskyi in Ukraine was opened in 2004 in the village of Ruda near Zhydachiv, where he lived in 1660-1664 and was probably buried. The museum is a branch of the Lviv National Art Gallery.

Since 1660, this village belonged to the Vyhovsky family for more than a hundred years. The manager's house has been preserved from their estate, which houses an exposition reflecting the period of the struggle for Ukraine's independence from the times of Zaporizhzhian Sich to the end of the 1940s and 1950s.

Painting works by domestic and foreign artists of the XVII-XX centuries are widely presented here. In particular, a painting by an unknown artist (19th century) depicting Ivan Vyhovsky's wife Olena Stetkevych. Among the exhibits are works of sacred art of the XVII-XIX centuries. An icon of the Ascension (an unknown artist of the 2nd half of the 18th century) from the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the village of Yosypovychy in Stryi region is kept here - the family church of the Vyhovskys. The icon was restored in 2004 by the workers of the restoration department of the Lviv Art Gallery.

The museum exhibits objects of material culture found near the former hetman's castle in the village of Ruda. Among the rare ones is an oak door from the Vyhovsky family church with a gift inscription of the hetman's daughter-in-law Tereza Zavadska, wife of Ostap's son.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 1 Ruda


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Музей "Бойківщина", Самбір
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Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Boykivshchyna"

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The first museum of the "Boykivshchyna" society in Sambir was organized in 1927 and is dedicated to the history and culture of the native inhabitants of the Boykiv region, whose informal capital is Sambir.

During the Soviet era, the museum was closed. Restored in 1990 as the Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Boykivshchyna".

Located in the former building of the parish school, built in 1679 on the foundations of the 16th century.

Permanent expositions: "Material and economic culture of the Boyki", "Family of Kozakevych" (one of the most ancient Sambir tribes), "Struggle for Ukrainian statehood in Sambir region and Boyki region".

In 2023, the Pharmacy-Museum "Under the Star" was opened in two halls of the "Boykivshchyna" museum, which tells about the history of medicine in the Boykivshchyna region. In the first hall, the interior of a classic city pharmacy of the XIX-XX centuries is recreated, glass and ceramic containers for medicines, various pharmaceutical equipment are presented. The second hall is designed as a witch doctor's room.

Workshops on painting Easter eggs are held.

Map pin icon Andriya Chaykovskoho Square, 4 Sambir


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Музей "Яворівщина", Яворів
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Historical and Ethnographic Museum "Yavorivshchyna"

Museum / gallery

The Yavorivshchyna Historical and Ethnographic Museum was opened in 1927-1933 on the initiative of the "Native School Circle".

Dr. Mykhaylo Filts, artist Oleksa Kharkiv and others became active supporters of the museum cause. After the Second World War, the museum fell into disrepair.

In 2002, an updated exposition was opened. Today, the funds of the Yavorivshchyna Historical and Ethnographic Museum include 351 exhibits.

The museum exposition is housed in four rooms and conventionally divided into sections: "Spinning and weaving", "Economic and household items", "Ancient Yavoriv burden", "Folk crafts of the Yavoriv region", "Archaeological monuments and numismatics".

The exhibition of the works of Volodymyr Patyk "Wooden churches of Yavoriv region" has artistic value.

The pride of the museum is the library, which is constantly replenished.

Map pin icon Lvivska Street, 31 Yavoriv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей "Сколівщина"
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Historical and Local Lore Museum "Skolivshchyna"

Architecture , Museum / gallery

Since 2018, the Historical and Local Lore Museum "Skolivshchyna" has been housed in 12 halls of an elegant two-story villa, built at the beginning of the 20th century, when industry and recreation were actively developing in Skole.

In the first room, objects of the Boykos forestry industry, agricultural remnants, household items of the highlanders, and folk crafts are collected. In the next hall, the interior of a Boykos hut is recreated with traditional household items and figures of the landlord and the landlord in national dress. The development of the school industry in the 19th and 20th centuries is told by photos and things of local entrepreneurs of the Baron Groedl.

Next, military paraphernalia and rarities from the times of the two world wars and the modern Russian-Ukrainian war are presented. In the sacred art hall, an iconostasis from the Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin in Skole and a shroud from 1895 are exhibited.

