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Attractions of Khmelnytskyi region

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Садиба Сангушків-Потоцьких, Антоніни
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Sangushko-Potocki Estate

Palace / manor , Architecture

The palace and park complex, fragments of which have been preserved in Antoniny, were created by magnates Sangushko and Potocki in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The palace-residence was built by the regent of the crown chancellery, Ihnatiy Malchevskyi, who had leased the estate from his wife's sister, Barbara Sangushko.

At the end of the 18th century, Prince Yevstakhiy Sangushko, who settled in Antoniny, significantly expanded and beautified the picturesque park laid out on the banks of the Ikopot river, and in 1803 he built a greenhouse. He also reconstructed the palace complex and decorated the interiors, inviting the architect Francois Arvo for this.

The last reconstruction in the late Baroque style was carried out by the Potoski at the beginning of the 20th century under the leadership of the celebrated Viennese architect Ferdinand Fellner, the author of the buildings of the opera houses in Odesa and Chernivtsi. The palace housed a large collection of works of art. There were over 3,000 varieties of flowers and shrubs in the park.

Most of the manor buildings were destroyed during the two world wars. A large two-story outbuilding (now a boarding school), a manager's house, a horse arena (now a gym), an entry gate and a fence have been preserved.

Map pin icon Svobody Avenue, 3 Antoniny


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Палац Сапєг, Красилів
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Sapieha Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The estate in Krasyliv belonged to the Polish princely family of Sapieha since 1753, when Prince Ihnatsiy Sapieha, voivode of Mstyslavskyi, received Krasyliv with 30 other towns and villages as a result of the "Kolbushev Transaction" - a division of the Ostroh Ordinance.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Mykola Sapieha built a palace in Krasyliv in the style of classicism. During Soviet times, the building was rebuilt beyond recognition. The facade facing the park has been relatively preserved.

Today, the former Sapieha Palace houses the Krasyliv Vocational Lyceum.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 38 Krasyliv


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Сатанівський замок, Сатанів
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Sataniv Castle

Castle / fortress

The Sataniv Castle is located in the northern part of the village of Sataniv on the high bank of the Zbruch River.

The castle was built in the 15th century on the site of earlier fortifications of the 14th century by the Polish nobles Odrovonzh. At the end of the 16th century, it was expanded and received a pentagonal shape with corner pentagonal towers. From the middle to the end of the 17th century, it was destroyed during Tatar raids and Cossack uprisings. Simultaneously with the city fortifications, Sataniv was restored in 1724. Tsar Peter I visited the great crown hetman Adam Senyavskyi in the castle.

At the end of the 19th century, part of the castle premises was rebuilt as a sugar factory, which operated until the end of the 20th century. Currently, three pentagonal corner towers of the 16th century and an older round tower standing alone remain from the Sataniv Castle. The northern pentagonal tower was preserved only at the level of three tiers. The thickness of the stone walls is 1.5 meters. The total area of the castle is about 1.5 hectares.

Map pin icon Buzkova Street Sataniv


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Сатанівська синагога, Сатанів
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Sataniv Synagogue

Temple , Architecture

The Jewish synagogue is one of the oldest buildings in Sataniv. According to one version, it was erected in 1514, according to another - in 1532.

The defensive-type building in the Renaissance style was part of the city's defense system. It consists in plan of the rectangular volume of the main hall and the reduced premises adjacent to it. It is covered with semi-circular vaults with arrowed shutters. The walls are reinforced with buttresses. The ancient Jewish synagogue is surrounded by rows of musket and cannon loopholes.

During the Second World War, the Nazis destroyed the Jewish population of Sataniv.

The outbuildings of the synagogue have been preserved, inside there is a large hall, an aron kodesh (cabinet for storing sacred books), several old inscriptions. The Aron Kodesh is carved from stone and painted in yellow, blue and red colors. Its creation dates back to the 17th century.

In 2014, the complete reconstruction of the Sataniv Synagogue was completed.

Map pin icon Bazarna Ploshcha Street, 5 Sataniv


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Садиба Скібневських, Голозубинці
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Skibnevsky Manor

Palace / manor

The palace in the style of classicism in Holozubyntsi was built in the late 1870s by the nobleman Viktor Zyhmund Skibnevsky according to the project of Tomash Oskar Sosnovsky.

At the end of the 19th century, Baron Horokh reconstructed the manor, significantly raising the central risalite of the palace, equipping a round loggia and expanding the Holozubyntsi Park. The palace was furnished with rosewood furniture, many paintings of the Dutch school were collected in it. A Turkish tent brought from Arabia was stored in a separate room. The family library housed rare books on philosophy and psychology, as well as the family archive.

