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Attractions of Transcarpathian region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Transcarpathian region

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Гірськолижний курорт Драгобрат, Ясіня
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Drahobrat Ski Resort

Ski resort

Drahobrat is a high-altitude village that arose as a ski resort around the "Drahobrat" refuge at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level (the highest ski base of the Ukrainian Carpathians).

The resort area with housing (Drahobrat camp and private cottages) and entertainment is located on the Drahobrat plain at the junction of coniferous forests and alpine meadows at the foot of Mount Stih (1707 meters) in the area of ​​the Blyznytsia mountain range (1883 meters).

The unique topography of the slopes and a long snow period (snow falls from November to March) attracts professionals and fans of extreme skiing, and the difficult road from the nearest large village of Yasinia weeds out random people.

Overcoming 14 kilometers of mountain road in winter is possible only on a utilitarian off-road vehicle, so motorists prefer to leave their own transport in Yasinia and use the "Carpathian taxi".

Map pin icon Yasinia


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Драматичний театр, Мукачево
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Drama theatre

Architecture , Theater / show

The Zakarpatsky Regional State Drama Theater in Mukachevo owes its birth to the Drama Theater of Bessarabia.

In 1884, the "Theater Construction Society" appeared in Mukachevo. However, the necessary funds were collected in the city only after 12 years. The foundation of the theater was laid on the site of the trading rows and the salt administration. The theater, built in the Art Nouveau style, opened three years later, in the fall of 1899. And yet, for almost half a century, the city did not have its own permanent theater troupe, although visiting actors sometimes performed here.

The first official theater season in Mukachevo was opened by the play "Commander Suvorov", which was staged by a troupe transferred here in 1947 from Akkerman (now Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi). The organizer and founder of the theater was Hryhoriy Hotarskyi. Over the years of its existence, the theater team staged more than 250 plays.

Map pin icon Kyryla i Mefodiya Square, 1 Mukachevo


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Джублик, Нижнє Болотне
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The Dzhublyk tract in Irshav region is the center of mass pilgrimage of Greek Catholics, who revere it as the place of the apparition of the Mother of God.

According to legend, the phenomenon was witnessed in 2002 by two little girls - 10-year-old Olena and 9-year-old Maryana, who were collecting water from a spring under Mount Dzhublyk. According to the girls, the Holy Mother of God came to help restore the authority of priests, unite the Church and unite the disunited people.

At the place of the apparition, a chapel was built and the monastery of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos was founded. From Lviv to Dzhublyk, Europe's longest Way of the Cross of Unity "The Last Way of Christ" (300 kilometers) has been laid.

Since that time, thousands of pilgrims from all over Ukraine come to Mount Dzhublyk, where miracles are often observed: the bleeding of wooden crosses, healing of the sick, apparitions of the Holy Family.

Map pin icon Dzhublyk tract Nyzhnie Bolotne


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Етнографічний музей, Велика Уголька
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Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

The private ethnographic museum in Velyka Uholka was opened in 2009 by the former ranger of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve Andriy Rehush.

The exposition is located in one of the rooms of his own house. Several hundred exhibits are presented that characterize the ancient Transcarpathian life: tools, dishes, clothes, decorations, etc.

You can take the exhibits in your hands and try on clothes. The hosts also provide green tourism services.

Map pin icon Zibruluh tract Velyka Uholka


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Етнографічний музей, Лубня
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Ethnographic Museum

Museum / gallery

The ethnographic museum of the Lubnia village is located in the premises of the village club.

The museum was created in 2004 by the efforts of local enthusiasts.

The exposition tells about the history and culture of the inhabitants of Uzhanska Verkhovyna. About half a thousand exhibits are presented: embroidered clothes and towels, objects of peasant life, fragments of ancient weapons, old photographs.

All exhibits were donated to the museum by residents of the village of Lubnia.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 10 Lubnia


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Музей "Лемківська садиба", Зарічово
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Ethnographic Museum "Lemko Manor"

Ethnographic complex , Museum / gallery

The People's Ethnographic Museum "Lemko Manor" in the Transcarpathian village of Zarichovo reflects the life and lifestyle of the Lemkos, one of the ethnographic groups of the Ukrainian population of the Carpathians.