You can also visit the stylized light house of Zakhar Berkut, the reconstruction of the UPA hideout, the NKVD interrogation room and the prison.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskogo Street, 52 Skole


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Історичний комплекс музею Шептицького, Львів
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Historical complex of museum named after Andrey Sheptytsky

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The historical museum complex of the Andrey Sheptytsky National Museum in Lviv is located in the former villa of Lviv University professor Emil Dunikovsky, which was built in 1896-1898 by architect Vladislav Raush in the Neo-Baroque style.

In 1911 it was purchased for the needs of the Church Museum by its founder and patron, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. It was here in 1913 that the first exposition of the National Museum in Lviv was opened.

Now in the Historical museum complex the permanent exposition "Ukrainian art of the XX-th century" is developed. It is a continuation of the exposition of Ukrainian art of the XII-XIX centuries, which is located in the main building of the museum on Svobody Avenue.

The presented works present the formation and development of Ukrainian art culture in line with the main styles and directions of world art of the last century, and reflects the cultural and artistic processes of the Soviet period, which developed outside the normative aesthetics of socialist realism.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Drahomanova Street, 42 Lviv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Угнів
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History and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Uhniv Historical and Local Lore Museum was opened in 2006 at the Uhniv Agrarian and Construction Lyceum on the initiative of teacher Halyna Hubenya.

The exposition of the museum gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the city, everyday life, traditions and legends, to get acquainted with notable people who were born and lived in the city of Uhniv.

All exhibits are authentic and unique: Uhniv clothing, images, millstones, household items of Uhniv residents, historical documents. In particular, the famous "Uhnivtsi" boots, in which Ivan Franko used to come to the city, are presented.

Map pin icon Petra Sahaydachnoho Street Uhniv


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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Винники
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History and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The historical and local lore museum was opened in the city of Vynnyky in 1991 in the former mansion of the doctor Yakiv Nahlyak (1935). The exposition is located in three halls.

The archeological collection presents everyday objects of primitive hunters, finds from the Trypillya period, a unique treasure from the Hallstatt-Laten era and a mysterious stone statue.

The expositions of the "History of the Middle Ages" and "Modern History" departments tell about the origin and development of the city of Vynnyky. In particular, items from the Vynnyky Castle and the first tobacco factory of Galicia, a collection of ancient printed publications of the 17th-19th centuries, personal belongings of the famous opera singer Oleksandra Lyubich-Parakhonyak, ministers of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Ukraine Ivan Lypa and Ivan Ohiyenko are presented.

The Museum of Weaving and Carpet Making in Hlyniany is a department of the Vynnyky Museum of History and Local Lore.

Map pin icon Halytska Street, 26 Vynnyky


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Музей пожежної справи, Львів
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History of Firefighting Museum

Museum / gallery

The fire and technical exhibition of the Ministry of Emergencies was opened in the building of the Fire Safety Department in Lviv region.

The first hall reflects the history of fire development in Galicia and, in particular, in Lviv. Among the exhibits is an Austrian-made pump from 1849.

The second hall is dedicated to the everyday life of firefighters.

The exposition concludes with a hall dedicated to the Chornobyl disaster.

Map pin icon Pidvalna Street, 6 Lviv


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Музей історії Ліцею Героїв Крут, Львів
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History of Lyceum named after Kruty Heroes Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the History of the Kruty Heroes Lviv State Lyceum covers the history of the creation and development of the educational institution, as well as some pages of the history of the formation of Ukrainian statehood.

The first chapter of the exhibition is dedicated to the Battle of Kruty in January 1918 and the memory of the Heroes of Kruty. The stands show the ratio of forces, the composition of units, the course of the battle. All this is illustrated by diagrams, maps, tables. The stand is complemented by elements of armaments of that time: the German Mauser 98 self-loading rifle of the 1898 model, the Russian Mosin rifle of the 1891 model, and the Maxim machine gun.

A separate exposition section is devoted to the prehistory of the lyceum - Lviv Republican Special Boarding School with enhanced military and physical training, which operated from 1985 to 1992, and on the basis of which the lyceum was formed. The section of the history of the lyceum and its development in the conditions of formation of the Ukrainian statehood consists of 4 blocks: creation and development of the Lviv military lyceum (1992-1996); development of Lviv State Lyceum with enhanced military and physical training (1996-2010); lyceum in the period up to 2018; lyceum at the present stage.

Two stands in the museum are dedicated to weapons of different periods. The exhibition presents 18 samples of weapons since the eighteenth century. Some of the materials are presented in multimedia form on an interactive panel, which was presented at the opening of the updated exhibition in 2022.

Map pin icon Pasichna Street, 68 Lviv


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