The total area of ​​the estate with the park is 21 hectares. Currently, a regional anti-tuberculosis hospital is located on the territory of the manor. The Skibnevsky Palace is used as housing for hospital employees.

Map pin icon Likarnyana Street, 2 Holozubyntsi


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Маєток Скибневських ("Рогата школа"), Нове Поріччя
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Skybnevsky Estate ("Horned school")


"Horned school" is the name given to a one-story building in the Neo-Gothic style in Nove Porichchia, which houses the Nove Porichchia secondary school.

The building was erected in the 19th century as one of the farm buildings of the estate of the Skybnevsky noblemen. Apparently, they were man's stables.

The school got its nickname for the characteristic elements of the architectural decor – high sharp pincers above the end walls.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street Nove Porichchia


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Історичний музей, Славута
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Slavuta Historical Museum

Museum / gallery

The Slavuta Historical Museum was founded in 1967 as a national museum. Then the exposition was devoted to the partisan movement.

The current original two-story building was built for the museum in 1985. Several archaeological finds were presented, and an exposition dedicated to the princely family of Sanhushko was opened.

A large exposition covers the period of the Second World War. In particular, materials about the Holodomor, repressions and deportations of the 1930s are presented.

Map pin icon Yaroslava Mudroho Street, 48 Slavuta


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Старокостянтинівська набережна
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Starokostiantyniv Embankment

Monument , Recreation area

The concrete embankment at the mouth of the Ikopot River in Starokostiantyniv was built at the end of the 20th century.

The embankment is decorated with a bright group of sculptures made of metal and various parts of machines and mechanisms, depicting fairy-tale heroes: Neptune in a cart, a mermaid, a mosquito, and others.

They were created by the Khmelnytskyi sculptor Mykola Mazur, the author of similar sculptural compositions in Taras Shevchenko Park and in many other places in Khmelnytskyi. His whimsical works are reminiscent of the avant-garde sculptures of the Stravinsky fountain near the Pompidu Center in Paris.

Map pin icon embankment imeni Vyzvolyteliv Starokostiantyniv


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Старозаславський замок, Ізяслав
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Starozaslavsky Castle

Castle / fortress

The stone tower-quarry and earth ramparts of the Starozaslavsky (Staromisky) castle are located on a hill in the old part of Iziaslav, on the left bank of the Horyn river.

It is possible that the construction was started by Prince Vasyl Ostrozky back in the 15th century, although the "official" biography of the Starozaslavsky castle dates back to 1539. At that time, the city was owned by Prince Yuriy's son, from whom the princely family of Zaslavsky descended.

A common version is that the fortified building with a complex system of cellars, which has survived, was the princely treasury.

The second floor was built in the 18th century under the Sangushko princes.

Later, the premises were used as a warehouse, and during the Soviet era it began to collapse. Now the ruins are in a neglected state, access is free.

Map pin icon Zaslavska Street Iziaslav


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Державний банк, Кам'янець-Подільський
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State Bank


The State Bank building is the first architectural structure of the Novy Plan, built at the entrance to the new part of Kamyanets-Podilskyi immediately after the opening of the Novoplanivsky bridge.

It consists of two buildings: the first is built almost above the canyon of the Smotrych River, the second is a little higher. Both buildings were built in 1896-1901 by the architect Ivan Kalashnikov under the supervision of the Kanakotn provincial architect. The central building, in the plan of the letter "Г", was directly occupied by the State Bank itself, the second building, a rectangular building in plan, was the bank's employees' house. The main building is decorated with risalites and rustication, reminiscent of stone masonry. The front entrance is decorated with columns and a triangular pediment. For the construction of reliable bank vaults, basements more than 10 meters deep were cut into the rock.

Map pin icon Knyaziv Koriatovychiv Street, 1 Kamyanets-Podilskyi


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Садиба Чечеля, заповідник Самчики
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State historical and cultural reserve "Samchyky" (Chechel Manor)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The wonderful palace and park complex in Samchyky is one of the best-preserved landlord estates of the 18th and 19th centuries in Ukraine, a brilliant work of architecture and garden and park art.

The manor was founded in 1725 by the nobleman Yan Khoyetsky, and in its present form was rebuilt in 1790-1805 by the headman of Haisyn, colonel Petro Chechel.

The Empire-style palace was built by the Polish architect Yakub Kubycky, the landscape park was created by the Irishman Dionisiy Makkler, and the interiors were designed by the Italian sculptor Zhan-Batist Tsahlyano.

An enfilade of parade halls is available for viewing: Big (Red), Round (Blue), Roman (Green), and others. The unique painting of the Japanese cabinet in the oriental style was made by an unknown author (according to legend, Mykhaylo Vrubel).