This small skansen (open-air museum) was created in 1985 on the basis of an authentic Lemko hut of local carpenter Petro Kovach, built in 1902 from beech logs by Transcarpathian craftsmen. The manor consists of a residential part (a chamber, a outer entrance hall and a storeroom) and utility premises (a barn, a cowshed), which are combined into a single complex.

The house reproduces a typical interior of a Lemko dwelling of the beginning of the 20th century. Traditional clothing, ceramic dishes, carved furniture, household and daily use items, antique carpentry tools are presented.

Upon prior reservation, visitors can enjoy traditional dishes of Lemko cuisine and Carpathian herbal tea made from seven herbs collected on Friday at dawn on the eve of the "Green Holidays" in the local mountains. The performance of the folklore and ethnographic ensemble "Lemkivchanka" with folk dances, songs and jokes will give the guests a special flavor.

The Ethnographic Museum "Lemko Manor" is a branch of the Transcarpathian Museum of Folk Architecture and Life.

Map pin icon Yosypa Bokshaya Street, 25 Zarichovo


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Етнографічний музей "Світлиця", Ужгород
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Ethnographic Museum "Svitlytsya"

Museum / gallery

The Ethnographic Museum "Svitlytsya" was founded in Uzhhorod in 1991 by Transcarpathian ethnographers, folklorists and teachers as an ethnographic corner of the Transcarpathian Regional Center for Children's and Youth Creativity "PADIUN".

The exhibition "Transcarpathian House" reproduces the interior of a traditional residence of the inhabitants of the region. The tools of peasant work and everyday life, folk costumes of Transcarpathia are exhibited.

The exhibition "Past by hands of the future" presents historical miniatures of the life, everyday life, trades and crafts of the residents of the Eurocarpathian region, models of architectural monuments of Transcarpathia.

Map pin icon Studentska embankment, 8 Uzhhorod


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Народознавчий музей "Верховина", Волосянка
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Ethnographic Museum "Verkhovyna"

Museum / gallery

The ethnographic museum "Verkhovyna" is located in the premises of the Volosianka secondary school.

The exposition presents a variety of ethnographic materials that characterize the culture and daily life of the inhabitants of the Velykyi Bereznyi region: samples of national clothing, embroidered towels, a loom, ceramic dishes, and other items of peasant life.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 301B Volosianka


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Етнографічний музей-садиба села Великі Береги
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Ethnographic Museum-Manor

Architecture , Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex

The manor-museum of the Transcarpathian village of Velyki Berehy was opened in 2013 in a modest village house built in 1898 on the initiative of the Ferentsa II Rakotsi Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute.

The estate is located in the center of the village, near the Reformed Church. Restored during 2009-2012. The residential building consists of three rooms, has a pantry and an authentic stove. The exposition presents looms, other work tools and household items.

The courtyard is separated from the garden, where more than 500 species of plants grow.

Workshops on traditional crafts are held.

In 2021, the Velyki Berehy Ethnographic Museum-Manor was awarded the "House-Museum of the Year" award from the Association of Local History Museums of Hungary.

Map pin icon Ferentsa II Rakotsi Street, 25 Velyki Berehy


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Будинок-музей Федора Манайла, Ужгород
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Fedir Manaylo Memorial House-Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The house-museum of the artist Fedir Manaylo is dedicated to the life and work of one of the founders of the Transcarpathian school of painting.

The museum was opened in 1981 in the house where Manaylo lived in the middle of the XX century in Uzhhorod. Here he taught decorative arts at the Uzhhorod School of Crafts and the Uzhhorod School of Applied Arts, worked as the chief artist of the Transcarpathian Regional House of Folk Art.

The museum exposition includes more than 2,000 exhibits, including personal belongings of the artist, documents from his personal archive, as well as works of art that acquaint with the work of Fedir Manaylo: paintings, graphics, scenery, etc.

The interior of the artist's workshop and living room has been preserved.

Fedir Manaylo Memorial House-Museum is a branch of the Transcarpathian Regional Art Museum named after Yosyp Bokshay.

