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Attractions of Transcarpathian region

Online travel guide to attractions and sights of Transcarpathian region

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Історичний музей солекопалень, Солотвино
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Historical Museum of Salt Mines

Museum / gallery

The Museum of the Salt Mines History in the urban-type village of Solotvyno tells about the origin and development of salt industries in Transcarpathia, methods of salt extraction in the territory of the region in different historical eras.

Since 1974, the museum has been located near the Solotvyno Salt Mine, which is one of the largest in Europe (salt reserves here amount to 300 million tons, the thickness of the layer of industrial development is 300 meters). However, due to the emergency condition of the building in connection with the karst processes on the territory of the salt mine, the Historical Museum of Salt Mines has temporarily stopped working.

In 2021, the Solotvyno Village Council allocated a new exhibition space to the museum. Here are presented tools of salt miners, various lanterns and lamps, clothes and personal belongings of miners, various engineering structures, documents, maps and photographs.

Map pin icon Yevropeyska Street, 10A Solotvyno


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Музей історії та етнографії румун Закарпаття, Нижня Апша
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History and Ethnography of Transcarpathian Romanians Museum

Museum / gallery

The private museum of the history and ethnography of Transcarpathian Romanians opened in 2014 in the village of Nyzhnia Apsha, which is called the richest village in Ukraine. A significant part of the population here is made up of ethnic Romanians.

The museum was created in his own yard by the Apsha dentist and writer, ethnic Romanian Ion Botosh, who has been collecting Romanian antiquities since 1984. The real adornment of the complex is a 200-year-old wooden house in the Maramorosh style.

The exposition presents Romanian embroidery, authentic clothes, towels, household items, icons, books, manuscripts, documents. You can also familiarize yourself with the tools of peasant labor and the working tools of craftsmen.

Map pin icon Borkanyuka Street, 17 Nyzhnia Apsha


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Церква Святого Духа, Гукливий
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Holy Spirit Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden church of the Holy Spirit in Huklyvyi is the oldest wooden church in the Volovets region (XVIII century).

Belongs to the Lemki type of wooden architecture. Three log cabins of different widths are made of spruce beams, the roof is covered with shingles. A square tower with a two-story baroque finish rises above the nave, and a slender baroque head is planted above the eastern part.

In 1784, the German master Frants Peyer painted the interior. This is one of the few paintings preserved to this day in the wooden churches of Transcarpathia.

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Медовий дім, Мукачево
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Honey House

Museum / gallery , Gastrotourism

The "Honey House" in Mukachevo is one of the attractions of the "Honey Route of Transcarpathia", which is part of the "Sweet Transcarpathia" tourist route.

The Mukachevo honey museum was opened in 2010 by a family of beekeepers from Perest. The exhibition features a living beehive with transparent walls, beekeepers' tools, a collection of toy bees, a unique map of Ukraine in honeycombs, wax candles, samples of honey from 60 countries of the world.

Visitors to the "Honey House" are offered a tasting of 4 types of Transcarpathian honey, as well as some honey drinks: mead and herbal honey balm.

Map pin icon Stara Street, 50 Mukachevo


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Водоспад Городилів, Іза
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Horodyliv Waterfall

Natural object

The picturesque Horodyliv waterfall roars down the slope of the mountain of the same name at an altitude of 460 meters.

Located at the foot of the Ilina and Rorond-Tete mountains, 3 kilometers northwest of the village of Iza.

Cold water flows in beautiful streams from a height of 3-4 ethers over stones overgrown with green moss, into a red stone base. The Horodyliv waterfall looks most spectacular from below, but there is also an observation deck at the top.

There are several smaller waterfalls on the way to the waterfall, as well as a recreation area with a spring and streamside gazebos.

The Carpathian spotted salamander, listed in the Red Book, can be found in the protected tract of Horodyliv.

Map pin icon Horodyliv tract Iza


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Хата баби Павлини, Данилово
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House of Grandma Pavlyna

Museum / gallery

The People's Museum of History and Local Lore "House of Grandma Pavlyna" has been created by Pavlyna Shimon, a resident of the Transcarpathian village of Danylovo, in her home for more than half a century.

Currently, her collection includes more than a thousand exhibits: ancient household items, painted plates and jars, embroidered cloths, towels, icons, church books and other trinkets. Of particular interest is the rustic wedding attire of the bride and groom.

Another exhibition is located in the village council building.

The hostess also conducts tours of the Saint Nicholas Church in the village of Danylovo.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 120 Danylovo


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Музей гуцульської бриндзі, Рахів
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Hutsul Bryndzya Museum

Museum / gallery , Ethnographic complex , Gastrotourism

The Hutsul Bryndzya Museum ethno-tourist center in Rakhiv was opened in 2020 on the initiative of representatives of the Association of producers of traditional Carpathian high mountain cheeses.

The exhibition presents a mock-up of a sheepfold - a room for the production of polonynas sheeps cheeses with traditional cheese-making equipment: a cauldron, a putera and a berbenitsa. During the tour, visitors are introduced to the Hutsul bryndza production technology, and the documentary film "Hutsul Sheep Bryndzya" is shown about this traditional product, which received the first registered PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) geographical indication in Ukraine.

The museum premises are decorated in the style of a traditional Hutsul house. All exhibits can be handled, tried on, photographed with them. There is a tasting gazebo in the yard. The program of the visit includes the preparation and tasting of kulesha with bryndza.