The grand facade of the palace with white columns and lions (sad and laughing) at the entrance faces the picturesque lake.

The manor complex also includes the Count's gate, the old Khoiecki palace (1725), a Chinese house (used as a refrigerator, now a gallery of Samchyky painting), outbuildings with cellars, and a fountain.

160 species of shrubs and trees grow in the park (including the rare Enhelmann spruce), the Gothic alley with a gazebo, and the ruins of a greenhouse have been preserved.

In Soviet times, the complex was used as an agricultural research station. In 1972, thanks to the efforts of the local artist and local historian Oleksandr Pazhymskyi, the estate was recognized as an architectural monument and taken under state protection. For many years, Pazhymskyi and his son Bohdan have been engaged in the restoration and preservation of the complex.

Today it is the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Samchyky", a museum exposition has been opened in the palace.

Map pin icon Samchyky Street, 1A Samchyky


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Вежа Стефана Баторія (Кушнірська), Кам'янець-Подільський
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Stefan Batory's Tower (Kushnirska)

Castle / fortress

Stefan Batory's seven-story tower is the largest defensive structure of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi fortification system.

It is the upper part of the Polish Gate complex - one of the three entrances to the Old Town. It had great fortification value, as the gentle bank of the Smotrych River made it easier for enemies to attack here.

The tower was built on the site of the ancient city gate in 1564-1585 at the expense of the Polish king Stefan Batory, which is why it got his name. After the repair of the tower in the 17th century by the artisan workshop of furriers, it was also called Kushnirska.

According to legend, in 1711, during the visit of Kamyanets-Podilskyi to the Russian Tsar Peter I, who was passing through the gate of the tower, his hat was blown off his head by the wind, after which the tower began to be called the Wind Gate.

In the 1780s, during the reign of King Stanislav Avhust, the commandant of the Kamyanets-Podilskyi fortress, Yan de Vitte, completed the tower to seven levels and added a rectangular building. Many decorative elements have been preserved.

Map pin icon Ruska Street, 20 Kamyanets-Podilskyi


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Садиба Сцибор-Мархоцького, Отроків
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Stsybor-Markhotsky Manor

Palace / manor , Architecture

The summer residence of the landowner Ihnatsiy Stsybor-Markhotsky in Otrokiv was built in the 18th century on the basis of the buildings of the Otrokiv Castle known from the 17th century (perhaps the castle was built in the 13th-14th centuries).

It was the most luxurious manor of the four owned by the magnate Stsybor-Markhotsky, the founder of the self-proclaimed Mynkovetska state, which existed in 1793-1831. Fragments of walls and a tower have been preserved from the medieval castle. The complex also includes a landlord's house, a forum, a triumphal arch, and an arboretum.

In Soviet times, the manor house housed a school, and other buildings of the manor were used for economic purposes.

Currently, the Stsybor-Markhotsky manor belongs to a private person. Restoration is underway. The annual festival of laser shows "Otrokiv" takes place here.

Map pin icon Otrokiv


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Скельний монастир, Субіч
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Subich Rock Monastery

Temple , Archaeological site

The rock monastery in Subich has been known since the 16th century, although some researchers attribute its foundation to the 10th-13th centuries, when many Orthodox cave hermitages appeared in Podillya.

The Subich monastery is called the "younger brother" of the Bakota monastery. Revived thanks to the efforts of local resident Mykola Semenyuk. Three small caves have been preserved in the Monastyryshche tract at a 40-meter height above the Dniester, one of which is rather a niche for an icon. In front of the caves is a platform about 2 meters wide. An 800-meter steep descent along a narrow path leads to the caves from the chapel on the edge of Subich village. There are several sources along the way.

A breathtaking panorama of the Dniester opens from Mount Monastyryshche.

Map pin icon Subich


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Сквер імені Шевченка, Хмельницький
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Taras Shevchenko Square

Park / garden

Taras Shevchenko Square is a favorite recreation spot for residents of Khmelnytskyi.

Until the 19th century, there was an oak grove on the outskirts of old Proskuriv. In 1824, a shopping area was created on the site of the grove, and part of the trees were cut down. For some time, the square was used as a military parade ground of the 46th Dnipro Infantry Regiment. At the end of the 19th century, they decided to create a city garden at this place, and the square was planted with trees.

Decorative shrubs were planted in 1960-1980, at the same time a cinema was built. The park zone with an area of 5 hectares has a regular layout. The main compositional node is the square with the monument to Taras Shevchenko (1992).

The square is decorated with whimsical metal sculptures created by the modern artist Mykola Mazur.

Map pin icon Proskurivska Street, 40 Khmelnytskyi


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