Map pin icon Druhetiv Street, 74 Uzhhorod


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Музей художніх мистецтв, Мукачево
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Fine Arts Museum

Museum / gallery

The Fine Arts Museum was founded in 1997 at the Mukachevo Boarding School of Art, now the Mukachevo Lyceum No. 8. The Lyceum is located in the premises of the former Hungarian State Royal Gymnasium, which was built in 1892.

The exhibits of the museum became the examination works of the graduates of the school in fine and decorative and applied arts – the best works of art of painting, graphics, embroidery, ceramics, carvings, moldings, straw appliqués, collages, etc. Here you can see embroidered towels, Easter eggs, paintings with Transcarpathian landscapes, various clay products.

Excursions to the Fine Arts Museum are conducted by members of the "Young Tour Guides" group.

Map pin icon Korolevy Yelyzavety Street, 22 Mukachevo


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Францисканський монастир, Виноградів
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Franciscan Monastery

Temple , Architecture

The first Franciscan monks appeared in Vynohradiv in the 15th century, which gives grounds for dating the monastery.

In the same century, the Franciscans received their order from Baron Pereni, the castle of Kankiv. In the middle of the 16th century, when the reformation movement began to spread in Transcarpathia, the order was disbanded.

Half a century later, the Franciscans returned and rebuilt the monastery and the church of Saint. Francis. Initially, it was made in Gothic forms, but after it was destroyed by the Tatars in 1717, it was restored in the Baroque style.

In the 19th century, the temple was abandoned and partially rebuilt. In Soviet times, a historical museum was located here.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 3 Vynohradiv


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Дідо-дуб, Стужиця
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Natural object

The giant oak in the center of the village of Stuzhytsia, nicknamed "Grandfather-Oak", is considered by ecologists to be one of the oldest in Ukraine - its age is estimated at 1200 years (according to old data - 500 years).

The girth of the tree trunk is 9 meters, the height is more than 30 meters.

According to legend, the acorn from which the oak tree grew was brought from Hungary by a huge fairy boar. There are many other legends associated with "Grandfather-Oak".

Bequeathed in 1968. It was considered the oldest until recently, until a tree of an even older age was discovered nearby - the Champion-oak.

Map pin icon Stuzhytsia


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Костел Серця Ісуса, Бене
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Heart of Jesus Church

Temple , Architecture

The Gothic Church of the Heart of Jesus in the village of Bene is an architectural monument of national importance.

The first written mention of the church, located on the main road on the right bank of the Borzhava River, is found in 1333, but most likely it was an older structure, on the site of which the monumental stone Catholic Church of the Heart of Jesus was built at the end of the 14th century.

The temple probably had defensive significance, as the small windows of the massive tower look like loopholes, the northern wall of the temple has no windows at all, and the rest of the walls have small pointed windows. The single-nave basilica is reinforced with buttresses.

In 1593, the villagers joined the reformed faith, the church was rebuilt.

In the 70s of the 17th century, the temple was reconstructed after the destruction during the Poles' suppression of Prince Ferents Rakotsi rebellion. As a result of the last reconstruction of the 19th century, the tower, which was originally in the form of a Gothic spire, was rebuilt in the Baroque style with a central decorative lantern.

In 1999, restoration was carried out by Hungarian masters, which returned almost the original Gothic style to the temple. The roof of the building, as well as the buttresses, are covered with shingles (wooden tiles).

The Church of the Heart of Jesus is active

Map pin icon Ferentsa Rakotsi Street, 74 Bene


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Краєзнавчий музей ім. Вайди, Дулово
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Historical and Local Lore Museum named after Stepan Vayda

Museum / gallery

The Stepan Vayda People's History and Local Lore Museum is located in the village of Dulovo in Transcarpathia. It bears the name of tank driver Stepan Vayda, who was born in the village of Dulovo in 1922, during the Second World War he fought on the side of the Soviet Union as part of the 1st Czechoslovaska Army Corps and died in the battles for the Polish city of Tworków in 1945.

The exhibition in 4 halls reflects the history and culture of the Tyachiv region. Many items of ancient clothing, household items, and work tools are presented. Also collected are collections of local folk craftsmen - weaving, embroidery, etc. A tank and a bust of Stepan Vayda have been installed on the territory of the museum.

Map pin icon Stepana Vaydy Street, 62 Dulovo


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