The territory of the Hutsul Bryndzya Museum is arranged taking into account the norms of architectural accessibility.

The cultural and touristic route "Hutsul Cheese Plays" starts from the museum.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 210A Rakhiv


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Музей гуцульської різьби, Ррахів
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Hutsul Carvings Museum of Yuriy Pavlovych

Museum / gallery

The Hutsul Carvings Museum of Yuriy Pavlovych was opened in 2014 on the first floor of the Hotel "Europa" in Rakhiv.

The exposition presents more than a hundred works of the outstanding Transcarpathian carver, Honored Master of Folk Art of Ukraine, Yuriy Pavlovych. The master works in the techniques of conventional carving, dry carving, inlaying with bacunt, bone, beads, mother-of-pearl and nails.

Among the exhibits are decorative plates, caskets, tubs, candlesticks, spoons, knives, trembits, guns and sabers.

A special place in the exposition is occupied by carved portraits of prominent personalities of Western Ukraine, including Vasyl Stefanyk, Les Martovych, Mikhay Munkachi, Yerotey Pihulyak and others.

Map pin icon Myru Street, 42 Rakhiv


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Музей гуцульської спадщини села Кваси
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Hutsul Heritage Museum

Museum / gallery

The Hutsul Heritage Museum of the village of Kvasy was opened in 2023 on the territory of the "Hirska Tysa" sanatorium. It is dedicated to the history and legends of the mountain village of Kvasy, the traditional way of life and crafts of the Hutsuls who live here.

More than a hundred photographs of the Austro-Hungarian and Czechoslovakian periods, rare letters, household and everyday items, musical instruments, Hutsul clothing, etc. are presented. In total, more than 200 exhibits.

In particular, the Kvasy map of 1782-1784, a yoke of the end of the 19th century, shingles from the roof of the Strukivska Church, an ancient mandolin, an ancient washstand and much more are on display.

Visitors are treated to Carpathian herbal tea.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 163 Kvasy


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Церква Введення Богородиці, Розтока
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Introduction of Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The wooden Church of the Introduction of the Holy Virgin in Roztoka was built in the 17th century in the Boyko style.

The date "1759" carved on the door indicates the year of reconstruction, when the temple was given features of the Lemki style of temple architecture.

There is a wooden bell tower of the 18th century near the Introduction of Holy Virgin Church.

Until recently, there was an ancient carved iconostasis in the interior of the Introduction of Holy Virgin Church, but it disappeared in 2001 under unknown circumstances.

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Введенська церква, Торунь
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Introduction to the Temple of the Holy Virgin Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Introduction to the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Torun was built in 1809.

The temple is three-log, with a high tower. Introduction Church is located in the center of the village on the bank of the Torunchyk River.

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Іршавський історико-краєзнавчий музей, Іршава
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Irshava Historical and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The exemplary Irshava Historical and Local Lore Museum was founded in 2006 on the initiative of the local historian Vasyl Kerechanyn.

The museum is located in the premises of the Irshava city center of extra-curricular education. The main fund of the museum includes more than a thousand exhibits.

The archaeological exhibition presents items found during excavations of a Paleolithic site near the village of Malyi Rakovets, a Slavic settlement of the 9th-10th centuries near Irshava, a mound of the Kushtanovy culture near the village of Chorny Potik, etc.

The ethnographic collection includes household items and clothes of the 18th-19th centuries. Banknotes of the region of the first half of the 20th century, collections of glass bottles and kerosene lamps are also presented.

Separate expositions tell about the history of the Borzhava narrow-gauge railway and the life of the strongest man of the 20th century, Ivan Firtsak-Kroton, who was born in Irshava region in 1899.

Recently, the exposition has been supplemented with objects related to the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Map pin icon Nezalezhnosti Street, 9 Irshava


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Музей Івана Ольбрахта, Колочава
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Ivan Olbracht Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ivan Olbracht Historical and Ethnographic Museum was opened in the village of Kolochava, where this famous Czech writer lived and worked for a long time.

In Kolochava, he collected material for his novel "Mykola Shuhay - a Robber", thanks to which this Transcarpathian village became a place of pilgrimage for lovers of literature from the Czech Republic.

In addition to the exposition dedicated to the writer's work, the museum presents exhibits that characterize the life, rituals and customs of the local population.

The museum is located on the premises of the school. In front of the building there is a monument to Ivan Olbracht.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 77 Kolochava


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Єврейська ритуальна лазня, Берегове
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Jewish ritual bath


The building of the former Jewish ritual bath in Berehove is located on Secheni Street behind the former building of the Great Synagogue (now the city's culture and recreation center).

The two-story green building in the Art Nouveau style was built in 1912. In Soviet times, there was an ordinary bath here. Currently, the premises of the former Jewish ritual bath houses the Berehove branch of "Privatbank".

Map pin icon Istvana Secheni Street, 4 Berehove


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Костел Іоанна Хрестителя, Мужієво
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John the Baptist Church

Temple , Architecture

The ruins of the Church of Saint John the Baptist are located in a field to the left of the road at the entrance to the village of Muzhiievo from Berehove.

The early medieval church in the Romanesque style was built in 1117. In the 14th century, the temple was reconstructed, giving it Gothic features. In 1552, the Dominican shrine passed to the Protestants.

In 1657, the church of John the Baptist in Muzhiievo was destroyed by the Poles. Since then, he has not recovered.

Map pin icon Muzhiievo


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